The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 05, 1986, Image 11

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    Friday, September 5, 1986/The Battalion/Page 11
Shiites want to release
hostages, Jenco says
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NEW YORK (AP) — The Rev.
Lawrence Martin Jenco said Thurs-
|iay he believes that the Lebanese
ihiites who held him hostage for 19
nonths want to release three re
naming American hostages, but
irst “they would like to get some
jenefits from this whole thing.”
Jenco, in his first news interview
ince being freed July 26, also said
e fears that tough rhetoric from
J.S. officials might block progress
oward the trio’s release.
“When we get into rhetoric that
loses doors... that’s not beneficial,”
he Roman Catholic priest said.
Reagan administration officials
rave frequently denounced the kid-
lappers as “terrorists” and insisted
he U.S. government will not accede
10 terrorist demands.
In the 90-minute interview with
The Associated Press, the 51-year-
ild Jenco — weary, quiet, but quick
o smile and laugh — said he was
eartened by a recent communica-
on, not authenticated, saying the
idnappers had scaled back their de-
nands. And he told of long months
n tight quarters with his fellow cap-
ives, during which they recited po-
:try, exercised, worked jigsaw puz-
:les, argued, prayed and cried.
The remaining hostages are
Ferry A. Anderson, 38, chief Middle
East correspondent for The Asso
ciated Press; David Jacobsen, 55, ad
ministrator of Beirut’s American
University Hospital; and Thomas
Sutherland, 55, the university’s act
ing dean of agriculture.
The Moslem kidnappers, who call
themselves Islamic Jihad, claimed
last October to have killed another
kidnapped American, U.S. Embassy
political officer William Buckley, 58.-
But no body was ever found.
The kidnappers said they freed
Jenco because he was in ill health.
The Joliet, Ill., priest, who has
worked as a missionary since 1974,
has a heart ailment, but he said
Thursday his health has improved
since returning home.
Again and again in the interview,
the white-bearded cleric expressed
sympathy for the young men who
imprisoned him and the three others
in a 12-by-15-foot room. Jenco has
even proposed that Catholic Relief
Services, the U.S. church agency he
headed in Beirut, eventually estab
lish a scholarship fund for Shiites.
“Where are they going to go when
is is over with?” he asked. “ . . .
Most have had no education since
age 10.”
He recounted “kindnesses” shown
by his guards — making and sharing
popcorn with him, providing nec
essary medicine, occasionally allow
ing a glimpse of the sun or moon.
Asked whether he thought they
regretted the hostage-holding, he
replied, “Very much so.
“There was a certain sense — they
are trying to get rid of it right now,”
he said. “I really believe they are try
ing to resolve it. They would like to
have everyone go. But they would
like to get some benefits from this
whole thing.”
A two-page letter delivered to the
AP bureau in Paris last Sunday said
Anderson and Jacobsen would be
freed if food aid was delivered to the
poor Shiites of southern Lebanon.
But the source and validity of the
communication could not be deter
Jenco said it “sounded like good
news to me,” since food shipments
would be “such an easy option.”
The kidnappers’ key demand
long has been release of 17 Shiites
and others imprisoned in Kuwait for
the bombings of*the U.S. and French
embassies there.
(AP) -
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unclear wh
U.S. may offer Soviet Union
arms control compromise
Reagan administration, set to open
jinother round of nuclear weapons
alks with a high-level Soviet dele
gation, may ease its proposal for a 50
ercent reduction in strategic: bomb
ers, missiles and submarines, a U.S.
official said Friday.
The revised approach would be
in attempt to strike a compromise
nth the Soviets, whose latest nego-
lating position calls for more mod-
itst cutbacks in nuclear warheads and
an overall cutback of 30 percent.
But it would still force the Soviets
to make some hard choices about
neir arsenal of heavy land-based
rcktilesand the destructive force, or
brow-weight, of their nuclear armo
The official, who discussed the is
sue on grounds of anonymity, said
President Reagan had suggested a
“less sweeping” strategic weapons
cutback than 50 percent in the letter
he sent to Soviet leader Mikhail S.
Gorbachev in July.
New ceilings would be set for va
rious categories of weapons, includ
ing a limit of 7,500 intercontinental
ballistic missile warheads and cruise
missiles, the official said.
The Soviets had proposed a ceil
ing of 8,000, while the United States
would have allowed no more than
Gorbachev has yet to reply to Rea
gan’s letter. But, in the meantime,
Ron Lehman, the U.S. negotiator in
charge of strategic nuclear weapons,
worked out the new formula, the of
ficial said.
The proposal was discussed
Wednesday at the Old Executive
Building by senior arms control ad
visers and their aides from the State
Department, the Pentagon and
other branches of the government.
A final decision has not been
made by Reagan, who is on vacation
in California. Hardliners in the Pen
tagon object to the new “consensus,”
but unless they block it, U.S. negotia
tors will be instructed to present the
proposal to the Soviets in Geneva
later this month, the official said.
In the meantime, experts on both
sides will open a two-day meeting
Friday at the State Department to try
to smooth the way to the negotia
tions, which open Sept. 18.
They held a similar discussion last
month in Moscow without any visible
sign of progress. The official de
scribed the meeting as “very neg
ative” and said the Soviets continued
to object to Reagan’s Strategic De
fense Initiative.
Known popularly as “Star Wars,”
it is a program exploring the use of
laser, X-ray and other futurisitic
technology as part of a shield against
a missile attack. Gorbachev has por
trayed the program as a dangerous
extension of the nuclear arms race.
Dr. Malcolm Bane, Pastor
Rev. David R. Rowland, Associate Pastor
Jim Browder, Minister of Music
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