The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 05, 1986, Image 1

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    The Battalion
/ol. 82 No. 48 GSPS 045360 10 pages
College Station, Texas
Wednesday, November 5, 1986
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State Election
Following a/e the projected winners of
state races in Tuesday’s general election.
Projections are based on results from 73.2
percent of Texas’ 6,764 voting precincts.
Governor Bill Clements
Lieutenant Governor Bill Hobby
Attorney General . Jim Mattox
Land Commissioner Garry Mauro
Agriculture Commissioner . Jim 1 lightower
Railroad Commission .J°hn Sharp
Treasurer Ann Richards
Comptroller Bob Bullock
State Supreme Court Justice, Place 1
Oscar Mauzy
State Supreme Court Justice, Place 2
....Robert Campbell
State Supreme Court Justice, Place 3
. James Wallace
State Supreme Court Justice, Place 4
Raul Gonzalez
Proposition 1, providing apportionment of rail
road rolling stock among counties for property
taxes Passes
Proposition 2, requiring that the title of a bill in
troduced in either house of the Texas Legis
lature express the bill’s subject Passes
Proposition 3, allowing political subdivisions to
conduct business with authorized mutual insur
ance companies Passes
Proposition 4, allowing banks to offer full-serv
ice banking at more than one location in the city
or county in which it is located Passes
As of 2 a.m. Tmal results were unavailable
for the District 6 race between incumbent
Joe Barton and challenger Pete Geren. The
following results are based on reported bal
loting from 42 percent of District 6 pre
U.S. Representative, District 6
Joe Barton 54%
Pete Geren 45%
Brazos County
Results are based on final tabulations,
with all 40 of Brazos County’s precincts re
porting, and include absentee balloting.
With 80 percent of Brazos County precincts
reporting, 19,148 of the county’s 38,355
registered voters had been to the polls,
making the voter turnout rate 49 percent.
Straight-ticket votes were cast by 3,971 of
the voters, with 2,242, or 56 percent, voting
a straight Democratic ticket and 1,620, or
40 percent, voting for all Republican candi
dates. The Libertarian Party picked up 109,
or 2 percent, of the straight-party ticket
State Representative, District 14
Richard Smith 66%
John Seaman 33%
County Judge
R.J. “Dick” Holmgreen uncontested
Judge, County Court-At-Law No. 1
Claude D. Davis 53%
Hugh W. Lindsay 46%
Judge, County Court-At-Law No. 2
J.D. Langley uncontested
District Clerk
Travis Nelson uncontested
County Clerk
Frank Boriskie uncontested
County Treasurer
W.B. “Stub” Davis 42%
Sandie Walker 58%
County Surveyor
Mark Paulson uncontested
County Commissioner, Place 2
Walter Wilcox 50.5%
E. Wayne Gibson 49.5%
County Commissioner, Place 4
Milton Turner 50.5%
Rodger Lewis 49.5%
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1
Tom Lyons uncontested
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2
Mary Creed Horn 49%
Greta Norton 50%
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3
Ray M. Truelove uncontested
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4
Carolyn Hensarling 64%
Geraldine Hester 35%
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5
Antone Dobrovolny uncontested
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 7
North Bardell 39%
Wesley Hall 60%
Clements wins governor’s seat
AUSTIN (AP) — Dallas oilman Bill
Clements, Texas’ only Republican governor
in 100 years, recaptured the Governor’s
Mansion Tuesday by defeating the Demo
crat who ousted him four years ago, Gov.
Mark White.
“What a night, what a night, what a
night,” a laughing, waving Clements
shouted to supporters.
“I am very humble in accepting this elec
tion and the responsibility that goes with it,”
Clements said of his comeback.
With 74 percent of the statewide pre
cincts reporting, the News Election Service
said Clements had 1,271,774 votes, about
54 percent of the total, to 1,095,748 votes,
about 46 percent, for White.
Libertarian Theresa Doyle, 43, a San An
tonio travel agent, had about 1 percent.
“You can see now why we won this elec
tion, it was a real team effort by everyone
concerned, and I’m talking about you and
all those other people across the state of
Texas,” said Clements, who first became
governor after defeating Democrat John
Hill in 1978.
About 11:10 p m., White conceded in a
three-minute speech before supporters.
“I hadn’t really planned on having to
make this speech tonight,” White said. “But
tonight the election did not go for us, and I
congratulate Bill Clements on his success.”
White said that despite his loss, he is
proud of the educational improvements he
pushed through the Legislature.
“I’m very proud of the work we’ve done
and the accomplishments we’ve made,”
White said.
Texas Republican Party chairman
George Strake said this year’s election
showed that White wasn’t the Democrats’
big draw four years ago.
“White is not a strong enough, credible
candidate to carry the ticket by himself,”
Strake said. “He was drug into victory (in
1982) by (Lt. Gov. Bill) Hobby and (U.S.
