I —- What do you look for in a Judge? Experience. Integrity. Competence. Compassion. Judicial Temperament. A hard worker. A person that really cares. Our County Court at Law Judge, Claude Davis, has these quali ties - it’s a well known fact. Currently Judge, Brazos County Court at Law #1 Former Municipal Judge of College Station Practicing Attorney, 7 years Professor at A&M, 20 years Member, Brazos County Bar Association, Texas Bar Association, American Bar Association Veteran, U.S Air Force Member, Methodist Church Member, American Legion, Lion’s Club Judge Davis believes in strong law enforcement, but he knows when to be compassionate too. He knows there are two sides to every story. The bottom line . . Judge Davis cares and that’s why he’s asking for your vote on Nov. 4. JUDGE DAVIS COUNTY COURT AT LAW #1 PD. POLITICAL ADV. FOR CLAUDE D. DAVIS, J.E. LOUPOT, TREAS., 1201 WALTON DRIVE, COLLEGE STATION, TX. 77840 Page 8/The Battalion/Monday, November 3,1986 Warped by Scott McCulla I’LL HAVE. TO TRANSFER. you, that^ s dollars. PLEASE HOLD (WHICH IS. another e dollars... MR. HARRlSO/V m IN .CAN x TAKE A MESSAGE? THAT'LL BE FOIL DOLLARS, AMP So CENTS A WORD. Waldo by Kevin Thomas DISCOVERING that THE EVIL UYLBUR-BEAST HAS BOARDED THEIR SPACESHIP, WALDO AND THE SOCK BEGIN SEARCHING TO FIND AND HILL THE HONSTER. THE THIRD DECK SEE NS TO BE CLEAR! IT'S A BODY/ there's A calculator STUCK TO HIS FACE ! thump! thump/ hump! T '