The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 05, 1986, Image 5
”, l ' ' lib'' * 1 ^ in iinwii niuiini ccupational safety agency arced to shut down 7 offices r G •w. I ‘I ■ NEW YORK (AP) — The federal agency that studies occupational ¥alth and safety is closing seven of its 10 regional offices, prompting piotests Monday from labor unions d two Democratic congressmen. “This is just one more step in the jpen, blatant attack of the Reagan jdministration on organized labor,” Rep. Major Owens of New York said pi the decision to close offices of the ational Institute of Occupational [afety and Health. NIOSH, an arm of the federal enters for Disease Control, con- ■ucts research into hazards in the Workplace, acting on requests from ■nions, individual workers and man- |gement. I Unlike the Occupational Safety |nd Health Administration, it does iot take action against employers, al- ti ough it sometimes refers cases to ASHA. NIOSH spokesman Don Berreth Jonfirmed Monday that the agency remld close regional offices in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Kansas City, Mo., Dallas, San Francisco and Seattle, effective Oct. 1. The closures will leave NIOSH with regional offices in Boston, Denver and Atlanta, plus its head quarters in Cincinnati. Berreth in sisted that the agency’s staff size would remain the same. He said all 32 workers affected by the closings have been offered jobs in the re maining four offices. “You’re only talking about a handful of people, and you can su pervise them better and respond better, we think, from fewer loca tions,” Berreth said. “The intention of this was not to reduce staff.” Berreth said the move “would save a little money, but probably not any major amount.” NIOSH had a 1986 budget of $67 million. NIOSH workers said they were told of the decision about six weeks ago, but the move was never an nounced publicly. “I’m not sure if it was in the Fed- Tuesday, August 5, 1986/The Battalion/Page 5 Search for climbers delayed BELLINGHAM, Wash. (AP) — Workers searching for two moun tain climbers caught in an avalanche on Mount Baker were chased from the slopes Monday as warm temper atures threatened to unleash new snow slides. Two other climbers in the party were rescued Sunday, hours after the daybreak avalanche. Whether the search would be re sumed was questionable because of unfavorable weather conditions. A helicopter removed 13 rescue workers, three avalanche rescue dogs and two reporters from a 300- square-foot search area on the volca nic peak’s Roman Wall area. Missing were Steve Raschick, 21, of Enumclaw, and a guide, Ian Kraa- bel, son of Seattle City Councilman Paul Kraabel. The Roman Wall, rising from about 8,500 feet to the 10,778-foot summit, is the last major feature on a popular climbing route along Cole man Glacier from 5,200 feet to 7,000 feet and Deming Glacier from 7,000 feet to the base of the wall, Jenkins said eral Register,” Berreth said. “But it certainly hasn’t been a secret.” At a small demonstration Monday outside the federal building in Man hattan, NIOSH workers joined Owens, Rep. Ted Weiss and several union officials in protesting the clo sure of the New York office. “This decision simply makes no sense,” said Weiss, also of New York. “Of the thousands of federal work ers, why close an office with only three people who are working to protect the safety and health of workers in the entire New York re gion?” Weiss charged that the decision flies “directly in the face” of a con gressional mandate not to cut per sonnel in the area of occupational safety and health. While NIOSH said there were no plans to reduce the staff, Weiss said lie believed the Office of Manage ment and Budget has ordered such cuts. World Briefs {Bolivian drug raids get mixed reaction ranee 1 n pmj MEXICO CITY (AP) — The |use of U.S. Army troops to battle Bolivian cocaine traffickers has generated mixed opinions, from fears of future American involve ment in other Latin American na tions to support for efforts to de stroy the drug’s source. Bolivia’s cocaine exports are es timated at $2 billion with an esti mated $600 million returning to Bolivia. By contrast, legal Boliv ian exports for this year are esti mated at $400 million. In Mexico, the move prompted the government to say it never will permit U.S. troops on Mexi can soil. Nevertheless, Mexico remains one of the leading sources of marijuana and heroin to the United States and is a major tran sit point for South American co caine destined for the United States, authorities said. Union workers ratify AT&T contract AIDS Program tries to trace route of infected blood to donors WASHINGTON (AP) —Mem bers of the Communications Workers of America ratified a new contract with American Telephone 8c Telegraph Co. by a 3-1 margin, the union said Mon day. All unit local bargaining agreements were also ratified, al though some by a slimmer mar gin, the union said. The new three-year agreements, covering 155,000 workers, were reached on June 26, ending a nationwide strike that had started June 1. Dow Jones rallies with help of oil issues reenql ■nted NEW YORK (AP) — Oil issues turned in a strong showing, help ing the stock market rally from a j sharp drop in early trading Mon day to finish mixed. