lsoi^[ ] Best ice cream J “ “ “ /7> i ’f ,/•* .r-'-S rv .V V •• - .. "k-.. . •■•■■■:<£. 's*~ . v.rl£rt09CJey ’• . •~ 1 - BMfciCi'fV''r 1 iT i i i 1 ! V ‘ 1 1i ^11 * m~*i' ' '»'ViV'UT vUwrw!^ continued from p.8 taurant I chose as the most ro mantic in town (after some ex tensive research), it’s minus one for Lome and Doyle. Fajita Ritas was the unani mous choice for best fajitas (and the correct answer as well). Doyle liked the atmo sphere (especially the smoke which permeates your clothes while-you-wait) and so did Lor- rie. Ifs bright and festive with a kind of party-like atmosphere,†she said. “Everyone in there is having fum†In the best ice cream category, Lome scored another right an swer with Thomas Sweet. Doyle goes to Swensen’s for ice cream, or occasionally Baskin Robbins but he said he doesn’t like it as much because they make you sit at a desk while you eat. On best place to drink beer they answered correctly again: Deluxe Burger Bar. Doyle says he likes it because it has such interesting people. ‘T love to watch the people,†he said, “alt the weird profesers and stuff.’* On best delivery, however, they weren’t even close to the correct answer, Chinese Fast Food. Deyle liked Pizza Hut and Lorrie doesn’t eat delivery food. Final score: Lorrie—3, Doyle—2; Total score for Blocker: 5. o it was on to Zachry where I found three engineers sitting to gether looking like Hear No, Speak No, and See No Evil, while waiting for a class to start. Dressed in standard engi neering attire of t-shirts and jeans and sitting in the crowded lobby of Zachry, I had a trouble distinguishing them from the wall behind them and the other engineering students around them. These three were Wes Kelli- son, a senior eleetical engi neering major, Mike Larsen, a senior mechanical engineering major, and Bill Gaddis, a junior electrical engineering major. Wes and Mike avoided the most romantic dinner question but Bill answered correctly with Steak and Ale. Best fajitas, all agreed, are at Fajita Ritas. Bill liked it because it’s a c a pretty kicked back place’ but Mike liked it because ‘you can go outside.’(I guess en gineers don’t get out of Zachry much.) i Vone of the engineers ate ice cream anywhere in town al though Mike said he’d eat at Swensens if there was one in town. These guys really need to get out a little bit more.