The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 05, 1986, Image 4
Battalion Classifieds Page 4/The Battalion/Tuesday, August 5, 1986 NOTIC€ If you ordered an 85-86 Aggieland but will not be here next fall you can pay $3.50 and we will mail it to you . Come by the En- glish Annex M-F, 8:30 - 4:30. 184tfn If you still haven’t picked up your 84-85 Aggieland, you can still do so by coming to the English Annex Monday thru Friday, 8:30 - 4:30. Bring your school I.D. or a drivers license. i B 4tfn FOR R6NT CAMPUS Furnished and Unfurnished • POOL ROOM •U-LAVNDRY ROOMS •LARGE STORAGE • 24 UR EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE $210 ON SUMMER LEASES ONLY. LIMITED ON EFFICIENCY AND 1 BEDROOMS. ALL BILLS PAID! Starting at $260 country place apartments 3902 COLLEGE MAIN 846-0515 roomates wanted If you have discriminating taste for q ualit V ^ ^^ relationships, VIKING offers 1 & 2 bdrm. units with a built in roomate. AS LOW AS $180 each ALL BILLS PAID! •Extra Large Pool •Tennis Court •Sauna •Balconies •All Electric Kitchens •Individual A/C & Heat •On Ground Mgmt. & Sec. •24 Hours Emer. Maint. Open Daily Mon - Fri 9-7 Open Sat - Sun 10-51-5 1601 Holleman College Station, TX ABUTMENTS 409/693-6716 822-7321 Newly Remodeled Newly Redecorated Very Large 1 bedrooms from $245. 2 bedroom, 2 baths as low as $335. many leasing specials available Pool On site staff Sun Deck Security Club Room Laundry Facilites Near Shuttle Large Closets 3200 Pinfeather, Bryan Professionally managed by Chatham Enterprises 18518/27 FREE SERVICE! Let Student Apartment Locators help you find the right apartment, condo, duplex, or house and, re ceive a FREE PHONE ANSWERING MACHINE. Come by 403 B University Dr. W. in Northgate, or call 846-1087. 18718/8 Recent sports injury to wrist, knee or ankle? Severe enough pain to remain on study up to 10 days and 5 visits? Volunteers will be paid for their time and cooperation. G & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 _ Sell or lease condo in Woodstock. 2 Bdrm. bus route, pool. $450./mo. (713)376-7115. $350. 3 Bdiin,/2 Ba. 4-plcx. near T'AMU. Appliances, garage. 693-52H6. 764-7363, 846-6211. 179t8/27 WALK TO CAMPUS! 2 Bedroom fourplex from $275.00. 690-2140, 690-0066, 185t8/27 Nice. LARGE, minutes from < 3 Bdrm house. Garage, fenced yard. 5 amfnis,off Texas. $450./mo. 696-6657. 185t8/7 For Rent: Condo. 1 Bdrm.. bus route. (214)495-2123. 1 Bath, w/d, FOR SRl€ HELP WANTED Warped by Scott McCuS THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE Has immediate openings for route carriers and/or sales solicitor posi tions. Carrier positions require working early morning hours deliv ering papers and can earn $400. to $600. per month plus gas allow ance. Call Andy at 693-7815 or Ju lian at 693-2323 for an appoint ment. GOVERNMENT JOBS. $16.040-$59,230/yr. Now hir ing. Call 805-687-6000 ext. R-9531 for current federal list. 167t8/14 On campus commission sales commission possible. 693-9984. High 175tfn Bergstrom A.E.B. has a position for Golf Course Su- perintendent/Ground Maintenance, UA-9, Regular full time. Salary $21,804. per annum. First dosing date is dose of business day 8 August 86. Position is open until filled. For more information come to Civilian Per sonnel office. Bergstrom Air Force Base, Tx. 186t8/8 furnished, 18218/12 Huge duplexes dose to Hilton. Two and three bed rooms. with washer and dryer connections. Fire place, ceiling fans, and fenced yards. 846-2471, 846-8730, 693-1627. University Rentals. P.O. Drawer CT, College Station, 77840. 163tfn Ladies Schwinn 10-speed, $150. or best offer. New, 1- 825-3513 after 6 p.m. 187t8/12 Cushman 3-wheel pickup, make offer. Mornings and after five. 696-3171. 