( Friday, September 5, 1986/The Battalion/Page 3B Monks pursue cloistered life in midst of city uoneersci* :ol ■t during t$ ■d small: fs prodiicj :racker.‘ “d in Eure;! if the No | nos! recer; | ig dance ;e oil pir. J utlines -' icy, a cog thof'Dallii s in a 1m iodations I a quiet siii town Dak f the dance: 1 igs above pJI :ker over 1S| as realm ng at than a lanilova ar:|/ ■ said. H ie Ballet R tf, red stars Dc [ I choreogra ;e Balanclitt „ king witliift ; g he remt ft Russeda'i it sane, would sat | La Bris« heo" || CO: $4 1 e oi 11 lie ..i I IRVING (AP) — They live across I the highway f rom glitzy Texas Sta- [dium, in a nondescript brick build- ling that seems out of place, out of I touch and out of time. [ Inside the abbey, which lies hid- j den behind scrubby mesquite trees I along State Highway 1 14 in Irving, a I cadre of monks contemplate the I spiritual in the midst of the earthly. I The post-modern towers of Las Coli- I lias are nudging in from the west and the incessant noise of highway traffic intrudes from the south. It is an unlikely place to find 27 Cistercian monks, all of whom have I taken the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. In a society fueled by narcissistic excess, the men of Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian Abbey have chosen personal restraint and denial. They own nothing, not the robes they wear nor the pens they write with. Everything is provided for | them. Cistercians live a regulated, ^ restrictive life, but they are per mitted to leave the abbey one night a week. To that extent, they differ from frappist monks, who also are Cistercians, hut are strictly clois tered. “This house lives a much more on-the-go life than other (monastic communities)," said Father Timothy Coble, 27, the youngest of the monks and a former student of Texas A&M. “We go to the movies, theater, the symphony. We partici pate in the cultural life of the city.” Coble, a Fort Worth native, at tended high school in Mansfield. He was majoring in wildlife manage ment at A&M when he became inter ested in becoming a monk. When he was a sophomore at the University one of his friends, who was deeply religious, died. Coble said the friend’s death affected him profoundly, and when he visited the abbey during spring break, he de cided he wanted to be a monk. He, as do all those who want to be come monks, spent one year living in the monastery. Any time during this year they are free to leave or they may be asked to leave. Following a successful trial period, the monks begin another three-year stay in the monastery, which is usually spent finishing their college work. After that, they begin another three-year tenure, during which most monks will lake the final vows. Coble took his solemn vows, the fi nal step in becoming a monk, last September. Father Ans Elm Nagy, the abbot, said Coble is only the fifth person to join the Dallas monastary since it was established in 1957. Nagy, 71, came to the UnitecE States from Hungary in 1946, be cause the government was trying to suppress religious orders. He first lived in an abbey near Milwaukee, but w 1955 he and a group of other GRADUATE STUDENTS! Does your department have a graduate student organization (G.S.O)? If not, you may be missing some of the benefits a G.S.O. can provide: • Channel of communications between faculty and students • Planning of social functions • Help in recruiting and orienting new students • Information on taxes, insurance, etc. • And many more To find out more, come to the workshop sponsored by your Grad uate Student Council. There is no charge and we will provide re freshments. When: September 13, 9:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. Where: Room 112, Oceanography and Meteorology Building For more information, call: Lee Panella 845-2151 Greg Smith 845-1151 ALL YOU CAN EAT! Mongolian Bar-B-Q & Chinese Food Buffet. 