The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 31, 1986, Image 5
Friday, October 31, 1986/The Battalion/Page 5 jbeanarec VI University »er, professor o(it; Prairie View. But lita. Also speak;, vn Hoodoo,aiu ! ol educationalpivi, rho is fromTrini^ 0-minute film, to bbean: Everythint'. un,” was produtfi! aean Tourist Board , Texas ist jut 10 minutes ot; ssues facing Tea ime. She saidalolj wer e asked by Pol - a nonpartisan ota to address the ds; pic and to avoid j ny candidate orpaitil ning election, ogram will begin aiif t udder Auditorion y s free. for Monday council activities t Monday include: l lure sponsoredb)|| Forum featuring fcl perspective onfel n. in Rudder Aiii a heduled speat ,’ice President ■n. Phil Gramm;fc:J 1 Clements ai i. Joe Barton, .agmappe Lectureii history of Induntl ed by the Jordan lit j •rnational Awaiewi i. in MSC201 estival of Indu hi ed b\ MSC Opens ung Arts Rudder Auditomn jli ^ . What s up Friday MANAGEMENT 481: Donald McCrory, senior vice p ~ ' ~ ?s Ir •loprn ests will speak at 114 Blocker. LATTER-DAY SAINT STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Gor don Wright will speak on “The Book of Mormon and the Destiny of the Church” at noon in the Latter-day Saints Building on 100 E. Dexter. LUTHERAN COLLEGIANS: will have a progressive dinner and costume party at 5:30 p.m. Call the Rev. Fritz for the first location. INTERVARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: will hold a “Concert of Prayer” at 7 p.m. in the All Faiths Chapel. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY: will have a “peanut butter fellowship” at 11:30 a.m. by Rudder Fountain. A Bible study wilt be held at 6:15 p.m. in the A&M Presbyterian Church office. | CHI ALPHA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: will meet at 7 p.m. in 160 Blocker. j CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: will meet at 7 p.m. in 108 Harrington. MSC HOSPITALITY: Miss TAMU Scholarship Pageant ap plications are available in 216 MSC through today. iAGGIELAND ’87: Today is the final day for freshmen and sophomores to have their yearbook pictures taken at AR Photography II, 707 Texas Ave. DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE: Photos, paintings and drawings by students of architecture and lanciscape ar chitecture who studied in Italy in the spring are on display in the gallery of the Langford Architecture Center through 5 p.m. today. !STUDY ABROAD OFFICE: will be accepting applications from undergraduate students who are planning a study and/or service project in a Third World country. Applica tions are available in 161 W. Bizzell and are due today f projects beginning from Jan. 1 tojuly 15, 1987. resi- nter- lay for ix spoke at a nw: Easterwood Ainyp. ox said theGMAC ire going to ret® X) in taxes that alt | iaid and notify that thev don't k 986 taxes. He < onsumers will i also instructed si a rt t $10,000 in Btl ml $2,000 in aitot»| I "You ought not 11 for these tningiifi«l in guvs pay lot it 'ou caned ly Special: | i.m.-6 a.» m Eal ancakes Saturday TEXAS STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: will hold a District Convention from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Aggieland Inn. OFF-CAMPUS AGGIES: will meet at 8 a.m. on Duncan Field for bonfire cut. ITAMU RANGE CLUB: will sponsor stock-dog trials at 8 a.m. J in Louis Pearce Pavilion. |VENEZUELAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will hold a pic nic at 10 a.m. at Tomball Spring Creek Park. For more in- | formation or maps call Donna at 260-0786. Sunday OFF-CAMPUS AGGIES: will meet at 8 a.m. on Duncan Field for bonfire cut. UNDIA ASSOCIATION: will hold a “Diwali” luncheon at 1:30 p.m. in 229 MSC. For more information call Preetam at 845-1809. Monday DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH: Claude Gibson will conduct a writing outreach session, “Uncomfortable Around the Relatives? A Look at That, Who, Whom,” at 6:30 p.m. in 153 Blocker. kGGIE ALLEMANDERS: will meet and give square-dance lessons at 7 p.m. in 224 MSC. AGGIE TOASTERS: will meet at 7 p.m. in 342 Zachry. TAMU ASSOCIATION OF CARIBBEAN STUDENTS: will meet at 8:30 p.m. in 402 Rudder. ISC VISUAL ARTS: will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 145 MSC. New members are welcome. kSSOCIATION OF TEXAS PROFESSIONAL EDUCA- TORS:will meet at 7 p.m. in 308 Rudder. ISC CAMERA COMMITTEE: Bill McIntosh will speak on studio photography at 7 p.m. in 226 MSC. DANCE ARTS SOCIETY: will have photos taken at 8 p.m. in the lounge of the Memorial Student Center. AGGIE DEMOCRATS: will meet at 7 p.m. in 502 Rudder. INTRAMURAL RECREATIONAL SPORTS: entries open for archery singles and weightlifting at 8 a.m. in 159 Read. A&M LITERARY ARTS CLUB: is now accepting submis sions for Litmus. