The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 10, 1986, Image 1

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    The Battaho
Captured U.S. pilot says he
flew Contra supply missions
College Station, Texas
Friday, October 10, 1986
. ..
Photo by John Makely
Bowling For Smiles
David Dakar, 11, gets encouragement from Jennifer Murillo as he
bowls in a tournament Wednesday afternoon. Murillo, a junior special
education major, is a member of Aggie Partners for Special Olympics,
a group involved in planning and running Special Olympics. The
I group sponsored the bowling tournament, which drew more than 20
handicapped people and more than 40 volunteers.
MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) —.
An American captured after a Con
tra weapons supply plane was shot
down over Nicaragua said Thursday
that he worked with CIA employees
and took part in 10 such flights from
Honduras and El Salvador.
Foreign Ministry officials, mean
while, turned over to the U.S. Em
bassy two coffins containing the bod
ies of Americans killed when the
plane was shot down Sunday.
A third victim has not been identi
fied .
Two dozen Nicaraguans wearing
blue denim work clothes hoisted the
gray wooden coffins out of a truck
and carried them half a block to the
front gate of the embassy. Nicaragua
says pilot William J. Cooper and co
pilot Wallace Blaine Sawyer Jr. were
killed in the crash.
The coffins remained on the
ground outside the closed gates for
about five minutes. The gates then
were opened and the workmen car
ried the cof fins inside.
Eugene Hasenfus, 45, the cap
tured American from Marinette,
Wis., said in a nationally broadcast
news conference that four of the 10
flights were made from Aguacate air
base in Honduras and six from Uo-
pango air base in El Salvador.
“We would be flying into Hondu
ras . . . and we would be loading up
on small arms and ammunition and
this would be flown to Nicaragua,”
he said. “These we would drop to
the Contras.”
Hasenfus said 24 to 26 “company
people” assisted the program in El
Salvador, including flight crews,
maintenance crews and “two Cuban
lew student-teaching rules
mg flood of applications
By Bob Grube
Stull Writer
lludent-teacher hopefuls are
Imping the Texas A&M Depart-
lit of Education with applications
liuse new state guidelines ate
puled to take effect next Sep-
Iber increasing the number of
|rs required for teacher certifica-
li> avoid being affected by the
■ guidelines students must com
ic tlieir student-teaching before
Itit contrary to rumors flying
Hind the department. Dr. Tim
ir, coordinator of field experi-
in the Educational Depart-
|h of Curriculum and Instruc-
i,said he expects most, if not all,
licants to be assigned to student-
liin the spring semester,
lair held a meeting last week for
■prospective student teachers to
Tube the problems the sludent-
Ifliing program is facing.
' told them that we have more
licants . . . than we have ever
had,” Blair said. “This semester we
have about 185 students teaching;
we have about 300 applications for
next semester."
Blair said A&M recommended
more students to the Texas Educa
tion Association for certification
than any other school in the state,
and because of the size of the pro
gram, it is hard to find spots for all
Blair said the new legislation, cou
pled with the rural areas surround
ing A&M, has led to the shortage in
student-teaching space.
“The rural area presents a prob
lem because the schools just don’t
need that many student teachers,”
Blair said. “If A&M was in Houston
or San Antonio, we could fill 1,000
Dr. David David, assistant dean of
the College of Education, said the
A&M student-teaching program
currently provides teachers to the
Bryan, College Station, Navasota,
Hearne. Caldwell and Brenham in
dependent school districts. A&M
also provides a few teachers to the
Spring, Spring Branch, Katy and
Houston school districts.
Because of the large difference
between applicants and spots avail
able, many students are worrying
that they will not get assigned and
their graduation will be postponed.
Blair said they really don’t have
anything to worry about.
"I have been here for four years,
and we have always placed everyone
who applied,” Blair said. “As long as
a student applied on time, they have
nothing to worry about.”
Blair said he doesn’t completely
control who goes where because the
schools tell him how many student
teachers they need. He also said the
only special consideration for assign
ment is given to married students
and students who have children.
Blair said. “Probably everyone will
get assigned somewhere,” Blair said.
“Thev just may not get their first
Blair added that if students don’t
get assigned this semester, their
graduation dates will be postponed
for one semester.
Teacher test
Deing sold,
paper says
VEER (AP) — Copies of com-
lelencv test questions given
exits teachers earlier this year
ire being sold to teachers who
ive not passed the test for as
imdi as S5 pet page, the Tyler
Corning Tclegrnph reported,
hi a copyright story VVednes-
■IV, the newspaper said that an
mknown number of test booklets
font tests given in March and
tine had gotten into the hands of
everal East Texas teachers.
Dr. Nolan Wood, director of
tather assessment for the Texas
Education Agency, said in Austin
Inirsday that the TEA was in-
estigating. He said that if any
est questions are found missing,
hose booklets will not be used in
mv future Texas Examination of
ament Administrators and Tea-
Ihers, given every four months.