Sen. Lloyd) Bentsen.
“People saw through him and weren’t en
thusiastic enough to turn out at the polls
like they did four years ago.”
The gubernatorial race received national
attention, as no Democrat has been elected
president without carrying Texas and Dem
ocrats hoped to retain control of the gover
nor’s office this year.
Pete Geren waits for news on election returns.
Joe Barton jokes with supporters before heading for home to wait for the returns.
Barton edges Geren with 35% tallied
By Craig Renfro
Jo Ann Able
Staff Writers
The race for the 6th District congressio
nal seat was still up in the air at 1 a.m. to
day as Republican incumbent Joe Barton
had garnered 54 percent of the vote com
pared to 46 percent for Democratic chal
lenger Pete Geren after 35 percent of the
district’s precincts reported totals.
In the early hours, Geren held a 53 per
cent to 47 percent lead with 20 percent of
the precincts tallied, but his lead dissipated
alter 27 percent of the votes were counted.
During a stop Tuesday night in Culpep
per Plaza, Barton told a group of his sup
porters that he was looking forward to a
big victory.
After speaking to his supporters. Barton
left for his home in Ennis to await the final
election results.
“I think we have a chance to win about
10 of the 14 counties,” Barton said.“If
that’s the case, then this is definitely a Re
publican district now.”
Geren said he was happy with the early
vote totals, and hoped the margin would
stay that way through the end of the elec
“I’m glad it’s this way, instead of the
other way around,” Geren said.
“We’re pretty optimistic and just hoping
for the best.”
A crowd of about 200 supporters gath
ered at the College Station Ramada Inn to
cheer Geren on.
But as the evening progressed and the
vote shifted to Barton’s side, the crowd
Geren’s press aide Jeff Crosby said the
early lead could be attributed to strong
community campaigning.
Crosby said Brazos, Montgomery and
Tarrant counties would be extremely im
portant to Geren’s chances.
Vote totals in Ellis and Montgomery
counties were slow coming in because they
were being hand-tabulated, Crosby said.
Barton also said it was going to be a long
“If history is any indication, Brazos
County will report at about 1 in the morn
ing and Montgomery County will be in at
about 2 in the morning,” Barton said.
“Those are the two big counties in the dis
But Barton said he still hoped to estab
lish a lead before the late hours.
“By the time I get back to Ennis, with a
little luck, we’ll have this thing wrapped up
and I’ll be calling back down here to de
clare victory,” he said.
Texas Dems turn back Democrats’ bid for seats
Republican challenge j n senate, House strong
DALLAS (AP) — Democrats turned
back challenges in state cabinet offices
other than the governorship and held their
traditional majority in the Texas congres
sional delegation in Tuesday’s elections.
In other elections, Democrats won at
least 17 congressional races and the Re
publicans eight, with GOP freshman in
cumbents narrowly leading in two other
contests. U.S. Rep. Jim Wright, D-Fort
Worth, was perhaps the most significant
winner since his re-election virtually as
sures his elevation from House Majority
Leader to House Speaker.
Texans also approved four state consti
tutional amendments, including one allow
ing branch banking, and they elected Raul
Gonzalez to the Texas Supreme Court,
making him the first Hispanic elected to
statewide office.
With 80 percent of the statewide pre
cincts reporting, Clements had 1,348,579
votes, or 53.2 percent, to 1,164,627 votes,
or 45.6 percent, for White. Libertarian
Theresa Doyle had less than 2 percent.
“You can see now why we won this elec
tion,” Clements said. “It was a real team ef
fort by everyone concerned, and I’m talk
ing about you and all those other people
across the state of Texas.”
Four years ago, White, 46, ousted Clem
ents, 69, a retired Dallas oilman, in an up
set victory over the first Republican gover
nor since Reconstruction.
This year, the state’s economy has wors
ened and falling oil and farm prices have
driven the unemployment rate to 9 per
cent, two points above the national level.
The election replay was spiced up by
negative advertising, sharp rhetoric, the
discovery of an electronic bugging device
in a Clements adviser’s office. In a special
legislative session, White found himself
proposing higher taxes two months before
the election.
Voter turnout across the state Tuesday
appeared to be moderate under rainy
skies. Earlier, Secretary of State Myra Mc
Daniel had predicted that only about 44
percent, or 3.2 million, of the state’s 7.28
million registered voters would turn out.
In the lieutenant governor’s race, with
almost 80 percent of the vote counted,
Democratic 14-year veteran Lt. Gov. Bill
Hobby easily defeated Republican business
consultant David Davidson of Austin and
Libertarian candidate Bill Howell of Dal
Incumbent Attorney General Jim Mat
tox dashed Republican San Antonio dis
trict judge Roy Barrera Jr.’s hopes of be
coming the first Hispanic elected to
statewide office by garnering almost 52
percent of the vote.
