The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 30, 1986, Image 10
Page lOAThe Battalion/Tuesday, September 30,1986 JiniiiniiniimiiiiiiiiiinuwiiiHiiiniiinumn AAMCO Specializing in STANDARD and 1 AUTOMATIC trans- | missions, CLUTCH, | adjustments, and replacements | (Both foreign and domestic) 1215 Tx. Ave. | (at the bend in Tx. Ave.) Bryan 779-2626 1 Under New Ownership = inimiiiiiiiiii RUMOUR: SEVERAL PERSONS HAVE RE PORTED SIGHTING A MAN- EATING SEA SERPENT IN THE BRAZOS RIVER. THE CREATURE IS SAID TO BE ABOUT 60 FEET LONG WITH FINS AND LEGS. FACT: ONLY WOMEN SHOULD WADE IN THE BRAZOS RIVER. Monday-Friday 00 am to 3:30 pm RUMOURS UNIVERSAL GROCERY & SNACK BAR CHINESE LUNCH SPECIAL $2°° -Eggrolls & Wontons- Imported Oriental Groceries-Exotic Foods All within walking distance of Campus Across from Blocker Bldg. & St. Mary Center 110 Nagle-C.S 846-1210 DINO’S ★HOURS^ Sun-Thurs 4pm-i2am Fri & Sat 4pm-2am 505 University Dr. Shopping Center FREE DELIVERY 100% real cheese, homemade sauce & dough. We accept checks. " DINO’S J DINO’S Double Deal ! Big Deal 2 16" Ig. pizzas ■ 116" large pizza 416 oz. soft drinks | 2 FREE toppings 2 toppings | 16 oz. soft drinks $12. 9 $8. s Postoak F lorist • Full service florist • Unusual Aggie Mums a speciality 900-7 Harvey Rd. College Station, Tx. (409) 764-0091 Bring this ad in and get $1.00 off all in shop mum orders Study Liberal Arts or Business Spring ’87 Oct. 1 11 502 Ri Study Abroad Office 161 W. Bi/zell 845-6544 r.aiirnr nissan 10% Student Discount Discount is on all parts & labor on Nissan Products only. We will also offer 10% dis count on labor only on all non-Nissan products. Student I.D. must be presented at time workorder is written up. We now have rental units available for service customers 1214Tx. Ave. 775-1500 Battalion Classified 845-2611 Judge finds Detroit park law unconstitutional Warped by Scott McCullc YOUR FOLKS ARE creatiomsb; aren't my? DETROIT (AP) — A judge on Monday ruled unconstitutional Dearborn’s law barring non-resi dents from parks, which had been by civil challenged . h y civil rights groups who said it was enacted to keep blacks out of the suburb. Wayne County Circuit Judge Marvin Stempien found the ordi nance violated the Michigan Consti tution because it would be racially discriminatory at two parks and its enforcement would intrude on the liberty and privacy of all park users. The American Civil Liberties Union filed the suit challenging the ordinance on behalf of the Detroit branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and five Michigan residents who do not live in Dearborn. The suit also contended the law would result in blacks being illegally searched and detained in the parks. Dearborn, a city of 90,000 people on Detroit’s southwest border, had 41 black residents counted in the 1980 U.S. Census. Detroit’s popula tion of 1.2 million is 63 percent black. Waldo £V£N THOUGH IT IS A LONG AND PfRILOUS JOURNEY THROUGH THE WILDeANGSS, WALDO KEEPS GOING ONWAW) by Kevin Thomal Wa President’s veto reversed S. Africa sanctions package goes to Senate WASHINGTON (AP) — The House, dealing President Reagan a major foreign policy reversal, voted Monday to override his veto of sanc tions against the white minority gov ernment of South Africa. The 313-83 vote rejected, in ef fect, Reagan’s last-minute offer to invoke new but limited economic sanctions by executive order against South Africa. The Democratic-controlled House originally approved the sanc tions legislation 308-77, and it had seemed virtually impossible that the chamber would reverse course and sustain Reagan’s veto of last week. It takes a vote pf two-thirds of the members present to override a veto. Reagan picked up only six votes the last roll call c from the last roll call on sanctions. A total of 81 Republicans joined 232 Democrats in voting to override the veto. Only four Democrats and 79 Republicans voted to sustain it. The Reagan defeat in the House shifts the battle to the Senate, where Majority Leader Bob Dole, R-Kan., has acknowledged that finding the votes to sustain the president’s veto has proved “very difficult.” In his letter to Dole and House Speaker Thomas P. O’Neill Jr., D- Mass., sent hours before the House vote, Reagan condemned South Af rica’s racial policies and urged the House and Senate to join with him in a united foreign policy. He offeree! to impose these new sanctions and measures by executive order: • A ban on new U.S. investments