The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 11, 1986, Image 3

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    Thursday, September 11,1 QSbTThe Battalion/Page 3
State and Local
R06,CAH / I ■cwis: Tax increase might pass
have pecker would back temporary taxes after spending cuts
aLsTIN (AP) — If there is no
hei way to keep state government
om writing hot checks, the House
ill piss a tax increase and quickly,
■ker Gib Lewis said Wednesday.
, However, Lewis emphasized,
A'eVe not at that point yet."
SSSSS!«9fl ck <)k H° use support for a tax
^ -iHiB ase was blamed for tlie failure
RiH Ctf PCWtTthe Legislature's first budget-bal-
—' > iiAi < iCW/flBS s P ec ' ; ^ ■ stJSS i (,n to solve the
“ ^^^'efimt, now estimated at $2.8 billion.
j H Gov. Bill Hobbs, a Senate ma-
1 * W B and Gov. Mark White have
■ or acr/Ntfarged since Aug. 6 that a sales tax in-
Be be enacted with spending cuts
j 'c§p Btince the books.
Le'\is said Wednesday he believes
the House would back temporary in
creases in the sales and gasoline
taxes if all possible spending cuts are
made, with numerous accounting
and cash-management techniques
enacted, and the state still is short on
“If that shortfall is still there and
that (spending reduction plan) does
not bridge the gap, we will probably
go to those two forms of taxes,” he
Asked if he w'ould vote for those
taxes, Lewis replied: “If necessary,
and if I found that the state would
be writing hot checks, yes, I would
vote for them. Under those condi
tions and those conditions only.”
After saying he would like to see
the latest special session wrap up
within two weeks, Lewis said a tax
bill — if needed — could be passed
within that time.
“I think you’ll see things move
very fast,” he said.
Lewis labeled as “speculation” a
speech he made Tuesday to the
White Settlement Chamber of Com
merce, in which he predicted a tem
porary tax hike would pass.
“I think we need to be realistic
and make those speculations,” he
said. “My statement yesterday was
being very realistic, I guess. It ap
pears at this point that some of those
reductions will not hold up.”
Student Senate OKs
election procedures
In Advance
raduate Student Council
to sponsor free workshop
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By Paula Janda
■ The Texas A&M Graduate
■udent Council is sponsoring a
Horkshop Saturday to help stu-
dt its develop or improve grad-
■te student organizations within
■eir departments.
■ Greg Smith, co-chairman of
tile GSO workshop, said the
Barkshop is open to any graduate
sijudentand admission is free.
H There are 69 graduate depart-
■ents at A&M and only about 16
attive graduate student organiza-
■ “A graduate student organiza-
H>n can offer several benefits to a
department, and often can in-
■ease communication between
students, faculty and administra
tors that can create cultural and
pcH ial interests, ” Smith said. “The
CjSO looks into things that are of
. concern to a graduate student.”
Graduate students are con
fronted with different problems
than undergraduates because
they are older and often self-sup
porting, he said.
Smith said that if there are
problems that graduate students
have and would like to discuss,
the GSO will set up a committee
to gel information on a problem
to help the students.
A panel of administrators will
discuss why they support the for
mation of new graduate depart
mental organizations.
The panel will include: Dr.
Donald McDonald, provost and
vice president of academic af
fairs; Dr. John Koldus, vice presi
dent of Student services; Dr. Leo
Berner, dean of the Graduate
College; and Dr. Melvin Fried
man, dean of the College of Geos
Dates and procedures for fresh
man elections were accepted by the
Texas A&M Student Senate
Wednesday night at its first meeting
of the 1986-87 school year.
The senate passed a bill approv
ing the election commission’s propo
sal for freshman elections with no
Freshmen who want to file for ex
ecutive office or a senatorial seat
must do so between Sept. 19 and
Sept. 25. Freshman elections will be
held Oct. 7.
Project Visibility, a program de
signed for student senators to intro
duce themselves to their constitu
ents, is being stressed by the senate
this year, said Jay Hutchens, com
munications director for Student
"The goal of Project Visibility is to
let the student body be aware of how
Student Government actually can
work to serve the students,” Hut
chens said.
