The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 29, 1986, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Vol. 82 No. 184 GSPS 045360 6 pages
College Station, Texas
Tuesday, July 29, 1986
A&M to investigate basketball allegations
board* K
ues, Pel From Staff and Wire Reports University’s Southwest Conference Adair said he couldn’t estimate football investigation began in De- and free use of either rental cars or ranged by coaches or representa
From Staff and Wire Reports
exas A&M is beginning an inter
nal investigation into allegations by
the Dallas limes Herald of NCAA
violations by A&M basketball
c<|aches, the chairman of the Texas
AkM Athletic Council said Monday.
HDi . Thomas Adair, who also is the
University’s Southwest Conference
faculty representative, said he re
ceived a letter from A&M President
Frank Vandiver about two weeks
ago asking him to initiate an investi
gation after the Times Herald con
tacted Vandiver’s of f ice about the al
Adair said he couldn’t estimate
how long the investigation would
take, but said, “It will be as long and
comprehensive as it needs to be to
get the job done.”
Adair also heads the current in
vestigation into the A&M football
program’s alleged violations. The
football investigation began in De
cember and is expected to be wrap
ped up in about two weeks, he said.
In copyrighted stories printed
Sunday and Monday, the Times
Herald said former A&M basketball
players and recruits said they were
given money, prepaid airline tickets
and free use of either rental cars or
A&M coaches’ cars. Three former
A&M players said they took summer
classes at a junior college without
paying tuition or dormitory fees, the
newspaper reported.
These activities, if paid for or ar
ranged by coaches or representatives
of a school’s athletic interests, are ap
parent violations of the NCAA rules
which prohibit “extra benefits” for
student athletes that aren’t available
See Allegations, page 5
d Senate plan
in House
Conferees differ
on tax legislation
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nigotiators on Monday rejected
most of a Senate revenue-raising
[package that would have cleared the
[wav for serious bargaining on a new
pi; t for overhauling the income tax
x. AveJ
House delegation turned
pwn $14.1 billion of a $26-billion
pi jposal that the Senate had ad
vanced last week. Among provisions
rejected were one that would have
restricted the tax deduction asso
rted with refinancing home mort
■The revenue-raising exercise is
necessary because congressional
leaders and the Reagan administra-
tfon have agreed that the new tax
system must bring in the same reve
nue as present law. A new estimate
showed that the bill passed by the
Senate fell $21 billion short of that
iiiget over five years. The other $5
billion in the package would be used
to designate more tax relief for mid
dle-income people.
■ House negotiators say they will
not talk about working out other dif
ferences between the two bills until
He Senate revenue problem is re
H “Our basic position is that the Sen
ate came up short and the Senate has
got to find $26 billion,” Rep. Donald
Pease, D-Ohio, told reporters.
■ The 22 lawmakers — 1 1 from
Hch house — worked behind closed
doors on the seventh day of the con
I House members pointed to their
own bill as a good source of revenue
for senators to tap. “We have $100
billion of base broadeners (eliminat
ing deductions and credits) on the
corporate side and we assumed the
Senate would pick from them” in
nershipying to fill the $26-billion gap,
Hase said. Instead, he noted, sen-
niilllllllfflP ors concenlrale( l on minor provi-
uuuuuu l sions suggested by the Treasury De
a I While House delegates were call
ing for eliminating more corporate
i provisions, Senate conferees were
I qr c1 reluctant.
LOi-W' | -j-j ie c {jffj t ui t y senators are having
Ittking to raise $26 billion poses
dpubts about whether the final tax
overhaul compromise will have indi
vidual tax rates as low as those in the
Spnate measure.
■ Under either bill, most people
■ould be taxed at a 15-percent rate,
■he Senate plan would tax most of
He others at a maximum rate of 27
'/Viyl percent, but some upper-income
t l^/l' |l Hople would pay more than 32 per-
Hnt on part of their earnings. The
House plan has a top rate of 38 per
cent .
Business dean accepts job
as system deputy chancellor
By Karen Kroesche
Staff Writer
The dean of the College of Busi
ness Administration announced
Monday he has accepted the position
of Deputy Chancellor of the Texas
A&M System and will begin the
search for a new dean of the busi
ness college.
Dr. William H. Mobley’s appoint
ment by Chancellor Perry Adkisson
is pending approval by the Board of
Regents. Adkisson is expected to an
nounce the appointment formally
The deputy chancellor position
was vacated by Adkisson when he
was named chancellor last week.
Mobley said Monday, “I am
looking forward to participating in
the leadership of the Texas A&M
University System and working with
our new chancellor, Dr. Perry Adkis
son. I trust that my background in
management and organizational be
havior will be useful in helping meet
the immediate and long-term chal
lenges facing the Texas economy,
higher education and the A&M sys
Mobley stressed the importance of
the A&M system to the intellectual
and social development of the state
and nation, and said that the slate’s
universities are crucial to its eco
nomic growth.
