Page 6/The Battalion/Thursday, March 6,1986 Battalion Classifieds 1 1 — WANTED STUDY 1 STUDY II STUDY III Recent injury to wrist, knee or ankle? Severe enough pain to remain on study up to 10 days and 5 visits? Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint? One-dose (4 hours) in-house study. Recent untreated in jury to muscle or bone. Study of 2 day duration with only 2 visits required. Volunteers interested in participating in investigative drug studies will be paid for their time and cooperation. G&S Studies, inc. 846-5933 77 CASH for gold, silver, old coins, diamonds Full Jewelry Repair Large Stock of Diamonds Gold Chains TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE 404 University Dr. 846-8916 3202-A Texas Ave. (across from El Chico,Bryan) 779-7662 SERVICES ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, re sumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755 ^ AGS Overnight Graphics For Your Presentation •Glossies •35mm Slides •Transparencies 505 Church St. 846-6AGS 108t WAN 1 Kl): Banjoaiul fiddle teachers. Call i()7t:vt> HELP WANTED CITY OF BRYAN has the following JOB OPPORTUNITIES WORD PROCESSING COORDINATOR - Looking for someone with initiative, must be detail oriented, and proficient in office management procedures and techniques. Two years responsible experience using word processing equipment. Requires a minimum of 50 wpm typing on a timed test and ability to operate transcribing equip ment. $8.59/hr. and good benefits. Apply: City of Bryan Employment Office 300 S. Washington 8:30 a.m. -12 p.m. 2:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer - M/F $10.-$360. weekly/up mailing circulars! No quotas! Sin cerely interested rush self-addressed envelope: Suc cess, P.O. Box470CDR, Woodstock, IL 60098. 92t3/7 Part time assistant fdi Dr.'s office, bookkeeping required. Mornings Bi iau i est l)i. and K. 29th. filing, typing, lighi >nl\. Apply at 1775 l()8t In Word Processing: Proposals, dissertations, theses, manuscripts, reports, newsletters, term papers, re sumes, letters, 764-6614. 104t3/ll JOHN LYONS ( I.INIC. Biyan #589-3026. March 8- II. Bung your horse. 9912/6 FASH ION WISE ENTREPRENEURS—We are seek ing local distributors for bur unique collections of high fashion jewelry handmade from around the world. Earn money - have fun - look great! Write to: Instone Ltd., Box 164, Coopersburg, Pa. 18036. 109t3/7 MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING STUDENTS — Developing New Industry *ELEC- TRIC MAGNIETIC POWER MOTORS* Blue Prims - Parts Sources - Means Financing - Send Qualifications HOEP -2601 Roundtree #3„ JBryan, TX 77801. Ph. 775-2448. 109t3/7 I \ PI N(». I hesis. Dis 693-1598. Reports. Reasonable. 108t5/2 TYPING, WORD PROCESSING. Reports, theses, dis sertations. Executive Services. 696-3785. 104t3/12 FOR SALE FOR RENT IBM-COMPATIBL.ES. Starting at just $535. Many models to choose from. 1 vear warranty. COMPUTER ACCESS, 268-0730. 100t3/14 Diamonds for Aggie Rings. Save at least $150. over University price. 268-0309. 104t3/5 TIRED OF HIGH UTILITIES? Come to Tanglewood South Great location 2 pools Exercise Room/Fitness Center Party Room/Study Room 2 Laundry Rooms Covered Parking All Utilities Paid 411 Harvey Road. C.S. 693-1111 casa 6e! sol Special Spring Rates 2 Blocks from Campus Church across the street»2 blocks from stores«2 blocks from nite life on University Pool Jacuzzi Large Party Room Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:30 not open Sat. or Sun. Basketball Goals On Premise Security On Premise Maintenance 401 Stasnet 6s i Station 1 bdrm., 115. 