TW^ &M D J-T-4-# 1 S _TT_ I ne Dcittalion )1.82 No. 194 GSPS 045360 6 pages - College Station, Texas Thursday, August 14, 1986 Committee OKs $632.2 billion spending cut plan AUSTIN (AP) — The House Ap- jjffiations Committee Wednesday proved a $632.2 million spending tplm that one member said goes far it will hurt — and maybe kill. The 24-4 vote set up a Friday de- telfn the full House on the cuts Itpre a key part of Speaker Gib iwis plan to solve the state’s cash- iw crisis without a tax hike. “The strong support shown here iay indicates the willingness on j part of the House to make some jMdrastic cuts,” Lewis said. “I’d lacks in it Africa itshay vote lean DURBAN, South Africa (AP) — m he government said Wednesday it a iay let blacks vote in national elec- ■ for the first lime, but only to imKse members of an advisory hr rjncil. pn At the same time it reaffirmed the ut ptv of segregated neighborhoods npchools. pkaBie worst violence since the state eldf Rjmergency declaration June 12 ylu-Hreported in Soweto. Schoolchil- it, a ■ roamed the streets of the huge C ick township outside Johannes- throwing stones and setting ini res lies|A proposal f° r elections to choose black national advisory council was neaJHof several put before a two-day I re jBerence of the governing Na- nenr Inal Party in a search for ways of cam- teseiving white power while meet- B black demands for reform of Scott futh Africa’s racial policies. About a |l as ®0delegates attended. ,yj n ir Besident P.W. Botha said in a ; un , alf-hour speech closing the con- ; his ress that there might be room for lodifications in the laws segregating ihools and residential areas, but he >—-outly defended the principle. i No one should apologize for send- f iglchildren to schools where they I wild be educated according to their B cultural and religious tradi- , Is, he said. I ■|Chris Heunis, constitutional de- elopment minister, said black elec- tons would counter widespread crit- n of the advisory council Botha Iproposed. he government depicts the bcil as a forum in which the pres- jMBjient would negotiate with black |ers on ways of sharing power, apy prominent blacks vow to lurn the council unless it has for- powers and African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela is , feed and invited to participate. oui> ^ t Mandela has been in prison since iersPp2. Bile violence in Soweto was the e widespread and longlasting re- •• pned since the state of emergency on#Bned public gatherings, autho- sivesyized mass detentions without Ige and restricted journalists in Wering unrest. like to challenge anyone from this point on who says there is any fat in state spending.” Rep. Doyle Willis, D-Fort Worth, told the appropriations committee the cuts are too deep. He said hu man service program cuts would prevent scheduled hiring of more investigators for child abuse cases. “There’s no doubt in my mind that if this bill passes without the people being allowed to investigate the complaints on abused children, we’ll lose four or five children that will be killed,” Willis said. But when the vote was taken, with Lewis looking on, Willis voted “aye.” "I’m whipped,” he said. The cuts hit almost all areas of state government, including a 13 K ercent reduction for spending on igher education. Pleased with their work, commit tee members gave themselves a brief round of applause before adjourn ing. But State Treasurer Ann Rich ards told lawmakers that cuts alone probably won’t solve the budget cri sis. She called for a tax hike to be en acted during the special session. “A program of budget cuts solves the cash-flow problem only tempo rarily until August 1987, and de laying revenue measures until Jan uary will be too late,” she said. Lewis opposes tax hikes being pushed by Gov. Mark White and Lt. Gov. Bill Hobby, who say the service * . . PP ^ v, t ? T**r* * #. • sasl regain - » *4.. ‘i < - f ♦ I & ! > ^ r; ‘W% S?- . ' ^ I Puttin’ Around Photo by Anthony S. Casper Scott Lee, a member of the Texas A&M golf team, practices putting in preparation for a tournament this weekend. Lee says he puts in four to eight hours of practice each day and has won two of the seven tour naments he’s played in this summer. cuts needed to balance the budget would be too severe. The total state deficit is projected to hit $3.5 billion next August if taxes are not raised or spending cut. Lewis said a tax bill, if needed, should be considered in the regular 1987 session beginning next Jan uary. The appropriations committee, fearful of mounting opposition, Wednesday delayed action on Lewis’ plan to raid the Permanent Univer sity Fund and Permanent School Fund for $1.1 billion. Those funds long have been con sidered untouchable and crucial to education. The $1.1 billion represents capital gains earned on the funds in the past five years. White and education offi cials oppose the plan. Jon Brumley, chairman of the State Board of Education, said such a policy would “rob Texas school- children of a legacy promised to them more than a century ago.” Bullock estimates debt of $5 billion by January AUSTIN (AP) — Texas govern ment will probably face a new deficit of $5 billion in January, Gomptroller Bob Bullock told a Senate committee that met Wednesday to consider proposals to raise money by a state lottery. Shortly after Bullock’s estimate of the state’s worsening