The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 11, 1986, Image 6
Battalion Classifieds Page 6/The Battalion/Tuesday, March 11, 1986 WANTED STUDY I Recent injury to wrist, knee or ankle? Severe enough pain to remain on study up to 10 days and 5 visits? STUDY II Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint? One-dose (4 hours) in-house study. STUDY III Recent untreated in jury to muscle or bone. Study of 2 day duration with only 2 visits required. Volunteers interested in participating in investigative drug studies will be paid for their time and cooperation. G&S Studies, inc. 846-5933 77 mT^ i^p ^p ^p JTfc ^p ^p ^p ^p Wanted: Individuals 18 years of age or older to participate in our “AtHome” Cold Study with an over-the-counter cold prepara tion. Incentive: $40. Call 776-0411. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ %P ^P ^P %P <^p vP \P <43 ^P ^P ^P ^P xP ^P ^P ^P %P \P %P xP xP »P %P xP ADOPT'. Loving couple will share life, love, with white infant. Expenses paid. Legal. Collect 201-494-9261. 1 12t3/l4 FOR SALE CASH for gold, silver, old coins, diamonds Full Jewelry Repair Large Stock of Diamonds Gold Chains TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE 404 University Dr. 846-8916 3202-A Texas Ave. (across from El Chico,Bryan) 779-7662 House located off Jersey. 3 bdrm., 2 bath, large back yard, central air/heat, by appointment only. 693-2400 after 5. I13t3/17 ATTENTION FOREIGN STUDENTS: We carry overseas 220 volts, 50 hz. Appliances, transformers, microwaves, televisions, videos, plugs, small appliances and major kitchen appliances. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO STUDENTS. L.A.W. International Inc. Tel. (713)784-2733. 113t4/l Honda CX-500, 1979, 12,000 miles with Bell Helmet, $850. 268-3025. Hlt3/13 Hitachi Stereo. AM/FM, Cassette, turntable with dolby, two speakers, $100. Call 260-5186. Illt3/13 55x12' .two bedroom mobile home. Good condition. Central air/heat. Drapes, range, refrigerator, dinette set included. Cash sale only. 776-4377. 11113/12 IBM Selectric Ill. tike new. S750. 696-2817. 107t3/l2 1BM-COMPATIBLES. Starting at just $535. Many models to choose from. 1 year warranty. COMPUTER ACCESS, 268-0730. 100t3/14 FOR RENT OFFICIAL NOTICE OFFICIAL NOTICE TO TAMU STUDENTS The Registrar’s Office no longer pro duces unofficial transcripts for stu dents. Official transcripts, at a cost of $3.00 per copy, can be ordered in per son in the Office of Admissions and Records, Heaton Hall. Official tran scripts require a minimum of 48 hours to produce. 9713/12 SERVICES ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, re sumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755 nn TYPING SPECIAL Letter Quality Printing from your disk, Wordstar® $1,00/pg ALL WORD PROCESSING JOBS @ TYPEWRITER RATE - Now through March AGGIE TYPING SERVICE 105 College Main, CS....846-6486 (behind Loupof s Bookstore) 11 013/12 Acapulco During Spring Break Condo Sleeps4 - $400./wk. March 16-23, 1986 693-2689 113t3/13 HELP WANTED STUDENT TYPING — 20 years experience. Fast, ac curate, reasonable, guaranteed. 693-8537. 112t5/9 TYPING, WORD PROCESSING. Reports, theses, dis sertations. Executive Services. 696-3785. 104t3/12 Resume and t\ ping service. Errands run. 696-4446. 108t3/10 Word Processing: Proposals, dissertations, theses, manuscripts, reports, newsletters, term papers, re sumes, letters, 764-6614. 104t3/l 1 TYPING. Hies 693-1598. Dissertations, Reports. Reasonable. 108t5/2 Lifeguards, Pool Managers, Swim In structors. Houston area. Good Pay. Experience helpful. Apply now for May - September Jobs. (713)578- 8227. 113t3/11 Typing, Rubber Stamps, Business Cards, Magazine Subscriptions (New/Renewals). (409) 823-7723. 97t3/14 WORDS TO GO. Professional word processing at rea sonable prices. $10. resume special! 774-4120 after 5:30. 110t3/7 Defensive Driving. Insurance discount, ticket deferral. 8-5, Mon.-Fri., 693-1322. UnionTech. 92t5/28 GAYLINE referrals, information, and peer-counseling Sunday - Friday, 6 - 10:30 pm. 775-1797. Gay Student Services. 103ttw TYPING - WORD PROCESSING 6 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE We understand form and style. Personalized services AUTOMATED CLERICALSERVICES 110 Lincoln, C.S. 693-1070 • 1 95t5/8 The Battalion 845-2611 WISE ' MOVE • P.A. Equipment • Bass guitars • Mandolins • Guitars > Banjos •Amps • Buy • Sell • Trade • Repair 1911 S. Texas, C.S. Actom from the water tower 693-8698 State rests case against Autumn Hills Associated Press SAN ANTONIO — The state rested its rebuttal case in the mur- der-by-neglect trial of a nursing home corporation Monday after calling two witnesses. The trial, now in its 22nd week of testimony, shifts to rebuttal testi mony by the defense Tuesday. Autumn Hills Convalescent Cen ters Inc. and four of its current and former employees are charged with murder by negelct in the Nov. 20, 1978, death of Elnora Breed. Breed, 87, died 47 days after she entered an Autumn Hills nursing home in Texas City. The state contends she died of in fection and starvation, both caused by poor nursing care. The