The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 09, 1986, Image 1

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    fFW^m Texas ASM ■'"% ^ ^ W •
The Battalion
Vol. 83 No. 29 GSPS 045360 10 pages
College Station, Texas
Thursday, October 9, 1986
American researcher defects to U.S.S.R.
121 U
MOSCOW (AP) — The official
Soviet news agency l ass reported
Wednesday that an American cancer
researcher defected to the Soviet
Union after being fired from his job
because he opposed U.S. foreign
The news agency said Arnold
Lockshin, his wife and their three
children arrived in Moscow Wednes
day after being granted political asy
Tass said Lockshin was a 47-year-
old biochemist and oncologist who
iheaded the cancer research labo
ratory at St. Joseph’s Hospital in
Houston from 1980 until last month.
Lockshin was quoted as telling
Tass he and his wife made a very dif
ficult decision to leave the United
States after being persecuted for
waging “an active struggle against
the dangerous aspects of the foreign
lockshin fired because of job performance 7
HOUSTON (AP) — Officials at St. Joseph
Hospital, w here Arnold Lockshin worked before
he and his family defected to Russia, say the
chemist’s contract was terminated in August be
cause of poor job performance.
Dr. John Stehlin, scientific director of research
foundation at St. Joseph Hospital, said Lockshin
was “a decent person but his performance dete
riorated during the past six months. Just that,
simply that and nothing else.”
The hospital released a statement Wednesday
afternoon saying:
“Arnold Lockshin was employed by the Stehlin
Foundation from July 1980 to August 1986. Dur
ing this time, he worked as a pharmacologist and
chemist in the St. Joseph Hospital cancer re
search lab.
“His contract was terminated in the latter part
of August 1986 because of job performance.”
The official Soviet news agency Tass reported
Wednesday that Lockshin was fired from his job
as a cancer researcher because he opposed U.S.
foreign policy.
Stehlin, however, said he knew nothing about
Lockshin’s political beliefs.
A man identified as Lockshin, a woman identi
fied as his wife, Lauren, and three children were
shown on the Soviet television evening news.
Speaking in English, the man told TV viewers
that he and his wife had opposed the Vietnam
War and had fought for social justice in the-
United States ever since.
policy of the Republican administra
Lockshin was quoted as saying
that he had brought with him exam
ples of what he claimed were FBI
measures against his family.
He said the family’s telephone
conversations were tapped, private
mail opened, and that they were fol
lowed and received provocative
phone calls, Tass reported.
On Tass, Lockshin was quoted as
saying, “This all finished with my be
ing fired and threatening to physi
cally destroy me, together with my
three children.
“Lauren and I are deeply thank
ful to Soviet authorities , that they
deemed it possible to grant us politi
cal asylum.
“Obviously, not everything that
lies before us will be easy and simple,
and perhaps one of the main diffi-
By Jo Ann Able
Staff Writer
Commitments must be made by
cadets and civilian students if future
if a conflicts similar to those that oc
curred at Friday’s yell practice are to
be prevented, the commander of the
Corps of Cadets said Wednesday in a
written statement given to The Bat
Garland Wilkinson said it w 7 as not
the intent of the Corps to bring in
jury to any student, nor is it ever.
Several students — civilians and
cadets — sustained injuries at yell
practice when a group of civilians at
tempted to run across Kyle Field and
cadets tried to stop them. Some of
the civilians told The Battalion that
cadets tackled and heat them as they
tried to cross the f ield.
Wilkinson said two cadets had to
betaken to the hospital for injuries
sustained.Cadets said these injuries
were a liypei extended elbow and a
broken linger.
Wilkinson said the Corps’ junior
class is charged with escorting the
Aggie Band to yell practices at Kyle
“Also, over the years, the juniors
have taken on the added responsibil
ity of guarding the playing surface
oi Kyle Field," he said.
When contacted by The Battalion,
both Boh Wiatt, director of security
md University Folice, and Dr. John
). Koldus, vice president for student
Corps leader seeks end
to civilian-cadet friction
services, said they knew of no legal
right the Corps has to protect the
Wilkinson said it isn’t stated any
where that the juniors are responsi
ble for keeping all others off the
field, but added, “It’s a role they
have acquired through time, exactly
like our other traditions.”
During yell practice, juniors stand
on the stadium’s track while bass
players in the band stand along the
Michael Kelley, a sophomore gen
eral studies major and bass corporal
for the Aggie Band, said the bass
players have traditionally lined up
on the sidelines to guard the band.
“We’re protecting them from
other schools, not from other Aggies
— to keep people from stealing in
struments and starting fights,” Kel
ley said. “And that has happened in
the past.”
He said he didn’t hit anybody Fri
day night and his objective was to get
the people off Kyle Field because it’s
a memorial.
