7 Aggies' Choice Timber Ridge flpts. 846-2173 I 503Cherry SI (3 blks from compus) $100 off 1st mth rent with this ad. 1 CarePlus^ Women’s HEALTH CARE NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED 10% Discount-with I.D. 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Everyday 696-0683 1712 S.W. Parkway (across from Kroger Center) Page 6/The Battalion/Tuesday, July 29, 1986 Personal income rises 1.1% Nation AGGIE SPECIAL Students $225 00 Large 2-1 Duplexes Close to Campus CALL NOW 693-3777 j your business deserves some prime-time exposure. readers use these pages to see what's happening on the tube, let them know what's happening with you. call 845-2611 to place advertisements in at ease. VILLA MARIA AUTO SUPPLY j UGHT^rei The Right Parts and Everything Else You Need. I I I I I I I I QUALITY CAR PARTS DOMESTIC & FOREIGN DISCOUNT COUPON WASHINGTON (AP) — Ameri cans’ personal incomes rose a mod est 1.1 percent in the first three months of the year, and residents of 10 states actually suffered declines in earnings, the government reported Monday. The Commerce Department said energy and farm states were the hardest hit, with Alaska enduring a 9 percent income plunge, the biggest of any state. Since January, 115,000 jobs have been lost in the oil and gas industry as companies have cut back sharply on drilling plans because of the dramatic fall in oil prices. 6 Soviet units to exit Afghanistan Gorbachev announces partial withdrawc AGGIES PRESENT THIS COUPON AND RECEIVE 10% OFF YOUR NEXT PURCHASE W/STUDENT ID 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Mon.Thur Sat. 12 noon-4 p.m. Sun./<^ 776-1379 1136 E. Villa Maria Bryan Tx. 77802 The weak income numbers cut a swath across the farm belt as well, led by a 6.1 percent fall in North Da kota, one of eight farm states that had declines in earnings during the first three months of the year. The 1.1 percent overall increase was down from a 1.9 percent rise in the final three months of 1985. MOSCOW (AP) — Kremlin leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev an nounced the first Soviet troop with drawals from Afghanistan on Mon day, but he tempered the gesture with a stern warning that Moscow won’t quit the 6!/2-year-old war until “outside interference” stops. Gorbachev said in a televised ad dress that the Soviets would pull out six regiments by the end of the year to stimulate talks aimed at ending the fighting in Afghanistan. He did not give a specific timeta ble or say how many of the Red Army’s estimated 1 15,000 soldiers in Afghanistan were involved. But Western diplomatic sources esti mated there were 5,900 to 10,000 soldiers in the six units. The Soviets contend the United States and Pakistan control the rebel forces and demand the two coun tries guarantee an end to the rebel lion. U.S. and Pakistani officials say the Soviets should withdraw before reconciliation can be attempted. Gorbachev said the troop withdra wal “must be answered by the cur tailment of outside interference in the affairs of the Democratic li< of Afghanistan.” Given the small scale ol] planned withdrawal, Gorki move appeared to Ire niort goodwill gesture than ai change in the Soviets’ policy. ol 82 The haircut you want is the haircut you get. At Supercuts, wdve been trained to cut hair perfectly So no matter how you like your hair cut, you’re going to get the cut you like. Every time. We guarantee it, or your money back. That statement of confidence has helped make us America's most popular haircutters. Which only goes to prove that when you give people exactly what they want, they just keep coming back for more. And a Supercut is always $8.