The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 03, 1986, Image 1

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TIi x ^ : ' M D _ 4. j. ^ 12 ^
The Battalion
il 83 No. 25 USPS 045360 14 pages
College Station, Texas
Friday, Octobers, 1986
Senate overrides Reagan’s sanctions veto
enate voted 78-21 Thursday to
verride President Reagan’s veto of
ju^h new sanctions against South
Inca, joining the House in enact-
ig measures designed to force Pre-
iria’s white-minority government to
bandon apartheid.
In dealing Reagan one of the most
\ ramatic foreign policy setbacks of
is presidency, and only the sixth
verride of a Reagan veto, the Sen
te rebuffed administration pleas
latthe punitive economic sanctions
mild prove most harmful to South
| ifrica’s blacks — the people the
|U.S. planned
| o deceive
jj WASHINGTON (AP) — Admin-
| (ration officials acknowledge that
y ie White House plotted to deceive
jj ibyan leader Moammar Gadhafi
* ito thinking he faced a new round
U.S. bombing and a possible
iup, but President Reagan insisted
hursday there was “not any plan of
in" to mislead the American peo-
leand the press.
The aim of the secret plan was to
)nv ' nce Gadhafi that an American
vV^pid — such as the April 15 attack by
,S. bombers against Tripoli and
enghazi — was being planned
Inst him, said administration
lurces who spoke on condition they
otbe identified.
Meanwhile, the Senate Intelli-
:nce Committee has decided to
^095 ^' nt0 t ^ ie administration’s con-
^ Jj aa in the matter, according to
^ lorton Halperin, director of the
’ashington office of the American
ivilLiberties Union.
Halperin said his group asked
th the House and Senate intelli-
me committees u> mount such in
vestigation and to draft legislation
r W | inning disinformation campaigns
this country and banning the use
journalists by the CIA.
The Washington Post reported in
hursday’s editions that an elab-
rate White House campaign
tided “a disinformation program
v All ith the basic goal of making Gad-
I Pjl afi think that there is a high degree
*^ 1 ■[ internal opposition against him
(thin Libya, that his key trusted
des are disloyal, that the U.S. is
lout to move against him militar-
mdai, Kay
ail, End&
i Tables
The plan was described in a three-
See Gadhafi, page 14
measures were intended to benefit.
Despite fierce lobbying by Reagan
and other White House officials, and
membefs of the Senate supportive of
the administration’s policy, the final
vote showed the president falling 13
votes short of the 34 needed to sus
tain the veto.
Forty-seven Democrats and 31
Republicans voted to override Rea
gan, w hile 21 GOP lawmakers voted
to back Reagan. Among Texas sen
ators, Lloyd Bentsen was with the
Democrats voting to override the
veto; Phil Gramm was with the 21
Republicans voting to let the veto
In a statement issued from the
White House, Reagan said that de
spite his objections to the measure,
“Our administration will, neverthe
less, implement the law'. It must be
recognized, however, that this will
not solve the serious problems that
plague that country.”
Vice President George Bush, pre
siding over the Senate, announced
that the Senate’s sanctions measure
had passed, “the objections of the
president of the United States
Photo by John Makely
Head ’Em Off At The Pass
David Boyd throws a pass to a teammate Thursday afternoon in a
men’s independent B-league intramural football game on the new' in
tramural fields beyond Olsen Field. Boyd’s team, the Believers, lost
the game to the Hogs 23-6.
The House had voted 313-83
Monday to override Reagan’s veto.
While the newly enacted sanctions
stop short of ordering outright
American disinvestment, and do not
call for a complete trade embargo,
they do take several significant steps
intended to bring pressure to bear to
convince the Pretoria government to
dismantle its apartheid system of ra
cial separation.
As a first step, the legislation bans
new investment and new bank loans.
It also bars the importation into
the United, States of South African
steel, iron, coal, uranium, agricultu
ral products, food, arms, ammuni
tion and military vehicles. And it
transfers the South African sugar
quota to the Philippines.
The measure puts an end to direct
air transportation between South
Africa and the United States, abro
gates U.S. landing rights for South
African aircraft and terminates the
air services agreement now in effect
between the two countries. Certain
exports to South Africa also now are
banned, including petroleum prod
ucts, nuclear material and data and
certain computers.
An array of American civil rights
leaders celebrated the historic vote.
