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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1986)
/wvwwvwvvwvyvvwwwvrtrtjvvvywwvvvvvvvw\jvvij^^ Battalion Classifieds WVWSdVUVVWVWVWWWWWVlA^WWWWWWVnrtrtArtfWWWWArtrfWVWWV/WVVVWVWi NOTIC€ S€flVIC€S ATTENTION ALL RECOGNIZED STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Check your boxes for a copy of the 1987 Aggieland yearbook contract. If for some reason your organization has not received a contract and your group wishes to be included in the Aggieland, contact our office at 845-2681 or 845- 2611. Contracts are due September 30 at 5pm. L-lLlKSll -ii-UHiana THERE ARE STILL 84-85 AGGIELANDS AVAILABLE! If you haven’t picked yours up yet - come by the English Annex between 8:30 - 4:30, Monday thru Friday and, bring your school I.D. card or a driver’s license. ALSO, IF YOU WILL NOT BE HERE IN THE FALL To pick up your 85- 86 Ag gieland, you can pay $3.50 and we will mail it to you. Come by the English Annex. Notice: Will Pay $100. per Ticket For four tickets together for the A&M/Baylor Game, October 18th. Seats must be on or near the 50 yd. line. Call collect: Wil lson Davis, 1-512-226-2334. 17tg/3( Wed ciri jtn- lo lose weight? Herbal Products. Con- tne Jet ivCHI). ‘ U9/26 FOR l€RS€ Hey! Professors, Graduate Stu dents, Consultants, need that pri vate office for study or consulta tion, A key of your own for 24-hour need, whenyou need it! Call Terry at 846-1521 or come by 1854 Greenfield Plaza to see our offices starting as low as $100. monthly. /Mercury Capital /Management Corporation 17U0/1 FOR R€NT ROOMMATES NEEDED ALL BILLS PAID 693-6716 2t9/uln Extended Special: Cotton Vil lage Apartments, Snook, TX. 1 Bedroom, $150. 2 Bedroom, $200. Call 846-8878 or 774- 0773 after 5 p.m. 8t10/21 ( undo, 2 Bdrm./2 Ba., ceiling fan, 1000 sq. ft, fire place. backyard, $425./mo., pets. 696-9262. 15tl0/02 ) & 2 Bdrm. Furnished Apts. North ■Gate C.S. 1st street. A/C. no pets. (1) 823-2761. 189tfn LOST AND FOUND BUSINCSS CPPURTUNITV THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE Has immediate openings for route carriers and/or sales solicitor posi tions. Carrier positions require working early morning hours deliv ering papers and can earn $400. to $600. per month plus gas allow ance. Call Andy at 693-7815 or Ju lian at 693-2323 for an appoint ment 181Hn ROOMMHT6 LURNT6D Live in the country, 2-bedrooms 1-bath house, reasona ble rent, call 764-0692, 696-5332 for more informa tion. 19tl0/l Female to share 2 bedroom, 2 bath in Brownstone Apartments, non-smoker. Call 409-348-6186, 409-395- 2002.693-7627. 16t9/26 UJRNT€D CASH for gold, silver, old coins, diamonds Full Jewelry Repair Large Stock of Diamonds Gold Chains TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE 404 University Dr. 846-8916 32C2-A Texas Ave. (across from El Chtco.Bryan) 779-7662 INJURY STUDY Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint. Volunteers in terested in participating in in vestigative drug studies will be paid well for their time and co operation. G & S STUDIES, INC. 846-5933 itg/ao Barber Shop Quartet Needs Lead and Baritone Call 260-3760 17t9/26 ADOPTION — NOT ABORTION. Loving, flnan- ciallv secure couple anxious to legally adopt Caucasian infant. Will help with expenses. Please answet our prayers. Call collect anytime. (313)557-5433. D9/1 Lost - Class of 84 GRANGER HIGH SCHOOL ring in “ Sum ling C. Fvans Library. I ties.. Sept. 16. Finder Men’s 10-speed bicycle, fair to excellent condition, please call <>96-.-b 18 for reward. 15t9/25 Price: to $150. Conditon determining. After 4:00, 696- , .. .. ()35 , ! 4 t9 /24 H€IP UJRNT6D Pantv hose sales. Extra Income, Fop Quality. 36 Col ors. F.xcellent Prices. 25/f Commission. Appointment Only. Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Sept. 26, 27, 28. Call Sabre Inn, Rm. 29, 696-7755. Sheer Illusion Hosiery. 1719/26 WANTED: Four non-student tickets to the Baylor game. 779-9502, evenings. 