The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 06, 1986, Image 9
Thursday, March 6, 1986/The Battalion/Page 9 World and Nation ^iquino frees two communist leaders Problem Pregnancy? we listen, we care, we help Free pregnancy tests concerned counselors Brazos Valley Crisis Pregnancy Service We re local! 1301 Memorial Dr. 24 hr. Hotline 823-CARE Associated Press IMANILA, Philippines — Presi- ient Corazon Aquino freed two for- taer communist rebel leaders jVednesday despite reservations fom the military, and paid her first pt to the palace in which Ferdi- land E. Marcos lived for 20 years. ■Meanwhile, attorney Lupino Laz- Bsaid two men cleared in the 1983 nurder of Aquino’s husband, Be- ligno, had given sworn statements Knitting involvement and implicat- ng the former president, his wife melda and four former Cabinet ninisters. Ken. Fabian C. Ver, Marcos’ mili ary commander, was among the 26 people acquitted. Kl’m sorry for the delay,” Aquino old Jose Maria Sison and Bernabe luscayno when they were ushered nto her temporary office less than Hhour after being freed from mili- arv prisons. ■Two alleged members of a rebel ■assination squad also were re leased. hAqnino had pledged to free all bolitical prisoners held by Marcos, Bio fled the country a week ago. Mid the four were the last on the list. ■Most of the prisoners have not yet Bne home because of required medical checkups and paper work, presidential spokesman Rene Sa- luisag said the four men were re- teased after a “candid, cordial and Borous exchange of views” with ■itary commanders, worried that By would take up arms again. L OPEN Feb. 20,1986 1 > BRAZOS y?}' | VALLEY » GOLF { DRIVING • RANGE pay- hort- ■ased vices I dis hire ?d in Coje Ines-.i t iip- jtarv MIC i Name i i X 1 Address l *City I U . . _ . - a 1 I r N i J? Mon.-Fri. 12-9 p.m. Sat. 10a.m.-9 p.m. Sun. 1 a.m.-8 p.m. 696-1220 East Bypass and Hwy. 30 Service Road Going South V* mile. i NATIONALLY ACCLAIMED SINCE 1959 IS BETTER ON HARWOOD STUDENT TOURS TOP QUALITY 1st CLASS HOTELS FUN CO ED GROUPS GREAT TOUR LEADERS NO REGIMENTATION 15-34 DAYS 4-10 COUNTRIES PLUS GREEK ISLE CRUISES FROM $1195 PLUS AIR For Free Brochure Call COLLECT (512) 478-9343 or Write: 'ifvRhoon'itHKs; I 2428 GUADALUPE* AUSTIN, TX 78705 RUMOUR: The winner of a current contest at Rumors Snack Bar will be awarded a Ko rean-made EXCELL auto mobile 4-door, blue with automatic shift. FACT: One of the greatest thrills in life is eating a "Texas Twist" at Rumours Snack Bar Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 3:30 pm Behind The MSC Post Office Call Battalion Classified 845-2611 U.S. gives list of money Marcos took Associated Press WASHINGTON — The Rea gan administration said Wednes day it was providing the Phil ippine government “in a spirit,of cooperation” with an inventory of 22 crates of pesos flown out of Manila with former President Ferdinand Marcos last week. The currency could be worth more than $1 million, according to some estimates. Other Marcos holdings, including jewels and documents, were contained in an additional 278 crates also re moved from the country on U.S. Air Force cargo planes after he resigned under pressure. The Central Bank of the Phil ippines requested an accounting through the U.S. District Court in H onolulu. Marcos and his wife, Imelda, have taken refuge in Ha waii while they consider President Reagan’s offer of safe haven and medical care. The State Department has ad vised Philippine officials “we will provide them with additional in formation” about the contents of the other crates, spokesman Ber nard Kalb said. Jovito R. Salonga, who heads a Philippine commission charged with recovering the Marcoses wealth, has estimated the assets.of the former president, his wife and their friends at $5 billion to $10 billion. That total would represent sev eral times the Philippine national budget for 1985 of $3.1 billion. First Presbyterian Church 1100 Carter Creek Parkway, Bryan 823-8073 Dr. Robert Leslie, Pastor Rev. John McGarey, Associate Pastor SUNDAY: Worship at 8:30 AM & 11.00 AM Church School at 9:30 AM College Class at 9:30 mM Bus from TAMU Krueger/Dunn 9:10 AM Northgate 9:15 AM Jr. and Sr. High Youth Meeting at 5:00 p.m. ‘ I Ev Nursery: All Events 111 lsl_ CARTfR CKIfK PKY LL LI LL Her top military advisers had ar gued the four men should not be freed unconditionally. Sison acknowledged at a news conference a few hours after his re lease that he founded the Commu nist Party of the Philippines in 1968 and led the armed struggle against the Marcos government until his capture in November 1977. He had refused throughout his imprisonment to answer questions about his party role. Buscayno, who was captured in August 1976, was the alleged com mander of the party’s New People’s Army guerrillas and was known as Commander Dante. The two other men released were Alexander Birondo and Ruben Alegre. Both were arrested within the past two years. Cardinal Jaime L. Sin, archbishop of Manila, said in Rome that the esti mated 12,500 insurgents might sur render this month because “there’s no reason for them to stay in the mountains” with Marcos gone. Sin, who led the nation’s Roman Catholic bishops in support of Aquino, was on a visit to the Vatican. Sison told journalists, however, that there is no certainty that the re bels will lay down their arms. Saguisag said 517 political prison ers have been ordered released. The military says it has no more such prisoners, but Saguisag said the government was checking reports by human rights organizations that up to 200 people listed as common criminals may be held for political reasons. At the Malacanang presidential palace, Aquino waved from a win dow to people strolling on the park like grounds and told officials ac companying her that the opulent, Spanish-style mansion “looks like a hotel.” More members of the Supreme Court offered resignations Wednes day, leaving only two or three of the tribunal’s 13 justices resisting Mrs. Aquino’s demand that they quit so she can reorganize the judiciary. International Week Fashion & Talent Show March 7, 8 p.m. Rudder Auditorium $2 Award Ceremony March 8, 8 p.m. Aggieland Inn POTHER’S BOOKSTORES Announces their Third Annual MIDNIGHT MADNESS SALE Thursday March 6 4pm — 10pm Alt PR|C ^ S LOW S Half- t, C *e„ ^ «0 . SALE AT BOTH LOCATIONS 340 Jersey Across from University Police 696-2111 901 Harvey Woodstone Center 764-3969 FOLLOWED BY BOTHER’S BOOKSTORE WOODSTONE GIANT PARKING LOT SALE FRIDAY