The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 17, 1986, Image 2
Page 2/The Battalion/Monday, February 17,1986 Opinion Tantrums for Liberty The firing of Lee lacocca as head of the government advi sory commission on the Statue of Liberty was a good idea, de spite the Chrysler Corp. chairman’s ongoing temper tantrum. The decision was one of ethics, not conspiracy, for Interior Sec retary Donald Hodel. lacocca claims his removal after four years was linked to a plan by the National Park Service to build a luxury hotel on Ellis Island. lacocca is vehemently opposed to the project. Hodel’s decision made sense. lacocca also is head of the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc., a private group that has raised $233 million for the Statue of Liberty restoration project. It is unethical for the man who is in charge of awarding such huge contributions to the project to have control over where the money goes. lacocca has managed to win the sympathy of the press and the nation because Hodel’s decision comes four years too late. The Chrysler chairman should stop stamping his feet over his dismissal and concentrate his efforts toward thwarting the hotel construction — a detriment to the national park. lacocca’s interests are sincere. Model’s decision will keep those interests from conflicting. The Battalion Editorial Board United Feature Syndicate €>K?06. HDV&TW TOST pjTOR: I This le it w ‘l uesli< [ter inten first of porwoul ■wear in Space flight Man has a need to test personal and technological abilities BRi D/ Fo r we cannot tarry here. We must march Lora j i- Best my darhners, we must ; , y ° ^ Guest Columnist bear the brunt or danger, We the youthful sinewy races, all the rest on us depend. Pioneers! O Pioneers! Walt Whitmans’ words are just as ap propriate to the space program as they were to the movement West. The hu man race depends on pioneers and in the 1980s — the astronauts who brave the journey into space. Where would we be if those first settlers had given up their dreams and turned back with the first death on the long and difficult trail westward? But it is not a human trait to give up a dream. Man is an adventurer and an ex plorer. We have a constant need to test our personal and technological strength. And the explorer is a romantic figure: brave, intelligent and even stub born. The seven crew members of the Chal lenger possessed these qualities. It is what we expect of our astronauts. NASA unselfishly allowed us to watch heroes through broadcasts of the shuttle launches, press conferences and the like. The agency always kept the public involved in its triumphs: the first launch, the first black and the first woman in space. We also were deeply involved in the first in-{light tragedy. The tragedy of the explosion is that the people onboard were not just seven astronauts. The Challenger crew was a sampling of Everyman. There was a Jewish woman, an Oriental and a Black on board. They came from places as di verse as Concord, N.H. and Hawaii. The crew of every shuttle mission allows us to vicariously become the astronaut, the pioneer. But the triumph of manned shuttle missions does not affect Americans alone. The Soviet cartographers who created the first maps of the surface of Venus have decided to name craters af ter Judith Resnick and Christa McAu- liffe. We must realize that our manned space program affects the peoples of other countries as well. Technically, manned space missions have proven themselves. In the April 6- 13, 1984 Challenger mission a Solar Maximum Mission satellite was re trieved, repaired and returned to orbit. Astronauts have completed space walks and tested the Manned Maneuvering Unit, which can be flown over 300 feet from the spacecraft to make minor re pairs. Scientific experiments, such the study of crystal growth, motion sickness and the effects of weightlessness on man would have been impossible without manned space flight. Future shuttle-related experiments include the launching of two satellites — Galileo and Ulysses. Ulysses will fly past Jupiter and then go into a polar orbit around the sun. It will give us a first time view of the North and South poles of the sun. These poles have never been seen by man because the earth is in orbit around the sun’s equator.Galileo will or bit Jupiter and send a probe into the planet’s atmosphere. The Hubble Space Telescope, which would orbit above the earth’s distorting atmosphere and show us the rest of the universe, and a proposed flight to Mars are dependent on the success of manned space shuttle missions. Another shuttle-dependent program is the manned space colony. The station, which will be assembled in space by as tronauts, is targeted for completion by 1994. The shuttle will be necessary to ferry men, women and supplies from the earth to the station. Apart from the scientific purposes of the shuttle, it also has economic bene fits. The shuttle has been able to deploy 45 percent of the satellites going into or bit. Arianespace, the commercial arm of the European Space Agency, deploys the other 55 percent. A manned shuttle is commercially at tractive because it is able to correct some of the problems that arise at launching. Three of Arianspace’s 15 launches have failed and a total of $150 million was lost because of them. Another benefit of the shuttle over rockets is that the space craft and its booster rockets are res ble. The shuttle disaster was not the time human life was lost whilereadj for the stars. On Jan. 27, 1967 the manned Apollo spacecraft burst flames on the platform, killing\f “Gus” Grissom, Edward White! Roger Chaffee. The space program 1 new and could easily have beetu doned. But it continued andtwoaa hall years later Apollo 11 landedot moon. Had NASA given up, manw have never been able to set foot on other world. Today, seven more pioneers- Scobee, Michael Smith, Ellison On® Judith Resnick, Ronald