The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 05, 1986, Image 4

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Page 4/The Battalion/Friday, September 5, 1986
Chemistry head
hopes fiscal woes
don’t halt growth
By Dawn Butz
Staff Writer
Dr. Michael B. Hall, new head of
Texas A&M’s chemistry depart
ment, said lie hopes to continue
moving the department forward de
spite the difficult budget times.
“In spite of some difficult times in
the next year or so with the budget,
we’re hopeful we’ll be hiring some
new faculty members that are partic
ularly interested in areas such as sur
face science, catalysis and biotechno-
logy — those of critical national
importance,” Hall said.
Taking over one of the nation’s
consistently high-ranked chemistry
departments, Hall said he plans to
take a broad overview this year of
the graduate and undergraduate
programs, which he plans to review
in comparison to what other top uni
versities are doing.
Hall said plans already are under
way to renovate the older part of the
Chemistry Building.
The primary function of the new
building is undergraduate teaching,
Hall said.
“This semester most of the under
graduate labs, other than the fresh
men, are held in this older part of
the building,” he said. “The new
building will house them and will
considerably improve the situation
for the undergraduate teaching pro
Hall came to A&M in 1975 and
previously was a chemistry depart
ment undergraduate adviser and
head of the depanmem's inorganic
chemistry division.
Journalism head
wants changes,
a grad program
By Dawn Butz
Staff Writer
Former Associated Press News
man Dr. Douglas Starr has already
started on the list of changes he
wants to make as the new head of the
Texas A&M journalism department.
Although his own office is still a
mass of boxes and empty shelves, he
^ has taken steps toward a more effi
cient department by nqtnodeling the
department’s administrative offices.
Starr, who came to A&M from
North Texas State University’s jour
nalism faculty, says that although he
has many ideas to improve the de
partment, he does not want to dam
age The Battalion with changes.
“That’s an excellent operation
and, if anything, I want it to im
prove, but I don’t want to do any
thing to harm The Battalion," he
Starr, an AP newsman for 14
years, said he believes the institution
of a journalism graduate program
will benefit the department in two
First, graduate students could as
sist faculty members in research —
something he says he believes is the
“lifeblood” of any department.
Second, he said graduate students
could assist in teaching courses.
“That is of great benefit to an un
dergraduate,” he said, “because a lot
of times graduate students are not
just people who got a bachelor’s de
gree yesterday and today they be
come a master’s candidate and are
teaching a class.
“A lot of times the graduate stu
dent is a professional comeback, so
he’s bringing with him live informa
tion from the field — and that helps
the undergraduate tremendously.”
Another of Starr’s goals is to di
vide the departrpent into separate
segments of study,
He said he wants people to recog
nize that journalism has different
areas of concentration in the field,
that it’s not just pevyspapers, but also
magazines, public relations and ad
In addition, Starr hopes to change
the degree plan by increasing the
hour requirements for a minor from
12 to 18. This would give students a
broader base of 'Specialized knowl
edge, he added.
He succeeds Dr. Edward Smith,
department head since 1982, who
has returned to teaching and re
English hea
seeks facul
By Dawn Butz
Staff Writer
Some of Texas A&M's :J|
professors may lie headingitH
m the f uture — if new de^H
head Dr. Hamlin Hill’s drear
Previously head of Englisi:
University of New Mexico,Ha
to bring in foreign profo
A&M English classes.
“1 want to set up someEnc.
partment faculty exchanges-
glish faculty members aroia
world and get some redi
scholars teaching on the a
with my colleagues in the a
mem here teaching in (host
universities,” Hill said.
"Foreign faculty members'
spec ialties are English or Am
literature want very much to
here, Ixnh for teaching andi:
search,” he added.
Hill said he implementedih
gram succ essfully at New Men
I fill, a Mark Twain scholar;
authority on American humc
traveled extensively arount
world as a Fulbright Lecturer!
a Resident Scholar in Aik
Studies for the U.S Infons
“Sinc e 1 was there the year
ss'Oiireruual of the publicaa:
Huck Einn and the IhOthari
sary cT^?! ik 1 wain, 1 w'enii ■
of the other countries to
about Mark Twain and A®
humor," Hill said.
Hill was a Guggenheim!
in 1971-72, during which i®
wrote one of his three W
Mark Twain. He also haswri®
merous scholarly articles on
and American humor.
Hill also has been dire®
group of seminars sponsored:
National Endowment for it#
inanities;-— a program ini'to
ulty members at universities!
the country teach a special
during the summer for otherc
professors and high schooltea ;
“ The teachers come and
about the subject, which in®'
has always been Americanl®
and then go back and desf
courses using what the)
learned at the seminar,"Hill®
Hill 1'eceived the Charlie0
Award from the American H
Studies Association.
Hill said other plans for'l*
ture eft A&M’s English de^
basically depend on how died)
ment’s constitution turns out#
ratification process that beg® 1
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