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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1986)
7S^ NOW SATURDAY * SUNDAY ATklfftHEAfRfT Page 10/The Battalion/Thursday, October 2,1986 Teenage suicide rate decreasing, researcher says FREE PROGRAM NO PURCHASE NECESSARY FULLY IBM-PC/XT COMPATIBLE FULLY IBM-AT COMPATIBLE $ 699. $ 1699. PRICES SHOWN INCLUDE: •8MHTZTURBO • 640K RAM • 360K DSDD (PC/XT) OR 1,2M (AT) FLOPPY DRIVE • HI Res Color Graphics • XT-OR AT-STYLE KEYBOARD • AMBER MONITOR • CHOICE OF 3 PROGRAMS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! 90 DAY WARRANTY ON DRIVES 1YR. WARRANTY ON RTS. & LBR. 2 YR. WARRANTY ON CRT <Sto. 693-7599 Closed Su, M, & W; 10-6T, Th, F; 12-4 Sat. 360K DRIVE ADD $90 20MHD ADD $395 TTL/PTR PORT ADD $35 RGB COLOR ADD $245 MULTI I/O ADD $60 MODEM ADD $145 CO-OP CAREER FAIR Monday, October 6, 1986, the employers listed be low will be on campus participating in the Co-op Ca reer Fair.The Career Fair will be held in the Lobby of Zachry Engineering Center. These employers will primarily be interested in hiring co-op students, but if you are interested in either summer or full-time em ployment, please feel free to come by. The Co-op Career Fair will be held between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm with a lunch break from 11:45 to 12:30. 3M Central Intelligence Agency Dow Chemical USA General Dynamics Houston Lighting & Power IBM-Clear Lake IBM-Las Colinas Jet Propulsion Laboratories Johnson Controls LTV Aerospace & Defense MCI Telecommunications National Security Agency Rockwell International-Dallas Texas Instruments-Austin Texas Instruments-Dallas Union Carbide Rockwell Shuttle Operations- Houston Battalion Classified 845-2611 BALTIMORE (AP) — The teen age suicide rate, which tripled be tween 1950 and 1975 as drug and al cohol abuse among young people also soared, is starting to decline and should decrease gradually over the next five years, a researcher said Wednesday. “It’s not a huge drop-off,” said Richard Wetzel, a clinical psycholo gist at Washington University in St. Louis. “It’s still about three times what it was before (in the 1950s) but it looks like it’s starting to edge down.” Wetzel, who spoke at a news brief ing sponsored by the American Medical Association and Johns Hop kins Medical Institutions, cited a va riety of studies by him and others in drawing his conclusions. He said the current decline in teen-age suicides might be due in part to an equivalent decline among young people in drug and alcohol abuse. “I think that’s happening, but that’s speculation,” he said. Wetzel said studies have shown that the sharpest rise in teen-age sui cides, which occurred between 1965 and about 1979, was paralleled by a dramatic rise in drug abuse among the young. Studies in California also have found that suicides are more likely in counties with higher levels of drug and alcohol abuse, he said. A recent study in San Diego of 133 suicide victims under 30 showed that 53 percent of the victims abused drugs or alcohol — which was three times the drug and alcohol abuse rate among the overall population, Wetzel said. “These were primarily people who started off very young with drug abuse,” Wetzel said. Some of the studies Wetzel exam ined refute the widely held view that suicide rates remain constant for a given population as it ages. The newer studies have convinced Wetzel that external factors can in fluence a population’s suicide rates, he said. Using these new studies, Wetzel has made a mathematical prediction that the rates should go down by a total of about 7 percent over the next five years. The prediction is based on what’s called'an auto-regression model, in which statistics from past years are analyzed mathematically to deter mine future trends. Mental illnesses — specifically, de