The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 11, 1986, Image 2
The Battalion (USPS 045 360) Member of Texas Press Association Southwest Journalism Conference The Battalion Editorial Board Cathie Anderson, Editor Kirsten Dietz, Managing Editor Loren Steffy, Opinion Page Editor Frank Smith, City Editor Sue Krenek, News Editor Ken Sury, Sports Editor newspaper oper- ryan-College Sta- Editorial Policy The Battalion is a non-profit, self-supportin; ated as a community service to Texas A&M and tion. Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editorial board or the author, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Texas A&M administrators, faculty or the Board of Regents. The Battalion also serves as a laboratory newspaper for students in reporting, editing and photography classes within the Depart ment of Journalism. The Battalion is published Monday through Friday during Texas A&M regular semesters, except for holiday and examination periods. Mail subscriptions are $17.44 per semester, $34.62 per school year and $36.44 per full year. Advertising rates furnished on re quest. Our address: The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. Second class postage paid at College Station, TX 77843. POSTMASTTR: Send address changes to The Batudion, 216 Reed McDonald, Texas A&M University, College Station TX 77843. Technical difficulties X>0U'B».^ STAMOACb* ItJ AC-T""""" ffO COR iVAce P(R06,|CAH yevv-c, om ook s©,©oo ProPte De’-SPITf' HtU-tcUi OF HlC6i TKAvete-b, TkeeF hAvb CA/cy TF'N cAsuAt-Tlft. Members of the student-run video yearbook submitted their res ignations Friday, citing ongoing conflicts with Educational Broad casting Services. The yearbook, one of the first of its kind in the na tion, was to be produced by students for students. But, unfortunately for A&M, that’s not the way it worked out. The staffs troubles began when approval was given by the presi dent’s office for two video yearbooks — one produced by EBS, the broadcasting arm of Texas A&M, and one produced by Student Publications. At that office’s direction a compromise was reached this summer to resolve the dual yearbook problem. According to the agreement, the student staff would produce the yearbook with equipment rented from EBS. But mini-camera rental costs $30 per hour. And on local shoots, the wages of an EBS student technician also had to be paid. This meant that the Video Aggieland project would not break even opera tionally for four or five years instead of the two years that had origi nally been projected — an expensive compromise. To add insult to compromise, EBS Director Dr. Mel Chastain said he was unsure whether the equipment or the students were to blame for the taping problems, which resulted in the loss of tapes of Fish Camp and All-University Night. But a look at the experience of the video yearbook staff shows the students are more than competent. Ricky Telg, the former pro ducer, has worked at KBTX-TV, Channel 3, for almost three years, and Andy Richardson, the former associate producer, has worked there for two. Both have used mini-cameras extensively. The video yearbook staff also had a training session at KAMU- TV, Channel 15, prior to any taping for the yearbook. In addition, several other staff members took classes at Channel 15 and used sim ilar equipment before the news department was dropped in Summer 1985. This, makes it unlikely that the students were unfamiliar with the equipment. The video yearbook staff resigned because it felt it could not pro duce a quality product for the students with the equipment provided by EBS. It doesn’t matter if the root of the Video Aggieland’s problems was a planning error, poor equipment, lack of cooperation or a com bination of all three. What does matter is that A&M students — for mer and present — may be denied a chance to have a video yearbook produced b/students for students. wupm ford STH<rre& TSLOUilNef OP t LePTj KILLINt, t GOZVINC, £VIFW SHAU. CHILbZFUj cozzecrtcM cuee(r statu/n goHiM^. ■jSTIN (A :hei way to ke m writing h iss a tax iker Gib Le However, i e’i e not at tli La< k of Hon ri.ise was bl ■e Legislati special PICUBFKS bieo OM THF CHAUBHW ■it, now esti Ttte- $PAce 'PtcctZAH ■ Gov. Bill ■ and Gov rrjeuf ok me verzote of etrmim 1 since Auj ■e be enact* Ha nee the b Hvvis said W *TTt tMkL A'SouT B-CS a cultural black In case you haven’t noticed, this town is vir tually a cultural black hole. We have the Sterling C. Evans Library which doesn’t meet up to “World-Class Uni versity” standards because the school would much Karl Pallmeyer rather spend money so that a group of hyperthyroid Neanderthals in helmets and shoulder pads can run up and down a field of fake grass while throw ing a pigskin filled with hot air, instead of spending money so that normal stu dents can read, research and learn about the world, one day making a vi able contribution to society, instead of taking up valuable TV air time to sell light beer. We have a student program that brings in good classical music that is usually out of the financial reach of most students. Of course, most students wouldn’t be able to go anyway because all the tickets usually are sold to local merchants and rich, old Ags two months before they are supposed to go on sale