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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1986)
Page 6/The BattalionTuesday, March 25, 1986 Battalion Classifieds Odessa man charged B< in South Dakota killing Ct ajp jji ^pi jp »p »p rp «p »p rp »p Wanted: Individuals 18 years of age or older to participate in our “AtHome” Cold Study with an over-the-counter cold prepara tion. Incentive: $40. Call 776-0411. $ <P |p ^$) O ^P ^P ^P ^P ^P »Tl ^P ^P »P ^P ^P ^P STUDY I Recent injury to wrist, knee or ankle? Severe enough pain to remain on study up to 10 days and 5 visits? STUDY II Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint? One-dose (4 hours) in-house study. Volunteers interested in participating in investigative drug studies will be paid for their time and cooperation. G&S Studies, inc. 846-5933 77 CASH for gold, silver, old coins, diamonds Full Jewelry Repair Large Stock of Diamonds Gold Chains TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE 404 University Dr. 846-8916 3202-A Texas Ave. (across from El Chico, Bryan) 779-7662 FOR RENT HELP WANTED SERVICES TYPING - WORD PROCESSING 6 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE We understand form and style. Personalized services AUTOMATED CLERICALSERVICES 110 Lincoln, C.S. 693-1070 95t5/8 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, re sumes. Typing and copying at one Stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755 „„ 1513 Texas Ave. 693-3526 NOW HIRING for Culpepper Plaza Location Why Work For Minimum Wage? We Need: Drivers/Day & Night Cooks/Day & Night Asst. Manager Positions Also Available Come Join The New Delivery Team Fajita Rita's Express 119t3(28 New Credit Card! No one refused!!! Also information on receiving Visa, MasterCard with no credit check. For details call: 602-248-0779 ext. #505. 119t3/25 Resume and typing service. Errands ran. 696-4446J 19t Do it right-FIRST! Word Processing/Typing: fast, friendly, typo-free. 822-1252 after 1:00. 1 16t3/28 typing. Rubber Stamps, Business Cards. Wake-Up Service. Payne, (409)823-7723. 118t4/18 TYPING. Thesis. Dissertations, Reports. Reasonable. 693-1598. 108t5/2 THE GREENERY Landscape Maintenance Full or Part Time Interview Mon. & Tues. March 24 & 25 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. 823-7551 1512 Cavitt, Bryan Defensive Driving. Insurance discount, ticket deferral. 8-5, Mon.-Fri., 693-1322. UnionTech. 92t5/28 STUDENT TYPING — 20 years experience, f ast, ac curate, reasonable, guaranteed. 693-8537. 112t5/9 Word Processing: Proposals, dissertations, theses, manuscripts, reports, newsletters, term papers, re sumes, letters. 764-6614. 114t4/l WORDS TO GO. Professional word processing at rea sonable prices. $10. resume special! 774-4120 after 5:30. 110t3/7 GAYLINE referrals, information, and peer-counseling Sunday - Friday, 6 - 10:30 pm. 775-1797. Gay Student Services. * 103ttw Summer job for College Student. Would you like to spend your summer vacation in Colorado Mountain Coun try as host or hostess and manager of The Wild Horse Mesa Lake Building, renting boats and trailers, selling gro ceries and greeting land owners? Just send a resume and snapshot to Jack York in care of Wild Horse Mesa. P.O. Box 353, San Louis, Co. 81152. 11413/31 FOR RENT PRE—LEASE for fall. HUGE duplexes near HIL TON. Ceiling fans. Fireplaces, fenced yard. 846-2471, 846-4818,693-1627. 116t5/l Condo, 1 Bdrm, 1 Bath, microwave, W/D, ceiling fan, bus route. Call (214) 495-2123. 96t3/31 * Cd$& 6el sol Move in low as 87.! 2 Blocks from campus Church across the street • 2 blocks from stores • 2 blocks from nite life on University. Pool/Jacuzzi Party Room Game Room w/Pool Table Basketball Goals On Premise Security On Premise Maintenance Hours: 8:00-5:00 401 Stasney College Station 696-3455 POOL CLUB BOOM 3-LAUNDRY ROOMS LARGE STORAGE 24 UR EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE HALF SUMMER RENT FOR LEASES SIGNED THROUGH MAY. Starting at $250.00 3902 COLLEGE MAIN country place inests 846-0515 INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Recently Published. Guide to Greencard from F/J/H Visa’s. For free details send refundable $1. (P&H): Immigration Publications, P.O. Box 515991, Dallas, TX Associated Press $10.-$360. Weekly/Up Mailing Circulars! No quotas! Sincerely interested rush self-addressed envelope: Homeventures - CDR, P.O. Box 470, Woodstock, IL. 60098. 