17t9/29 GOVERN MENT JOBS. #16,040- $39.230/\ r. Now hiring. Call 805-687-6000 ext. R-9531 foi current fed eral list. 194t 10/15 HELP WANTED Want to turn that free time between classes into $$$? We are looking for dependable stu- ***** dents to help distribute ’85-86 AGGIELANDS ** INTERESTED? # ft See Patricia . at the English Annex —ii— 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. ,t»«j TYPING: Accurate, Fast, Reliable. Word Processing. 7 days a week. 776-4013. 19t9/25 Expert Typing, Word Processing, Resumes. From $1.35 per page. PERFECT' PRINT, 822-1430. 16tl 1/26 WORD PROCESSING: Dissertations, theses, manu scripts, reports, term papers, resumes. 764-6614.9t 10/8 Our students have raised scores 200 pts! ORE prep be gin 10/7 for 12/13 exam. Small classes, good instructor, proven course. Call Kaplan Center, 696-PREP. 8t9/l 1 PASS QUARANTEED! ‘C’ or better, Engineering Me chanics, T hermo. Math. 846-3147. 15t9/25 PROFESSORS EXAM FILES for Engineering. Chem istry. Calculus. Physics at U niversity Bookstore & Lou- pot’s. 3t 11/4 SOS WORD PROCESSING. Bold face, Greek symbols, Underlining, Equations, Boxes, Lines, and Tables for your every need. Speed and Quality with our Word- perfect software and Letter Perfect printer. Chimney Hill Business Park. 268-2777. 10tl0/23 Lesbian Support Group for Gay and Bisexual women. 764-8310. 17t9/29 LSAT prep classes begin 10/1 for 12/6 exam. Call Kap lan Center. 696-PREP. 8t9/l 1 VERSATILE WORD PROCESSING Enhance the looks of your work at the lowest prices in town! $1.50 per 250 words (APPROX. 1 FULL PAGE) • LaserWriter high type-set quality • Accurate, Fast, Reliable CALL US AT 696-2052 or Visit us at 1501 FM 2818 Ste 308 1919/25 MEDICAL SCHOOLS Information sources on foreign medical schools worldwide. Be in formed, know your alternatives. $5. Info Locator, P. O. Box 4888, College Station, TX 77844. FOR SRL€ ARC Shelties, sables-tri-color, with shots, 12 wks, $125., 268-4209. 19tl0/3 ’74 Caprice, good condition, 4-door, call daytime 845- 8751 or 764-3925 evenings. 19t9/26 Must sell 1985 Honda Nighthawk 450, under 800 miles. Best offer, 268-0488. 19U0/1 RESEARCH PAPERS. 15,278 available! Catalog $2.00. Research, 11322 Idaho, #206XT, Los Angeles 90025. POLL-FREE HOT LINE: (800)351-0222, Ext. 33. VISA/MC or C.O.D. 2t 10/10 Fertilized coastal hay £ 1.65/bale. Delivery available. Call 845-4921. 16t9/26 $575...'65 FORD FALCON. It runs & great for school! 696-1262. 15t9/25 New Surgical Scrub Suits. For F ree Information Write: Becky Lynn's Fashions, 78 Lisa Ave., Kenner, La. 70065. 18tl0/7 Choice Townhome near campus & mall. Large 2 bed room/2 bath home with all appliances. Privacy fenced yard. Cornerstone Realty, 696-4663, 17t9/30 1978 MGB Convertible. Red, 47,000 miles, good condi tion. 696-4343. 10t9/26 HONDA 250XL, mint condition, 2,200 miles, 14 months old, offer! 268-4291. 17t9/29 HAY FOR SALE: Hay grazer, square bales: $1.75 each. Coastal, square bales: $2.00 each. Call Gary, Di amond "A” Ranch, (409)826-6144. 17t9/29 HAY FOR SALE: 1500 large, round bales, coastal or hay grazer, fertilized, $20. per bale or best offer. Call Gary, (409)826-6144. 17t9/29 HAY FOR SALE: 50 cents per bale, you make it, you haul it. 170 acres of fert., hay grazer, 100 acres of fert. coastal bermuda. Call Gary, Diamond “A” Ranch, (409)826-6144. 17t9/29 Stidham 2-horse trailer for sale. Has dressing room, saddle storage, excellent condition, $1500. or best of fer. Call Gary, Diamond “A" Ranch, (409)826-6144. 17t9/29 '85 Moped. Excellent condition, $450. Call Sandy, 764- 8079. 17t9/29 Pioneer integrated amp SA-6300, good condition, $100. or best offer, 693-0784. 17t9/29 LOOK! 1 FREE PROGRAM, NO PURCHASE RE QUIRED! FULLY IBM COMPATIBLES INCLUD ING: 640K RAM, FLOPPY DRIVE, KEYBOARD, MONITOR. PC/XT-$699., AT-$1699. SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED. WARRANTY. COMPUT ERS, ETC. 693-7599. 17t9/29 your business deserves some prime-time exposure. readers use those pages to see whal s happening on the tubo. lei them know what's happening with you call 845-2611 lo place cxlverlisements In at ease. SHORT ON CASH??? Sell your books at University Book Stores Northgate & Culpepper Plaza Problem Pregnancy? we listen, we care, we hqlp Free pregnancy tests concerned counselors Brazos Valley Crisis Pregnancy Service L We’re local! 