financial condi tion, the lottery hearing was halted because Gov. Mark White had not opened the special session to any revenue-raising measures. “If the governor opens the call, the measure can be reset for another hearing,” said Sen. Ray Farabee, D- Wichita Falls, committee chairman. Bullock testified that if a state lot tery is authorized by voters this No vember, his office, which would ad minister it, could be ready for operations in 120 days. He estimated the state’s general revenue fund would get $55 million from the lottery the first year. Bullock was asked if the lottery would solve the state’s estimated $3.5 billion deficit, and he said, “Your deficit is going to be so high you need all the help you can get.” However, he said he thought the state “should solve its money prob lems through a tax bill,” preferably with an expansion of the state sales tax, which he has advocated. Bullock said that the $5 billion fig ure would still be there in January, “even if you solve the $3.5 billion or $2.3 billion deficit, or whatever it is, before you go home.” The hearing on a proposed lot tery referendum was halted because Sen. Roy Blake, D-Nacogdoches, protested it was not in the governor’s call for the session. About six witnesses, some for and some against the proposal, went un heard. Sen. Hector Uribe, D-Brownsville, author of the proposed constitu tional amendment that would let voters decide if they want a state lot tery, asked that the witnesses be heard although the committee did not take a vote. “I’m sure your witnesses will be paid another handsome fee to come back again,” said Blake, insisting on his motion that the hearing be stopped. Faragee said that Blake’s motion was technically correct because the governor’s call for the special session did not include any tax bill or reve nue enhancement measures. In a special session, the governor has sole authority to say which issues may be considered. Uribe said once the lottery was in full operation, it would provide more than $600 million a year “paid by willing citizens.”, Gramm-Rudman supporters seek restoration of cuts 1 Summer exam schedule set I The Academic Operations Committee has approved a revision in the final examination schedule for 10 week rlasses meeting 10-11:30 a.m. and noon-1:30 p.m. due to classroom conflicts with certain 5 week classes. No revi sions were necessary for 10 week classes meeting 8-9:30 a.m. or from 2-3:30 p.m, or for 5 week classes. Final exami- tations for these classes will be given as published in the Class Schedule 1986. II The 10 week examination schedule is listed below: |i August 14, Thursday, 7-9 p.m Classes meeting 10-11:30 a.m.(REVISED) 1 August 15, Friday, 8-10 a.m Classes meeting 8-9:30 a.m.(NO REVISION) H August 15, Friday, 12 N-1.30 p.m Classes meeting 12 N-T.30 p.m.(REVISED) I August 15, Friday, 7-9 p.m Classes meeting 2-2:30 p.m.(NO REVISION) WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate supporters of the Gramm-Rudman act said Wednesday they will use the threat of a Treasury default to force House passage this week of a plan to restore the law’s automatic spending cuts. But House Speaker Thomas P. O’Neill Jr. said Democratic leaders were ready to battle the plan and that the House would meet Gramm- Rudman’s deficit-reduction goals without it. The political salvos set the stage for an intense face-off as Congress tries to leave Friday on a three-week recess, an imperative for many law makers in an election year. Caught in the middle is a stopgap $73.3 billion increase in the national debt ceiling, which the Treasury De partment contends is urgently needed to avoid risk of default in early September before Congress re turns. The House Ways and Means Committee on Wednesday approved the interim debt hike, needed be cause a long-term debt bill has al ready been tied up with the Gramm- Rudman language. Full House pas sage is expected on Thursday. But Sens. Phil Gramm, R-Texas; Warren Rudman, R-N.H.; Ernest F. Hollings, D-S.C.; and Pete V. Dome- nici, R-N.M., announced they would repeat their Gramm-Rudman amendment when the short-term bill reaches the Senate. “No action will be taken (to reduce deficits) unless that disciplining de vice is in place,” said Gramm. Domenici, chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, said the auto matic cuts should be attached to the short-term debt bill because they were “the best possible way to assure that we are going to control the defi cit.” He said delaying the decision until next month would only distract Congress from its real goal — enact ing responsible deficit-reduction leg islation to avoid the cuts. Gramm-Rudman calls for across- the-board cuts if Congress and the president fail to reduce deficits to E re-set limits designed to balance the udget by fiscal 1991. For fiscal 1987, which begins Oct. 1, the deficit target is $ 144 billion. Speaker’s funding attacked AUSTIN (AP) — Campaign spending reports show that House Speaker Gib Lewis re ceived almost all of his contribu tions this year from people out side his district, Lewis’ challenger said Wednesday. Republican K. Wayne Lee said the reports show that of $500,000 raised by Lewis from Jan. 1 through June 30, only $550 came from Lewis constituents in the Tarrant County district. “When you look at Gib’s re cord, this . . . doesn’t seem so un usual,” Lee told a