Though thought to be a memorial
by many, Kyle Field has never been
designated as such officially, accord
ing to the University Archives. The
:>5 flags that fly around the stadium
are dedicated to die 55 Aggies who
died during World War I.
“We’re Aggies, and we should he
working for the common cause of
Aggies. I’d like there to he a better
bond between the Corps of Cadets
and the civilians.
“I think it’s stupid — Aggies fight
ing Aggies.”
Ricky Allen, a sophomore engi-
neering technology major and bass
player in the hand, also thinks of
Kyle Field as a memorial.
“How would you feel if somebody
ran over your father’s grave, and
just kept running over it and just be
ing as disrespectful to you as possi
ble?” Allen asked.
Allen added, “We’re supposed to
use whatever possible to keep them
The only way to stop people who
run on the field and refuse to go to
the sidelines is to tackle them, Allen
“We hold them down until we get
other buddies there,” Allen said. “If
possible we pick them tip and take
them off the f ield.”
He said one man they were at
tempting to carry off the field was
kicking, hitting, biting, scratching,
spitting and calling names.
Wilkinson said a very important
point is being missed throughout
this incident.
“Aggies care about their fellow
men, whether that person wears a
uniform or not,” he said. “Not being
in the Corps doesn’t make anyone
less of an Aggie, but starting a fight
U.S. officials to be allowed
to see plane-crash survivor
MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) —
The Foreign Ministry said Wednes
day it will allow U.S. Embassy offi
cials to see the American who sur
vived when Sandinista troops shot
down a supply plane, and that it will
return the bodies of Americans who
were killed.
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman
Angela Saballos read over govern
ment-run radio a Foreign Ministry
statement of protest addressed to
U.S. Secretary of State George P.
She said embassy officials could
question 45-year-olcl Eugene Hasen-
fus, and that the bodies of Ameri
cans killed when the plane was shot
down would be returned.
But Saballos did not say where
Hasenfus was being held nor did she
say when American officials would
be allowed to see him.
Officials of the leftist Nicaraguan
government say three people were
killed: two Americans, identified as
pilot William J. Cooper and co-pilot
Wallace Blaine Sawyer Jr., and a
third man who has not been identi
fied but is believed to be an Ameri
can. The plane was hit by missile fire
and crashed into the jungle of south
ern Nicaragua.
The government protest, signed
by acting Foreign Minister Victor
Hugo Tinoco, said the supply plane
was an example of the United States’
“flagrant violation of international
rights and the United Nations char
Barricada, the Sandinista party
newspaper, said in the first account
of the capture that Hasenfus walked
a mile through the jungle after the
C-123 was shot down Sunday. It said
an army patrol found him in an
abandonee! shack, where he had
fashioned a hammock from his par
Capt. Rosa Pasos, who speaks for
the Defense Ministry, said the Amer
ican from Marinette, Wis., was being
questioned at a location she ref used
to disclose.
“All I can say is that he spent the
night with our authorities and that
he is being treated well,” she said.
In Washington, Lt. Col. Arnie
Williams, a Pentagon spokesman,
said Wednesday that the Defense
Department has been unable to es
tablish any military background for
Cooper. Williams saief too many men
with that name served in the military
and additional information was
Williams confirmed that a U.S.
Air Force record existed for some
one with the name Wallace Blaine
Sawyer Jr.
Born April 20, 1945, Sawyer
graduated from the U.S. Air Force
Academy and served from June 5,
1968, to Sept. 13, 1974, receiving an
honorable discharge as a captain.
Sandinista officials claim, cargo
found on the plane indicates it was
part of a CIA operation to supply
U.S.-backed rebels who have been
fighting the leftist Sandinistas for
4'/_> years. They said the Americans
were U.S. military advisers from El
Enrique Bermudez, military chief
of the FDN, described Hasenf us and
the others aboard the flight as
friends and heroes of the Contras.
“Those men who flew in that
plane were men who worked as vol
unteers and in a private way,” he
said in a broadcast over the Contras’
clandestine station monitored in
neighboring Honduras.
President Reagan and other U.S.
officials deny that the plane or the
men were connected with the Amer
ican government.
Hasenfus said he had flown from
El Salvador, but Salvadoran Presi
dent Jose Napoleon Duarte told re
porters in his country that the Salva
doran government was not involved
in the incident.
Photo by Greg Bailey
Under Construction
Workers assemble scaffolding Wednesday under a covered walkway
on the site of the new Clayton Williams Alumni Center.
Under the walkway, the workers were able to escape getting wet from
the dav’s rain.
Low-power station to start in 2 weeks
culties will be to master the Russian
language quickly and sufficiently.”
The Soviet news agency also said
Lockshin had done research work at
Harvard University and the Univer
sity of South Carolina in addition to
working in Houston. It said he held
a doctorate in philosophy and a
bachelors’ degree in biochemistry.
Debra Allen, a spokeswoman for
the University of South Carolina,
said Lockshin had not done any
work at the school.