1301|Memorial Dr. 24 hr. Hotline 823-CARE M : ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Need a Place for Parents on Football Weekends? for more info. 693-1110 693-1011 Page 6/The Battalion/Thursday, September 25,1986 World and Nation Chirac urges U.N. fight aq against world terrorism sw UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Prime Minister Jacques Chirac of France urged the United Nations on Wednesday to stamp out interna tional terrorism, which has cost his country nine lives in the past two weeks. Chirac told the 41st General As sembly that terrorism is the most ur gent challenge to the world and re quires concrete counter-measures, including joint action to improve se curity in the air and on the sea. “The tragic events in Istanbul, Ka rachi and Paris prove once again that terrorism has become the sys tematic weapon of a war that knows no borders or seldom has a face,” Chirac told delegates. Nine people have been killed and more than 160 injured in five bomb ings in Paris since Sept. 8. Terrorists stormed a synagogue in Istanbul, Turkey, on Sept. 6, killing 21 worshipers. Twenty people were killed after hijackers opened fire inside a Pan Am jetliner in Karachi, Pakistan, on Sept. 5. Chirac reminded delegates that among terrorism’s victims are the French, American and British hos tages held in Lebanon. Word of another French kidnap victim in Lebanon came Wednesday, when a group called Revolutionary Justice claimed it abducted a man the group called a French secret service agent. In his speech, Chirac said coun tries have not always shown the nec essary lucidity toward terrorism. “Some would like us to think this is the sole means of expressionol oppressed,” he said. Chirac addressed thellsiassl bly during the period ofgenerij hate, when top officials of [I stales discuss current issues. He condemned states willit.I close their eyes to terrorist orpi! lions' activities, and thosethaidoj hesitate to use them to theirowJ vantage. He also said France supponij l>osals for an international cotj cnee on the Israeli-Arabconflktj any solution must recognizehrj right to exist and its securiiuj terns, as well as Palestinians ni l self-determination. On another Middle East im:J Chirac said French troopsvveruj intolerable situation with the11 pe.u ekeeping force in Lebanon I B Soviet writer: for Chernobyl bod (AP) In an article linking the Chernobyl disaster with a history of Soviet bureaucratic bungling, a lead ing newspaper on Wednesday crit icized the choice of an often-flooded riverbank as site for the nuclear power plant. Officials didn’t prepare for the possibility of an accident, said Ukrai nian writer Boris Oleinik in the weekly newspaper Literary Gazette. Oleinik traced the negligence which he blamed for the Chernobyl disaster to a long history of bu reaucratic ineptitude in the country as a whole. Oleinik’s article was the latest in a series of pieces about the Chernobyl accident, which killed at least 31 people. “There are many reasons for con templation,” Oleinik wrote. “But above all, many people have started to doubt the correctness of the site which was selected for the plant.” The Chernobyl station was started in the mid-1970s on the banks of the Pripyat River. “It (the Pripyat) has low banks, which is important during the four- month spring Hooding when water inundates significant areas,” Oleinik said. Soviet officials have said the t Jier- nobyl disaster prompted a review of nuclear plant locations, which are of- ten close to argi popul atio n centers. Edu catkmal Progr css said Oleinik said offic ials ignored gave Americans in I heir ea warnings oi pro blems at C hernobyl. last year found 6 percen including an article pr inted in not reail as well is the a March by the Ukra niar literary foil! th-grader, 20 percen newspaper. not read as well as an That article 1 ocusec on construc- grai er, anil 38.5 