other than those in black-owned firms. • A ban on the import of South African iron or steel. • A ban on U.S. bank accounts for the South African government or its agencies • $25 million in aid to disadvan taged South Africans. • A review of ways to reduce U.S. dependence on strategic minerals from southern Africa. Study: dieting, seat belt use up WASHINGTON (AP) — Ameri cans are buckling up and dieting more, but less than half the people exercise regularly, concluded a new government study released Monday. “There is evidence that §eat belt use is increasing rapidly,” the Na tional Center for Health Statistics said in the health study. It found that the percentage of adults wearing seat belts most of the time increased from 30 percent in the first three months of 1985 to 41 percent over the last three months. “This no doubt reflects the impact of seat belt legislation in many states during 1985,” said the report. The study is designed to look at Americans’ attitudes, knowledge and actions concerning their own health, with the long-term goal of as sessing the nation’s progress be tween 1985 and 1990. The survey found that 55 percent of men and 42 percent of women consider their weight to be “just about right.” “However, one-quarter of men and almost one-half of all women were trying to lose weight, primarily by eating fewer calories, or increas ing physical activity,” it said. That did not necessarily translate into regular physical exercise, how ever, since the survey also found that “less than one-half (40 percent) of the adult population exercises on a regular basis, and only one-quarter have done so for five years or more.” Utilities (Continued from page I in the contract. Negotiations on the contracj began Aug. 25 when the I granted GSU an interim 40 pe l cent rate increase. If the increastj had taken effect, College Stado. I would have had the highest el« I tricity bills in the state, Barde j said. College Station and threeotlie!I cities — Caldwell, Newton and Kirbyville — buy electricitj w holesale from GSU, then rest ! it to their residents. After GSU’s wholesale custoii l ers complained, GSU proposed] 24 percent rate increase Sept!I he said. The city council I special session Sept. 11 todiseffij GSU’s latest offer. Following the meeting the ij percent increase was proposed I Bardell said. The new rates are retroacti«| to Aug. 25, but consumers’ will not reflect the change i October, he said. The contractl will run through July 1991, kj said. Under the contract, the an I will face rate increases for tkl next three years, he said. Bardefl said he did not know how mutll the increases will be. SHORT ON CASH??? Sell your books at University Book Stores Northgate & Culpepper Plaza lATOC Ghl line Terr Need a Place for Parents on Football Weekends? for more info. 693-1110 693-1011 1 £*-•***-**•*•*•*■*■•*-Tfr*-*"*"*^ THEATRE GUIDE EC MESPAYSl ★ TONIGHT! ★ AND EVERY TUESDAY AT PLITT THEATRES ALL LOCATIONS POST OAK THREE CIMMA THREE (O* M* - 20341 >4 ROOM WITH A VIOV 7:25 9:30 ALIENS 7:00 9:40 r DESERT HEARTS 7:00 9:00 R NOTHING IN COMMON 7:30 9:45 PR DO V0UR OWN REPORTS on our Macintosh Plus Computer & LaserWriter Plus Printer Bring your disk - 75^/page or Rent our system - $7.50/hr Dan's Kiuik Kopy Printing 3832 S. TeKas - Bryan 846-3951 ^ssssseszesBies^^ THE FLY 7:15 9:15 R | WEEKEND WARRIORS 7:15 9:15 r <ZTe LHUtted to dt4CU4W THE MICHIGAN MBA Tuesday, October 7 Pamela Qualls Assistant Director of Admissions Appointments may be scheduled at Career Planning and Placement s I I i I i i- I $ DINNER SPECIAL Come In & Enjoy Your Favorite Show on a 80” T. V. Screen Skaggs Shopping Center 846-4234 1>, V* lb Hamburger Jumbo French Fries 16oz Soft Drink Only $1.99 with this coupon exp 11-15-86 everyday after 6:00 P.M. purnalist, a in Iceland ir [earch for ar I The surj anged as pa She release I respondent She expulsk Soviet spy Gi It also ga tree Yuri Oi lissident exi irlov’s wife, Hinting a dm away f Inflexible pi ecent week: The chance :en for m agree some lion,” Secretary Shultz said treasonable inedium-ran Meanwhil announced tine-nation to begin ne: poned becat H- “The sea president fc vith the Sov vhere is no frame,” the; Shultz wa: for a wide s' an Africa, [Ivory Coast, Che Clark I rounds mornir Desic A city o: public place The ord Bryan City places whei areas, food < Public ar elevators, h dors with d public facili Wanda says the ore non-smokir quirements and non-sn nalties simi nors. “The gei