“Great universities are fundamen
tal to the development of knowl
edge, technology and human capi
tal,” he said. “If Texas is not to be
left behind in the economic transfor
mation of our nation and world, it
must insure that it invests the re
sources necessary, even in these dif
ficult economic times in Texas, to
continue to develop the key research
universities such as the Texas A&M
After joining the A&M faculty in
1980 as professor and head of the
management department, Mobley
was promoted to associate dean of
the Gollege of Business Administra
tion in 1981. He was named dean in
Mobley, 44, holds a bachelor’s de
gree in psychology and economics
from Denison University and a mas
ters and Ph.D. in industrial-organi
zational psychology from the Uni
versity of Maryland.
Dr. William H. Mobley
Upon completion of his Ph.D.,
Mobley served as Corporate Man
ager of Employee Relations Re
search and Planning for PPG Indus
tries and taught part-time at
Carnegie Mellon University.
Before coming to A&M, he was
director of the Center for Manage
ment and Organizational Research
at the University of South Carolina.
Photo by Mary Frances Scott
Spare Change
F. Randal collects parking fees at the Mud Lot Manor parking lot
on Nagle Drive. Students have been paying to park in the once-
free lot since it was purchased by Randal’s son last year. The own
ers also manage the vacant lot behind Northgate, and Randal says
parking will at Northgate will cost $1 per day when that lot opens
in August.
Some state agencies may close
AUSTIN (AP) — Gov. Mark
White said Monday he probably will
urge lawmakers to close some state
agencies to help erase the state’s $3.5
billion budget deficit.
White did not say which agencies
might be cut.
“I’m likely to be recommending
the abolition of some agencies,”
White said, adding that he will have
a budget-balancing plan ready for
lawmakers when they arrive in Aus
tin next week for the Legislature’s
30-day special session.
The governor declined to even
discuss prospects of a tax increase,
saying spending cuts must come
“I’m not here to discuss any kind
of revenue package until we’ve com
pleted our cuts,” White said. “We
have to cut the budget.”
White said lawmakers face per
haps the most difficult job any state
legislature ever has confrontted.
With worldwide oil prices plung
ing, the state government budget
deficit has ballooned from $1.3 bil
lion in February to $2.3 billion in
June to $3.5 billion now.
Jenco reunited with family in Germany
WIESBADEN, West Germany
(AP) — The Rev. Lawrence Martin
Jenco greeted his kin with hugs,
tears and kisses Monday and called it
“a dream come true” to be free after
19 months of captivity in Lebanon,
his family said.
The 51-year-old, bearded Roman
Gatholic priest from Joliet, Ill.,
planned to visit the pope in Rome
and prayed for the release of three
other Americans he knows to be still
held hostage in Lebanon.
Ten members of Jenco’s family —
three brothers, three sisters, a
nephew and three in-laws — flew
from the United States to greet him
in West Germany after his extremist
Shiite Moslem kidnappers freed him
last Saturday in eastern Lebanon’s
Bekaa Valley.
“It was a very emotional 10 min
utes of hugs, kisses and a lot of
tears,” nephew Andrew Mihelich
told reporters near the U.S. Air
Force hospital in Wiesbaden.
Jenco, a member of the Order of
Servants of Mary, was kidnapped in
Beirut on Jan. 8, 1985. He had been
directing Catholic Relief Services op
erations in Lebanon that served both
Christians and Moslems.
His kidnappers kept Jenco in soli
tary confinement and chains for
months of his captivity in Lebanon
and he often was blindfolded after
that, members of his family said
John Jenco also said his 51-year-
old brother and three other Ameri
can hostages held as a group were
told three weeks ago that they would
be released, but there was no expla
nation when it did not happen.
The family said Jenco was tired,
but otherwise well considering his
ordeal. The priest was undergoing
tests for what the hospital director,
Col. Robert W. Gilmore, described
as “ongoing heart disease.”
The priest appeared briefly Mon
day on the hospital’s second-floor
balcony, which was decorated with a
large American flag.
His voice choked with emotion,
Jenco told reporters: “I’m not too
sure it’s true, it’s a dream come true.
It’s great to be back, to be loved
again, to be back with the family.”
The priest called for the release of
the other Americans.
“When Terry Anderson, Thomas
Sutherland and David Jacobsen
come back again, that will be my
great day of joy,” Jenco said.
He also called for the release of
the seven Frenchmen, two Britons,
one Irishman and one South Korean
still missing in Lebanon.
Islamic Jihad said it freed Jenco as
a “last gesture” and said “grave con-
Say attacks hostage policy
LARNACA, Cyprus (AP) —
Peggy Say, sister of American
hostage Terry Anderson, asked
the U.S. government Monday to
“stop tap-dancing around the
word ‘negotiate’” and to bargain
with Shiite Moslem kidnappers
for the release of her brother and
other Americans held captive in
“I want them (the U.S. govern
ment) to get out there and do it,
like they did for other American
hostages,” Mrs. Say said.
The U.S. administration has
said it will not neogitate with ex
tremists, but is exploring other
avenues to secure the captives’ re
sequences” would follow if its de
mands were not met.