McNair,t gory Jarvis and Christa McAuliffe- dead. The nation will mourn deaths but just like the early settlers manned space program must fo ahead. Who can imagine what we ma' able to accomplish two and a from now? Spo MS( Febru Ticket Lora Best is a senior journalism but better to reach for the stars with our feet on the ground We have ig nored the chal lenge posed by the space shuttle Chal lenger on Jan. 28, 1986: To question manned space flight, its practical ity, feasibility and purpose. We do not dare — allow ing our emotions Cynthia Gay to cloud scientific reasoning in the wake of Challenger’s fumes. While television blitzed Americans with five hours of shuttle disaster cover age, not one of our political leaders stepped forward to denounce the hoist ing of homo sapien into space. The media repeatedly gave us the facts, the personalities, the tears, the dis belief, and they pondered what went wrong. But neither our boobtube bud dies, nor NASA officials cared to con sider abandoning our man-in-space dreams. The Battalion USPS 045 360 Member of Texas Press Association Southwest Journalism Conference The Battalion Editorial Board Michelle Powe, Editor Kay Mallett, Managing Editor Loren Steffy, Opinion Page Editor Jerry Oslin, City Editor Cathie Anderson, News Editor Travis Tingle, Sports Editor Editorial Policy The Battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting newspa per operated as a community service to Texas A&M and Bryan-Coliege Station. Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the Editorial Board or the author and do not necessarily rep resent the opinions of Texas A&M administrators, faculty or the Board of Regents. The Battalion also serves as a laboratory newspaper for students in reporting, editing and photography classes within the Department of Communications. The Battalion is published Monday through Friday during Texas A&M regular semesters, except for holiday and examination periods. Mail subscriptions are $16.75 per semester, $33.25 per school year and $35 per full year. Advertising rates furnished on request. Our address: The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. Second class postage paid at College Station, TX 77843. Kennedy suffered the Soviet’s send ing the first man into space and resolved to one-up them with the first man on the moon. We did it in 1969, but at the loss of three lives in 1967 and a persist ing loss of priorities. During our scram ble to beat the Soviets, we failed to see that they were entrenched in a deadlier contest: Cold War. The military’s dependence on the shuttle insured the program’s continua tion in the 1970s, yet our defense inter ests are now in unnecessary jeopardy because of the NASA’s commitment to provide commercial and scientific serv ices. NASA decided in 1971 that the shut tle was the ultimate vehicle to meet all our galactic needs. Fifteen years and $14 billion later, some decision makers in commercial and military fields say they feel hindered by our government’s one-way faith in the shuttle. When the first shuttle, Columbia, fi nally reached the launching pad in 1981, it was 20 percent over the bud geted cost and two and a half years be hind schedule. We refused to spend much time on the uncomfortable figure of $1.2 billion — the price of Challenger — because we were focused on the crew’s noble wish that America push full-speed ahead with the shuttle program. That’s a costly catharsis. Repurcussions from the shuttle disas ter may mean a vital reconnaissance sa tellite, part of the Stategic Defense Ini tiative program, won’t be aloft in time for the Reagan-Gorbachev arms talks in early 1987. Anxious to get on with SDI, the Pentagon is now spending $2 billion to build new rockets to launch these sa tellites. In the meantime, old Titan ICBMs are being refurbished to send the satellites up. Reliance on an alterna tive carrier will aid the military’s need for secrecy; for although only two of the 24 previous missions were defense- oriented, they were skeptically viewed by the news media. In addition, satellite insurance proba bly will skyrocket because the Chal lenger did not. Before 1986 the govern ment kept insurance running about $38 million a satellite, but increasing costs forced NASA to up its charges to $71 million this year. Some analysts on Wall Street predict further rate increases, worsened by the flat reluctance of the military and U.S. companies to trust the shuttle’s safety. Not only are manned spacecraft more expensive to design and build, many sci entists claim most of their research could be accomplished without men. They also complain that continual fund ing to manned spacecraft has set back the cause of science. For example, following the Apollo 1 fire in 1967, two “soft-lander” space craft designed to carry experimental equipment were scrapped to pursue this man-on-the-moon endeavor. Right now we have robots that can do almost anything man can do in space. Robots won’t sneeze or squirm — harm less human actions that could destroy an experiment in the low-gravity environ ment of space. What’s more, engineers can radio commands to robots to make adjustments if necessary. And if exten sive repair work is required, it may be cheaper to build a new satellite than to send an astronaut-repairman, since most spacecraft are useful for only about 10 years. At the same time we were mourning Challenger, scientists were toasting ager 2. NASA launched this unn»j satellite five years ago, aridity into Uranus Jan. 26 just one late. This 1,800-pound “eye already had sent home revealiaf tures of Jupiter and Saturn, i#* 1 reached Uranus to tell usabouti [5 : ity fields and the planet that cnj into Uranus millions of years f other words, Voyager 2 worked 1 than expected. So could our space program' ■ kept man on the ground and sen chines to the stars. Cynthia Gay is a junior journalistj jor and a columnist for The Bato^r