to the general public. We have a student organization that brings such wonderfully diverse bands as Alabama, Alabama and Alabama to ‘Harvest of Despair’ documents potential for Soviets’ cruelty perform concerts in the acoustically pristine G. Rollie White Coliseum. You might think that Bryan-College Station, being a college community, would have a lot of culture to offer the public. But once you consider the col lege, there is not much good you can say about the community. We have local theaters, which show the newest movies starring Sty Stallone, Arnold the Barbarian and Mayor Eastwood, or feature high school kids having sex, getting killed or doing both at the same time. We have local radio stations that make sure that you can hear Madonna every hour on the hour. We have local record stores that make sure that you can find a Madonna al bum in case your radio breaks. They don’t clutter up their shelves with other records so that they will have plenty of Madonna on hand. We have local book stores that have plenty of copies of “ Jane Fonda’s Work out for Pregnant Women and No- Nukes Demonstrators” and “Garfield Gets Hairballs,” instead of stocking real books that have words instead of pic tures. We have local video stores that have dozens of copies of movies starring Sty Stallone, Arnold the Barbarian and Mayor Eastwood, or feature high school kids having sex, getting killed or doing both at the same time. You figure video stores with thousands of videos could have a selection of something besides “Dirty Rambo, the Terminator from Hell Part 8.1794 x lO 3 -* 2092 .” I went into one store and asked if they had any foreign films. The reply went something like this: Joe Bob: “Hey Billy Bob, do we have ■ The lex; Hudent Cou ■ irkshop S< di nts develo Rte student Heir departn ■ Greg Smi He GSO v Hrkshnp is < Jjiulent and . ■ There at e ■ents at A&! Hive gradu; tip ns. I “A gradua Hn can offet department, ■ease comn ■udents, faci am ferrin films? This guy wants! Billv Bob: “I think we had one was in French or somethin’.” Joe Bob: “Naw, I ’member it. in German. Phis dude rented night an’ came back in bout301 an' said; ‘What the hell isdislla derstand a word they’re savin an words at the bottom of the pictun can’t read!’” These guys obviously came: long line of cousins. At another video store, onethi ally 1 tad a copy of Ingmar Beti “Cries and Whispers,” I askedwi didn’t get more films by Bergti other good directors. The woman counter said she didn't know enH r ? [^ at (an about those films to know whidtoiHf!? .‘ lU f Iesl got . I came back a couple of gH ncer n t() with a list of 7:) ol the greatestiilmi™ made — films by Bergman, Fr# Truffaut, Jean Renoir, Luis Bum derico Fellini, Roman Polanski Werner Fassbinder, Akira Run Jean-Luc Goddard, Michelangelo nioni, Alain Resnais, Werner H and others. They took the list, thanked ra probably laughed as they threti in the trash once I had left don’t have anything but oneBt film and dozens of copies of Rambo, the Terminator FromHdj 8.1794 x 1 T lie worst part of it all is thatwl a community that believes thefme9 ments in art and culture cornel the belching contest after thedii beer drinking feast held in honor day Willie Nelson washed his beanl Karl Pallmeyer is a senior joi major and a columnist for The ion. y Twenty Ques tions time ... — It happened in 1 932-33 and there were about 10 million victims. — Russia. Well, sort of: the Uk raine. of World War I, up until then the heavi est hitter of any war in history. — Of starva tion. — No, not drought: culti- William F. JBuckle^Jr. Comes now the story of a small Ca nadian company that resolved to com memorate this spectacular act of geno cide, on its 50th anniversary. That was 1983, when “Harvest of Despair” was produced. Initiatives instantly were taken to sell the one-hour documentary to the networks, but neither CBS nor NBC nor ABC was interested, notwithstanding that the documentary was winning prizes abroad. vated starvation. You know, where there is actually food, but the people one intends to starve aren’t permitted to move to where the food is, and the food is not permitted to be moved to where the people who are supposed to starve are. Well, the implied questions and the explicit answers give it away, but giving it away is precisely the problem. Not many people know that between 1932 and 1933, Josef Stalin decided to crush the people of the Ukraine. The neatest way to accomplish this was to starve them to death by going in and removing the wheat — not an easy project. It’s something like going into Iowa and re moving all the wheat, and then moving in a division or two whose responsibility is to keep the borders, in this case the borders of the Ukraine (which, by the way, is the largest state in Europe, incor porated by force into the Soviet Union), locked tight to prevent people from moving out or food from getting in. And here we pause in our narrative, having just viewed the documentary: It is not pleasant viewing. A camera can show the emaciated corpses of children for only so long before causing the viewer to feel a certain itch, not entirely unlike the kind of itch one feels inspect ing, oh, the torture room at the Chateau at Chinon, or the collection in Lenin grad at