Thursday, September 18, 1986/The Battalion/Page 9 Jpdate Cruz powers stros by Reds ■ CINCINNA I I (AP) — Jose Cruz delivered the knockdown punch to the Cincinnati Reds’ playoff hopes ■ednesday night with his finest power display in two years. ■ Cruz drove in five runs with a pair ■ homers as the Houston Astros Jat Cincinnati 6-1 to take a com- | landing nine-game lead over the Reds in the National League West. "‘WCruz, w j 1G ( jj c i n ’ t hit a honter until lly 11, padded his total to nine with Is first two-homer game since July 2|, 1984. He claimed his two-run Id three-run homers off left- Inder Chris Welsh were a matter of ^od fortune against a pitcher who -» is [usually tough on left-handed bat- tei :)bcd first, third and ij I was just luc ks tonight.” Cruz npionship this pas Hid “Tonight was one of those ren's individualtillt Inights. Tonight was my night.” ill m foutyean; HRight-liander Danny Dai win. .8-1, pson placed founfe allowed just five hits to continue the 1 and secondaraon; Buos’ domination of the Reds, who B"t into the game in second place a Saturday at 10 a.m. Hll-game ahead of San Francisco. THpuston has won 18 of its 1 7 games ■this season against Cincinnati, in cluding the first two games of the ■rrent three-game series. ■Astros Manager Hal Lanier traced B club’s dominance against the Hds to a three-game sweep at Riv- eriiont Stadium on April 18-20, when Cincinnati was stuck in its ■ilv-season slump. ■“At the start of tfie season, we ■me in here and won three Haight,” Lanier said. ‘‘Maybe that He the club confidence that they luld beat that club. At the start of H season, even 1 was picking Cin- Hnati. Maybe it showed them they cou;d play with Cincinnati.” ■The Reds hav e been held to three or fewer runs in 10 of their 13 loses to Houston, including a pair of shut- Its. They managed just four hits liesday night in losing the series opener 6-1. HMINCt DETERMINED TH/\T TVE ROAD TO n\E CCTTON bowl D055 MOT PASS THROVOrH LC0l5tANAj /2 th -MAN HEADS He M < o • 2305 CAVITT COPY CENTER 707 Texas • 693-COPY 2 6 7 9, 2305 Cavltt • 823-COPY We Honor Competitors' Coupons!* 707 TEXAS • 2305 CAVITT NEW LOOK ' THE SHAPE OF THINGS Iluif Styling for Men, Women and Children $27.50 ‘Dinners Needs Your Help! AUDITIONS SHALL BE HELD Sept. 23 - 25 Call 845-1661 for more Info. i s T E R F O R A F R E E I B M P C rt ^ r '-i -t —i •—»*—» r* MSC Madrigal Dinners needs: Perm Special M€$JS Cut Included Coupon Good Until Oct. 11,86 4417 Texas Ave. South 846-7614 (next to Fajita Rita’s) Musicians Singers Jugglers Mimes Magicians Jesters 9. 10. 11. I B M P C F A I R I N B L O C K E R T H U R S A N D F R I IBH PERSONAL COMPUTER FACULTY, STAFF ti STUDENT DRAWING TERHS Void where prohibited by law. Participant aust be a student, iatriculated in a degree-granting prograa at Texas A l H University to be eligible to win. Current faculty and staff of Texas A & f! University are also eligible to win. Current validated ID's Mill be required in order to register. Participant need not be present to Min. The odds of winning are determined by the total nu*ber of entries. Naxiiui entries Mill be limited to one entry per qualifying participant. Drawing tickets will be available at the IBM PC Fair Booth September 18 between 10 AH and 6 PH. and September 19 between 10 AH and 2 PH. Tickets iust be filled in and returned to the IBH PC Fair Booth prior to the drawing. Drawing will be held at 3:00 PH on September 19 at the IBH PC Fair Booth. Ninners list will be provided by sending request to: IBH-ACIS, 15300 Shady Brove Road, Rockville, HD 20850. IBH employees are not eligible. No substitute prizes, awards, or cash equivalents will be given. Ninners »ust supply IBH with IRS For* 1099 information. AVAILABLE Friendly roommate. Quiet — and smart. Able to sort through complicated issues. Got connections — can help you get wired in. Supportive and dependable. Flexible. Clever. Fun. Good looking.