Barrera had attacked Mattox’s ethics,
pointing to an indictment in which the
Democrat was accused of threatening to
use his office to block the public bond busi
ness of a Houston law firm. Mattox was ac
quitted, and says it was his aggressiveness
that prompted the indictment.
In the land commissioner’s race, incum
bent Democrat Garry Mauro beat Republi
can M.D. Anderson and Libertarian
Honey Sue Lanham of Austin by gar
nering more than 61 percent of the vote.
One-term agriculture commissioner Jim
Hightower sailed to victory carrying more
than 60 percent of the vote, defeating Re
publican Bill Powers of Austin, a cattleman
and executive vice president of the Texas
Poultry Federation, and Libertarian Re
becca Reed, a university student in San An
In the race for Texas Railroad Commis
sion, Democratic state Sen. John Sharp of
Victoria defeated Republican state Rep.
Milton Fox of Houston and Libertarian
candidate Chloe “Jack” Daniels of Farmers
State treasurer Ann Richards and comp
troller Bob Bullock, both Democrats won
easy victories over Libertarian candidates.
All three challenged Texas Supreme
Court justices were re-elected to the nine-
member Democratic-controlled court, in
cluding Gonzalez, who was appointed two
years ago. Both Gonzalez and James
See State elections, page 10
(AP) — Democrats won Republican seats
in Maryland and Florida on Tuesday and
mounted a strong bid to gain control of the
Senate for the final two years of the Rea
gan era. Democrats also were winning a
new majority in the House as America
picked its 100th Congress and selected 36
“If there was a Reagan revolution, it’s
over,” said retiring House speaker Thomas
P. O’Neill, who led the opposition to Presi
dent Reagan.
Senate Democratic Leader Robert C.
Byrd said he’d predicted a 52-48 victory to
reestablish Democratic control, but as mid
night approached, he “expected better.”
His party needed to swing four seats to re
gain control and got early momentum in
Florida where Sen. Paula Hawkins was un
Retiring Republican Sen. Paul Laxalt
said, “It’s too early to tell.” The GOP held a
53-47 majority in the 99th Senate.
Democrats also bid to pad their 73-seat
majority in the 435-member House.
One early winner was Rep. Jim Wright
of Texas, in line to replace Thomas P. O’N
eill Jr. as speaker when the new Congress
Joseph Kennedy II, son of the late Rob
ert F. Kennedy, won O’Neill’s Massachu
setts seat in the House. His sister Kathleen
Kennedy Townsend conceded defeat in
her House race in Maryland.
The GOP was faring better in guberna
torial elections — including Guy Hunt’s
election as Alabama’s first Republican gov
ernor since Reconstruction. Former Texas
Gov. Bill Clements defeated Democratic
Gov. Mark White.
Among the incumbent governors, two
Democrats mentioned as possible 1988
presidential candidates — Mario Cuomo of
New York and Michael Dukakis of Massa
chusetts — won easily.
Gov. Bob Graham claimed Florida’s Sen
ate seat for the Democrats by defeating
Hawkins, one of a handful of vulnerable
GOP freshmen whose fate held the key to
Senate control. Still vulnerable as the votes
were being tallied were freshman col
leagues Mack Mattingly of Georgia, James
Abdnor of South Dakota, Mark Andrews
of North Dakota, Bob Kasten of Wisconsin
and James Broyhill of North Carolina.
At 10:30 p.m., the national picture
looked like this:
Democrats had won nine Senate seats,
including two held by Republicans. They
led for another seven, including five held
by Republicans.
Republicans won seven, none held by
Democrats, and were leading for four oth
ers, including two held by Democrats.
Democrats won eight governorships, in
cluding one held by a Republican. They
were leading for eight more, including one
held by the GOP.
Republicans won one seat from the
Democrats — Alabama — and were lead
ing in nine others, including five held by
Republican Christopher Bond led in the
race to fill Missouri’s Senate seat being va
cated by a Democrat.
President Reagan watched returns from
the White House after returning from a
25,000-mile campaign odyssey on behalf of
Democrats had to swing four Senate
seats to gain control, and Byrd already was
planning his legislative agenda. He
pledged cooperation with Reagan “if he
will work with us in a bipartisan way.”
Rep. Barbara Mikulski won handily in
Maryland’s two-woman race, picking up a
seat vacated by a retiring Republican.
Democrats looked for victories in North
Carolina and Georgia, two seats where the
television networks said GOP incumbents
would fall. And an ABC poll showed Timo
thy Wirth running strongly for the Colo
rado seat of fellow Democrat Gary Hart.
Hunt’s victory in Alabama’s gubernato
rial election came as the GOP sought
See Congress, page 10