We have evidence that we did
tot get back all our tests on
March 10,” Wood said.
| Teachers are supposed to re-
Jurnboth the booklet of questions
Ind the answer sheet after taking
[he test, he said.
| The teachers, along with a rep-
See TEC AT, page 10
Classical Greek class
making comeback
among A&M students
By Mary Ann Fisher
Texas A&M is going Greek these
First, the University acknowl
edged fraternities and sororities,
and now it’s teaching the classical
Greek language for the first time
since 1879.
The classical Greek course is
taught this semester by Dr. Craig
Kallendorf, assistant professor in
both the modern languages and En
glish departments. Kallendorf said
the class limit was raised twice, but
students still were turned away.
Dr. Luis Costa, the modern lan
guages department head, said he
knew there were students interested
in Greek, but didn’t realize how
Costa said the department expects
to open a second section of classical
Greek next semester.
The University hired Dr. Timothy
Moore as its first full-time classicist
and may have him teach the second
section. Moore now is teaching two
Latin courses.
The Greek class was a project that
both Kallendorf and Costa were
eager to get off the ground.
"It’s something I’ve wanted to do
ever since I’ve been here,” Kallen
dorf said.
He said four semesters of Greek
will be taught at A&M.
The first two semesters are geared
toward grammar and the Greek cul
ture, he said.
The third semester, Kallendorf
will teach the New Testament in
Greek and the fourth semester he
will teach an anthology of classical
Greek literature — non-religious
Greek writings.
The humanities department of
fers a New Testament course, but
Kallendorf said there is a big differ
ence between the two courses.
The humanities class teaches the
Bible from a literary view stressing
motifs and themes, whereas the
Greek class teaches- the classical
Greek view of Christianity.
Kallendorf said students take the
Greek class for several reasons.
Some want to read the Bible in its or-
ginal Greek text, he said.
“Some of my students are plan
ning to go into the seminary and
want to start learning Greek now,
Kallendorf said. “Others want to
See Greek, page 10
State Dept, says Hasenfus
speaking ‘under duress’
State Department official main
tained Thursday an American
captured in Nicaragua was acting
under duress when he implicated
the CIA in an operation to re
supply Contra rebels.
Assistant Secretary of State El
liott Abrams, in a telephone inter
view, said no one should believe
anything said by the detained
American, Eugene Hasenfus, un
til Hasenfus can speak freely.
Abrams said Hasenfus likely was
subjected to threats and intimida
Abrams called The Associated
Press hours after Hasenf us told a
nationally televised news confer
ence in Managua that he had
worked with CIA employees in
his efforts to keep the Contras
supplied with weapons and other
Before his cargo plane was shot
down over southern Nicaragua
on Sunday, Hasenfus said, he had
taken part in 10 such flights from
Honduras and El Salvador. He
said 24 to 26 CIA personnel had
taken part in the operation in El
The State Department official
renewed the Reagan administra
tion’s denial of CIA involvement.
Abrams said the Sandinistas
have denied U.S. officials con
sular access to Hasenfus, in direct
violation of the Vienna Conven
“There is only one reason to
keep a man from our consul, and
that is to keep the pressure on,”
Abrams said.
nationalized Americans that worked
for the CIA.” Hasenfus identified
the Cuban-Americans as Max Go
mez and Ramon Medina.
Hasenfus said he was offered the
job in June by Cooper. Nicaraguan
of f icials have claimed that the supply
operation was part of a CIA ef fort to
help the Contras, who have been
fighting for 4‘/a years to overthrow
the leftist Sandinista government.
UndeT restrictions imposed by Con
gress, the CIA may not aid the Con
CIA spokeswoman Kathy Pherson
said the agency could only respond
to Hasenfus’ remarks by repeating
its earlier denials of involvement.
President Reagan and other U.S.
officials also have denied that the
plane or its crew had ties to the U.S.
Hasenfus said he was told he
would be paid $3,000 per month
plus housing, transportation and ex
penses for working with the air
He said he was employed by Cor
porate Air Services, which has the
same Miami address as Southern Air
Transport, formerly owned by the
Hasenfus said the CIA employees’
jobs were “to oversee housing for the
crews, transportation projects, re
fueling and some flight plans.
“I was told we would be flying
DHC Caribous and C-123 K-mod-
els,” he said.
Hasenfus said he left the Marines
in 1965 and then “took an employ
ment with a company called Air
America. This company worked in
Southeast Asia.”
Air America was one of the CIA
airlines during the Vietnam War.
He said he stopped working for
Air America in 1973 and returned to
the United States.
Hasenfus said Cooper was a for
mer pilot with Air America. Nicara
guan officials have said they found a
Southern Air Transport identifica
tion card on Cooper.
The father of Wallace Blaine Sa-
wver Sr., identified as the co-pilot
killed in the crash, said his son once
worked for Southern Air Transport.
At the news conference, Capt. Ri
cardo Wheelock, chief of intelli
gence of the Nicaraguan army, was
asked if Hasenfus had been treated
well since his capture Monday.
“Mr. Hasenfus is being treated
under the best possible condi
tions . . . for a prisoner of war,”
Wheelock said.
Colleagues ‘shocked’
at scientist’s defection
. HOUSTON (AP) — Arnold
Lockshin, who defected to the So
viet Union with his family, was a
successf ul cancer researcher until
he underwent a dramatic change
in behavior that cost him his job, a
former supervisor said Thursday.