the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism — a collection of torture instruments used during the In quisition, and serving, one supposes, as prototypes for use in the Lubyanka and throughout Gulag. A good year for old Joe. He managed in that one episode to kill more people than Hitler killed in his slaugh terhouses. In fact, he killed more people than were killed on all the battlefronts But one views such things — for in stance, long accounts of life in Hitler’s elimination centers — not for pleasure but for instruction. The producers of “Harvest of Despair” had the naive as sumption that there would be a lively in terest in the West to see the evidence of one of the most spectacular acts of hu man cruelty in history. Moreover, not something entirely irrelevant to a continuing understanding of the Soviet Union and its policies. Why is that? Be cause official Soviet history simply den ies that the famine ever took place — denies it quite categorically. ney of Canada made a pious reference to the Ukrainian famine on its 50th an niversary, he received a tongue-lashing from the Soviet ambassador — an offi cial protest, as though a reference to the Ukrainian massacre was on the order of a reference to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion — a forgery. Mikhail Gorbachev, profiled a season ago by Time magazine, is thus referred to: “Gorbachev looks well tanned, just a bit ruddy in the cheek. . . .. He laughs easily. . . . (His eyes) are an intense, dark brown. . . . The voice is extraordinary, deep but also quite soft . . . low and me lodious.” He voiced his concern to Time over the “hundreds of millions of peo ple going hungry. . . . We, all of us, just have no right to ignore the situation.” Well, planned starvation isn’t only a historical memory. It has been going on in Ethiopia on a pretty grand scale, and Ethiopia is for all intents and purposes a satellite state of the Soviet Union. Gor bachev can’t begin to fight hunger by encouraging starvation. And if he is against ignoring hunger, then he should be against ignoring the hunger and star vation caused by the principal figure in the development of the Soviet state, Papa Stalin. A continuing failure by the Soviet state to acknowledge the atrocity of 1932-33 is, in effect, a continuing ra tification of that atrocity. The documentary will be shown by PBS on Sept. 24, and there is no way to avoid mentioning that it will be shown as a part of a two-hour “Firing Line” pro gram, of which I act as the host. I can’t really recommend that you watch it, for reasons listed above. But it is important that you not forget that harvest of de spair, that it live in the memory — like the Nazi Holocaust — as evidence of man’s long bestial reach in our time. When Prime Minister Brian Mulro- Copyright 1986, Universal Press Syndicate Mail Call A c Columnist comb thyself EDITOR: In Tuesday’s column “Fine-toothed comb necessary to inform public! dirty deeds,” Opinion-page Editor Loren Steffy pulled a few himself. His first dirty deed was stating that Chief Justice-designate William Rehnquist favors school segregation. The memos released only show that Rehnquist favors ending forced segregation in the form of busing. But to state this would have hurt his article, since a great majority of Americans oppose busing but were against segregation. Second, Steffy writes in a very matter-of-fact manner that Rehnquist^ sensitivity because of this position. It has always been a popular ploy local advocates of another position names when you cannot defend your own. However, if Steffy truly feels that way, perhaps he can start a course here called “Sensitivity 101” where he can let everyone know what rogues they a 11 for ever disagreeing with him. Third, Steffy attacks Rehnquist for opposing a Supreme Court decision even after it had been made law. Take heed, all groups fighting Supreme Court decisions on anything from abortion to anti-sodomy laws: It is timet! 1 get in line with the nine and silently acquiesce to the commandments sent down from the Supreme Beings. The article is topped off with the statement that somehow America ne Justice William Brennen to stay on. Why? So that the will of 60 percentoftl 11 electorate can continue to be ignored by the court? So we can continue to have a justice whose continued competence and sharpness is doubted bye'* 1 a few of his friends? If Steffy really wants to preserve “the basic tenets of democracy” the nation’s most obnoxious octogenerian is not the man he should be supporting. Put simply, it is time for Democrats in the Senate Judiciary Committee, led by Teddy Kennedy, who has never been known for having a spotless record, and the press to recognize Rehnquist for what he is: an intelligent, well-qualified leader who will serve this country well as chief justice no mat what his political opinions may be. As for Steffy, he would be well-advised to apply that “fine-toothedcoifli to his articles before the public sees them. Scot Kibbe Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words in length. The editorial staff reserves the to edit letters for style and length, but will make every effort to maintain the author's Each letter must be signed and must include the address and telephone number of the write! c r 10