The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 02, 1986, Image 4

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Discover valuable insight for building lasting
“With the armed criminal and the re
strictive laws disarming the citizen,
we have, in fact, aided and abetted
the criminal by making his work less
Roy Innis
Gun Control: The Controversy
April 7 8 pm
Rudder Theatre Free
MSC Scona 32
Student Conference on
National Affairs
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now available at
secretary island, 216
Deadline: April 9
Page 4/ r The Battalion/Wednesday, April 2, 1986
Wiley Lecture Series f°
Carter: U.S. should try
to promote world pea
By Jeanne Isenberg
Stuff Writer
Former president Jimmy Carter
said Tuesday the United States
should use its world influence to en
courage peaceful resolutions to con
flicts instead of playing the role of an
“international policeman.”
“One of the characteristics of a
great and powerful nation — and
ours is the greatest and the most
powerful and the most influential —
is to use its great influence for pea
ce,” Carter said, “and for the dem
onstration that through negotiation
there might be some easing of ten
sion and the end of bloodshed.”
But President Ronald Reagan,
Carter said, has a somewhat differ
ent philosophy.
Reagan’s approach is to prove to
other nations the extent of U.S.
power. Carter said. If the United
States doesn’t like something, he
said, Reagan’s policy is to send off
American troops or to threaten to
send troops.
By implementing this policy in last
week’s Gulf of Sidra conflict the
United States only succeeded in pro
voking the Arab nations and elevat
ing Libyan leader Moammar Kha-
dafy to the status of hero. Carter
“It made him look in the eyes of
his own nation like a David fighting
our Goliath,” he said, “with four or
five little gunboats fighting the en
tire sixth fleet.
“He was an outcast three or four
months ago in the entire Arab
world. Now it’s almost impossible for
an Arab leader not to say, ‘We sup
port Khadafy. We condemn the
United States.’”
Carter also said it’s important to
gauge the possible reactions of U.S.
allies to its actions in international
conflicts. A group of nations stand
ing together has more impact than
one standing alone, he said.
With Khadafy, he said, the United
States not only forced the unani
mous support of the Arab nations
but also was condemned by many of
its own allies in the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization.
The best way to deal with interna-
|y co
ft res 1
i ■ r' . ■,anient
tumal terrorism, Carter saw res(
so privately and forcefully,K. 0 j-
making its confrontationsfnB- nKI
news because public recojMr j ()rf
what tet rot ists want. |y^ e
Carter expressed an m I OI1
view lot the future of tit 1
cratu Party, although he a | be t
unsure about the lyoopi -,
ejections. J^tht
He said that although thM^ q,
pariiculai candidate capmM t() a
imagination of the Unite* ve !
now, it’s too early for DenuM^ an
get discouraged. l ()t n(
One thing the Lte'iorrasftesoin
their favor is that ReaganiJ s j U|
mug again, Carter said. RtiB| teci
master of the media, he said,]
t .1 i i, , ,’*heni
ac tjim ed the ability to avoid* m .
sihiliiv foi anythingunpleJ a ||
coming out of his tern«|L at(
unscathed. r j
He also said the democm
lion is favored on most bastftj sa
fac ing the United StatestodM s j on
as nuclear arms control, li*j t m j
the budget, diplomacy and pM,,;; p
gotiations and dealing witli*| t y ier
lion and health. . K s
Bps am
Arms race unlikely to a bah
foreign relations expert sa
B withe
ously f
land a
Idem i
Ford sai
By Mona Palmer
Staff Writer
The arms race between the Soviet
Union and the United States is un
justifiable but also unlikely to slow
down, a U.S. foreign relations histo
rian told an A&M audience Tuesday
Dr. Stephen Ambrose, a Univer
sity of New Orleans professor and
author of 12 books on the United
States’ military and f oreign relations,
said that in 1953, military experts
targeted 70 nuclear missile sites in
the Soviet Union for bombing, but
the number since has escalated to
“We have the delivery capacity to
make sure all 7,000 are destroyed,”
he said, “but we continue to build
new bombs as fast as we can —
roughly at the rate of three a day.”
The Soviets are in a comparable
position, he said. They can destroy
about 1,000 targeted U.S. sites and
also are building three new bombs
every day, he said.
“I search my brain,” Ambrose
said. “I want to understand what
compels a society to feel it needs
more weapons in this situation — I
Dr. Stephen Ambrose
only can guess at answers. Maybe it’s
in our genes. We react to an outside
threat by grabbing a club — the big
ger the threat, the bigger the club.
“But if you were to ask me to logi
cally defend the building of three
new atomic bombs on April 1, 1986,
and adding them to the American
arsenal . . . I’d say I can’t do it. I can’t
see any point in building more of
these weapons.”
Ambrose also said the Soviet
Union’s mentality needs to be con
|d this
"There's nothing in thisK ress 5
tat to the Russians is worth* (>n
ol the Kremlin,” he said.“l*'ey (
sane, rational men . . . who w L1 P *
enjen life in peace.” * ie y a
Earlier Tuesday AmbrcK* or< l s
history class that a knowled™
past intervention and non-iB* r( l sai
tion policies is essential toftc 01151 '
standing our present situatior* c l eai
ever, these policies do not
prec edents for future crises,kp rme< '
Ambrose also told Reijinft'd-F 1
pot lets not to sing the pratsiT
Grenada yet.
“ I he verdict is a lonw
being in," he said.
Ambrose said Reagan hast
escaping t riticism.
“Lebanon was asdumbataj
we’ve had in this century,"htj
“Not a single objective wasnj
ami, yet, this country isnii
about it at all.”
Reagan's secret, AmbroseJ
his positive attitudeandhispoi
never looking hack or
“Quite a quality he’s goth
said. “One that Jimmy CarterJ
he had."
Puzzle Pictures
MSC Gallery, April 1 &2
Discuss puzzle picture art theory
7:30 pm, Wednesday April 2, Rudder 701
Call Battalion Classified 845-2611