184t8/6 Twin mattress, box springs, frame. $25.00. 774-7218. 186t8/5 SERVICES ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dis sertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. On The Double 331 University Dr. 846-3755 1561 Expci i Typing. Wore! Processing. Resumes Fast. PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. TYPING: weekends Accurate 776-4013. & Fast, call after 1 00. Word Processing: Propt manuscripts, report; sumes. letters. 7(i4-(i<>14. Efficiency. All bills paid. $175. 2 Bdrm. house. 4402 Poplar, $325. 2 Bdrm. apts. $200. 8c up. 779-3700. 187t8/12 HELP WANTED Room in lovely home, near campus. Private entrance, bath. 846-0919 after 6:00. 187t8/8 Part Time: Apply at Piper's Avenue at University Drive. PERSONRLS ADOPT ION — NOT ABORTION. Loving, finan cially secure couple anxious to legally adopt Caucasian infant. Will help with expenses. 1’lease answer our prayers. Call collect anytime. (313) 557-5433. 187t8/5 Desperately seeking name and number of beautiful blonde driver of white Foul Escort with New Jet plates. 846-5340 evenings. 185t8/7 Typing, Word Processing for Dissertations, Thesis, and Term Papers. 693-1598. 187t8/15 Tvping. Editing, and Library Research Assistance. Call for details. 779-8376. 167t9/3 Accurate. 159t8/27 anytime 172t8/2 sals, dissertations, theses, sletters. term papers, re- 179t8/6 Pan time Dental Assistant Position. Experience nec essary. Apply 2101 Texas Avenue. C.S. T79t8/8 Gull Service Station, Texas 18218/7 WANTED CASH for gold, silver, old coins, diamonds Full Jewelry Repair Large Stock of Diamonds Gold Chains TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE 404 University Dr. 846-8916 3202-A Texas Ave. (across from El Chico, Bryan) 779-7662 STRETCH Your Dollars! WATCH FOR BARGAINS IN THE BATTALION!! GLEN WOOD APTS 1 BDRM at $240.00 2011 La Brisa 779-3220 Close to A&M 2 blocks S. of V. Maria off 2818 HI, FRIENDS, this is SATAN, HERETO TELL you ABOUT THE SOUL SALE WEL'RE. HAVIK6. LOOK AT THEBARGAIA/5 orv THESE cheap siNsff '1te,TI\E$£.%)UU IN ■tDKMEWT CAN BE. yoORS TO T0KTURE FOK RmUlWSLi L0VJ, PERVERTED PRICES. WE'VE GOT LIARS, HEAVY METAL BANDS, CHEATERS EDITORIAL commsK... MEX use ol L Bolivian eneratt ears of mentin dons to stroy th< City spending cap face-offset Cisneros tests support SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Mayor Henry Cisneros has put his political reputation to the test in an all-out bid to defeat a city spending cap ref erendum. The mayor is going head-to-head against political foe C.A. Stubbs, a self-appointed tax watchdog who says he wants to put the clamps on the city’s budget. The issue goes to a vote Aug. 9 in a referendum forced when Stubbs convinced 20,000 registered voters to sign petitions calling for an elec tion on the issue. Cisneros is as popular as ever, but he is still smarting from a defeat in another referendum last fall. Voters turned down a Cisneros-backed, Stubbs-opposed proposal to fluori date the city’s water. “I’m on the defensive,” Cisneros said in a recent speech to the Metro politan Congregational Alliance. “He (Stubbs) says the city’s wasting your money. I have to prove we’re not.” Cisneros did not return telephone calls from The Associated Press. But he has said he is putting in 14-hour al campait days in a personal campaign to stop the spending cap, which he contends would hamstring San Antonio’s growth. He has voiced fears that such spending limits would thwart indus try from locating in San Antonio and would damage the city’s high bond rating, a key element in San Anto nio’s ability to build new streets and other permanent improvements. Stubbs denies the spending cap referendum is a political confronta tion with Cisneros. “He’s the one that