J1VERSIT1 EDICINE 4DIES aduates licensed m 33 5tai« iree of Doctor of m2 sociatlon publi^ ' a ' schools in themiiisipj; ,r 630 St. George's The Battalion sue" - :t clinical clerkships ^4 82 ^O- 203 (JSPS 045360 14 pages a limited number oi quail, {missions: College Station, Texas Monday, September 8, 1986 poration Dept. C-2 $ spionage charges filed against Daniloff K ftNITY 1 BOSCOW (AP) — American re- orter Nicholas Daniloff was Mrgecl with espionage Sunday, ate-run television said, a charge tat under the Russian criminal code Kl carry the death penalty on KAPS Bniloff was believed to be the i|t foreign journalist ever formally jiarged with spying here. ftnilolT called the Moscow of f ice f h s magazine, U.S. News & World Sj i fepf» h and told reporter Jeff 1 rirn- Tphat he was indicted in a legal proceeding at Moscow’s Lefortovo Prison at 2 p.m., Trimble said. He told his colleague he was charged under Article 65 of the Rus sian Federation Criminal Code. This article states that those com mitting espionage “shall be punished by deprivation of freedom for a term of seven to 15 years ... or by death.” Trimble quoted Daniloff as saying he did not know when a trial might take place, but that he was told the investigation of his case could six months or even nine months if there were extraordinary circumstances. “My case is moving into a more se rious phase,” Trimble quoted Dani loff as saying in the 20-minute call. “The charge of espionage puts it on a par with another case we know about.” He was referring to Soviet U.N. employee Gennadiy Zakharov, who was arrested in New York Aug. 23 on an espionage charge. Daniloffs wife, Ruth, has claimed her husband was framed in retaliation for Zakha rov’s arrest. Daniloff, 52, was arrested Aug. 30 moments after a Soviet acquaintance gave him a packet later found to contain secret maps and photo graphs. The magazine correspondent has been held since then at the Moscow prison. A commentator on the Soviet tele vision news program Vremya con firmed that Daniloff was cha but gave no details. larged, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Gennady Gerasimov told CBS-TV’s “Face the Nation” program Sunday that a trial would be held soon but gave no date. Gerasimov spoke from Moscow via satellite before word came that Daniloff was charged. In Los Angeles, White House spokesman Larry Speakes said Presi dent Reagan is reviewing all options. “We want Daniloffs release and we want it immediately,” Speakes told reporters in a briefing at the ho tel where Reagan was to address a GOP fund-raising dinner. Speakes said the United States still had received no official notification p.m. PART p.m. eath sentence could be given hijackers lARACHI, Pakistan (AP) —Pres- Ht Mohammad Zia ul-Haq said LSfrE nn 1 kJ ’>49 ds lors rm clock you today's i or ed, white, tanged if convicted of hijack- murder. ■'hey will receive the punishment at such a crime deserves,” Zia told a news conference at Karachi air- pon Hhe gunmen seized the plane at ■airport, with nearly 400 people See Related Stories, Page 8 ird, early Friday. The hijacking Bed 17 hours later when the lights vveui out aboard the plane and the idters fired on passengers. Paki- tam commandos were in control |l an hour after the shooting be- lufteen people, including three Americans, were killed. Hospitals re- ■ned 127 injured. U.S. officials |lve said 17 Americans were IJimded. Kiasaid the hijackers would not be extradited to the United States. ■The U.S. Justice Department on Saturday issued arrest warrants for three of the hijackers. U.S. officials said the warrants were issued as a Hecaution, but emphasized that Pa- ptan was handling the case. ■ 'We have a very ef fective law, the pijnishment for which is the death sentence,’’ said Zia, who returned to Karachi Sunday night after rep- MMiM Silver Taps to honor 7 students Seven Texas A&M stu- dents who died in the last four months will be honored at a Silver Taps cere mony Tuesday night. The ceremony be gins at 10:30 p.m. in front of the Aca demic Building. The campus will be dark ened at that time and the Ross Volunteers will march silently be fore sounding a 21-gun salute. After the third volley, buglers play a special arrangement of aps.” The first Silver Taps ceremony said to have been held for Law- nce Sullivan Ross in 1898. Ross as governor of Texas from 1887 to 1891 and president of Texas A&M from 1891 to 1898. Those to be honored Tuesday night are: • Bruce E. Whitworth, 22, a junior computer science major from McAllen who died April 26. • Franklin Korell Lindsay, 22, a junior economics major from Houston who died May 27. • Richard Nolan Walker, 22, a senior industrial engineering ma jor from Bryan who died June 30. • Charles Lee Straub, 25, a se- lior petroleum engineering ma jor from Bryan who died July 13. • Phillip Todd Hamilton, 23, a senior engineering technology tajor from Grand Junction, bio., who died Aug. 6. • Laura Chapin, 22, a second- jear veterinary medicine student om Lampasas who died Aug. • Kun Ho Cho, 29, a graduate tudent in physics from College [tation who died Aug. 15. resenting Pakistan at the summit of the non-aligned movement in Ha rare, Zimbabwe. Pakistani courts impose death by hanging for murder. The sentence is routinely imposed. The president said the gunmen are Palestinians, ranging in age from 19 to 25. He said they do not appear to be connected to any government. After seizing the plane, the hijack ers had demanded to be flown to Cy prus where they wanted to free jailed Palestinian terrorists. The four now are being held at an army camp near Karachi. Zia said he strongly supported the Palestinian cause, but did not see the need for actions such as hijackings. The president said he was com pletely