AM/PM Clinics M Page 6/The Battalion/Friday, February 28, 1986 Ask about our Non-Smoking and Weight Reduction Programs 846-4756 779-4756 FREE YAJVIAH/V T-SHIRTS WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY PACKAGE OF GUITAR STRINGS KEyboARd NTER Inc. Post Oak Mall David R. Doss, M.D. and G. Mark Montgomery, M.D. wish to announce the association of Lucy Bonnington, P.A.-C. physician’s assistant certified in The practice of Routine Gynecology & Womens Health Care at Bryan College Station Obstetrics and Gynecology Associates 1701 Briarcrest, Suite 100 776-5602 “You’ll Love My Gusanos!” Dos Gusanos means — "two worms" — and it’s the name of a new brand of Mezcal [second cousin to Tequila] imported from Mexico. We Promise: Your new Dos Gusanos T-Shirt will help you worm your way into any party! DOS GUSANOS POSTER Only sa.ooi Just like it's pictured above. It's full color measuring 15" x 22". DOS GUSANOS T-SHIRT As shown in the poster above. It's green with red and yellow lettering and logo. The 100% cotton t-shirt comes with full crew neck—alter ations are up to you! Only $4.95. Send a check, money order or use □ MasterCard □ Visa Account # Expires Please send me. T-shirtCs) and/or. $ S □ M □ L □ XL □ “Dos Gusanos" _ Dos Gusanos poster(s) for a total of 651 Name Address City / State Zip Signature MAIL TO: "Dos Gusanos T-Shirt Offer” 500 3rd Avenue West Seattle, WA 98119 Allow 4 to 6 weeks delivery. Offer good in U S. only. Offer void where prahibited by law. taxed or otherwise restricted by law No product purchase necessary. Dos Gusanos Mezcal. 80 proof, bottled in Mexico and imported exclusively by David Sherman Corporation. St. Louis. MO 63139. * CORPUS CHRISTI * * * * * * * k k k k k k k k k k k k k k Harriott BREAKAWAY FOR SPRING BREAK $48 1-4 persons $ Advance Reservations { Required f Send Your Deposit Now * * *1 * * * * * * * * * } * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | -k 707 North Shoreline Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 (512) 882-1700 * * What’s ud Friday AGGIE’S MEN CLUB: will have an “all night” basketball marathon to raise funds for Snook Young Life on the third floor of East Kyle. For more information call John, 260- 4560. ' ' UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY; will have Bible study at 6:15 fj.nj. in Mike’s office. A “peanut butter fellowship” also will be held at Rudder Fountain from 1 1 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information call Steve, 693*6851). FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES; will meet for the first time at 8:SO p.m. in 145 MSC. For more informa tion call Jenda, 260-7 CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST; will meet at 7 p.m. in 108 Harrington. MSC AGGIE CINEMA: will show “Agnes of God” at 7:30 » m. and 9:45 p.m. Friday and Saturday. “Monty Python’s: ae Meaning of Life” also will be shown both nights at midnight. For more information cal! Mike, 845-1515. SIGMA TAU DELTA: accepting poetry applications through Friday. Applications must include author’s name, phone number and address. Submit entries in 224 Blocker. For more information call Pat, 693-9266. CORPS OF CADETS: will have a “combat bash” from 9 p.m. to 1 a m. at the Lakeiew Club on Tabor Road. Dress up and bring a mug. INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: will have a fellowship meeting and watch a video at 7 p.m. in 206 MSC. For more inionnation call 696-2773. Saturday CORPS OF CADETS: militar y review will Ik* held at 2 p.m. on the Ormond R. Simpson Drill Field. The military ball will be held from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Brazos Cent; t TEXAS A8cM WOMEN’S CHORUS: will have a car wash from noon to 5 p.m. at the following locations: Taco Bell on South Texas Avenue, Post Oak Mall and Pelican’s Wharf, rnfjmmmt ALPHA GAMMA RHO: will sponsor a 30 family yarc College Main and Cherry Street. For more informal Kathi, 696-6748. 