pression and psychosis — have also been identified as risk factors for suicide, Wetzel said. Freshmen enrollment up at colleges in West NEW YORK (AP) — A compre hensive survey of college trends finds average freshman enrollments surging at Western public universi ties, but sagging at some New En gland private schools where tuitions have increased sharply. From 1980-85, average freshman classes at Western public doctoral- granting four-year universities grew 49.9 percent, according to The Col lege Board’s “Annual Survey of Col leges, 1986-87,” released Wednes day. Nationwide, average freshman enrollments at public four-year uni versities rose 1.8 percent during the same period, but fell 2 percent at four-year private institutions. The survey showed that some in stitutions fared far better than oth- Rather Than Q-Dropping Try Tutoring! Chemistry: Math: 101,102,227 (Organic) 130,141,151,152,253,308 Physics: 201,207,208 Accounting: 229 Biology: 113 BANA: 217 Computer Science: 110 Mechanical Engineering: 210,211,212,213,327 (Thermodynamics) $3°7hr 764-7684 over 1,000 pairs < jn stock ^ 5€ /ol. 83 Texas Ave. at Jersey • Mon-Sat 9:30-6:00 I i i I ft i* _ WASH! enate vc icrride 1 ,ugh nev fnca, joi ig measu iria's whi bandon a indeali ramatic I [is presid iverride o te rebuf lattlie pi -ould pro Irica’s b DINNER SPECIAL Come in & Enjoy Your Favorite Show on a 80” T.V. Screen Skaggs Shopping Center 846-4234 J.S. od i ers during the first half of the 1980s. Among the weakest were New Eai- gland four-year private doctoral- granting institutions, where under graduate enrollments fell 15.8 per cent from 1980-85, 12.8 percent in 1984-85 alone. Public colleges in the region gained nearly 5 percent. “We’ve been seeing relative price stability in tuitions at public cam puses. At the same time, the cost of private New England colleges is the highest in the country,” said John C. Hoy, president of the New England Board of Higher Education. The total cost of a year at presti gious, private Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H., for example, is $16,120, and $15,900 at Boston Uni versity. But a year at the University of Massachusetts costs only $5,552. 1 /4 lb Hamburger Jumbo French Fries 16oz Soft Drink Only $1.99 >2 with this coupon exp 11-15-86 everyday after 6:00 P.M. ft Florida, Mobel, Benchcraft, S-K, Shelby, Stylecraft, Hyundai, Kay Table Lamps $095 Twin or Full Size Bedding i95 Ea. Pc $ 49 f ODD & ENDS Cocktail, End& Sofa Tables Misc. Sofas, Love Seats, Chairs 5 Piece Dinette i95 From $ 29 95 From $99 4 Drawer Chest Sac washi: (ration o: ie White ibyan lea Ko thinkii U.S. b nip, but 1 iirs” to m leand the The aim invince G lid —sued S. bomb Bghazi bainst hi lurces wh< otbeiden Meamvh nee Cor ok into t act in th orton H; 'ashingtoi ivi! Libert Halperin alb the f 95 $ 99 95 Bargain $69 Furniture Clearance Center ivestigr inning ithis ci fjourn; The \ hnrsd; rate VI tided ' ith the aft thin inter ‘Where Every Day Is A Sale Day ►Discontinued Items •Freight Damaged Pieces •Dents & Scratches •One Of A Kinds •Factory Close-outs & Used Furniture 211 N. Main Downtown Bryan Open Monday-Saturday 9 s.m.-6 p.m. Bassett, Broyhill, Riverside, Berkline, Lane, Universal, Pulaski \aggi \ inema/ I For 20 y dkisson u fagriculti tancellor, ut oi Texa Althougl u gs (toma Mside the le Texas fi job that h 0 dabble in He’s buss Agents an Mions, dt ; deral go\ ee P the S' ^efficien Deputy c 'sson was nl\. "My goal "d now ha Ec °gnized "tomologi: e a good i ■ n yprof e aidn’t "nistrator ave had. . ;; i an erotic love story for the BCD’s Fri v Oct. 3 7-30/9-45 Sat, Ocl.4 Rudder Theatre $2 Rudder 30) And he s I er Ty isstil As a pi e dom to lt give i :ssio n ,” h ft hard 0 «me ti la, e prof Went o i ‘"sect c Min the 'he Syste yeai Bisson w; htoiogy d s , a Ppoint a ll [ ture an ^ SUtarv.