satisfied with the way Paki stani security forces handled the in cident. “Fm very proud of them,” Zia said. “It could have been far worse. Many more lives could have been lost.” Asked about reports that it took Pakistani commandos up to 15 min utes to reach the plane after the hi jackers began firing, Zia called onje- handad Khan, the governor of Sind province. Khan said the first commandos were at the plane within two minutes and three commando groups reached it within three minutes. “If the allegations about 15 min utes (were) true, several hundred people (might) have died,” Khan said. Khurshid Anwar Mirza, director general of the Civil Aviation Author ity and the chief government nego tiator during the hijacking, told a news conference Saturday that it took commandos at least 10 minutes to reach the plane. Many passengers and other wit nesses said they did not see security forces until some time after the shooting began. Airport security officials said Sun- See Hijacking, page 14 Days of Old Jarrod Anderson, a f reshman from Dallas, talks to Katie Maginn, a representative of the Society of Creative Anachronism. The organization, which Photo by Michael Sanchez tries to recreate the flavor of medieval times with dress and activities, was one of some 200 groups participating in MSC Open House Sunday. New bill may hurt colleges by taxing gifts, scholarships By Sondra Pickard Senior Staff Writer The sweeping tax revision bill Congress is expected to pass next month may hurt America’s colleges and universities by imposing signifi cant financial hardships on the insti tutions and their students, the presi dent of the American Council on Education said. Robert Atwell, president of the council, and Don Leverty, University of Texas program analyst for gov ernment relations, both agree that no matter how one views the merits of the bill in general, it also will se riously impair the ability of educatio nal institutions to raise funds from private sources and will tax student scholarships. About 40 percent of the gifts given to colleges and universities by private individuals are in the form of appreciated property, or property that has significantly increased in va lue over time. Such gifts are now fully tax-deductible. However, the compromise agreed to by the House and Senate conferees would make charitable gifts of appreciated prop erty taxable, Atwell said. This could have the effect of dis couraging gift-giving to universities, particularly by the very wealthy. “Up until this point you’ve been given a major tax break,” Atwell said. “But tying gifts of appreciated property to the alternative minimum tax could be destructive.” Leverty said most economists would agree there will be a reduced incentive for people to make dona tions to both universities and char ities. Gifts of land, artwork, stock, or anything that has gone up in value besides cash are quite helpful and for small colleges, sometimes vital. The category of taxpayers cov ered by the minimum tax is small, Leverty said — only about 6 percent of the taxpayers in the country. But this 6 percent is where the signifi cant givers are, he said. The bill also allows the charitable deduction for non-itemizers to ex pire at the end of 1986. In payment of income tax, either a standard de duction or an itemization can be used. In recent years, contributions to charitable ventures could be de ducted, without itemizing. The new bill does not allow non-itemizers to deduct. Also, scholarships and fellowships, which are excluded from taxable income under current law, would be taxed in the new bill See Tax Reform, page 14 NASA projects delayed, grounded Space agency’s future uncertain Editor's note: This is the first installment of a four-part series examining the impact of the ex plosion of the space shuttle Challenger on the space industry. Part one examines the clouded future of space science and expensive interplane tary probes looking for a route into orbit. SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) — The space shuttle Challenger accident has grounded re search projects worth more than $2 billion and cast a shadow of uncertainty across major plane tary and astronomical studies the National Aero nautics and Space Administration had planned for this decade. Spacecraft to study Venus, Jupiter and the sun were built to be launched on the shuttle this year or next, and now are waiting for shuttle flights to resume, or for engineers to find other ways to send them into space. The $1 billion Hubble space telescope, once planned to be in orbit this month, now waits in a laboratory-like warehouse for launch in 1988 or 1989. Extensive ground maintenance during the delay costs NASA $4 million a month. In May, the shuttle was to have launched Gal ileo and Ulysses spacecraft on unprecedented ex plorations of Jupiter and the sun. Galileo was to orbit Jupiter dropping probes to study the massive planet and its moons. Ulysses, built by the European Space Agency with NASA instruments, was to pass Jupiter for a gravitational boost and then enter the first polar orbit of the sun. Both spacecraft were to have been placed into low Earth orbit by the shuttle and then boosted outward by a liquid-fuel Centaur rocket, carried aloft in the shuttle cargo bay. The Challenger disaster spawned a wave of caution in which NASA canceled the over-bud- NASA get, $ 1 billion Centaur program rather than put a volatile rocket inside the shuttle. “I don’t believe the Centaur would have been canceled if it hadn’t been for the Challenger tra gedy,” said Harry Mannheimer, the Galileo and Ulysses program manager. “The cancellation was related to the agency’s added emphasis on safety.” Without Centaur, both Galileo and Ulysses will require some other