L CONOCO INC. Petroleum Products, North America Management Development Program All December Graduates Of The College Of Business Are Invited to Attend a Presentation/Reception On Career Opportunities With PP,NA Date: October 6,1986 Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m. Place: Room 607 Rudder Tower Degrees Sought BBA-FINANCE, MANAGEMENT MBA (WITH NON-TECHNICAL UNDERGRAD) Page 10/The Battalion/Monday, October 6, 1986 Warped by Scott McCullc THli' )/ THE- WHAT? V T1 IT'5 THE! FLYIWG DISK OF LOVE. H, $E.EL, ME.KK)TT ( 5 5TAHVING OVLK THtKE. WATCH? RoftANCC /M5 THAT E.FFECT Ofl him. Waldo by Kevin Thomi Are You Paying More Than Your Fair Share of Taxes? Let DEAN WITTER REYNOLDS and NATIONWIDE LIFE help you understand how the new TAX ACT OF 1986 will impact your ORP and TSA program. Learn about an exciting way to fund your ORP and TSA. -SEMINAR- When: Tuesday, October 7, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. Where: College Station Hilton Conference Center Ballroom #1, 801 E. University Drive, College Station, Texas Hosts: DEAN WITTER REYNOLDS and NATIONWIDE LIFE Call the Dean Witter office - 404 E. University Drive at (409)693-7557 to reserve a seat. GOOD HEAVEN/S! W£'V£ AL READY TIGHTENED THE BELT.' in Disinformation (Continued from page 1) documents designed to show, at least implicitly, that the United States is at a disadvantage at times with the So viet Union because of Moscow’s pro pensity to spread lies through an “active measures” program. A report issued in October 1981 began by asserting that the Soviets two months earlier had attempted to blame the United States for the death of Panamanian leader Omar Torrijos and for the 1979 seizure of the Grand Mosque of Mecca. On Aug. 29 of this year, two Submarine weeks after the Post story claimed that the administration had ap proved the alleged disinformation campaign against Gadhafi, the State Department made public three doc uments it said were forgeries de signed to discredit U.S. foreign pol icy. Department officials were unable to identify the forgers but suggested that Moscow was the prime susptect. One of the documents was a speech in which Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger purportedly said the Strategic Defense Initiative was designed to give the United States a first strike capability. The State Department rep the forgery, which first surfaced West Germany, as a clear case information. nlrl Another torgery, mailed it Post and other publications, scribed an alleged United States! formation Agency campaign to sure that the West Europeans I would receive reports exaggerc the death and destruction resultc from the nuclear power accidtt: Chernobyl in the Soviet Ui April. Battalion Classified 845-2611 (Continued from page 1) chael Armacost, the under secretary of state for political affairs who ap peared on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” Armacost said there was a report that at one point the sub “had been under way at a very slow speed un der its own power, perhaps auxiliary diesel power.” But “other difficulties apparently developed,” or the sub “had been stopped briefly," he said. Sen. Sam Nunn of Georgia, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said, “The chances of any kind of nuclear detonation are very, very low.” Shultz and Nunn also said the So viets, apparently mindful of the crit icism after the nuclear disastei Chernobyl, seemed to be coopti ing in providing information aks the accident. “I think they got badly burnti Chernobyl because you can’t li these things no matter what,” Stj said, referring to the Soviets’4! 21- in reporting that accident. McDonald's DRIVE-THRU SERVICE MCDONALD’S INTRAMURAL HIGHLIGHTS Texas and S.W. Parkway Manor East Mall University Drive Hwy 21 McDonalds ■ i BREAKFAST EVERY MORNING -I | ^ Driving Range The new Driving Range is open and operating. From 4 pm to dark Mon-Thurs and from 2 pm to dark Fri-Sun. Everyone is wel come to use the range. Balls are $4. 00 for large bucket and $2.°° for small bucket. Anyone with a student ID or recreational ID may purchase a large bucket for $3. 00 and a small bucket for $1. 