Reagan said, “Today’s Senate vote
should not be viewed as the final
chapter in America’s efforts, along
with our allies, to address the plight
of the people of South Africa. Now
is the time for South Africa’s govern
ment to act with courage and good
sense to avert a crisis . . . There is still
time for orderly change and peace
ful reform. South Africans of good
will, black and white, should seize
the moment.”
Speakers at A&M stress
research at universities
Texas advised to invest in higher education
By Mona Palmer
Senior Staff Writer
Texas cannot retreat from an in
vestment in higher education in the
name of saving the state’s economy.
This was the message stressed
Thursday by Sen. Kent Caperton
and San Antonio Mayor Henry Cis
neros during an economic sympo
sium held at Texas A&M.
See related story, page 6
Caperton said that Texas is at a
critical crossroad and the people can
either fight for more reductions in
higher education or for a stronger
The state needs to invest in re
search and in higher education be
cause that investment will pay off in
the long run and is the only way to
diversify the economy, he said.
Caperton said the House and Sen
ate came into the special sessions
with two different attitudes towards
budget cuts. The House proposed a
44 percent cut in higher education,
while the Senate proposed a 26 per
cent cut.
The differing proposals sparked a
tough battle over higher education
cuts in the Legislature. The argu
ments degenerated to a debate over
such small points as the use of glossy
photographs in university catalogs,
he said.
The final outcome was a 4.5 per
cent cut in A&M’s 1986 budget and a
6 percent cut in 1987.
“But you can only cut so much be
fore you cut into the muscle,” Caper
ton said. “We did not go that far. We
Henry Cisneros
emerged . . . with as little damage as
we could have.”
Caperton said that Texans need
to be involved with their govern
ment if they want to make a differ
ence in the state’s future.
He cited the negative response to
Speaker Gib Lewis’ proposal to with
draw funds from the Permanent
University Fund as an example of
the positive effects of public involve
He said that after the proposal
was presented, representatives re
ceived letters, calls and telegrams
opposing the proposal and it died.
“I hope that all of us will be re
minded that we have a role in shap
ing the new economy,” he con
Cisneros, a member of the A&M
Board of Regents, said A&M is the
single best institution in Texas to
help solve the state’s economic crisis
and needs to make a commitment to
help the state through research.
The A&M System has a range of
programs, a network of institutions
and a tradition of solving problems
through research, he said.
Cisneros also took the audience
on a gloomy van ride around the pe
riphery of Texas and named the
economic problems of several re
The problem in every region was
the same — dependence on a single
industry, he said.
The Southeastern part of Texas
relies solely on oil and gas; West
Texas relies on Mexican trade; and
Lubbock relies on wheat, cotton and
commodity prices, Cisneros said.
The people in these areas can’t af
ford to muddle through this eco
nomic crisis — hoping that time will
bring an answer, he said.
The economy of the nation is
changing, he said. Some states will
be victims of the changes, while oth
ers — those that develop a plan for
diversification and education — will
prosper, he said.
Rawls Fulgham, financier, and
Jack Martin, publisher of Texas
Business magazine, joined Caperton
and Cisneros to discuss a part
nership between the state and its
Fulgham said that Texas increas
ingly will be affected by interna
tional markets and must learn to
function as part of an international
'hancellor works for a 'bug-free'A&M
Adkisson lobbies to protect budget
By Dawn Butz
Staff Writer
For 20 years entomologist Perry
idkisson worked to keep bugs out
fagriculture. But today, as System
hancellor, he works to keep “bugs”
tit of Texas A&M.
Although Adkisson is still battling
(tomato worms) in his garden
inside the Reed House, overseeing
lie Texas A&M University System is
job that leaves him little free time
idabble in his area of interest.
He’s busy catering to the Board of
legents and carrying out their di-
tctions, dealing with the state and
:deral government, and trying to
eep the System running smoothly
nd efficiently.
Deputy chancellor since 1982, Ad-
isson was appointed chancellor in
“My goal when I got out of college
nd now has always been to be well-
icognized in my profession as an
ntomologist,” he says. “I wanted to
a good researcher and respected
i my profession by my peers.
1 aidn’t have a goal to be an ad-
linistrator in a university and never
ave had. ... It just sort of happe-
And he says the best job in a uni-
frsityis still that of a professor.
“As a professor you have more
leedom to do those kinds of things
lat give you fulfillment and ex-
ression,” he says.