booster to be sent to deep space. Mannheimer said the revised plan for Galileo is to use three-stage solid rockets to send it to ward Jupiter. If the new 1989 launch date is met, the spacecraft will arrive at Jupiter in 1993, three years later than expected. Alternate plans for Ulysses are more compli cated. Mannheimer said engineers now believe it will require a two-stage booster and complex orbital mechanics. Plans call for the Ulysses to be launched in 1989 from Earth orbit toward Venus. It will whip around Venus, speeded up by that planet’s grav ity, and then streak back toward Earth where it will pick up another gravitational slingshot boost. This will give it enough velocity to cruise to Jupi ter. An arc around Jupiter will add the needed speed to send Ulysses into a polar orbit of the sun. It would arrive there in the late 1990s, more than six years later than planned. In order to launch the two spacecraft in this decade, Mannheimer said booster rockets now built for other spacecraft will have to be “bor rowed” from the Air Force and from other NASA programs. Otherwise, he said, the plane tary explorers would have to wait until more rockets are made, which would mean an additio nal delay of almost four years. “These are very, very tentative plans,” said Mannheimer. “There is a lot of uncertainty here.” There’s a lot of uncertainty, too, in the launch of the Hubble space telescope, which scientists believe will probe more than ten times farther into the universe than any previous astronomy observer. NASA spokesman Leon Perry said, “The Hub ble telescope is the No. 1 NASA payload in line when the shuttle starts flying again.” The instrument was once planned for an Au gust 1986 launch, but Perry said it will probably be put into space in 1988 or 1989. “We simply don’t have a launch date now,” he said. A bright spot for NASA science will come next year when Voyager II completes its tour of the outer solar system. The spacecraft, which earlier probed Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, will pass within 20,000 miles of Neptune and become the first manmade object to conduct a close study of that planet, so distant that radio signals will take four hours and six minutes to reach Earth. From there, Voyager II will streak out of the solar system and out of radio range. NASA scientists then must wait until the shut tle flies again before they continue exploring the universe. of charges being filed against the correspondent. He said the matter could have “se rious implications” for U.S.-Soviet relations but declined to speculate on what action might be taken. He also refused to comment on whether Reagan has received a re sponse to his written message to So viet leader Mikhail Gorbachev ap pealing for Daniloff s release. “I think the president is deter mined to see a successful resolution of the matter,” Speakes said. Chilean president attacked State of siege called nationwide SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — Leftist guerrillas ambushed President Au- gusto Pinochet’s motorcade in a bomb and gunfire attack Sunday, killing five bodyguards and wound ing 10, the military government re ported. Gen. Pinochet was not injured in the assassination attempt that oc curred on a bridge in Maipo Canyon 25 miles southeast of Santiago, gov ernment spokesman Francisco Cua- dra said Sunday night on national television. He said Pinochet arrived safely at his official residence in San tiago. Interior Minister Ricardo Garcia announced a 90-day nationwide state of siege following an emer gency meeting by the militaryjunta. The attack came four days before the 13th anniversary of the coup led by Pinochet, the army commander, that ousted the elected government of the late President Salvador Al- lende. A man identifying himself as a spokesman for the Manuel Rodri guez Patriotic Front telephoned news agencies 90 minutes after the attack and said it had been carried out by members of that Communist guerrilla group. “We failed, but we won’t fail next time,” he told The Associated Press. However, a Front spokesman with a recognizable voice later called the AP to deny that the rebel group had made any claim. The government had earlier said an army sergeant died in the attack, but at a news conference Sunday night, officials expanded that report to include the bodyguards’ deaths. The reports by the government’s news media said the 70-year-old president was returning to the capi tal from Melocoton, his country resi dence in Maipo Canyon, when the attack occurred at 6:30 p.m. Meloco ton is 37 miles southeast of Santiago. Those reports said there was a bomb explosion and then gunfire as the presidential limousine escorted by military vehicles crossed the Man- zano Bridge over the Maipo River. Troops launched a search along the canyon for the assailants and re inforcements sealed off the area around Pinochet’s Santiago resi dence. The attack was the first known at tempt on Pinochet’s life since the coup Sept. 11, 1973. The front and another Marxist group, the Leftist Revolutionary Movement, have been blamed for killing 21 police and military officers and setting more than 1,600 bombs in sporadic attacks since 1983, when an upsurge of demonstrations against military rule began. Several thousand people were killed in the 1973 coup and the armed forces crackdown on commu nists that followed. Allende perished in the presi dential palace on the morning of the coup. Class drops to continue this week Students can continue to drop fall semester classes this week at the Pavilion, but courses can no longer be scheduled for the fall. Registration and adds ended Friday at 5 p.m. The Pavilion will be open for dropping classes from 8 a.m. to noon and 1-5 p.m. today through Friday.