considers it a showdown,” Stubbs said. “He’s the mayor. I’m just the lowly taxpayer. If just so happens I’m the microphone for the people who feel the same way I do.” The proposal, which Stubbs pre- would allow city spending to grow in step with population and inflation. In other words, if the city’s pop ulation grew 3 percent and inflation were 3 percent, the budget at City Hall could expand by 6 percent. Stubbs said his 4,000-member Homeowner-Taxpayer Association, which he claimed has doubled in size since the fluoride referendum, has been studying the taxing habits of 45 taxing entities in Bexar County. The organization studied 21 cities, 12 school districts and several hospital and college districts, Stubbs said. “We found a phenomenal gap be tween growth and spending,” he said. City spending, he said, has grown more than three times faster than population and inflation. “We admit there has to be growth and there has to be progress,” he said. “But the politicians and the big money interests have the notion that we’ve got to pull out all the stops — we’ve got to have everything yester day. And the taxpayers have to pay for it. “We don’t want to subsidize the developers and the big money inter ests,” he said. City Manager Lou Fox, who is campaigning against the cap, said “it isn’t as if the city’s asleep and these nasty city officials are conniving to spend all this money.” The city manager said he dis agrees with the concept of limiting city spending. “These tax caps are like Gramm- Rudman — government by formu la,” Fox said. “I don’t like govern ment by formula.” Robert Marbut Jr., a political con sultant who is heading up a coalition of six organizations opposing the cap, described the spending limit as “very, very flawed.” “It does not restrict, roll back or freeze taxes,” he said. The proposal also makes no pro- ing federal dements or contributors. funds, gifts insurantt from p; “What happens if a tornado throu gh B roadway?” Marbut al one of the city’s major thorot fares. It could take the city im under the spending cap toresp to such an emergency, he said. In the event of an emergent' cap could be circumvented through a referendum. fers to call an “indexing method,” visions for the city accepting match- 2 Houston men sentenced foi drug smugglir; Boliv timated mated 5 Bolivia. Unit wa; bers ( VVorke new c Teleph 3-1 ma day. All Dow NEV turned ing the sharp d day to f The industr at its m: 6-33 ga HOUSTON (AP)—Twon who admitted participating» international ring by smugM more than 700 pounds of cocat will begin serving stiff pri*| terms despite one’s pleas mercy. U.S. District Judge Jat DeAnda Monday sentenced 1 mando Cordero, 31, to 15 and Julio Everado Posso, I 2 years in prison. “You have come to thewn court,” DeAnda declared, Cordero asked for the p mercy. Rc fere [gold DeAnda said the large size] the drug operation called forij penalties. MOS( or two 2,000 buri tee n articl Andn uly issu ost the egan ir ight of imfero Some [1985, b he cem pril b ost gUc Cordero and Posso pleai guilty in May to conspiracy to® port cocaine with Cordero i pleading guilty to interstatetrai portation. ES137 PIZZA DELIVERS 846-3768 Campus, N. & E. of Campus, Westwood, La Bruisa, Spring Loop 696-0234 South of Campus, S.W. Parkway, Hwy 30, Raintree, Em. Forest, Southwood Valley conviser-mille CBS BUY 1 PIZZA AT REGULAR PRICE AND GET 1 OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE FREE! ‘Classes Begin Early August (in College Station Hiltoi 1 ‘Send For Free Sample Out Or Recent Exam With Ans# Name: Address: City/St/Zip: Cf Sc NO COUPON NECESSARY void w/ any other coupon offer, 31 Aug 86 Send To: conviser—m 6620 Harwin, Ste. 240 Houston, Texas 77036 [ Or Call 1(800)392-$j r