Every senator must attend at least
one meeting of a student organiza
tion that represents students in their
constituency, tell it about Student
Government and urge students to
get involved with it, he said.
Key theft forces change
of campus building locks
Two rings of master keys were
stolen from a maintenance room at
the Zachry Engineering Center Sun
day night but University officials are
unsure exactly which buildings the
keys give access to, says Bob Wiatt,
director of security and traffic.
Dr. R.D. Chenoweth, assistant
dean of engineering, says the Col
lege of Engineering alone will spend
$22,000 for lock changes at Zachry
and other buildings within the col
lege. The college also has hired uni
formed and plainclothes guards to
beef up security until the lock
changes are completed.
Wiatt says buildings located in the
northeast quadrant of the campus,
including the Oceanography and
Meteorology Building and Harring
ton Tower, are affected by the bur
Joe Estill, director of the physical
plant department, says people in the
chemistry department also spoke
with him about getting their locks
changed but he couldn’t say how
many locks ultimately will have to be
changed or how many buildings are
By Mike Sullivan
Staff Writer
The restaurants listed below
were inspected Sept. 2 through
Monday by the Brazos County
Health Department. The infor
mation is based on food service
establishment reports.
• Dixie Chicken at 307 W.
University Drive in College Sta
tion was inspected by David Pick
ens. Score — 94. Two points were
deducted from the report be
cause some dishwashing facilities
were not working properly. The
report said dishes were not to be
washed in a mop sink. Two more
points were subtracted from the
report because a men’s bathroom
door was not self-closing and
there was no soap or hand towels
at a hand sink. The report cited a
one-point violation for some hot
water plumbing on a hand sink
that needed repair. One more
point was taken from the report
because the floor under some
board mats in the front bar
needed cleaning.
• Duddley’s Draw at 31 1 Uni
versity Drive in College Station
was inspected by David Pickens.
Score — 94. Two two-point viola
tions in the report were given for
a fungus buildup in a beer box
and for some food items on a
floor. The report said two more
one-point deductions were made
for the following: there was some
paper and trash on a floor in a
dish area; some areas behind a
food preparation table and an ice
machine needed cleaning; grease
buildups needed to be cleaned
from some shelves, some equip
ment and some tables.
• Gideon’s Cow Hop at 317
W. University Drive in College
Station was inspected by David
Pickens. Score — 91. David Jef
ferson, a health department sani
tarian, said the Cow Hop’s new
management requested a thor
ough inspection. Two points were
subtracted from the report be
cause some reach-in coolers
needed cleaning, and some
kitchen shelves and equipment
needed cleaning. Another two
points were taken from the re
port for some uncovered food
items in a walk-in cooler. The fol
lowing violations resulted in a to
tal of five one-point deductions
being taken from the report: a
floor in a walk-in cooler needed
cleaning; a walk-in cooler ceiling
needed scraping and painting;
some grease was dripping from a
vent hood; a grease buildup
needed to be cleaned from under
See Report, page 8
David Jefferson, a registered sanitarian at the department, says res
taurants with scores of 95 or above generally have excellent operations
and facilities. Jefferson says restaurants with scores in the 70s or low 80s
usually have serious violations on the health report.
Scores can be misleading, Jefferson says, because restaurants can
achieve the same score by having several major violations or an abun
dance of minor violations, He says the major violations might close the
restaurant down while some minor violations can be corrected during
the inspection.
Jefferson says the department might close a restaurant if: the score
is below 60, the personnel has infectious diseases, the restaurant lacks
adequate refrigeration, a sewage backup exists in the building, the res
taurant has a complete lack of sanitization for the food equipment.
Point deductions, or violations, on the report range from one point
(minor violation) to five points (major violation). The department in
spects each restaurant about every six months.
Sometimes a follow-up inspection must be made, usually within 10
days. Jefferson says a restaurant might require a follow-up inspection if
it has a four- or five-point violation that cannot be corrected while the
inspector is still there, or if there are numerous small violations.
Inspectors at the department are registered sanitarians.
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