119t4/18 OVERSEAS JOBS. Summer year round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia. All Fields. $900-2000/mo. Sightseeing. Free info. Write IJC, P.O. Box 52-TX-4 Corona, Del Mar, CA 92625 115t4/4 TROPICAL SNO-HAWA1IAN SHAVE ICE. Dealers needed. No francise fees. No royalty payments. Less than $8,000. for your own business. Pays for itself in one season. Call after 4:30 p.m. (512)258-0646. 118t4/3 RAPID CITY, S.D. — An Odessa man was charged Monday with one count of first-degree murder and two counts of attempted murder in the Saturday morning shootings of three people. Bond was not set Monday for Jimmy D. Weatherford, an unem ployed carpenter. Weatherford re quested a court-appointed attorney on Monday. Angela L. Koricanek, of Odessa, Texas was found dead in a Rapid City home early Saturday morning. Two others, Talia Anne Haefs, 23, and David M. Engelbrecht, 25, both of Rapid City, were injured from gunshot wounds. Weatherford said he was married to Koricanek. A .22-caliber handgun was seized as evidence, according to reports. Haefs and Engelbrecht were listed in serious condition Monday eve ning at Rapid City Regional Hospi tal. Haefs reportedly had a bullet lodged in her spine, authorities said. Weatherford was charged with the first-degree murder of Korica nek and the attempted murder of Haefs and Engelbrecht. Haefs was found next to Engel brecht, who was shot in the head. Koricanek’s body was found on a stairway connecting the upper floor of the house to the basement. Department of Social Service per sonnel look custody of« According to police: Weatherford told policetit| self-defense. "He made several remarlil could not understand wj (Engelbrecht) wanted to| wrote a police officer. ABII few w has reti rapy ai curing 1 Brod painful two da wrappe Weatherford’s piduifK’- which had Texas plates, [fi: spotted by a Pennington ■I sheriffs deputy on HighwiH tailed to Keystone, acconlgH lice. Weatherford barricadedBl in the truck’s camper ur:|| persuaded him totossouiB the truck’s tailnuH The pounds, But! because pened. Dock disappe that reli A pu gun FOR SALE Spend your SPRING BREAK on PADRE ISLAND. Plush beachfront condo. Accomodates 6 adults. Affor dable fun! Call today. 512-853-4591. 112t3/25 Beautiful AKC Champion German Shepherd Puppies. Large Boned. 8 weeks old. 268-0977, 764-2771119t3/31 Ten speed, hardly used. Asking $75., but will consider reasonable offer. 696-8245. 114t3/27 ATTENTION FOREIGN STUDENTS: We carry overseas 220 volts, 50 hz. Appliances, transformers, microwaves, televisions, videos, plugs, small appliances and major kitchen appliances. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO STUDENTS. L.A.W. International Inc. Tel. (713)784-2733. 113t4/l Security guards at Houston mall caught stealing Quiet two bedroom, one bath duplex in South Wood Valley. Fenced yard, covered patio. Available now. 822-0074, 822-3098. 11H3/31 iimiiimimmiiiimmimiiiiimimmiiinni FREE DELIVERY after 5pm 1 696-DEBS 'DI l b , s s Lifeguards, Pool Managers, Swim In structors. Houston area. Good Pay. Experience helpful. Apply now for May - September Jobs. (713)578- 8227. 113t3/11 RONNIE MILSAP CONCERT CANCELLED Performance by Ronnie Milsap and the Judds scheduled for April 6 in G. Rollie White Coliseum has been cancelled. For refunds, return tickets to the place of purchase. Refunds available until May 1,1986. HOUSTON — Five security guards at Willowbrook Mall have been charged with stealing $150,000 in cash and merchandise at the Har ris County shopping center during the past year, officials say. A sixth man, who worked as an as sistant manager of a mall game room, also was charged Saturday. Deputies from the Harris County Sheriffs Department said they were alerted to the thefts about two weeks ago when a store manager caught one of the guards stealing. After an investigation, deputies began making arrests last week. Deputies said that the guards are believed to have taken cameras, vi deo equipment, stereos, records, cash and jewelry over the past year. Only $5,000 worth of merchandise has been found, investigators said. The guards charged with bur glary of a business were Michael Gayler, 30; Edward L. Chronabery, 21; Johnathon West, 24; Arthur Hood, 21; and John Hoffpauir, 24. Bond for each was set at $5,000. Gayler and Chronabery remained in the Harris County Jail, a jail spokeswoman said Sunday. The game room manager, Timo thy Medidl, was charged with bur glary of a business and remained jailed in lieu of $5,000, authorities said. In Advance Sally's to feature hopeful for student body preside The five candidates for Texas