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials, down about 25 points at its midsession low, closed with a 6.33 gain at 1,769.97 Volume on the New York Stock Exchange came to 129.99 million shares. Energy stocks jumped ahead late in the day on signs that OPEC ministers were getting close to agreement on a plan to shore up world oil prices. NEW YORK (AP) — A national E rogram to contact people who may ave received the AIDS virus in blood transfusions cannot reach all of them, so some transfusion recipi ents should consult a physician, a blood expert says. “We know that we’re not going to reach all the people who we would like to reach,” said Dr. S. Gerald Sandler, associate vice president for medical operations of the American Red Cross. Infected donors who stopped giv ing blood before screening began “won’t show up as part of our study,” so their blood can’t be traced, Sand ler said. Researchers have no way to count those donors, said Dr. Joseph O’Mal ley, Red Cross medital associate. But like other blood experts, O’Malley said the risk of getting the virus through transfusions before screen ing began was very slight. Sandler suggested that people who got transfusions in the early 1980s before screening began and who are worried about AIDS should discuss it with their physicians. Dr. Joseph Bove, chairman of the American Association of Blood Banks committee on transfusion- transmitted diseases, said he agreed with Sandler’s recommendation. Transfusions are blamed for 437 of the nation’s 23,1 15 cases of AIDS, and federal figures show transfu sion-related cases have shown up in residents of all but 11 states: Alaska, Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ver mont and Wyoming. The virus can lie dormant for years before symptoms of AIDS or a less severe condition, AIDS-related complex, appear. A positive blood test does not mean the person has AIDS, but “we make the assumption that if the test is positive the person is infectious,” said Bove. So in addition to health checkups and tests, such people will be coun seled about how to avoid infecting others, he said. The virus can spread through intimate sexual contact, sharing of needles among intrave nous drug abusers, and infection from mother to infant at or around the time of birth. Sandler estimated that 1,000 to 2,000 transfusion recipients will have to be contacted about blood col lected by the Red Cross system. Bove said the Red Cross collects about half the nation’s blood supply so its num bers can be doubled for an estimate of the national picture. The search is in different stages in different areas of the country. Among the areas with concentra tions of AIDS cases, blood banks in New York City, Los Angeles and Mi ami are preparing to notify hospitals about which units of blood to track. A blood bank in San Francisco made that notification several weeks ago. Robbers loot graves of Nazi massacre victims |)l!' m ge size (1M plead 1 ! acyto'5 dero ■ tatettff MOSCOW (AP) — Robbers dug lor two years in a mass grave where 112,000 victims of a Nazi massacre |are buried, stripping the bodies of jg'old teeth and jewelry, according to fin article by a leading poet. Andrei Voznesensky wrote in the July issue of the youth magazine Yu- inost that the robberies apparently began in 1984 in the cemetery within | sight of a major highway outside Simferopol, capital of the Crimea, i Some grave robbers were tried in |;1985, but they got off lightly, and Ihe cemetery still was being looted in ipril because authorities did not host guards, Voznesensky said. Officials estimate that the people who were tried last year stole gold and jewelry worth 68,000 rubles, or $100,000 at the official exchange rate, the poet said. “Our militia is busy on the high way fining drivers a ruble or so, but our militia would never come here (to the burial site),” he wrote in the impassioned article accompanied by poetry. “They should at least have arranged for one guard. Only one for 12,000.” An editor’s note following the ar ticle said a government commission was sent to investigate after Vozne sensky “raised his voice against this outrageous blasphemy.” Those found guilty of robbing the graves and fencing the loot were given “se vere punishments,” it said. Publication of the article, unusual for its graphic description, appeared to be part of a hesitant recent trend toward more openness in the press. Voznesensky said he heard of the 1985 trial and wrote a poem about the case, but he did not see the site until he was traveling with friends April 7 on the highway leading out of Simferopol. His article said the driver, Vasily Lesnikh, was recalling the massacre in which Germans shot down 12,000 villagers from the area in 1941 and offered to show his companions the mass grave. “We were walking along the high way and suddenly . . . amid the green grass, a black hole appeared before us,” the poet wrote. “The soil was still wet. And then another hole, and another. We saw heaps of bones, decayed clothing, skulls blackened as if by smoke.” It was obvious that robbers had been working the previous night be cause a shovel and other tools had been left in one of the holes, Vozne sensky said, and “this means they will come again.” August | , HiltoJ le Ouil Ans4 AGGIES HELPING AGGIES A Full Service Financial Institution for Faculty, Staff, Students, Former Students And Members of Their Family offering Checking COLLEGE STATION LOCATION OPENS 8/5/86 • Overdraft Protection • Dividends • ATM Access Savings • Iras • Share accounts • Certificates Loans • Master Card • Debt Consolidations • Signature Special Services • Notary Public • Transfers TEXAS AGGIE CREDIT UNION College Station Winn Dixie Shopping Center 696-0191 ■ ■■■■ VALUABLE COUPON ■■i ■■ ■ FREE BUY ONE PIZZA... GET ONE FREE! Buy any size Onsinal Round pizza at resuiar price, get identical pizza FREE 1 Prlc* varies dapandlng on size and number of toppings ordarad. 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