i Battalion Classifieds NOTIC€ Why him? Why her? What is it about this person? Why do they attract you so? At one time or another, everyone finds that irresistible someone. What makes that magic? Why do they drive you crazy? The stars can shed some light on these questions. I can compare horoscopes for the two of you: Is it in the stars, or are you star-crossed lovers? This 15-page re port looks at each of your styles of re lating and the relationship between you. It’s so accurate you may not want to show it to your lover! Just $20. I’ll calculate your personal horoscope and provide a detailed written report of what your stars say about your love life, your career and much more. $10. Send date and place of birth (time too, if known) to: Unicorn Enterprises P. O. Box 3537 Keltys, TX 75903 IMPOTENT OR NOT, learning benefits performance. Free in formation. Personal Guides, Dept. N, P. O. Box 410, Loxa- hatchee, FL 33470-0410. 34 t10 /i6 A6cM Winter Ski Weeks to Steamboat, Vail or Keystone with five or seven nights deluxe lodging, lift tickets, mountain picnic, parties, ski race, more, from $142 ! ilnrrv, call Sunchase Tours for more information toll free 1-800-321-5911 TODAY! 2U10/24 I’atianelln's Resale Furniture & Fit. Bed’s, dinettes, couches, odd chairs, frame pictures &: drajx*l ies. 1411 San Jacinto. 822-47 lb or H22-022b. 25tl()/tfn Planning on skiing? Call Tracy Montgomery 260-0509, your campus representative for Sunchase 'Fours, for information and reservations. 33tl0/17 FOft fi€NT LIVE ON 73 ACRES IN WELLBORN 2 BR-1 BA-Duplex cottages. 1 mile from Wellborn stores - 6 min utes from campus. Stables, riding paths, flowing creeks and stocked fishing ponds. All electric-central air & heat. (Refrigerator & stove included) washer & dryer hook ups. A spotless-clean country en vironment with on-site manage ment. $225/month. We pay the water and collect the garbage at your door! Call Now! Stuart or Kathy Howard 690-0336. DOLL HOUSE FOR RENT VIEW OF COUNTRY CLUB LAKE! 2 BR-1 BA-Formal living and din ing room with French doors. Cen tral air & heat - fireplace with car ved mantle. Ceiling fans, mini blinds, hardwood floors, white picket fence. Heavily wooded 7/8 acre lot. One block from country club lake & Texan Restaurant. Lots of extras including stairway to large upstairs room - super study area! $400/month. Stuart or Kathy Howard 690-0336. 33110/21 Extended Special: Cotton Vil lage Apartments, Snook, TX. 1 Bedroom, $150. 2 Bedroom, $200. Call 846-8878 or 774- 0773 after 5 p.m. 8t1 o/ 2 i ROOMMATES NEEDED ALL BILLS PAID 693-6716 H€IP UJflNT€D PART TIME RESEARCH ASSOCIATE Texas A&M University Marine Education Project. 30 hrs. per week, November - August. Bach elors degree and curriculum writ ing skills required. Prefer 3 years K-8 teaching experience, and workshop presentation skills. Refer to: #8600865. Send resume to: Personnel De partment, Texas A&M University, YMCA Building, College Station, TX 77843. An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer lllMII •iv n.micd i ! ( ilium- hull lop l*.iw- Wink al i lii'.li llill- IIKi'J d.n |,h al I i n i |.iiii” |i.ui-iiiiif jol> a|>|ili< aiions in- anil I niu-i vin . 2Si |n I: Reporter-photographer needed tor THE PRESS part to full-time hours. Must have writing and photography experience, own transportation, be able to work some evenings, weekends. Darkroom, paste-up knowledge desirable. Send resumes, story-photo dips to THE PRESS. 2606 Texas Ave., Bryan 77802 or call 823- 0088. 