A&M’s 1986-87 student body president will speak and answer questions at Sully’s Symposium Wednesday. The program is scheduled to start at 11:50 a.m. at the Law rence Sullivan Ross statue in front of the Academic Building. Each candidate will give a two minute prepared speech which will be followed by questions from the audience, says Stacey Allen, a spokewoman for Lambda Sigma, the sponsor offl[ Symposium. Allen says the programB bly will end about 12:45 This year’s candidates Cleary, a junior history: Mike Hachtman, a senioj trial distribution major, Rons, a junior accounting Brett Shine, a junior [ ence major; and Mike Ski nior agricultural educatk| jor. Metromedia sells 9 statii NEW YORK — Metromedia Inc. said Monday it has reached an agreement in principle to sell nine of its radio stations and Texas State Networks for about $285 million to an investor group headed by the president of Metromedia Radio. Metromedia said, in addition to Carl C. Brazell Jr., the radio presi dent, the investor group includes the investment firm Morgan Stanley & Co. and other members of Metrome dia Radio management. The transaction is btia tured as a leveraged buyom] a deal, a target is boughtlr] borrowed funds that arej through the sale of its assts its operating earnings. T he acquisition is belie 1 the largest ever of a radi | group, and includes station | the top 10 markets, Me | said. The company saidlh I reach an estimated 44 r-li pie. Dr. ‘Red’ Duke will host PBS health show starting in Ap Associated Press GRAPEVINE — Dr. James “Red” Duke Jr. leaves a medical meeting and stops to chat about the latest activ ities of the bighorn sheep in of West Texas. In almost the same breath, he discusses the conse quences of pulmonary adema with another Texas doc tor. To most Texans, this is typical behavior for the gen eral surgeon-wildlife conservationist who through tele vision has become their personal physician. On April 5, the 58-year-old doctor will increase his patient list as he hosts the PBS mini-series “Bodywatch.” “The reason I do this other stuff is I’m basically a schoolteacher,” said Duke, chief of trauma surgery and professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. “I have taught all my life. I’m just a missionary from the Brazos Bottom.” Duke certainly is not typical. With hisroum rimmed spectacles, lanky frame, shaggyreddi hair and bushy upper lip, Duke looks moreil apothecary than the respected Texas physidu Despite celebrity status, Duke brushes tions that he is going commercial or abam medical profession for TV glitter. In fact, he calls himself a “loner” who backroads and mountains to television light! Founder and president of the Texas Biglwf which reintroduced bighorn sheep toTexH^I tana, Duke says he tries to mix his profess® 1 ] derness interests. The Brazos Bottom is the area surrounding College Station, the site of Duke’s alma mater, Texas A&M Uni versity. A spokeswoman for Duke’s upcoming program said its executive director, Christopher Gilbert, saw Duke in an interview with NBC Nightly News host Tom Brokaw and knew the bespectacled Hillsboro native fit the part. Duke said, “His (Gilbert’s) concept about health is you ought to make it interesting, fun and not at all typ ical. And that’s what I think.” He is the 20th president of the Boone ai^ Club — started by President Theodore IW responsible for establishing YellowstoneNati® Houston’s Hermann Hospital Life Flight0| is another Duke project. He serves as itsdirtf currently trying to drum up support to expaw gram statewide. With so many projects, Duke’s life is bus' schedule tight, but it’s a pace he says he enjoys “I have more fun working with all theft® done than 99 percent of the people whospe* money trying to have fun,” he said. “But deep down inside, deep in my soul, geon,” Duke adds. “I’m a real cut-up in the Announcing... New Drink Specials Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: $1.25 Daiquiris $1.25 Margarita $1.75 Long Isis 1 Iced Tea $1.00 Well Drill 8 (or Ladi ( (c tract! that bage the show tion I freez ployt repo boan verst was i Scon tion caus< ble. four causi erstr in tb then • Ave. spec 90.' viola dooi scale poin tract bask poin were neec gle s prop area stor; a wa • Tex was Scoi tion can; nee< port was neei poii rep< nee no ‘ poii wer we r floe S 89: ricu spe< — F poii doc Thi rep iter wo i ma« coo soa plo the wal nee tha. ace COLLEGE STATION HILTON and Conference Center 801 University Drive East • 693-7500 IN. fa, He= Kic= Le_ Fa- So. Oa Flc