1503 S. Texas Holiday Inn College Station 643-1736 Mongolian House '/z OFF Restaurant Buy one Mongolian Bar B-Q & Chinese Food Buffet and get a Second for HALF PRICE with this _ coupon. Good only Monday-Thursday Expires 10-31-86 I J Marines^ We’re looking for a few good men. ^lisrorz? 3 "" 846-8891/9036 Hungarian monks moved to Dallas to help start the University of Dallas. Work started on the monastery in 1957, and five years later, the Cister cian Preparatory School opened. The preparatory school, with a cur- venv enrollment of about 300 stu dents, is one of the most academi cally rigorous schools in Dallas. “We are a teaching community,” Nagy said of the Cistercians. “We have monks teaching at the Univer sity of Dallas and in the prep school.” Coble, who holds a bachelor’s de gree in biology and a master’s de- i giee in theology from the University oi Dallas, will teach science at Cister cian in the fall, he said. He also is a Latin scholar and is learning Creek. The daily routines of the monks are similar. Coble gets ups each morning at about 5 a.m., dresses in his black and white habit and spends a few moments in prayer and read ing. At 6:30 a.m. all the monks con gregate in the chapel for prayer. Following this, they gather in the dining room for breakfast. Most of the monks leave the mon astery by 8 a.m. for classes at the uni versity or the preparatory school. The monks break at noon for lunch and follow that with mid-day prayer. After classes are over at 3:30 p.m., Coble said he usually goes jog ging or runs personal errands. They gather again in the chapel at 5:45 p.m. for prayer and then imme- diately go eat dinner. The last for mal prayer gathering of the day is at 6:40 p.m. Nights are spent reading alone in their rooms, watching tele vision — The Cosby Show is their fa vorite — or taking in a movie, play or symphony. Coble said- he avoids sexually ex plicit movies, but it is not unheard of for a monk to go to an R-rated movie. Father Bernard Marton, head master of the prep school and a monk, said in today’s society it is no longer possible to wall in a monas tery to keep out the world. “We don’t flee the world,’’Marton said. “You cannot run from evil and temptation.” Coble said theirs is a spiritual mar riage to the Catholic church and the Christian faith that few outside the faith can understand. Their heads are not shaved, and while robes are worn within the monastery, most wear the Roman collar outside. All are Catholic priests as well as monks. Coble said he is proud of his call ing, and when in public, he wants people to know who he is — a monk and a pi iest. “It (the monastic calling) is a very special and beautiful gift and it would be denying myself if I kept that a secret,” he said. “Part of the real joy is to have it known.” The haircut you want is the haircut you get. At Supercuts, w^ve been trainee! to cut hair perfectly So no matter how you lika your hair cut, you're going to get ;r,e cut you like. t£/ery time. We guarantee it. or your money back. That statement of confidence has helped make us America's most popular haircutters. Which only goes to prove that when you give people exactly what they want, they just keep coming back for more. And a Supercut Is always $8. * I I tol bicHtSI IICI U U! CUi •Ajpeicutr We re changing the way America cuts its hair. Skagg’s Shopping Center 846-0084 'Shampoo ana c*ow a»v m ao*M-on*i c © €M«A COA^OftAttOM VIDEO MON.