It’s hard to believe that Adkisson,
ho came to A&M in 1958 as an as-
Pciate professor of entomology with
p intent of doing research on cot
in insect control, can seem so re-
xed in the castle-like surroundings
fthe System Administration Build-
Nine years after he came to A&M,
dkisson was chosen to head the en-
imology department. In 1978 he
as appointed vice president for ag-
culture and two years later, when
ie System was reorganized, his title
changed to deputy chancellor for ag
riculture. In 1982 he became deputy
chancellor for the University.
Recently the chancellor has been
more of a lobbyist than anything
else. His cause? Texas A&M.
“My short-term goal is to protect
our budget in the Texas Legislature
and in Congress,” Adkisson says.
“But the major problem is in Texas.
We have to survive this (budget cri
sis) without too much damage to the
quality of our institution and without
a great loss to our faculty.”
Continued improvement in the
faculty is Adkisson’s long-term goal.
“A&M is now looked on in the
academic community as one of the
Dr. Perry Adkisson
major universities in the nation, and
one that’s made tremendous strides
in the last 15 years or so,” he says.
“In the past we almost never had
anybody elected president of a na
tional professional society. Very few
of our faculty had received national
recognition awards.
“Now we have a number of people
who are president, president-elect
and past presidents of professional
societies who have won awards at the
top level in terms of professional so
ciety awards.”
Although few faculty have re
ceived big national awards, Adkisson
believes that will come.
“We do have a great faculty —
better than most people recognize —
better than I think the faculty in
general recognize,” he says. “If I
don’t do anything else — if I am in
strumental in providing resources
that can add to the quality of faculty
we already have to ensure that we
maintain high standards — or reach
even higher standards, then I’ll suc
ceed to my own satisfaction.”
Adkisson has served as president
of the two professional societies in
entomology. He was appointed to
the National Academy of Sciences,
an honorific organization which
serves as an adviser to the federal
See Chancellor, page 14
Aggie appointed
director of NASA
center in Houston
From Staff and Wire Reports
Dr. Aaron Cohen, Texas A&M
Class of ’52, has been appointed
director of the Johnson Space
Center in Houston. The promo
tion will become effective Oct. 12.
Currently the director of re
search and engineering at the
center, Cohen’s duties will be ex
panded to include crew training
and flight operations after he
takes over the position.
Cohen said his main responsi
bility will be getting the funding
to replace the fourth shuttle and
constructing and operating the
“I don’t think it’s all complete,”
Cohen said of the funding proc
ess. “I think it’s coming through
though — we’ve got the go-
ahead. It has been approved.”
Born in Corsicana, Cohen re
ceived his bachelor’s degree in
mechanical engineering here in
Following a two-year stint in
the army, he worked at RCA and
then earned his master’s degree
in applied mathematics at Stevens
Institute of Technology in 1958.
Cohen wofked for General Dy
namics for four years before tak
ing a job with the NASA Manned
Spacecraft Center, now the John
son Space Center, in 1962. He
has worked there ever since.
Cohen takes over the job from
center director Jesse Moore, who
was the space shuttle program
boss at the time of the Challenger
accident. Moore, 46, announced
his resignation Thursday.
He will be reassigned at his
own request to a job created for
him at NASA’s headquarters, the
space agency said.
NASA officials said Moore will
leave the Johnson Space Center
on Oct. 12, to become special as
sistant to the general manager of
NASA headquarters in Washing
ton, a position that previously did
not exist. The announcement
said Moore is expected to take a
sabbatical leave.
The announcement gave no
reason for Moore’s reassignment.
Moore said the year “has been
an especially difficult year for me
and it is beginning to have an ad
verse effect and take its toll on my
Because of the Challenger tra
gedy, and other problems, in
cluding “the strain imposed on
my family,” said Moore, “I have
asked the NASA administrator to
be reassigned in order to apply
for a senior executive service sab
batical ... I believe it is best for
NASA, best for JSC and most im
portantly best for me to step aside
at this time.”
At the time of the Challenger
accident, Moore was functioning
as both director of the space shut
tle program, a job he had held for
almost two years, and as director
of the Johnson Space Center, an
assignment he received just five
days before the accident. He
played a key role in the decision
to launch Challenger.
During an investigation of the
Challenger accident, Moore testi
fied that he was not aware of de
tails of problems that the space
shuttle had experienced on ear
lier missions with a solid rocket
booster design.