It demands release of 17 com
rades imprisoned in Kuwait for the
1983 bombings at the U.S. and
French embassies. Kuwait refuses to
free the 17.
Joe Jenco said the freed priest and
some relatives plan to travel to Rome
for a private audience with Pope
John Paul II on Thursday or Friday.
NASA reveals shuttle crew
conscious after explosion
!AP) — Space shuttle Challenger
Pilot Michael J. Smith exclaimed
[‘Uh-oh!” at the moment the
ipacecraft exploded, and some of
:he crew apparently lived long
snough to turn on emergency air
packs, NASA said Monday.
Smith’s remark, heard on a
tape of the shuttle’s intercom sys
tem, was the first indication that
any of the seven astronauts killed
may have been aware of the Jan.
28 disaster, the worst in the his
tory of space exploration.
The astronauts probably sur
vived the explosion and breakup
of the shuttle orbiter and could
have had 6 to 15 seconds of “use
ful consciousness” inside the crew
compartment after the blast, said
Dr. Joseph Kerwin, an astronaut-
physician who investigated the
cause of death for the crew.
The force of the crew compart
ment hitting the ocean was so de
structive, however, that the pre
cise cause of death for the crew
could not be determined, he said.
The intercom tapes were re
covered from the wreckage of the
Challenger and analyzed by Na
tional Aeronautics and Space Ad
ministration and IBM engineers.
The tape, a transcript of which
was released by NASA on Mon
day, offered no verbal evidence
that any crew members other
than Smith knew anything was
abnormal prior to his single ex
clamation 73 seconds after launch
— the very second that ground
controllers lost all communication
with the craft.
Previously, the last known
words from the Challenger were
those heard from Commander
Dick Scobee to ground control
lers, when he responded “Roger,
go at throttle up,” confirming
that the shuttle’s main engines
had been raised to full power.
• • •
In Washington Monday, a
Texas congressman said a con
gressional committee will hold a
hearing on NASA’s plan to reor
ganize the space station program
and transfer some research from
the Johnson Space Center in
Houston to Alabama.
Rep. Mike Andrews, D-Hous-
ton, said the hearing, before the
House Science and Technology
Committee’s subcommittee on
space science, has been scheduled
for Aug. 5.
Angry reaction by members of
the Texas congressional dele
gation led to a fence-mending
meeting with James C. Fletcher,
the new space agency administra
tor, last Thursday.
Fletcher told the congressmen
that some research on the space
station would be moved to the
Marshall Space Flight Center in
Huntsville, Ala., but that the ef
fect on staff levels as JSC was not
yet known.
Car bomb in Beirut
kills 32, wounds 140
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — A car
packed with a quarter-ton of explo
sives blew up in a Christian resi
dential district during morning rush
hour Monday, killing 32 people,
wounding 140 and wrecking dozens
of buildings, police reported.
The blast tore balconies off high-
rise apartment houses and set seven
of them ablaze. Rescuers using metal
ladders and forklifts saved more
than 50 people trapped on rooftops
and the remaining balconies.
Ambulances raced in and out of
the stricken area. Radio stations
broadcast urgent apppeals for blood
It was the worst of seven car
bombings this year in Lebanon,
whose 11-year-old sectarian civil war
has taken more than 100,000 lives.
No one has claimed responsibility
for any of the attacks, six of them in
Christian east Beirut and one in the
southern port city of Sidon, a Mos
lem stronghold. A total of 98 people
have been killed and 580 wounded.
“My brothers! My two brothers!”
Josiane Azar screamed. She fainted
when firefighters pulled two bodies
from the rubble of a clothing store
owned by her brothers loseph and
Many victims were burned be
yond identification. The explosion
of the white Mercedes gouged a
crater more than six feet deep in
Wadih Naim street near the Star cin
ema in the Ein Rummaneh district
of Christian east Beirut.
Firefighters and civil defense
squads spent eight hours in rescue
Police said up to 550 pounds of
TNT w’as packed into the car, which
exploded at 8:28 a.m. when Ein
Rummaneh’s Snoubra neighbor
hood was jammed with traf fic.
Shattered power cables dangled
into the streets from gaping win
dows in the smoke-blackened apart
ment buildings.
The force of the explosion hurled
the engine of one car more than 100
Authorities declared about 30
buildings uninhabitable, and 20
shops were destroyed.
STNP finishes
reactor pressure
test successfully
BAY CITY (AP) — The South
Texas Nuclear Project success
fully completed a pressure test of
its main reactor and piping, clear
ing the way for hot functiontal
testing next year, officials said
The STNP reactor coolant sys
tem and interconnected piping
were tested against 3,000 pounds
per square inch of pressure,
which is 750 pounds more than
normal operating pressure, offi
cials said. Hot functional testing is
scheduled for January 1987.
The reactor coolant system
provides cooling water flow to
transfer heat from the reactor to
four steam generators. Steam
from these devices drives a 1.25
million kilowatt turbine-genera
tor to produce electricity which
will serve customers throughout
South Texas.
The nuclear project is sched
uled for loading of nuclear fuel in
June 1987, with commercial op
eration planned for December of
that year.