1 sell at a tion call DELTA SIGMA PI: will hold an area conference, featuring seminars on chapter operations, from 1 1:30 a.m. to 4 p m. in 165 Blocker. The area conference party will start at 8 p.m. at Walden Pond. For more information call Mtkte, 260-1025. NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS: will sponsor a “Battle of the D.J.’s” and a mixer from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Pavilion. Sunday AGGIE HOSTESSES: will have an informational meeting at 6 p.m. in 206 MSC. For more information call Kim. 69S- ' 6685. I. > ' •••; ••• ; ;> TAMU INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCERS: will teach and dance at 8 p.m. in the MSC (check the monitor lot (In- room). For more information call Ellen, 822-2415. SHAKESPEARE SUNDAY NIGHT FILM SERIES: will sponsor “Midsummer Night’s Dream” at 7 p.m. in 118 Kle berg. Admission is free. Monday DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH: will sponsor a mini writing course titled “Designing Effective Business Corresponded ce” at 6:30 p in. m l20 Blocker. The instructor will be Eliz abeth i ebeaux. For more information call 845-3452 or stop by 227 Blocker. RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE: will be held Monday and Tuesday f rom noon to 6 p.m. at the Our Savior’s Lutheran ALPHA ZETA: will hold a discussion of initiation, schol arships and the agriculture convention at 7 p.m. in 123 Kleberg. * m For more information call Kathy, 268-0058. DANCE ARTS SOCIETY: will have aerobics, 6:30 p.m.; beg. H z/, 7:30 pan.; and inter./adv. jazz, 8:30 p.m. in 268 E. yle. ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY: Axel Haubold will speak on carbomedics at 7 p.m. in 103 Zachry. For more information call Jacque, 764*6738. AGGIE ALLEMANDERS: will give square dance lessons at 7 p.m. in 230 MSC. The club will meet afterwards at 8:30 The American Pepperoni Roll Association Has Declared MARCH 2-8 NATIONAL PEPPERONI ROLL WEEK V PixxaworRsJ In Observance Of This Great Event D0UBLEDAVFS PIZZA has announced that anyone purchasing 1 DOZEN PEPPERONI ROLLS® During National Pepperoni Roll® Week Shall Automatically Be Entered In A Drawing For A FREE YEAR'S SUPPLY of PEPPERONI ROLLS® * S WINNERS Will Be Chosen •One Dozen Free Pepperoni Rolls^ 1 Each Month For One Year No Geeks May Enter 1 Convenient Phone # For All 3 Locations Call 696-DAVE for Great Pizza Northgate 211 University Southside 326 Jersey Texas 2314 Texas I PizjLAworks J Call 696-DAVE $| OFF One Dozen Pepperoni Roll® Purchase During National Pepperoni Roll® Week March 2-8, 1986 Battalion Classifid WANTED $$$ $$$ $$$ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$ Cough Study Males and Females 18 years of age oroldertop pate in a clinical trial to determine the effective^: over-the-counter cough reducing medication, incentive: $100. For more information call 776# s $ $ $ $ $$$$$$ mu, - peril “42n STUDY I Recent injury to wrist, knee or ankle? Severe enough pain to remain on study up to 10 days and 5 visits? STUDY STUDY i Recent injury with pain to any muscle or joint? One-dose (4 hours) in-house study. Uni':::j Recent jury to misi bone. Study? duration v# visits required Volunteers interested in participating in investigative drugs will be paid for their time and cooperation. G&S Studies, inc. 846-5933 COLD STUDY Students needed with uncompli cated. untreated upper respiratory infections (colds) of less than 72 hours’ duration. Volunteers receive payment. G&S studies, inc. 846-5933 SERVICES I YHNC. 