2 bdrm., 220. (Central air). Near campus. 779-3550,696-2038. 104t3/ll Spring Break 86. South Padre Island. Wilhite Real Es tate. Call collect. (512)441-6772. ]07i3/12 Condo in Corpus Christ! lot Spring Break. 3 bedroom. 2 hath, sleeps 10. Call 846-0213. K)7t3/7 SKI CRESTED BUTTE AT SPRING BREAK - Enjoy the spaciousness of a three bedroom, three bath moun tain home overlooking ski area. WBFP, washer, dryer, G.E. Kitchen, double garage. Accommodates 8. Avail able through March 21. Call Ed Richards, ’47. 1-303- 349-5638. 10913/12 OFFICIAL NOTICE Acapulco During Spring Break Condo Sleeps 4 - $400./week March 16-23, 1986 693-2689 1 not'qr? OFFICIAL NOTICE TO TAMU STUDENTS The Registrar's Office no longer pro duces unofficial transcripts for stu dents. Official transcripts, at a cost of $3.00 per copy, can be ordered in per son in the Office of Admissions and Records, Heaton Hall. Official tran scripts require a minimum of 48 hours to produce. 9713/12 SERVICES TYPING - WORD PROCESSING 6 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE We understand form and style. Personalized services AUTOMATED CLERICALSERVICES 110 Lincoln, C.S. 693-1070 9515/8 TYPING SPECIAL Letter Quality Printing from your disk, Wordstar® $1.00/pg ALL WORD PROCESSING JOBS @ TYPEWRITER RATE -- Now through March AGGIE TYPING SERVICE 105 College Main, CS....846-6486 (behind Loupot's Bookstore) 11 q^., 2 WORDS TO GO. Professional word processing at rea sonable prices. $10. resume special! 774-4120 after 5:30. 110t3/7 Test results Waldo doubted I NK l TYPE. \\V iy|k* Ictu is. legal dmiimenis. class |»a|x is. eu . Resume help available. 707 Texas Ave.. 304-C . College Siatinn. 764-9602. I08t3/10 Typing, Rubber Stamps, Business Cards, Magazine Subscriptions (New/Renewals). (409) 823-7723. 97t3/14 Resume and i\ ping set \ in*. T.i i ands run. 696-4446. 108i 3/10 Defensive Driving. Insurance discount, ticket deferral. 8-5. Mon.-Fri., 693-1322. UnionTech. 92t5/28 Court to decide ex-nurse's fate Associated Press AUSTIN — Genene Jones’ lawyer asked a state appeals court Wednes day to reverse the conviction that sent the ex-nurse to prison for 99 years in the death of a Kerrville in fant. Fifteen-month-old Chelsea Mc Clellan died Sept. 17, 1982, after suffering mysterious seizures while in the care of Jones, who worked in a Kerrville pediatrician’s office. Tests performed after the tod dler’s body was exhumed showed she had been injected with succinyl- choline, a muscle relaxant that can kill. The drug was detected by a new test developed by toxicologist Dr. Bo Holmstedt of Stockholm, Sweden. Defense lawyer Laura Little told the 3rd Court of Appeals Wednes day that results of that test should not have been allowed as evidence at Jones’ 1984 trial in Georgetown. “We have no testimony as to the accuracy of this test to detect succi- nylcholine,” Little told the three judge* 1 W7UD0/ VlE’RC SAVED' THE KREMLINS HAVE" CONVERTED TO OUR DEMOCRAT/c IDEALS! ( vjhoop! BUT IT’S whny. THAT IS ODD/ NO OAF KNOWS SOM {.THING wry they CAne HAD To MAKE OVER TO OUR THEM WANT TO SIDE f 1 e>E CAPITALISTS/ h y J S', ) < ^ 3 •SlCy^ W j|| send some lucky listener and a friend to Ho? | Panama City Beach with one week Beachfront niahtr ClCCorrimocla ^ ons ' a beach life, y li% i_, n fj| ^ a sun f a n contests and all the excite- nt of pQncmna City Beach, Fla. Register of the following Sponsors: C^ptj ca | Shoppe store E Cl'ps% Fantasy Lingerie Laredo Bar J. Riggings Prime Time Video Shoe Store Drawing will be held March 13 Listen to KUYS fmios and be a WINNER!