Golleagues at the Stehlin Foun
dation for Cancer Research were
puzzled at the change, saddened
at his firing in August, and
stunned at Lockshin’s emigration,
said Dr. Jane Taylor, scientific
administrator of the lab.
“We were all shocked and just
couldn’t believe it,” Taylor said.
“We don’t know what to think.” '
In Richmond, Calif.,
Lockshin’s father said, “He must
be mentally disturbed, that’s all.”
Leo Lockshin, 78, said his fam-
ilv fled the Soviet Union three
generations ago to escape the
persecution of Jews.
Taylor said Lockshin spent six
years at the research center trying
to find a system that could more
rapidly test anti-cancer agents.
Taylor said the work pro
gressed well until last December
when Lockshin suddenly seemed
to lose interest.
"His activities were suddenly
not like they were before,” she
said. “He started coming late to
work and would call in (sick) a
Workers attempted to talk to
Lockshin with little luck, she said.
“We tried to get him back on
track and urged him to take on
new approaches,” she said. “But
we found it more and more diffi
cult to talk to him.”
For more than five years, Tay
lor said, she and Lockshin would
talk each morning before the
work began. At lunch time, other
workers would gather around his
desk for the usual office talk.
The discussions became less
and less frequent and finally
Lockshin, she said, became in
creasingly withdrawn. His work
continued to deteriorate, she
said, and last August he was fired.
Taylor said she doubts the
family had any financial prob
lems. Lockshin earned between
SSO.OOO and S70,()()() a year, she
said, and Lockshin’s wife had a
thriving business as a market re
The family had a nice home
and two cars, she said.
But the house and the cars
were found abandoned Wednes-
dav after Lockshin appeared on
Moscow television to announce
that he, his wife and their three
children were defecting to escape
“underground psychological war
fare" conducted by the FBI.
Lockshin claimed that his phone
was tapped, his mail was opened
and his family was followed.
Lockshin worked at the Uni
versity of Southern California as
a cancer researcher from 1977 to
1980, according to Debbie Savan-
ish, personnel director for the
USC School of Medicine.
Lockshin’s father told the Sah
Francisco Chronicle that when
Arnold opposed the Vietnam
War at Harvard in the 1960s, the
federal government cut off can
cer research f unds to his unit.
Margery Heffron, a spokeswo
man for Harvard, said there was
no record of an Arnold Lockshin
in the medical school’s appoint-
ment records dating back to
Leo Lockshin said his son is
brilliant, “mildly liberal” politi
“He never told me a single
thing about this,” said Lockshin.
“I was in the Soviet Union for
three weeks last year. I speak
fluent Russian and I couldn’t
adapt to the life there.
“He’ll find out he didn’t go to
California. Moscow is a very, very
different place. That’s for sure.”
LockshirYs case similar
to other defections
MOSCOW (AP) — The case of
an American cancer researcher
who defected to the Soviet Union
with his family is not unique —
other Americans have come to
this communist nation in the past
70 years in hopes of finding a bet-
ter life.
But despite Soviet restrictions
on emigration, the tide of defec
tions has flowed overwhelmingly
from East to West.
Arnold Lockshin said he ar
rived in Moscow on Wednesday
with his wife and three children
because of U-S. harassment
prompted by his opposition to
Reagan administration policies.
His decision to seek political asy
lum received wide coverage
Thursday in the Soviet press.
Like other defectors before
him, Lockshin appeared on So
viet television to thank the Soviet
government for granting him
The publicity w'as similar to
that given American defectors in
the 1960s who said they opposed
U.S. involvement in the Vietnam
Lockshin’s move, just days be
fore the superpower summit in
Iceland, gives the Kremlin a
propaganda boost at a time w hen
Soviets who have been denied
permission to emigrate or join
spouses in the West are trying to
draw world attention.
The United States does not re
strict emigration. U.S. officials,
while denying Lockshin’s claims
of harassment, said he was free to
live where he chose.
That is not the case in the So
viet Union, w'hich closely restricts
the movement of its citizens.
Nonetheless, hundreds of So
viet officials, athletes, entertain
ers, soldiers and sailors have
taken advantage, of visits to the
United States and other Western
nations to seek asylum. In addi
tion, hundreds of thousands of
Soviet Jews have emigrated to Is
rael and the West since the late
The heaviest West-to-East flow
probably occurred during the
Great Depression of the 1930s.
High unemployment prompted
scores of people, many of Russian
descent, to come to the Soviet
Union because jobs and a mini
mum standard of living appeared
During the Vietnam War,
some American servicemen de
fected to the Soviet Union and
declared their disillusionment
with U.S. foreign and domestic
In the past two years there has
been a stream of double-defec
tors: Soviets who sought political
asylum in the West, then re
turned home claiming they were
unhappy in capitalist societies.
One of the most prominent
was Svetlana Alliluyeva, Stalin’s
daughter, w'ho defected to the
West in 1967, then returned to
the Soviet Union in 1984. How
ever, she returned to the United
States this year, saying her life in
the Soviet Union did not work
out the w'ay she hoped.