The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 13, 1986, Image 7
by Scott McCullar Thursday, February 13,1986^The Battalion/page 7 Salvadoran leftists meet with Carter Associated Press MEXICO CITY — Former Presi dent Jimmy Carter talked Wednes day with Salvadoran leftist leaders who said they found him sympa thetic to their call for dialogue with their country’s U.S.-supported gov ernment. “Human rights in El Salvador is a question of dialogue,” said Guil lermo Ungo, leader of the Demo cratic Revolutionary Front. “Carter asked for the meeting with us and he has said he favors the dialogue.” The front is the political ally of the Farabundi Marti National Liber ation Front, known by its Spanish initials as the FMLN, an umbrella group for President Jose Napoleon Duarte. About 60,000 people, a majority of them civilians, have been killed in the fighting. Ungo, during a news conference, said the 50-minute private talk with Carter included an exchange of views on U.S. policies in Central America. “We found him very well-in formed, interested and with a realis tic spirit,” Ungo said. The leftists have been pushing for renewed talks with the Duarte gov ernment, last held in November 1984. In those meetings, the left has in sisted on a power-sharing arrange ment, a step unacceptable to the Duarte government. Carter, who arrived here Tues day, told journalists earlier in El Sal vador that he found human rights violations in that country. “There are still some very serious violations of human rights in El Sal vador, from the remaining death squads that are operating to long im prisonment of people without trial,” he said. “There are some allegations — I have no proof of this — that there has been indiscriminate bombing that has killed or injured innocent ci vilians,” he said. “But I think it’s ob vious there has been great progress in El Salvador on the human rights question in recent months.” The former U.S. president on Wednesday also met with President" Miguel de la Madrid and separately with representatives of Mexico’s nine political parties. " The government news agency No- timex said he spoke about the for eign debt, saying that creditors should be more prudent. Mexico holds an external debt of $96.4 billion, second only to Brazil in the developing world. Tuesday Carter announced that the Carter Center in Atlanta would host a conference on Latin Ameri can foreign debt and its impacts in April. The former president also visited Venezuela, Costa Rica and Nicara gua on a fact-finding tour. He is writing a book about Latin America. hagra says sister-in-law innocent of charge to ||p, USTIN — Elizabeth Chagra had partin her husband’s drug-smug- g operations or his plans to kill a I eral court judge, her brother-in- ■ 'ORS' k test ‘^ e< ^ Wednesday. iHil ■ oe Chagra, a former El Paso at- ney, testified, “Liz had nothing to with any of the investigations.” tis his second day of testimony in ■ retrial of Mrs. Chagra. TShe is accused of conspiracy in the |79 assassination of U.S. District gejohn Wood of San Antonio, oe Chagra, younger brother of my Chagra, is serving a 10-year |son sentence after pleading guilty iimetbif grsaid ,o onlyoccl ormopf to helping plot the death of Wood, who was known as “Maximum John” for the stiff sentences he gave drug dealers. ions Jimmy Chagra is serving concur rent 47-year and life sentences in connection with Wood’s death and the attempted assassination of for mer U.S. Attorney James Kerr. Mrs. Chagra, 31, was convicted in 1982 of conspiracy in Wood’s slay ing, but an appeals court overturned the verdict because of improper jury instructions. She is scheduled to tes tify later. Joe Chagra, 31, testifying for the state under protest, testified Tues day he twice advised Jimmy Chagra, as his brother and attorney, to go ahead with plans to have Wood killed. He said he considered Wood an unfair judge who gave stiff sen tences. On cross examination Wednesday by defense attorney Warren Bur nett, Joe Chagra said he, Jimmy and a third brother, Lee — who was murdered in 1980 in El Paso — fre quently discussed Jimmy’s drug smuggling operations in Florida that later brought on an FBI investiga tion. “Liz had nothing to do with Jim my’s smuggling operations,” he testi fied. He said Mrs. Chagra never at tended any of their meetings in Flor ida or in Las Vegas, and that to the best of his knowledge was never asked for advice. Joe Chagra was asked if Mrs. Cha gra knew about conversations be tween him and Jimmy Chagra about the possible slaying of Wood. “She was never told of those con versations,” Joe Chagra said. Mrs. Chagra’s trial is expected to last up to four weeks. ipexpem " )( |er Ml» () verstM ,\e& trarcp 1,6 said. dmeisl 20-40 % OFF MOST JEWELRY ITEMS 15coutC(« , pirecloi sjG Sill ^ Statii r^pra CAMPUS | l7,l» ^nter r Write: . 15coutCoii Includes: Sterling Silver Jewelry and loose SCHULMAN THEATRES IM KRTAININC; Till: BRAZOS VAIJJvY SINCE 1926 C Great reasons for seeing a movie this week at Schulman Theatres! 1. Family night every Tuesday at each location - Admission 2.50 2. Students with current ID’s to local schools admitted for just 2.50 Mon.-Wed. 3. Every week at each location we will give away two free passes. Register each time you visit. 4. All seats are just 2.50 for any movie starting before 3pm. 5. We strive to serve the freshest and finest quality snacks available at our concession stands. Each week we will offer a different discount special. 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