'LVORU PROCESSING.In Exriuiive Services. ATTENTION BACHELORS Cooty women do it 1 Detailed Men'sCooibocu -Offkwl MamuT. P0B 460!6J,&n in*: i rnpuuu, to courti. ncwsleom i r 64-6614 I > ping. Rubber Sumps, Bunn Subtcripuons(New Renewals).(F* HELP WANTED id typings COMPUTER MAJORS Only 55% of college grads find work in the computer field. Find how to increase your odds! OP management veteran can show you how. Instghtful materials. $6 now! Mon- eyback guarantee InfoServtces. Box4688, Wichita. Ks. 67204 -Hurry- Offer Limited 106(2 28 |<)l IS I VOSS ( I INK Bnf I I. Hi me vs hsi hnne. LESBIAN Support Croup. Cnaflij Wcrkiy mrrtingi. 7644310 FOR SALE ) 10.-$360. weekly/up mailing clrvuhuV No c]u< cerrly interested rush velf-addrcfsed ettvcloj cess. P C) Box 470CDB. Woodstock. ll.600ttf» SKI COLORADO SPRii UNDERBOOKED SUMMER EMPLOYMENT-Colorado Mountain Resort Employer is seeking male and female applicants for: Retail Sales, Food Service, and other retail oriented jobs. Openings form May thru September. Located in Estes Park. Colorado. For more information write: National Park Village North, c/o Mark Schifferno, 740 Oxford Lane, Fort Col lins, Co. 80525. 10212/28 Must Sell BELOW COST!: Package $276. 260-4271 :OMPUTER 1BM-C0MPATIBH urtner 256K 2DS/DD dukdnmT rrruU Printer, Graphics. Color lod 95-7518 A house for sale • 3 blocks fomrou^ ent’s ideal investment. Will pas fori rooms. 2 baths, etc. (2400 sq ft.) 155,) An opportunity to lea nets and services. Ea 1655. rll financial plat ig prod- ii c 696- 105t5/5 Toyota Corolla. 1978, two door Ca parts. $750 firm. Contact 693-1$i 8070 during day ROOMMATE WANTED IBM-COMPATIBLES. Sunmg i models to choose from. 1 year wan ACCESS, 268-0730. University pr 68 -0509. KMt5/5 Condo. I Bdrm, 1 Bath, mlcrownt bus route Call (214) 495-2123 Female roommate wanted or sublease available. Single bedroom apt on suttle bus route. Close to mall and campus. Very spacious with walk-in closets, microwave, park, pool, tennis courts. $310./mo. 4* utilities Call 693-3400. 102t2/28 OFFICIAL NOTICE OFFICIAL NOTICE TO TAMU STUDENTS The Registrar’s Office no longer pro duces unofficial transcripts for stu dents. Official transcripts, at a cost of $3.00 per copy, can be ordered in per son in the Office of Admissions and Records, Heaton Hall. Official tran scripts require a minimum of 48 hours to produce. 9713/12 FOR RENT Private room with bath net 696-7450. details phone 10212/28 SRING BREAK AT S. PADRE! Rent condo (CHEAP) located on South Padre Island beach. Accommodates 6. March 15-22. Call Linda. 260-0637. 104t2/28 I bdrm., 115. 2 bdrm., 220. (Central air). Near campus. 779-3550.696-2038. 104t3/ll SERVICES Defensive Driving. Insurance discount, ticket deferral. 8-5, Mon.-Fri., 693-1322. UnionTech. 92t5/28 WORDS...TO GO. Professional word processing at reasonable prices. 774-4 120 after 5:30. 90t2/28 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, re sumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755 ^ 2 2 32 2 2 i deal a sn niui A mui mg S coil CARE—A-LOT has opening for 0-13 years old. 779- 8480, 693-4930. 105t3/5 CHIMNEY HILL BOWLING CENTER 40 LANES League & Open Bowling Family Entertainment Bar & Snack Bar 701 University Dr E 260-9184 ww OPEN Feb. 20,1986 BRAZOS : VALLEY GOLF ^ : DRIVING A • RANGE Mon.-Fri. 12-9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Sun. 1 a.m.-8 p.m. 696-1220 East Bypass and Hwy. 30 Service Road Going South V4 mile. don't let yout busines bomb call 845-$ to advel at ea$ £