The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 07, 1986, Image 9
Tuesday, October 7, 1986AThe Battalion/Page 9 Sea hawks humble hargers SEATTLE (AP) — Dave Krieg hrew for three touchdowns, two in in 18-second span in the third quar- er, as Seattle beat San Diego 33-7 ilonday on a record-breaking re- eiving night for the Seahawks’ Steve urgent and the Chargers’ Charlie oiner. After a frustrating start, Largent aught a 17-yarder from Krieg early n the second quarter for his 128th onsecutive game with a catch. He Iso moved into fourth place on the 1-time receiving yardage list and aught a 15-yard touchdown pass, te second of Krieg’s three. Joiner moved past Don Maynard become the NFL's all-time receiv- g yardage leader on a 20-yard pass rom Dan Fonts in the third quarter, le finished with four receptions for 9yardsand now has 1 1,855. It was also a banner night for cattle's Norm Johnson, who kicked our field goals, including a 54- arder that tied his own team re- ord, and for Curt Warner, who ran or 142 yards in 28 carries. Krieg, hose other scoring passes were a 6-yarder to Byron Franklin and a wo-yarder to Eric Lane, was 21 of for 284 yards. But the night was most satisfying or Largent, who spent the night lis- ning to cries of “Steve, Steve, teve” from the Kingdome crowd of 3,287. Most satisfying was his ouchdown, which topped off the eattle burst that turned a 7-6 deficit iitoa 23-7 lead in 1:45. The rally began 4:24 into the lird period with Johnson’s 54-yard eld goal which gave the Seahawks leir first lead of the night. Johnson so had second-quarter field goals 29 and 30 yards and a 20-yarder the final quarter. Then, one play after Joiner’s re- ord-breaking catch, Kenny Easley ripped the ball from James and ugene Robinson recovered for attle at midfield. Two plays later, rieg threw the bomb to Franklin. Lionel Janies fumbled the ensuing ckoff and Lane recovered for attle. On the next play, Krieg hit argent for the score that made it 7 and broke the game open. A&M Sports Club Update mm ARCHERY will hold a tournament with the University of Texas this weekend. Both Mid-Fita and 900-round competition will be held at the Zachry parking lot. The tourney begins at 10 a.m. Saturday. BOWLING men’s and women’s teams combined for second place at the Texas Double Elimination Bowling Tournament last weekend. Individually, Mike Shoemaker was fifth in men’s singles and Renee Smith was fifth in women’s singles. JUDO will compete in the Dallas Invitational Judo Tournament at the Dallas Kiess Recreational Center this Saturday. Approximately 15 teams will be in competition. POLO men’s team faces the University of Texas at Austin at the Retama Polo Club in San Antonio this Saturday. RIFLERY picked up first place at the Texas Invitational last weekend. UT finished second and Midwestern from Wichita Falls was third. A&M’s Chris Fedun and Annette Tyler went 1 and 2 in both the .22-caliber bore and air-rifle competitions. Fedun scored 1,133 points out of a possible 1,200 in .22-caliber and 375 out of 400 in air rifle. Tyler was one point behind in both events. The team hosts the Aggie Invitational Friday through Saturday in the basement of the Military Sciences Building. RODEO will have 16 club members compete in the National In tercollegiate Rodeo Association Rodeo in Uvalde this Thursday through Saturday. The events will be held at Southwest Texas Junior College. MEN’S RUGBY defeated Texas Tech 26-11 Saturday at the A&M polo field. Randy Barr led the Aggies by scoring three tries. This Sat urday the team plays Southwest Texas State University at 2 p.m. on the polo field. MEN’S SOCCER lost twice last weekend in close 2-1 contests. The team lost to Texas Tech on Friday and to Texas on Saturday. Barry Chubb led the team against Tech and Darin Talley led the Aggies in the Texas contest. The team faces Richland Junior College from Dal las this Saturday at 4 p.m. on the Zachry field. WOMEN’S SOCCER chalked up two victories this weekend to im prove its recofd to 4-5. On Saturday A&M defeated Houston Baptist University 12-0 behind three-goal performances by Jenny Lawson and Niele Gillooly. Sunday the team beatTCU 4-0. The team plays twice this weekend. Saturday A&M faces the Uni versity of Missouri-St. Louis at 4 p.m. and on Sunday the Aggies play the Univeristy of California-Santa Barbara at 2 p.m. Both games are on the A&M drill field. ULTIMATE FRISBEE hosts the Aggie Ulitmate Experience on Satuday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the new intramural complex. About 12 teams will participate. WATERSKI placed fourth out of 16 teams in the South Central Conference Intercollegiate Regionals in Houston last weekend. Mark Berry led A&M in slalom and Russell Eppright led the Aggies in jumping with a jump of 104 feet. 700 University Dr. E. (next to 24 Hr. Gyms of Texas) DESIGNER DANCEWEAR * CAPEZIO TO DANCE FRANCE f*' ’ J s 846-3565 0* VOT Freshman Elections Today!! 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