The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 10, 1986, Image 13
i Course ■ 22,23 Hilton 93-8178 1 Wednesday, September 10, 1986/The Battalion/Page 13 Sherrill TANK MFNAMAKA by Jeff Millar & Bill Hinds (continued from page 11) P' c ffei 149, ends I0/301i6 ey have nine offensive linemen nng back and that’s a plus for We’d have the plus in the skill jsitions. It’s easier to line up and y at skills (for the season’s first V).” ■But the experience at the Tiger " positions is another question. SU Coach Bill Arnsparger, in a sphone hookup Tuesday, said shman redshirt Tom Hodson will jrt at quarterback, with sopho- moe Victor Jones at running back aiid junior Sammy Martin at tail- b*k. ■Vhen asked how he expects Hod- son to perform, Arnsparger replied, 'Tri waiting to see that myself. But Bs made good decisions in work- s and he executes the option krnsparger said Harvey Williams, top running back in Texas last lr who opted to go to LSU instead bf A&M, will probably get to play sometime during the contest, but it wip depend on the situation. iBThe A&M offense impressed Ailnsparger. “It’s one of the better T offenses in college football,” he said. - -“It’s something to just sit there and Jtch. They’re outstanding in every pect.” YA&L6 -f?£APY CARTER TRAlK)5 SPORTS' Jl)NiKl£5> FOR THE f=OCn&\LL- ^EAOONl. A 11th St.#! Highway 31 Hunts# | ■and about compute 1 rom Sherrill’s standpoint, the gie offense will have to contend Kjt i a tough unit of senior down Bemen — left end Roland Barbay, ■so guard Henry Thomas and Ihtend Karl Wilson. ■‘They’re physical up front,” Sher- ri| said. “What they try to do is tie Hngs up and get Brooks to zero in on the ball carrier. If you’re going to Hre, you’re going to have to exe- cui The teams that have won (ag.iinst LSU) have been able to run H football. You just can’t go back arn throw all the time.” Il he A&M-LSU series will be pliyed for the next 12 years, alter- tiaimg between A&M and LSU, Sfiemll said. He added that South- wdst Conference officials will call the 707 TEXAS »- I- > < O • 2305 CAVITT m COPY CENTER 707 Texas • 693-COPY 2 6 7 9i| 2305 Cavltt • 823-COPY We Honor Competitors' Coupons!* 707 TEXAS • 2305 CAVITT NATIONAL SERVICE SORORITY BANANA SPLIT & BLUE JEAN RUSH MSC 145 Tuesday, Sept.9 7:00 or Wednesday, Sept. 10 7:30 For More Information: Liz Corina Becky 764-7512 846-1995 696-3090 games at LSU and Southeastern Conference referees will officiate at Kyle Field. But this year’s renewal could be “classic” because A&M is ranked sev enth and LSU fourteenth in the As sociated Press football poll. Despite the hoopla, Sherrill said, the Aggies won’t concentrate so hard on the opener and forget the remainder of the schedule. “We’re going to play hard,” he said, “but it’s not our only game this year, just the first of 11, hopefully 12.” >86 >flRTV 5 6i SHIRTS RVOLLSW <<Vy" ADULT DANCE STUDENT 1501 FM 2818 #105 (behind K-Mart/CS Business Center) Sept. 15 to Nov. 21 10 weeks $49 per class ($8 discount per addt’l class) BALLET Tues TAP Thurs JAZZ Mon COUNTRY/WESTERN Mon 7:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. SEPT. 9 to DEC. 20 DANCEROBICS $59 Tues 6:15 p.m.; Wed/Thurs. 6:00 p.m. testers BASS Sporty... casual. The leather lace- up on a rubber sole for comfort as well as good looks, white, black, yellow, blue or red, $44. Hi-Top version in black or white, $48. 2504 Kent at Villa Maria 'fHzcda OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK — BUSINESS HOURS: SUNDAY THRU THURSDAY 11 am till 1 am FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 11 am till 2 am 405 W. UNIVERSITY DRIVE (NORTHGATE) COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 846-0879 PIZZA MENU YOUR FAVORITE TOPPINGS SAUSAGE IXIHA CHEESE HOI PEPPERS ANCHOVIES GREEN PEPPERS ONIONS BLACK OUVfS MUSHROOMS ORIGINAL ITALIAN THIN CRUST (NAPOtETANA PfZZA) LASAGNA $4.00 SPAGETTI $4.00 ANITPASTO $3.50 STROMBOU LARGE S1ROMKOU *6 INCHES $7.75 SMALL 3IROMKHI 12 INCHES $5.00 HOAGIES EXTRA LARGE LARGE MEDIUM SMALL SPECIAL 7 DAYS A WEEK LARGE DELUXE 16 INCHES $12.50 + TAX PLAIN EXTRAS 12 CUTS IS IN. $5 00 $1.00 10 CUTS 16 IN. $7.25 $1.00 9 CUTS 14 IN. $6 25 $ .80 6 CUTS 12 IN. $5.25 $ JO SPECIAL 7 DAYS A WEEK LARGE VEGETARIAN 16 INCHES $10.00 ♦ TAX ITALIAN MEAT «ALl CHEESE MEAT BALL SAUCE HOI SAUSAGE CHEESE HOT SAUSAGE SAUCE SALAMI 9 CHEESE HAM * CHEESE CAPtCOLLO 8 CHEESE PROVOiONE TUNA PEPPERONI 8 CHEESE 14 00 $4.00 $4 00 $4 00 $4 00 $4 00 $4 00 $4 00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $3.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2 JO $2.50 $250 $250 $2 JO $2-50 $230 ORIGINAL ITALIAN THICK CRUST (StCfliANA PIZZA) PLAIN TOPPING NSE 16 IN. 12 CUTS $9 00 $1.25 SINGLE CUTS $ .90 % M SPECIAL 7 DAYS A WEEK SICILIAN DELUXE $13.50 ♦ TAX LUNCH BUFFET(DINE-IN) SPECIAL 7 DAYS A WEEK SICIUAN VEGETARIAN $11.50+ TAX BEVERAGES "PEPSI PRODUCT" FREE & FAST DELIVERY PH. (409) 846-0379 EXPERIENCE THE ART OF ITALIAN COOKING $3.50 LARGE THIN CRUST TOPPING PIZZA SMALL ONE TOPPING THIN CRUST PIZZA only $6. 99 only $4 99 I Only with this coupon, one per person. only with this coupon, one per person.