33t 10/21 UJfiNT€D CASH for gold, silver, old coins, diamonds Full Jewelry Repair Large Stock of Diamonds Gold Chains TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE 404 University Dr. 846-8916 32C2-A Texas Ave. (across from El Chico.Bryan) 779-7662 INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers in terested in participating in in vestigative drug studies will be paid well for their time and co operation. G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 1t9 /3o SERVICES TYPING: Accurate, Fast. Reliable. Word Processing. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 34U0/16 TYPING BY WANDA. Am kind, am length. Rea sonable iaies. 690-1 I 13. 3Oi 10/23 WORD PROCKSSING: Dissertations, theses, inanu- st i ipts. i e|>oi is. tei in papers, iesuines. 764-6614. PROFESSORS FXAM Ml.FS lot Engineering. <’.hem- ism, ( '.ale ulus. Ph\si(sat L’niversitv Bookstore X: I.< Sublet Large one bedroom apartment. Pools, hottub. Covered parking. Cheap utilities. 696-7613. 32t 10/20 One IkmIiooiii api. Gas Watei piovided. 406 Eisen hower. SI75. One hedioom apt. all hills paid. 107 Eti- thet. Two hedioom. 403 Bovett. $270. 693-0122. 779- 3700. 3000/16 1 X* 2 Belrm. Furnished Apis. North Gate G.S. 1st street. A/G. no pets. (1) 825-2761. 189tf n FOR SALE 3-WAY. Hoot standing, 100 watt 5ANSUI speakers $ 150. Call Fred 696-7998. 34t 10/16 LOOK! A FREE PROGRAM, NO PURCHASE RE QUIRED! I.B.M. COMPATIBLES FROM $595. COMPUTERS, ETC. 693-7599. 34H0/22 Beautiful his&hers wedding bands. 14K never worn - negotiable. Rob 696-2183: Andrea 696-9647. 32t 10/20 PRO PAR I S. 3521 S. Texas. Brvan. 846-6660. Turbo Mufflcis. S9.95. I leaders. S49.95. Wheels. Tites. and Hulls ('.at bin clots. 29tl0'29 '71 Olds 98 New Tires, batterv runs good $150. Mike 696-2057. 33U0/17 1951 Spartanone 3.Y Travel Trailer. Five alone incx- peusiv eh. 846-7242. to 12)447-4203. 30tl()/l6 Honda Sptee I9S6. Oiilv 195 miles, exit as. S535. 693- 0683. leave message. 3ii!tl 17 ROOMMATE UURNTED Single mom looking for mature female roommate to live in tm home. 779-3963. 822-4108. 32t 10/20 LOST RNP FOUND LOS'I—5 '/l in. computer diskette labeled 'The GMAT Course Master Disk.' Call Bill 845-4714. 34H0/22 lAMrs Atrcny .n , CUAnSMAN INC Xharm shown actual .siie. To commemorate the ' ' • anniversary of the A&M University- • Mothers' Club, James Avery-crafts : men have created this symbol of tpve and loyalty. The perfect gift for the • special person in your fife. Limited availability. . ^ . 14K gold $180.00 Sterling silver . $ 25.00 Please add 5% sales tax plus $2.75 for insurance and handling. Mail to: Aggie Moms P.O. Box .12663 Dallas, Ttexas 75225. Allow 6 weeks delivery,- -' • ^ UP BIG SAVINGS! Buy and Sell Through Classified Ads Call 845-2611 Page 6/The Battalion/Thursday, October 16,1986 3000 GOVERNMENT JOBS List $16,040 - $59,230/yr. Npw Hiring. Gall 805-687-6000 Ext. R-9531. 34tl2/l6 Experienced liaildvimin needed. Own tools R- trans- pottatitm. 25 + bolus and Sattudavs. Gall Beal Realtv. 823-5469. 29110/17 Eiillutsiastie. lesponsible pet son needed as full lime or thodontic assistant. Training available for motivated pet son. Please tall 776-8689 Odobei 13 - 17 ft out 8-5. 30t 10/20 3t 11/4 SOS WORD PROCESSING. Bold face, Greek symbols. Underlining, Equations, Boxes, Lines, and Tables for your every need. Speed and Quality with our Word- perfect software and Letter Perfect printer. Chimney Hill Business Park, 268-2777. 1OU0/23 I RANSM i.NSION REPAIR. Of Al l I t WORK DONE A l A REASONABLE COST. FREE TOW ING. < -ALL 823-2886. 1)1 NO. 3 It 10/17 Expet t Typing. Word Processing. Resumes. From $1.35 per page. PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 16tl 1/26 Aggie Moms have hearts bigger tfym Texa^.