The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 08, 1986, Image 7

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    tor lit.
Wednesday, October 8, 1986/The Battalion/Page 7
Police Beat
The following were reported
to the University Police Depart
ment through Monday:
• A campus resident reported
that while she was at a Texas
A&M football game someone
stole eight pairs of her under
wear, four bras, two watches, sev
eral pieces of jewelry and some
personal pictures from her dorm
Another woman in the same
building reported that someone
stole six pairs of her underwear
and two bras from her dorm
room while she was at the game.
A third woman from the same
dormitory reported that someone
stole $70 and some jewelry from
her room while she was at the
• An officer reported finding
a man sleeping on the drill field
south of Houston Street. When
the police officer awakened the
man and asked him for identifica
tion, the officer said he noticed
that the age on the man’s license
had been changed to 21. The
man told the officer he had
changed the age, so he could buy
beer and get into clubs. The offi
cer gave him a ticket for the al
tered driver’s license.
• A woman reported that after
going to midnight yell practice,
she and her boyfriend got into an
argument and they left sepa
rately. While walking back to her
car, the woman said she was
grabbed by a man and thrown
against a nearby car. She said that
when she tried to run, the man
grabbed her again and threw her
against another car. But she
kicked him and was able to run
into a nearby building and get
• While patrolling Ross Street,
an officer saw a man riding a mo
torcycle on the sidewalk. The of
ficer stopped the man and told
him he would be ticketed for rid
ing the motorcycle on a sidewalk.
The officer said the man told him
he was in a hurry to get to an
exam, but the officer asked him
to pull his motorcycle off to one
side of the walkway and wait.
The officer said that after a
few seconds, the man took off.
The officer got the license num
ber of the motorcycle and was in
formed by other officers that the
man had gone to his class. The of
ficer said that when he went to
the classroom, the man tried to
run into another room, but the
officer caught him by the arm.
The man was told he was being
arrested for evading arrest.
The man again explained that
he had an exam, and the instruc
tor confirmed it. The man was re
leased with a citation for evading
arrest and driving on a sidewalk,
and was allowed to take his exam.
• An officer saw a Blazer driv
ing through campus with an
A&M barricade hanging out of
the back of the vehicle. When he
stopped the truck, the officer said
he discovered that the barricade
had been stolen from the front of
the president’s house.
He also reported he found an
unconscious man who smelled of
alcohol lying in the back of the ve
The driver of the vehicle was
arrested for theft and the other
man was arrested for public in
Clinic ordered to pay
for deceiving women
tors of an anti-abortion center that
portrayed itself as just the opposite
were ordered Tuesday to pay a
$39,000 fine and $69,000 in legal
fees for violation of Texas’ deceptive
trade practices law.
In a verdict that prosecutors said
sends a message to similar clinics na
tionwide, jurors decided the Preg
nancy Problem Center near down
town Fort Worth was established to
lure pregnant women with mislead
ing statements and advertising.
“I think this sends a strong mes
sage to (anti-abortion) clinics across
the country,” said Texas assistant At
torney General Steve Gardner,
whose Dallas office brought the case.
“Don’t lie to pregnant women in the
name of facts, in the name of help,
in the name of God or anybody.”
The jurors’ vote for the decision
was announced as 11-1. In state civil
cases, at least a 10-2 vote is necessary
for a decision.
The fines and fees were assessed
against Chuck Pelletier, director of
the center, and against Mother and
Unborn Baby Care of North Texas
Inc. — the non-profit corporation
set up to accept contributions for the
Until 67th District Court Judge
George Crowley enters a final order,
center operators will remain under a
temporary injunction, which forbids
them from representing the clinic as
providing abortions or abortion re
Eliot Shavin, the assistant attorney
general who prosecuted the case,
said he hopes the judge will be more
explicit with the permanent injunc
tion by requiring the center to dis
close up front that it does not do
abortions and that it is an anti-abor
tion operation.
Hunt lawyers attempt
to keep judge on case
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Lawyers
representing the 23 banks owed
money by the billionaire Hunt
brothers say the withdrawal of Dallas
attorney Charles Storey has elimi
nated any reason U.S. District Judge
Barefoot Sanders might have for
disqualifying himself.
The lawyers also said that no rea
son for Sanders’ disqualification
existed even before Storey’s withdra
wal as the lawyer for the First Na
tional Bank of St. Paul, Minn.
fill could raise speed limit
o 65 on Texas interstates
By Molly Fisher
A bill raising the speed limit to 65
iph on Texas interstate highways
as passed by the T exas Legislature
ad will go into effect if Congress
pproves similar legislation, a State
IceJMepartment of Highways and Public
fety official says.
