Wednesday, June 4, 1986/The Battalion/Page 5 >td A/aldo by Kevin Thomas I CAN'T TN/NK op [he factor M 'DfA Fo« THF nersandi BartooN voOAYf 1 to pui k. Who's Dishes ik| >okingfo: iner ao APD2 ce" sou iits "He he's breitf i get the eet KfVW THOMAS’ famous CARTOON/ sT AND 4«AVf Roese* Consumer group seeks morticians board probe l come;.' ; are pe; in cordli Taylor >ut 40 i g is fm it range start of the it tacked: eonedi' nobod' rnerfori Shoe by Jeff MacNelly ^ or Funky Winkerbean by Tom Batiuk mb ^ 1 FWSICS - PWSICS DEALS 0JITM CONCEPTS OF MECHANICS , HEAT AND USHT, ELECTRICITV , AND MAGNETISM /THESE KINDS - Russeii'l OF THINGS OULU DRIVE VOO CRAZA> IF