Thursday, February 13, 1986TThe Battalion/Page 5 culty, staff to contend College Bowl contest By MARY ANN FISHER Reporter osi students, at least once in lollege career, wish they Could jlone of their professors with a k question which, it seems, no In answer. llbe it’s the student’s way of rlhis professor’s knowledge, or beit’sjust revenge. †Texas A&M students have ance, said B.J. O’Rourke, ex it vice chairman of the MSG Bowl Tournament. I first Faculty and Staff Col- iowl Tournament will be held m. Saturday in 302 and 308 ■br. ht Student Programs Office Or el a tournament, which for the jme limits its membership to ■faculty and staff, ftre were no qualifications for Tership on a team, except to be |f the A&M faculty and staff, rke said. oever signed up first, gets to In a team," O’Rourke said. ■tournament, which O’Rourke ft similar to the game Trivial lit but much harder, consists of iti ams, four persons per team, ft questions and answers used ■tournament are sent to A&M from Time magazine. A company associated with the magazine origi nates and authenticates all questions. O’Rourke said some of the catego ries include ancient history, religion, entertainment, mythology and drama. To be good in a tournament like To be good in a tourna ment like this one, profes sors have to be more than just knowledgeable, they must have a love for trivia. B.J. O’Rourke, executive vice chairman of the MSC College Bowl Tourna ment. this one, professors have to be more than just knowledgeable, they must have a love for trivia, O’Rourke said. O’Rourke said two types of ques tions will be asked: toss-up questions worth 10 points each and bonus questions worth 20 to 30 points each. O’Rourke said while the answers to toss-up questions couldn’t be dis cussed among team members, the answers to bonus questions could. “They can’t even turn their heads (during a toss-up question),†O’Rourke said. He said the monitor will ask one question to both teams. Any member from either team may press a buzzer signaling to the monitor he wants to answer that question, O’Rourke said. “Points aren’t deducted from the team’s score for a wrong answer un less he buzzes in early before the monitor has finished asking the question, †O’Rourke said. If that happens and the answer given is wrong, he said five points are de ducted. “When the toss-up is correctly an swered, the team gets the chance to answer a bonus question,†O’Rourke said. After a bonus question is an swered, the monitor asks a toss-up question again to both teams. He said the judges will have the fi nal word on questionable answers. All students are invited to help in the tournament and accept one of the 35 positions available or just come and watch. “We need scorekeepers, judges, monitors (persons asking the ques tions) and someone to keep the time,†O’Rourke said. arfu! defendant denies barges in Autumn Hills trial Associated Press K ANTONIO — A tearful de- abocBnt in a nursing home murder d bbi^ednesday said he could not le he was charged with murder lenied any responsibility for the somth"fan elderly patient. BiPohlmeyer, 43, vice president pasfcjitumn Hills Convalescent Cen- seifflhic, also blamed critical state in- roumBon reports on a personality idthtw! between an inspector and ■mipany employees, oneiBilmeyer and three other cur- holeJMend former Autumn Hills em- latelyWes, as well as the corporation, Bharged with murder in the IMgtflof Elnora Breed. telyiBe 87-year-old woman died 47 SS. Rifter entering an Autumn Hills idoniByin Texas City in 1978. ivestfle state claims Breed was a vic- sno::"®1 starvation and infection, both rt [otfeel by serious neglect. The defense says Breed died of a recurring cancer. Defense lawyer Charles Burton said, “You are charged with having knowingly killed Mrs. Breed by de nying her medicines and supplies.†“Did you knowingly kill or cause the death of Mrs. Breed?†Burton asked “Mr. Burton, I’ve been in — I’m sorry,†he said, wiping tears from his eyes, “the nursing home business 20 years as an inspector. I’ve been an administrator. “I’ve been a general manager. I’ve always been very close to old people, and I cannot believe that I’m sitting here, indicted for murder. I in no way caused the death of Mrs. Breed.†Pohlmeyer said state health de partment inspector Betty Korndorf- fer, who earlier testified the Texas City home was “a mess,†had a per sonality conflict with two of his com pany’s key employees. Korndorffer, he said, had worked at an Autumn Hills nursing home in Friendswood. Pohlmeyer testified he asked Korndorffer’s supervisor to remove her from inspection teams visiting the Texas City facility, but he re fused. If the supervisor had listened to Pohlmeyer, he said, “we would not have had those kind of stinging, de tailed evaluations because it was ob vious Mrs. Korndorffer could not be objective.†Korndorffer testified the nursing home was failing to give proper care and was killing its patients. As a result of her inspections, the nursing home’s Medicaid funding was cut off twice in 1978. AGGIE WRANGLERS are sponsoring a DANCE FOR HEART Sunday nite 7p.m. - 12p.m. February 16 at the TEXAS HALL OF FAME A $2 DONATION BENEFITTING THE AMERICAN HEART ASSSOCIATION GETS YOU IN THE DOOR. Randy Stonehill Satirist and Songster In Concert Monday, February 24, 1986 Tickets $5 in advance $6 at the Door Buy Early! Sponsored by Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship 7:30p.m. at Rudder Auditorium Tickets available at Rudder Box Office For information call John 260-1033 OFFER EXPIRES 2-21 SEMESTER MEMBERSHIP with this coupon 104 Old College Main at Northgate Walk-ins are welcome. Call 846-9779 for an appointment. The Body Shop We Tackle Tough Jobs Small cars to large rigs Custom Paint and Body Work INSURANCE CLAIMS WELCOME Airport oo ATM oo CAMPUS n Jersey University FREE estimates 846-4177 mi “Make it a large, Medium charge†All you have to do is say “Make it a large, medium charge†when you order. No coupon necessary. Good thru March 2. Remember! Get your FREE Cotton Bowl Classic cups while supply lasts. North CampusAA/est Bryan 260-9060 4207 Wellborn East Bryan 776-0076 SISIBriarcrest Dr. South College Station 693-9393 1103 Anderson CatHolleman) Hours: 11-1 Sun.-Thurs., 11-2Fri. &.Sat.