Nick Turn ham, DPS public affairs
fficer, says although Texas law-
lakers are ready to raise the limit,
le federal bill is still shrouded in
The federal bill, sponsored by
en. Stephen Symms, R-Idaho, is
ow in a conference committee of
louse and Senate members, accord-
ig to a source from the Office of
egislative Information who asked
ot to be identified.
Advocates of the 65-mph speed
mit argue that interstate highways
built to safely handle speeds
Ijrlflj reater than 75 mph, Turnham says.
“Our interstate highways are the
ghest-quality roads that exist,”
urnham says. “Safety engineers say
lat raising the speed limit to 65 on
ural interstate highways won’t in-
reasethe fatality rate.”
Fred Forsthoff, sergeant of the
)PS for Brazos, Robertson and Mi
nn counties, agrees that a higher
speed limit wouldn’t increase the fa
tality rate and that the speed limit on
some sections of Texas interstate
highways could be raised.
Turnham says, “The accident/fa
tality rate has decreased on rural
roads already, from seat belt usage
and safer cars. For example, there
were only seven traffic fatalities on
rural interstates in Nebraska in
1985, and none were the result of
excessive speed.”
However, Dr. Quinn Brackett, a
transportation expert at Texas
A&M, says the amount of time saved
by going higher speeds isn’t worth
the risks.
Brackett said three things could
happen if the speed limit is raised.
First there would be a tendency
for speed creep — a percentage of
motorists will gradually start to
speed and both the number of mo
torists who speed and the amount
they speed will gradually increase
over time, he said.
“Second, accident severity will in
crease,” Brackett says. “A car travel
ing at 65 or 70 will hit at a greater
impact than a car going 55 or 60.”
“T he third thing that will happen
is speed generalization. People going
55 will continue to go 55 when they
change to a road zoned at 35. This
problem will be magnified if the
speed limit is raised to 65 because
there will be a larger speed differen
tial. Also, the problem of enforce
ment will be greater because more
people will be speeding.
“Right now, people generally
speed 5 miles over the posted speed
limit. A result of this is that a toler
ance for speeding ‘a little’ has been
built into social norms. Some people
are afraid that this tolerance will
carry over to other legal violations.
“A congressional review commit
tee that studied the effects of the 55
mph speed limit found that it did
greatly decrease traffic fatalities. In
general, the study endorsed the 55
mph speed limit as a national safety
“The people not wearing seat
belts are the very ones who disobey
the speed limit — their propensity
for taking risks is greater.
“Public opinion polls show that
between 70 percent and 80 percent
of the public wants to keep the 55
speed limit.”
Traffic fatalities have decreased
dramatically since the 55 mph law
has been enacted, Turnham says.
Because of this fact, he says, many
people don’t want to raise the speed
But Placid Oil Co. and the William
Herbert Hunt Trust Estate have
asked the 5th Circuit to force Sand
ers to disqualify himself — some
thing Sanders has twice refused to
Lawyers for the Hunts contend
that Sanders’ investments, a
longstanding political feud with the
Texans, and ties to Storey should
disqualify the judge from supervis
ing the case.
Storey withdrew as the bank’s
counsel Monday in a bankruptcy suit
filed by the Hunts, denying charges
he had ties to Sanders.
In a petition, the Hunt lawyers
told the federal appeals court,
“Charles Storey was the treasurer
and one of the largest personal con
tributors to Judge Sanders’ 1972
campaign for the United States Sen
In their response Monday, the
banks’ lawyers told the 5th Circuit
that claim — and others made by the
Hunts — weren’t true.
“Respondents respectfully submit
that this petition is simply a contin
uation of an orchestrated attempt by
petitioners to remove a judge who
they do not want to try their cases,”
the banks’ lawyers said.
In his affidavit before the appeals
court, Storey said, “To avoid any
possible claim of impropriety now or
in the future, no matter how frivo
lous it may be, and in order to per
mit these proceedings to go forward
in an orderly and efficient way. ... I
and my firm have withdrawn as
counsel for First National Bank of
St. Paul.”
“I have had no communication
with Judge Sanders,” Storey said,
adding that he was only one of about
100 lawyers working on behalf of the
defendant banks in the cases.
The Hunts have gone to court
against 23 banks, which want to fore
close on $1.5 billion in past-due
loans. The attempt to reorganize un
der Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy
laws originally was filed in New Or
leans, but Sanders ordered it moved
to Dallas and the 5th Circuit agreed.
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