‘ i nai biaiei i it?i 11 ui gui muci igc .supefcuir We’re changing the way America cuts its hair. Skagg’s Shopping Center 846-0084 ailable at additi © 1963 EMRA CORPORATION S. Africa threatens to close schools if boycott persists JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) — The government rejected demands by black students that troops be withdrawn from school grounds and said Monday it may close schools where boycotts persist. Gerrit Viljoen, minister of educa tion and development aid, told re porters boycotts and unrest in creased in the past when troops were withdrawn. He said they would re main at black schools to protect lives and property “from a minority of hooligans” until the situation re turned to normal. About 300,000 black students are believed to have ignored an ultima tum to halt boycotts and re-register for classes by last Friday or face ex pulsion without appeal. The government Bureau for In formation said eight blacks were killed Sunday, one of the higher da ily casualty tolls under the nation wide state of emergency imposed June 12. That brought the official death toll in the period to 188. Britain’s foreign secretary, Sir Ge offrey Howe, met with the leaders of two black homelands and several politicians in his attempt to start ne gotiations toward an end to the apartheid race policy through which South Africa’s five million whites dominate the 24 million blacks. Howe, who is to meet President P.W. Botha for the second time Tuesday, dismissed suggestions that his seven-day mission to southern Africa was faltering. Viljoen said his department would close schools only as a last resort, but if unrest continued “the department would divert such facilities to schools where education continued nor mally.” The government has said more than 80 percent of the 1.7 million black students returned when classes resumed Julv 14. World Briefs Striking city workers vote on contract DETROIT (AP) — Thousands of city workers lined up at ballot boxes Monday for a contract vote that could restart buses and re duce a mountain of garbage built by a 13-day municipal strike. But some striking members of the American Federation of ployees were unhappy wii tentative agreement. 1 he three-year contract! raises contingent on the cilvj nancial condition during ihclJ (wo \iars of the agreemeniffl demand dial leadei s <>! the"! State TYumtv and Municipal Em- member union initially resistftl Negligence ruled in well contomint BOSTON (AP) — YV.R. Grace Co. was responsible for contami nating two drinking wells in the industrial suburb of Woburn, a federal jury decided Monday, set ting the stage for a second trial to determine if the pollution caused leukemia that killed six people. flie jury cleared another! fendant, corporate giant Beaitij Foods Co., of any liability inli case. file six jurors found thatir: loroethylene and tetrachloeq lene were dumped negligentli, the Grace site aitei ()ct. 1,19ft| Scientists say Titanic unsalvageable WOODS HOLE, Mass. (AP) — Scientists who explored the Ti tanic returned to port Monday convinced the liner is unsalvagea ble and toting 57,000 photos and more than 50 hours of videotape of the wreckage of the world’s most famous sea disaster. “I hope that through the ef forts that we accomplished in the last few weeks that it will sat the curiosity of everyone. ..h that there will be no real ret or need to go back, and thar Titanic can finally rest in pea.: said chief scientist Robert L lard. Ballard, who also led theeis dition that found the ship,sai! had no desire to return tothesi i rst Stock market has ‘blue Monday’ loss NEW YORK (AP) — The stoc k market started off a new week with another “blue Monday,” fall ing sharply in selling attributed to interest-rate worries and pro gram trading. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials fell 36.14 to 1,773.90, for its seventh largest pointl ever and its biggest since ittoolj record 61.87-point drop on Jo 7. Volume on the New Yd Stock Exchange came to 12' J million shares, against million on Friday, / TRIM AND TAN 2 MONTHS $ 35 10 tanning sessions $30 *Coed Aerobics -ArAeroba floor ArEuropean Caribic tanning beds ^Exercise bicycles ★ Member IDEA ★ Separate or joint aerobics & tanning memberships. 1800 N. Texas Ave., south C.S. 764-0549 MSC^Vr PRESENT THE mmm Taco Bell's Star Attractions at Out of this World Low Prices IV/ f With this coupon thru July 31, 1986 I | 11am - 11pm J I 1 I Res Taco 1 - Burrito. Bean Rea Tostada A9 I I I I *49 Burrito Supreme 99 j *49 Beefy Tostada 99 J *49 Encherito 99 1 .99 | *49 Combo Burrito .79 Beef Burrito .99 J G I I I fftW' Seafood Salad 2.99 Taco Salad 2.99 Pizazz Pizza 1.99 JUABACHRCOE AUGUST" 6-9 I 1 1 I I I Quantities unlimited TACO Not sood with any other offer 'BELL Bryan/Collese Station fop TicT$hf imtmvrioh qmt Battalion Classified 845-2611