Margery Heffron, a spokes
woman for Harvard University, said
there is no record of an Arnold
Lockshin in the Medical School’s ap
pointment records dating back to
1910. She said there also is no record
of him with the Harvard Personnel
Office since 1975.
gets tabled
Student senators
to discuss it further
By Rodney Rather
Staff Writer
The Student Senate on Wednes
day tabled a resolution calling for
the Texas A&M University System
to divest itself of all investments in
companies that do business with
South Africa.
Senator Chris Dowdy introduced
the bill but promptly gave speaking
privileges to the bill’s writer, Jim
Cleary said the resolution states
that A&M students oppose apart
“There may be debate to this reso
lution tonight, but does anyone
agree with apartheid?” Cleary said.
“We can do something,” he said.
“Let us tell this state, this commu
nity, the world, that Texas A&M will
not support apartheid or fund it ei
Cleary also said a market value of
about $5.5 million is invested by the
A&M System in various companies
in South Af rica.
“That’s $5.5 million denying peo
ple their inalienable rights,” he said.
Larry Yarak, a history professor
with a special interest in African his
tory, was invited as a guest speaker
by Cleary and said divestment is the
only way South African blacks can be
“This resolution puts us in the
mainstream of premiere universities
in this country (that have divested
investments in South Afri
ca) .. . Yarak said.
“I think it serves, at the very least,
to raise the level of awareness among
A&M students of what is going on in
South Africa.”
Senator Robert Russell moved
that the resolution be tabled for fur
ther discussion at a future meeting.
B-CS to get new television channel
By Kristin Theodorsen
A local low-power television station, K28AK
Channel 28, will be on the air within two weeks,
says John Barger, senior vice president of Clear
Channel Communications Inc.
Barger couldn’t give a specific date because
the station needs acceptance from the Federal
Communications Commission. But he says the
station is installed and ready to go on the air.
The LPTV transmitter is co-housed with the
KORA-FM transmitter, which Clear Channel is
leasing from KORA, he says.
“Towers are quite expensive things to build,”
Barger says. “We were fortunate to find one that
we could utilize.”
There are no studios or employees at the pre
sent time, Barger says, and Clear Channel ini
tially will run pre-taped program material.
“Anything we do live, in the initial stages, will
be done from the KORA-KTAM studios,” Bar
ger says.
Clear Channel hasn’t yet determined the type
of programming the new station will provide,
Barger says. Until Clear Channel finds perma
nent programming material and corrects any
fine-tuning problems, Channel 28 will not be
promoted, he says.
Clear Channel, based in San Antonio, operates
14 radio stations across the country, but the
LPTV station is its first television venture, Bar
ger says.
Dr. Don Tomlinson, assistant professor, of
journalism, says the LPTV station probably will
“Towers are quite expensive things
to build. We were fortunate to find
one that we could utilize. ”
— John Barger, senior vice presi
dent of Clear Channel Communica
tions Inc.
rely on advertising revenue as its only source of
income. Since Clear Channel operates 14 radio
stations, it probably is in a good position to make
advertising deals with some national advertisers,
Tomlinson says.
Barger says the fact that McCaw Cablevision
offers local advertising on its cable channels
won’t hamper Clear Channel’s efforts to compete
for the local advertising dollar.
The FCC awarded Clear Channel Commu
nications a construction permit for an LPTV sta
tion in early 1985. Another construction permit
was awarded at about the same time to Global
Village Video Resource Center, a non-profit or
ganization based in New York.
The FCC awards construction permits by a lot
tery system. The lottery determines a winner of a
particular site, channel, frequency and location
for LPTV stations.
In September 1985, Global Village announced
plans to build an LPTV facility in College Sta
tion. Global Village planned to have it operating
by early 1986, but nothing has materialized.
John Reilly, executive director of Global Vil
lage, says the delays came about because the FCC
may have left somebody out of the lottery acci
dentally. Fhe FCC now is trying to rectify the
problem, he says.
“I can’t, at the moment, talk about any direct
plans because I won’t know until we resolve this
issue,” Reilly says.
There’s no telling how long it will take the FCC
to find a way to fix their own mistake, if there is a
way, Reilly says. In the meantime, he says, Clear
Channel will get a head start.
Barger says once Channel 28 gets its own stu
dio, Clear Channel will try to work with Texas
A&M for possible student internships, but that is
still a while off.
Barger says Clear Channel hasn’t discussed
any plans with McCaw Cablevision to be included
in the local cable package since the station isn’t on
the air yet.
Wayde Klein, sales manager at McCaw, says
the chances of the LPTV station getting on
McCaw’s channel lineup won’t be very good un
less public demand calls for it.
An LPTV station has to provide a lot of variety
in its programming to really be successful, Klein
says. But he thinks Bryan-College Station is a
great market for an LPTV staton because A&M
students would provide a potentially strong view
ing audience, he says.