Capitol news conference. “His voting record is clearly out of line with the wishes of his constituents.” The speaker acknowledged raising “quite a bit of money” out side his district, but that “every bit of it has been voluntary,” he said. “I have not solicited one nickel from anybody.” Lewis said some of those con tributions have been from politi cal action committees. “Hundreds of those people (represented by the PACS) do live in my district,” he said. “That’s just something that he doesn’t un derstand.” The speaker said he will be get ting contributions from his dis trict at a Sept. 18 fundraiser in Fort Worth. Lee’s news conference was held in the Speaker’s Committee Room, and five House members, all Lewis allies, attended. “Gib Lewis helped pass the largest tax increase in the history of the state of Texas while his constituents were calling for lower taxes,” Lee said. Lewis backed the 1984 tax bill that raised taxes by $4.6 billion over three years to pay for educa tion reforms and highway im- E rovements, which Lee said could ave been made by cuts on other programs such as human serv ices. Reagan maid faces charges of smuggling I WASHINGTON (AP) — First lady Nancy Reagan’s personal maid was put on leave last week after she was charged with trying to smuggle munitions to Para guay, federal officials said Wednesday. |vWhite House spokesman Larry Speakes said that Anita Castelo, <45, was put on administrative Meave Aug. 7 after the White ! House was informed by law en- ! forcement agencies that she had been charged in a complaint filed mjthe U.S. District Court in Rich mond, Va. Tacy Campbell of the Rich mond office of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire- artns said 50,000 rounds of .22- iber rifle ammunition destined for Paraguay were seized Aug. 4 from a freighter owned by the Paraguayan government. The Paraguayan-born Castelo was arraigned last Friday after voluntarily surrendering and en tering a plea of not guilty on charges of aiding and abetting the illegal export of munitions. She was released by the court on $50,000 personal bond, Rich mond officials said. Castelo has not been indicted. She has been charged by the fed eral Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms with aiding and abetting in the illegal exportation of munitions, and probable cause has been found to refer the charge to a grand jury that will convene Sept. 15. Senate approves aid to Contras WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate approved President Reagan’s $100 million aid package for Nicara gua’s Contra guerrillas Wednesday night, after a day of legislative action that also cleared the way to act on sanctions against South Africa. The 53-47 roll call vote on the Contra aid provision also earmarked $300 million in aid to four of Nicara gua’s neighbors: El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Honduras. The Senate then voted 59-41 to adopt the overall $8.2 billion mili tary construction appropriations bill, of which the aid plan was a part. Earlier, an impasse on the two controversial foreign policy issues was broken when the Senate hurdled a series of procedural roadblocks with three roll-call votes that limited debate on both matters. That cleared the way for up-and- down votes on both measures — per haps in time for the Senate to meet its goal of starting a three-week Au gust recess after Friday’s session. In the first attempt to choke off debate on Contra aid, the Senate fell one vote short — 59-40 — of the 60 votes needed to end a filibuster. It then w'ent on to vote 89-11 to limit debate on sanctions against South Africa’s white minority government and eventually voted 62-37 to limit debate on Contra aid. The two issues had been linked in a complex agreement crafted by Re publican and Democratic leaders. The cloture votes cut procedural knots that had threatened to keep the Senate tied up indefinitely on the two highly charged issues.. Opponents of the Reagan policy, who predict aid to the Contras will cause U.S. troops to become snared in a bloodv Vietnam-stvle war in Central America, pleaded with other senators to hold fast. Sen. Lowell Weicker, R-Conn., said that although he opposed aid ing the Contras, he would vote to shut off debate “so that the cries of South Africa might finally be heard by the U.S. Senate and the govern ment of the United States. In two days of debate on Contra aid, the Senate rejected complaints it was giving the Reagan administra tion “a blank check” or that it was opening the door to sending Ameri can troops to war in Nicaragua. Amendments were rejected to scrap the aid plan altogether, to for bid the use of U.S. troops in Nicara gua, and to forbid the use of Ameri can combat advisers to train the Contras in either Honduras or Costa Rica, countries that border Nicara gua. Correction A story in Wednesday’s Battal ion stated that non-resident tu ition will increase next year. Actu ally non-resident tuition is not expected to increase next year. The Texas College and Uni versity Coordinating Board man dated last year that non-resident tuition would increase as the cost of educating that student in creases. Mack C. Adams, an assis tant commissioner on the board, says he does not anticipate an in crease in the cost of a non-resi dent’s education. Therefore he says their tuition would remain at $120 next year.