percen tion of th e pi ant’s fifth reacior. una >!e to read a an ele halted after the accident, a id told of grac le level. problems in delivering supplies, sub standard equipment, and machinery delivered either broken or with ob vious defects. Europeans funding probe, could land on comet by ’95 NEW YORK (AP) — The Euro pean Space Agency has committed $400 million to land a space probe on a comet and bring back some of its nucleus to Earth, a scientist said Wednesday. “We’re not just talking about a hy pothetical mission — it’s going to fly,” John Wood of the Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophy sics in Cambridge, Mass., said. The launch could come as early as 1995, he said, but will probably be at least several years later. Wood, a geologist, is a member of a committee of U.S. and European scientists who have been meeting for a year to propose experiments for the unmanned flight to (he ESA. He delivered a report on the status of the mission to tiie Meteoritkal So ciety, which is holding its annual meeting this week. The mission could give scientists their first look at an unadulterated sample of the primitive interstellar dust that combined with gases around the sun 4.5 billion years ago to form the planets. Wood said. Only once before have extrater restrial materials been harvested and brought back to Earth — in a series of manned Apollo missions to the moon in the 1970s. Study shows young aduft| read poorly f WASHINGTON (AP) -1 new studs indicates the led States has the world's highesid of basic literacy, but mam vcea adults stumble when askK I glean information from a ii schedule or decipher a roaTJ testing experts said Wednex The National Assessme 1 HUM sjout pit ■hawn A ■enter, G s|ve Tex; swept a c ■ouston 2-1, Wedn I The pai Res’ fall r Rctory cai ■ Andava ■wing twt iih the six! ■inner to ■ But tha Rykat leac Hopped u Rnksson ; Handers f< H “Shawn tlnere ton stayed aht Huch all tl H Carpeni Rnions in Rugs, hut Rwhich w Rr inning. H Carpeni while givii Balk. H “Julie h Round ai jams," Bro R the thin she had t sold Blacks lagged far belli whites on the reading tests.' Hispanics scoring in between I he report, “Literacy: M of America’s Young Adults,"s more than 99 percent of ill tested could sign their names! Social Security form or writ! few simple sentencesdescriti job they would like. But 43 percent had trouble! lowing directions on a map: 20 percent were stumped b question that required then read the fine print on aS schedule. Secretary of Education Vila J. Bennett, whose commissioned the $2 study, commented in a statenifl “The United States is nota»4 in illiteracy, but most of I young people are not very hi ate. “For the $263 billion Anwi spent on education last yeai I should do better than this. E The 3,600 young adultsisl at home last year weresaidul representative of all 21 mil Americans ages 21 to 25. p Gener. Texas jg Kyle F Hexas A; announc t |l Other Rat alre; |fal pub Arkansas SCHULMAN THEATRES 2.50 ADMISSION 1. Any Show Boforo.3 PM 2. Tuosday - All Boats 3. Mon-Wad - Local Studants With Currant ID’a. 4. KORA A Schulman Thaatras praaant Ovar 30 Nita avary Thursday! Pra aant your drlvar’a llcanae at tha box office and ba admlttad for Just $2.50. ^ YESTERDAYS Daily Drink & Lunch Specials Billiards & Darts ‘DENOTES DOLBY STEREO - PLAZA 3 226 Southwest Pkwy 693-2457 * KARATE KID II n 7:16' S:J5 *TQP GUN ra 7:26 6:46 EXTREMITIES a 7:35 9:60 MANOR EAST 3 Manor East Mall 823-8300 | RUTHLESS PEOPLE * 7:25 | 6:45 I STAND BY MEs 7:20 I 9:60 | ‘FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR ra 7:15 I 9:35 J SCHULMAN6 2002 E. 20th 775-2463 ARMED & DANGEROUS n ^7?35 9:65 BACK TO SCHOOL rs-is 7:30 9:60 $ DOLLAR DAYS $ Schulman Theatres & KKYS105 proud ly announce the beginning of "Dollar Days”. Each week we will offer movies for admission of Just $1.00. All movies will be shown at Schulman 6Theatres. This week we are showing the fol lowing: FRIDAY THE 13TH 7:25 Vis 9:46 ABOUT LAST NIGHT h 7:10 9:30 FERRIS DUELLERS 7:19 DAY OFF rs 9:36 HOWARD THE DUCKrs 7:20 9:40