-FRL 7:45-6:00 SAT. 9-5 RENTALS ... MOVIES 1.99 for 2 days ... PLAYERS $5.99 per day ... CAMERAS $24.95 per day $16.95 for 2nd day Deposit Required on Cameras New Movies Arrive Weekly YOUR CAMPUS VIDEO ■ 845-8681 The Interfraternity Council Presents RUSH* PI KAPPA ALPHA 9-2 Open Party 9-5 Slippery Titty 9-8 Luau 9-11 Pike Swamp 9-12 Happy Hour (Zephyr’s) 9-13 PoqI Party TAU KAPPA EPSILON 9-2 Open Party Open Party 9-10 Open Party 9-11 Smoker 9-13 Party THETA CHI 9-4 Generic Mexican Party 9-6 Casino Party 9-10 Smoker Thur. Sat. Wed. Thur. 9-11 Reach the Beach Seafood Party Sat. 9-13 Smoker Sun. 9-14 Smoker KAPPA ALPHA Sat. 8-30 Open Party Thur. 9-4 Smoker Sat. 9-6 Virgin Islands *Sun. 9-7 A Trip to the Races Wed. 9-10 Smoker *Thur. 9-11 A Night in Monte Carlo Sat. 9-13 Fish Fry PHI GAMMA DELTA (FIJI) Wed. 9-3 Prohibition Party Fri. 9-5 Smoker *Sat. 9-6 Date Party Sun. 9-7 Smoker *Wed. 9-10 Island Party *Thur. 9-11 Happy Hour (El Toro) *Sat. 9-13 Coat & Tie *Sun. 9-14 Skeet Shoot SIGMA NU Sun. 8-31 Prohibition Party Mon. 9-1 Cornona Party Thur. 9-4 No Control *Fri. 9-5 Riverboat Wed. 9-10 Smoker Fri. 9-12 Party Fall 1986 SIGMA PHI EPSILON Thur. 9-4 Smoker Sat. 9-6 Luau Wed. 9-10 Road Trip Sat. 9-13 Lake Party SIGMA ALPHA MU Sun. _ 8-31 Open Party Fri. 9-5 Smoker, Party Sat. 9-6 Open Party *Fri. 9-12 Smoker, Party Sat. 9-13 Party PI KAPPA PHI Sat. 8-30 Open Party Mon. 9-1 Smoker Thur. 9-4 Open Party Sat. 9-6 Smoker Wed. 9-10 Smoker Fri. 9-12 Open Party BETA THETA PI Sat. 8-30 Open Party Wed. 9-3 Smoker Thur. 9-4 Open Party Sat. 9-6 Pool Party Wed. 9-10 Open Party *Fri. 9-12 Date Party PHI DELTA THETA Sun. 8-31 19th Amendment Party Mon. 9-1 Pool Party Wed. 9-3 Casino Night Thur. 9-4 Slide Show Fri. 9-5 Party Sat. 9-6 Road Trip Mon. 9-8 Monday Night Football Sat. 9-13 A&M vs LSU Party KAPPA SIGMA Sat. 8-30 South Seas Party Thur. 9-4 Open Party Sat. 9-6 Open Party Thurs. 9-11 Open Party Sat. 9-13 Open Party PHI KAPPA SIGMA Thur. 9-4 Open Party Fri. 9-5 Open Party *Sat. 9-6 Smoker Thur. 9-11 Open Party Sat. 9-13 Smoker SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON Sun. 8-31 SAE Gonzo Summer Party *Mon. 9-1 Monday Night Baseball Thur. 9-4 Open House Sat. 9-6 Pig Smoker; Live Band *Mon. 9-8 Aggieland Inn Penthouse *Wed. 9-10 Poker Smoker ‘Thur. 9-11 Astros Baseball Trip DELTA UPSILON Thur. 9-4 Open Party Sun. 9-7 Smoker Thur. 9-11 Open Party Sun. 9-14 Smoker DELTA CHI Thurs. 9-4 Open Party ‘Sat. 9-6 Somker Mon. 9-8 Open Party ‘Wed. 9-10 Smoker Fri. 9-12 Open Party ‘Sat. 9-13 Smoker ALPHA TAU OMEGA Tues. 9-2 Casino Party Thur. 9-4 Mardis Gras Mon. 9-8 Smoker Thur. 9-11 Club Paradise Sat. 9-13 Video Party Sun. 9-1.4 Smoker SIGMA CHI Sat. 8-30 Welcome Back Aggies Tues. 9-2 Ice Cream Social Fri. 9-5 Pool Party Sat. 9-6 Volleyball & Bar B-Q Mon. 9-8 Football & Pizza ‘Wed. 9-10 Coat & Tie ‘Fri. 9-12 Skeet Shoot ‘Mon. 9-15 Smoker PHI KAPPA TAU Wed. 9-3 Open Party Fri. Luau ‘Sun. 9-7 Champagne ‘Wed. 9-10 Pizza Party Fri. Late Night w/No One in Particular ‘Sat. 9-13 Summerville Ski Trip ‘INVITATION ONLY House was unavailable at this time to distrib ute the dates to their parties. Please check with IRC or the Fraternity at a later date to ob tain these dates. FRATERNITY ALPHA TAU OMEGA BETA THETA PI DELTA CHI DELTA UPSILON FARM HOUSE KAPPA ALPHA KAPPA SIGMA CONTACTS TONY FLOWER JERRY PRICE ARRIELTARRAGO DOUG RUCKLE JEFF WRIGHT BLAKE HARRISON RON HOLSEY (409) 775- (409) 846- (409) 846- (409) 696- (409) 263- (409) 693- (409) 822- 7482 2883 5053 0130 0217 2575 7500 PI KAPPA ALPHA PI KAPPA PHI KIRBY STERNFELS PARKER SMITH SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON KYLE KERBOW SIGMA ALPHA MU BRIAN MENDELSON SIGMA CHI JACK PHILLIPS SIGMA NU BILL DESPAIN SIGMA PHI EPSILON SCOTT KELLR (713)774 (409) 836 (409) 693 (409) 696- (409) 693 (409) 764 (409) 846 7047 7737 1081 1472 3372 6525 2049 TAU KAPPA EPSILON THETA CHI PHI GAMMA DELTA PHI DELTA THETA PHI KAPPA SIGMA PHI KAPPA TAU PHI SIGMA KAPPA CRAIG WILSON MICHAEL WOLF KEITH KOLPFENSTEIN JESSI ORSINI STEVE KELLY HARRY FONTENOT BENNY WILLEMS (409) 696- (409) 696- (409) 693- (409) 696- (409) 846- (409) 764- (409) 696- 7007 2685 3595 5887 1838 8964 1624 For Further Information Contact Blake Harrison 693-2575 RUSH Chairman