defense says Breed died of a recurring can cer. Prosecutors indicated last week they might call as many as a dozen witnesses during rebuttal. But Mon day, Galveston County District At torney Mike Guarino told State Dis trict Judge Don Morgan the state would rest. “We just felt it would be too repe titious” to call more witnesses, he said after court was adjourned for the day. The final prosecution rebuttal witness was Julius Bridges, a Medi caid fraud investigator for the state attorney general’s office. Bridges said he investigated alle gations of staffing falsifications at an Autumn Hills home in Texas City in May and June of 1978. Autumn Hills officials have testi fied they discovered the administra tor of the nursing home was falsify ing staffing reports used for Medicaid reimbursements. The ad ministrator was fired. Spend your SPRING BREAK on PADRE ISLAND. Plush beachfront condo. Accomodates 6 adults. Affor dable fun! Call today. 512-853-4591. 112t3/25 Have spare condo for Spring Break at S. Padre. Need 6 people to fill. Call Roger, 696-7897. 112t3/l 1 SKI CRESTED BUTTE AT SPRING BREAK - Enjoy the spaciousness of a three bedroom, three bath moun tain home overlooking ski area. WBFP, washer, dryer, G.E. Kitchen, double garage. Accommodates 8. Avail able through March 21. Call Ed Richards, ’47. 1-303- 349-5638. 109t3/12 1 bdrm., 115. 2 bdrm., 220. (Central air). Near campus. 779-3550.696-2038. 104t3/ll Spring Break 86. South Padre Island. Wilhite Real Es tate. Call collect, (512)44 1-6772. 107t3/12 Quiet two bedroom, one bath duplex in South Wood Valley. Fenced yard, covered patio. Available now. 822-0074,822-3098. 11H3/31 Condo, 1 Bdrm, 1 Bath, microwave, W/D, ceiling fan, bus route. Call (214) 495-2123. 9613/31 INTERNSHIP AND SUMMER JOBS. Call 817-927- 0135 or after 5:00 - 10:00 P.M. central. Call 512-335- 8156. C.E.S., Inc. (Fee). 113t3/13 Summer lifeguards, swim and gymnastics instructors needed at YMCA in Dallas. For more information call Barb or Julie, (214)328-4621. 113t3/14 INTERDENOMINATIONAL ICHRISTIAN DANCE ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING alternative fun and fellowship Call Tom at 693-1274 evening Warped WALDO, IS IT’S ABUCKET THAT STUFF? 0r NUKE-Z/T • THE INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH PIMPLE CREAM' BUT PIMPLES ARE LIKE COCKROACHES/ NOTHING GETS RID OF THEM/ )U / v\K ’"Sti. Coon's Kingdom RAY, LOOK AT ALL THE CADETS 00 YOU THINK THEY ARE AUP ABOOT THE SQUATTY, POTTY PIGEON REBELLION? ~ ... NM WE ARE ONLY A/T CmiC STRIP MObTy I ,0T THESE /^\Oh THESE / A x\ ) goysakeI Me JisL'T omy.\\Y BESIDES WE ARE ONLY making tun or a -Tfvv OYLR-ZEALOU5 X RAMBO^ g COLUMN TynS r r IE FT /TtfV? rR/wP by D. Cc yf/uf but mi THE om KM I TO WATCH OUT m! Chagra given 30 years for conspiring to kill federal judge Associated Press SAN ANTONIO — A tearful Elizabeth Chagra, twice convicted of plottihg to kill a federal judge, was sentenced to 30 years in prison Mon day after a prosecutor said she had shown “absolutely no sign of re morse.” Chagra, 32, was convicted Feb. 27 of conspiring to kill U.S. District Judge John H. Wood Jr., who was gunned down shortly before he was scheduled to preside over her hus band’s drug smuggling trial. Defense attorney Warren Burnett said after U.S. District Judge Wil liam Sessions pronounced the sen tence, “I thought it was a grisly, grisly bit of work on the part of the judge. “I was quite disappointed. She’s been a splendid prisoner and has been rehabilitated. Both of these fac tors should have been taken into consideration.” Chagra showed no reaction as Ses sions announced the sentence. She will be eligible for parole in 1992, according to federal prosecu tors. Chagra was convicted of conspir acy in 1982 and ordered to serve 30 years in prison. But an appeals court in 1985 overturned the conviction and ordered a new trial. Wood was shot down outs San Antonio home May 29 Known as "Maximum John' stif f sentences, he had beer tiled to preside over a drugi volving Chagra’s husband,Jin Chagra testified she dri $250,000 to Charles Harrelso: is serving a life sentence (i judge’s murder. But she a thought the money was fori her husband’s gambling debts Round trip. Anywhere we go. This Spring Break, if you and your friends are thinking about heading to the slopes, the beach or just home for a visit, Greyhound 1 can take you there. For only $86 or less, round trip. From February 1 through April 30, all you do is show us your college student I.D. card when you purchase your ticket. Your ticket will then be good for travel throughout your Spring Break. So this Spring Break, get a real break. Go anywhere Greyhound goes for $86 or less. For more information, call Greyhound. Must present a valid college student I D. card upon purchase. No other discounts apply. Tickets are nontransferable and good for travel on Greyhound Lines, Inc , and other participating carriers. Certain restricuons apply. Oner effecuve 2/1/86 through 4/30/86. Offer limited. Not valid in Canada. GO GREYHOUND And leave the driving to us! 114 E. Walton Drive, 696-0209 1 1986 Greyhound Lines, Inc.