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, i 216 Reed McDonald, no less than three working days prior to desired publication date. i )r ' j Hightower says Texas should find safer ways to dispose of waste coupon icakes .ENSE AUSTIN (AP) — Texas should phase out landfills in hazardous waste disposal and look for safer and more efficient alternatives, the Texas Department of Agriculture irecommended Thursday. IE BRANDS s-HInds 3FT LENSES Agricultural Commissioner Jim ower spoke at a news confer ence, addressing the problem of haz- . . ardous waste disposal. I “Proven, cost efficient alternatives SOFT LENSES land disposal exist today,” High tower said, “and a concerted effort t>y industry and the state can move > WEAR S0F T us away from outmoded, dangerous, expensive land disposal methods.” Sen. Tati Santiesteban, D-El Paso, said his Senate Committee on Natu ral Resources would meet in Lake Jackson Nov. 19 to begin making recommendations for the 1987 Leg- islature. “Clearly, the state has a duty to make sure these dangerous materi als are disposed of in a safe, environ- mentally-responsible manner,” the committee chairman told the news conference. . Hightower and Santiesteban PPEL, O.D'llJted ihat Texas has the dubious re- TAMETDV corc * as t ^ ie ^°' 1 producer of haz- I UmtTKi ardous wastes in the nation. VC SUITE! Santiesteban said, “Texas pro- V caul I ( duces : 38 million tons of hazardous , TEXAS every year, which is 5,000 1 pounds for every man, woman and r®ldin the state.” o n, l A 60-page report prepared by the & University -Texas Department of Agriculture said that up to now about 99 percent of all hazardous waste in Texas has been disposed of “on-site.” The term on-site includes waste materials that are buried in landfills, placed in surface impoundments or injected into deep wells. The report noted that contami nation from waste disposal had been found in several locations. “Groundwater contamination is now being found at dozens of cur rently operating, regulated waste disposal facilities in Texas,” the re port said. The TDA report said the alterna tives include waste volume reduction measures, recycling and treatment and destruction measures. Hightower said the Legislature al ready has made a move toward im proved disposal of wastes by the pas sage in 1985 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act. “But while it’s encouraging that both federal and state policies are to move away from land disposal to ward alternatives, in Texas we still have no program to implement this urgently needed transition,” High tower said. “Our job is to convince those per sons manufacturing, shipping and disposing of the hazardous waste materials (that) it’s in their best inter ests to work with government in leading the way to these alterna tives,” Hightower said. AM/PM Clinics Minor Emergencies 10% Student Discount with ID card 3820 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas 846-4756 401 S. Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas 779-4756 8a.m.-11 p.m. 7 days a week Walk-in Family Practice FAS-START MARKETS Wash your car on your way to Dallas Gulf] FREE Open 24 hours AUTOMATIC CAR WASH FAS-START MARKETS Homemade sandwiches, video games, inside seating credit cards accepted for merchandise and fuel. Gulf, Discover, Mastercard, Visa 2714 Hwy 21 West 1 /4 mile east of FM 2818, Bryan 822-5455 Expires Dec. 31,1986 with this coupon f Auto Painting by 11 rT-rrTTT ear/Hie with -every tetfil «ftr Free estimates on all bodyworic SHOP HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 8 am - 6 pm $169. 95 $259. 95 $349. 95 Bryan 1300 South College Ave. (1 Block Behind Gallery Nissan Datsun) 823-3008 MAACO Aulo Painting & Bodyworks are independent franchises ol MAACO Enterprises Pnces and hours may vary 25th Street Theatre $2 off cover with this advertisement ★ progressive dance music ★ high tech light show ★ 30ft video screen ★ no alcohol after 11p.m. on Friday and Saturday night Waco, TX 1006 N. 25th (817) 754-4559 Aggie owned and operated Jackie Sherrill & TAMU Football say THE BLOOD CENTER at Wadlev AGGIE BLOOD DRIVE Commons DATES: November 3, 4, 5 & 6 PLACES AND TIMES: Fish Pond MSC Zachry 10 am to 8 pm 10 am to 6 pm 10 am to 6 pm 10 am to 5 pm Another service of Alpha Phi Omega, Student Government, Omega Phi Alpha A basketful of cash is better than a garage full of 'stuff' Have a garage or yard sale this week - Call 845-2611