Battalion Classifieds BBS WANTED STUDY I Recent injury to wrist, knee or ankle? Severe enough pain to remain on study up to 10 days and 5 visits? STUDY II Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint? One-dose (4 hours) in-house study. Volunteers interested in participating in investigative drug studies will be paid for their time and cooperation. G&S Studies, inc. 846-5933 7713/3 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Wanted: Individuals 18 years of age or older to participate in our “AtHome” Cold Study with an over-the-counter cold prepara tion. Incentive: $40. Call 776-0411. ^0 ^0 ^0 ^0 ^0 ^0 ^0 ^0 ^0 FOR RENT •POOL •CLUB ROOM •3-LAUNDRY ROOMS • LARGE STORAGE •24 HR EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE HALF SUMMER RENT FOR LEASES SIGNED THROUGH MAY. Starting at $250.00 3902 COLLEGE MAIN S&k country place apartments 846-0515 Spend your SPRINti BREAK on PADRE ISLAND. Plush beachfront condo. Accomodates 6 adults. Affor dable fun! Call today. 512-853-4591. 112t3/25 SERVICES Quiet two bedroom, one bath duplex in South Wood Valley. Fenced yard, covered patio. Available now. 822-