50 . Concessions are also available. vil- ’**n; % 41?? ssir V * . - -V x 4 • - ■ ill Go for the Goal! Sign up for Flickerbali TODAY! Long Driving Contest Winners Congratulations to the win- ners of the Long Driving ^ §^| Contest held on October 1. Men’s-David Albers 237 yds Women’s-Kim Tolbert 133 yds OFFICIALS WANTED Anyone interestred in officiating Intramural Volleyball or Flickerbali should attend an orientation meeting tonight, Mon., October 6 at 6 pm in 164 Read. For more information contact Chris or Mike 845-7826. Thanks to General Motors A special thanks to General Motors for their sponorship of the Flag Football, Indoor Soccer and Volleyball CoRec Tournaments. All Class A, B, and C Co- Rec Champions will receive General Motors long sleeved t-shirts. Triathlon Participants Meeting A mandatory meeting for all participants in the triathlon is scheduled for Thurs., Oct. 9, 5 pm, 164 Read. SPORT CLUB NEWS • Ultimate Frisbee will have a home tournament on Oct 11 and 12 at 10 a.m. on the East Campus Fields. • The Men’s Soccer Team will play Richland Junior College on Sat, Oct 11 at 4:00 p.m. on the East Campus Field. • Men’s Rugby will play Southwest Texas at home on Sat. Oct. 11 at 1:30 p.m. on the East Campus Fields. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS McDonald’s Intramural Highlights is sponsored in the Battalion by your local McDonald’s Restaurants at University Drive, Manor East Mall on Hwy 21 and on Texas Avenue. Stories are written by Genni Miller, graphics are by Mike Cantrell and photos are by Tom McDon nell and Brian Crosby. IM GAMEPLAN ENTRIES OPEN TODAY, OCTOBER 6, AND CLOSE OCTOBER 14. VOLLEYBALL — ENTRY FEE: $25/team; PLAY BEGINS: Sun., Oct. 19; RULES: USVBA Rules with IM exceptions; DIVISIONS: Corps, Fish, Men's & Womens’ Dorm, Men’s & Women's Independent; Men's & Women's Fac/Staff/ Grad and CoRec in Classes A, B, C and Recreation; CAPTAIN'S MEETINGS: Dorm and Independent, Thurs., Oct., 16, 5 pm, 701 Rudder; Corps, Thurs., Oct. 16, 7:30 pm, 162 Read. PRESEASON VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT — ENTRY FEE: $5/team; PLAY BEGINS: Thurs., Oct. 16; DIVISIONS: Men's, Women’s and CoRec in Classes A&B. SCHEDULES: Will be posted after 3 pm. Wed., Oct. 15, in 159 Read. No Reschedules! No games will be scheduled during the A&M-Baylor game. ‘‘Sponsored by the Texas A&M Officials Association.” FLICKERBALL — ENTRY FEE: $20/team; RULES: Available in IM-RecSports Office, 159 Read; DIVISIONS: Men’s & Women's Dorm, Men's & Women s In dependent, CoRec in Classes A, B, C & D. CAPTAIN’S MEETING: Thurs., Ocl. 16,6 pm, 164 Read. SWIM MEET — ENTRIES: Teams must complete a separate card for each indi vidual for each event. EVENTS: 20 Yard Medley Relay, 100 Yard Freestyle, 50 Yard Backstroke, 50 Yard Breaststroke, 50 Yard Freestyle, 50 Yard Butterfly, 100 Yard Individual Medley, 200 Yard Freestyle Relay; PRELIMS: Corps & Fish, Sun., Oct. 19 6 pm, P.L. Downs Pool; Dorm & Indep., Mon., Oct. 20,7:30 pm, P.L. Downs Pool; DIVISIONALS: Mon., Oct. 27, 7:30 pm P.L. Downs; ALL UNIVERSITY FINALS: Thurs., Oct. 30, 7:30 pm, P.L. Downs Pool. SCRATCH AND INFORMATION MEETING: Thurs., Oct. 16, 6:30 pm, 167 Read. HORSESHOE SINGLES — PLAY BEGINS: Tues., Oct. 21; SCHEDULES: Will be posted after 3 pm Thurs., Oct. 16, on bulletin boards outside 159 Read; RULES: 2 out of 3 games to 15 points; LOCATION: Horseshoe pits are located just north of the Penberthy Complex. FIELD GOAL KICKING CONTEST — CONTEST DATE: Wed., Oct. 15, 7 pm, Kyle Field; LATE ENTRIES: Accepted at event site on availablity basis only; FORMAT: Participants will attempt a kick at every distance beginning at 20 yard line for men and 5 yard line for women; AWARDS: Will be given in men’s and women’s divisions for longest field goal and total yardage. ENTRIES FOR THESE SPORTS CLOSE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7 TRIATHLON —TRIATHLON DATE: Sun., Oct. 12; FORMAT: 250 yd. swim, 1.5 mile run, 4 mile bike. PARTICIPANT’S MEETING: Thurs., Oct 9, 5 pm, 164 Read. ENTRY FEE: $5/person, $15/team; TEAM COMPETITION: Three peo ple each participating in one of the three events. T-SHIRTS: All Participants re ceive triathlon t-shirts. Winners in age groups receive IM Champoin t-shirts. EL IGIBILITY: All participants must have valid students ID or recreational ID with intramural validation. PICKLEBALL SINGLES — SCHEDULES: Posted after 3 pm on Thurs., Oct.9 on bulletin boards outside IM office; PLAY BEGINS: Tues., Oct. 14; COMPETI TION: Will be held in Men’s and Women’s Dorm and Men’s and Women’s Inde pendent in Classes A, B, C and D. EQUIPMENT: Will be provided. ELIGIBILITY: All participants must have a valid student ID or valid recreational ID with intra mural validation. 1,