The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 07, 1986, Image 6

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Specializing in
WISE f r
Page 6/The Battalion/Friday, November 7, 1986
| AUTOMATIC trans- 1
= missions, CLUTCH, 1
Soviet rocket seen
lighting U.S. skies
in flaming re-entry
| adjustments, and |
| (Both foreign and domestic) |
1215 Tx. Ave.
| (at the bend in Tx. Ave.) I
Bryan 779-2626
1 Under New Ownership I
(AP) — Aif Force officials say a
fireball that erupted into a giant Ro
man candle over night skies in the
Southwest Wednesday was a Soviet
rocket booster burning up as it re
entered the atmosphere.
“It looked like 100 stars all falling
together; it was moving very fast and
appeared to be like a comet with
bright debris falling off it,” said
Adrienne Berry at McCarran Inter
national Airport in Las Vegas, Nev.
Berry said she and other control
lers spotted the fireball at about 8:10
“I’ve never seen anything like it,”
she said, adding that it lasted about
45 seconds. “It was a string of lights
with a Milky Way effect.”
pie said it was a blazing orange-red
and others said it was silver.”
A police officer in Barstow, Calif,
Russ Rekward, said the main fireball
was about a tenth the size of a full
NORAD’s Lt. Col. Chuck Wood
said the craft was among more than
6,000 that the command monitors in
“Ground and satellite systems all
over the world had given indications
that the rocket was due down this
week,” Wood said.
Come to the
Saturday, November 8, 1986
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The fiery end of the rocket
booster was seen in Texas, Arizona,
Nevada and Utah.
Del Kindschi, information officer
for the North American Aerospace
Defense Command at Colorado
Springs, Colo., said the rocket
booster re-entry ended at 9:16 p.m.
MST Wednesday.
Although he had no information
as to the size of the rocket booster,
Kindschi said it was used to launch a
Soviet Molnya communications sa
tellite on Sept. 5.
U.S. pilots
to compete
in air meet
The satellite had a north-to-south
trajectory, said astronomer Sam Bar
den at Kitt Peak Observatory in Tuc
son, Ariz., which received a number
of calls.
Technician George Will said, “It
had a large tail and appeared to
break up into nine pieces. Some peo-
AUSTIN (AP) — United States
service pilots, including Navy air
men who flew combat against Libya
last spring, are competing in the first
Reconnaissance Air Meet at Bergs
trom Air Force base this week.
Four of the Navy fliers and two F-
14 Tomcats involved in the Libyan
combat are competing in RAM ’86,
which tests the pilots’ skills in sight
ing targets for photographs from
about 500 feet.
Air Force F-15 Eagles harass the
fliers as they fly through the 10-min-
ute course over far West Texas. Re
connaissance fliers cannot fight the
Eagles and must manuever around
The RAM competition is expected
to become a biennial event.
In Advance
Lone Star Wagon Train heads to Brya
The Lone Star Wagon Train
will pull into the Brazos County
Pavilion Saturday to celebrate
Texas’ sesquicentennial anniver
The wagon train has roamed
through the state and stopped in
hundreds of communities on its
way to Austin for the end of the
sesquicentennial year on Nov. 30.
Local musicians, bands and
other talented individuals are in
vited to perform for night cam^
at the Pavilion.
Local organizations are
come to sell their arts and crafts.
A drawing also will be held!;
a pair of Tony Lama sesquictrj
tennial boots.
Everyone can participate in)|
the sesquicentennial event!
which include a local ride with tin
wagon train.
For more information
CS to sponsor 10-kilometer pork run
The city of College Station is
sponsoring a 10-kilometer run
this weekend.
Registration for Gold Cup
Event 1 1 will be at Southwood
Athletic Park, on Rock Prairie
The run is scheduled to I
Saturday at 8:30
For more information contac
the College Station Parks acc
Recreation Department at 7&t
Senate to discuss tenures, promotion
The Faculty Senate Monday
will consider a resolution that, if
adopted by the University, will set
much broader criteria for eval
uating faculty members for pro
motion and tenure.
The resolution suggests three
major categories of performance
under which a faculty member
should be judged when being
considered for promotion or ten
ure. These categories are teach
ing, service, and creation and dis
semination of new knowledge or
other creative activities.
The resolution also asks that
each college have written
guidelines, jointly developed by
faculty and administrators, that
describe the evaluation process
used by that college, and that
these be available to all faculty.
The Senate also will considni
resolution suggesting thatacotl
mittee, as opposed to an indivtj
ual department head, detern]i::; !
whether emeritus status shouil
Ik* awarded to professors. TfJ
committee would be open to J
associate and full professors, f]
The resolution suggests im
every individual holding a tel
tired appointment at the time
retirement and having servedtftl
University at least 10 years, ktl
considered foi emeritus status. I
The Senate also hopes to esut>|
lish a University committeetoc|
sure that all eligible candidaiei
are considered for emeritus sul
tus, and to review all recomme:!
dations and forward themtoti'l
Federal relations staff expects changes from Clements
WASHINGTON (AP) — Officials appointed
by Gov. Mark White to keep an eye on Texas in
terests in federal activities in Washington said
Thursday they expect changes under the new
governor, and some have begun looking around
for other jobs.
The Texas Office of State-Federal Relations is
the lobbying arm of the Texas governor’s office
in Washington, but also works for the state legis
lature and private interests.
Under White’s Democratic administration, the
staff focused primarily on education and bank
ing issues, associate director Claiborn Crain said.
Many of those staffers face the loss of their
jobs with the victory in Tuesday’s elections of Re
publican Bill Clements in the gubernatorial race.
“It’s uncertain what’s going to happen,” Crain
said. “I think everybody’s watching this to see
what other kinds of jobs are out there and what
opportunities will still be available here.”
In Clements’ previous administration, the staff
was concerned with oil and gas legislation.
“When Clements first came into office in 1978,
he didn’t look very closely at this office,” Crain
said. “Later, he realized the value of the office
that looks after state interests here.”
John Hanson, current director, said heex[<
Clements will use the office to serve as a pipe!
into the White House to take advantage of
close relationship with Ronald Reagan.
“But keep in mind, this is an office for
islature as well as for the governor’s office,
son said.
Mary Jane Maddox, an administrative aide:
Rep. Steve Bartlett, R-Dallas, who worked ini!
state office under the former Clements admii
tration, said her dealings with the current sc
have been non-partisan and substantive.
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