& $2.50 ADMISSION (1) M-W-Students w/current ID (2) TUE-Famlly Nlte-AII Seats (3) THUR-‘Over 30‘ Night (4) Any Show Before 3 PM Page 4AThe Battalion/Friday, October 31,1986 PLAZA 3 226 Southwest Parkway Refugee shelter closes; aliens face uncertain future Mon.-Fri. 7:35 9:50 Sat. & Sun. 2:50 5:05 7:35 9:50 “Brilliant!” — Marilyn Beck. CHICAGO TRIBUNE SYNDICATE ‘A deeply romantic... and sexy love story.” - Peter Travers, PEOPLE MAGAZINE WILLIAM HURT A PARAMOUNT PICTURE ■ :Jr * oonwGKT C im« n fAiuMoixn miuics • . . A x OMKMXnOti AU MCHTA ALUXvVC Mon.-Fri. 7:15 9:35 Sat. & Sun. 2:30 4:50 7:15 9:35 He’s survived the most hostile and primitive land known to maa Now all he’s got to do is make it through a week in New York. PAUL HOGAN There’s a little of him in all of us. lPG-13l portant issues facing T® election time. She said all of j speakers were asked by Pdi Forum — a nonparman o® zation — to address the ifej nated topic and to avoid t dorsing any candidate or |®| the upcoming election. The program will begindj p.m. in Rudder Auditoriim I mission is free. MSC Council meeting set for Monctai The Memorial Student Center Council has scheduled its regular meeting at 6 p.m. Monday in MSC 216-T and has suspended all but one agenda item because a number of other council activities also are scheduled for that day. Council will hear a report from the program review committee and review the minutes from the committee’s last meeting. Programs approved at the meeting were Aggiecon XVIII, Novacon II and MSC' Political Fo rum’s, “An Evening With Dr. Ruth.” The council will meet at 5:30 p.m. in MSC 216-T to organize ideas generated at its Oct. 19 Fall Retreat. Other council; uled for Monday n • A lecture spo oredbiffl litical Forum (eaiuringiiill publican perspective onfel 2:45 p.m. in Rudder Aiii rium Scheduled speater < hide Vice Presidem ( Bush, Sen. Phil Gramm,I t.o\. Bill Clements and i 11 ict Rep. Joe Barton. • A Eaguiappe Lectures on the history of Indian sponsored by thelordanlis for International Awarec 6:45 p.m. in MSC201 • “Festival of India s|>onsored In MSC Ope lYitornnng Arts Sodru p.m. in Rudder Auditoriuir latter don Wi Destiny Buildin LUTHER and cos first loc INTER V7 “Conce UNITED fellows! study v> Church CHI ALP p.m. in CAMPUS 108 Ha MSC HOI plicatio AGGIELt! sophon Photog DEPART and dfe chitecti in the througl STUDY / from u and/or tions at project: Mattox says settlemer will save $1.5 million | TEXAS l hold a AggieL OFF-CAN for bon ITAMU R in Loui : VENEZU nic at I format Attorney General Jim Mattox an nounced Thursday a settlement agreement with General Motors Ac ceptance Corporation and GMAC Leasing Corporation that he savs will save Texas consumers more than SI.5 million. The settlement stemmed from consumers’ complaints saying they were hilled for the 1984-85 property taxes on their GM AC-lcasetl vehicles although their lease contracts did not state they had to pay the tax, M ait ox said. Some contracts did sav the consumer had to pay the tax, he said, but 12,500 contracts did not. Mattox spoke ai a ntv I erne at EasierwoodAirar I Mattox said the GMACi tions are going $250,000 in taxes that te| been paid and nodfv sumers that thev don't te 1 their 1986 taxes. He < those consumers xillsutll OFF-CAft for bor INDIA A 1:30 p. at 845- Tve also instructed uu to collect $10,000 in im < iini', .ind >J -• I he said. "You ought not j>.i\cis lor thest things J the other guvs pavforit." INTERNATIONA! HOUSE RESTAURANT v, J All you can eat Daily Specials! 1 0 p.m.-6a,[ DEPART a writi Relativ 153 Bh GGIE J I lessons [AGGIE 1 TAMU A meet a !SC VI< New m SSOCL TORS SC CA1 I studio DANCE ! the loti AGGIE I INTRAM for arc A&M LI sions fi Items foi 216 R prior t All You Can Eat Buttermilk Pancakes $1.99 Spaghetti and Meat Saul. with garlic bread f Su $2.99 froi ‘Must present this coupon International House of Pancakes Restaum! 103 N. College Skaggs Center todi M M M M AUSTIN (, phase out lai more efficie: CONTACT LENS!~xi ‘Shampoo and plow dry available at additional cost ©1983 EMRA CORPORATION ONLY QUALITY NAME BRANDS A gn, ultura (Bausch & Lomb, Clba, Barnes-HInds-Hydrocy^ o Ml g h, °'A r S P ( . , Sdou s waste d STH ¥ “Proven, co.- DAILY WEAR SOFTLENSE: to land dtspos Wwer said, STD. EXTENDED WEAR SOF! $79 00 $99 00 $99 00 pr. - pr. - pr.* - STD. TINTED SOFT LENSES CALL 696-3754 FOR APPOINTMENT EYE EXAM AND CARE KIT NOT INCLUDED CHARLES C. SCHROEPPEL, hy industry ar us away from <. expensive land Sen Tati Sa said his Senate ral Resources jackson Nov. fCcommendati ■slature. “Clearly, th "Jake sure the als are dispose j^ntallv-respr committee ch; conference. Hightower ll! "Wed that Tei DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRV Wl<1 as ,he N ,., ar ^, 0Us wastes 707 SOUTH TEXAS AVE-SUITE%, Sa "'r' tte .duces 38 mill COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS77IW every pounds for e e Hpnthesta 1 block South of Texas & UniversityDf. L A 6()-page Deny r Depart