The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 12, 1986, Image 15
Wednesday, February 12, 1986/The Battalion/Page 15 Newborns' syphilis rote lower (continued from page 1) can be reduced easily by treating pregnant women with penicillin. “Theoretically, it (the rate) should be zero,” said Rocco Pel- osi, a public health adviser for the Texas Department of Health. The battle is to get a healthy dose of penicillin to the women who neea it. Some are women who think they have reason to avoid contact with authorities. Some are illegal aliens. Others are prostitutes or drug abusers. And others can’t afford the needed care, a prob lem Texas lawmakers tried to cure last year with a new indigent health care package. “One would think anyone who knows they are pregnant would get prenatal testing,” she said. “What prevents people from seeking care is not so easy to de termine.” Florida officials believe their 31 congenital syphilis cases in 1985 placed that state second only to Texas. Nationwide figures for 1985 are not yet available from GDC. Jack Wroten, chief of Florida’s sexually transmitted disease con trol program, said Florida’s 1985 figures are “fairly accurate.” But the Florida health department is seeking a more effective screen ing law, one that would require a blood test in the final three months of pregnancy or at deliv ery for women who had no pre natal care. Commissioner Dr. Robert Bernstein said his agency plans to launch a “Mother Care is Baby Care” campaign in April and May. Philippine election still not resolved Soviet dissident released (continued from page 1) the bridge that marks the border be- J tween East and West. When he saw [the line, Shcharansky said in En- I glish, “Look, no wall,” and took a gi ant step over it. He was met by Richard Burt, U.S. I ambassador to West Germany, and [they shook hands at 10:57 a.m. on the span West Germans call the | “bridge of spies.” He brought no personal posses- Isions, “no luggage, nothing,” said Ludwig Rehlinger, a West German government official who accompa nied Burt and was Bonn’s negotiator in the exchange. Shcharansky was not told he would be released until he arrived in East Berlin Monday, U.S. and West German officials said. He did not complain of health problems, U.S. officials said. Reports have indicated his health suffered during his time in prison and labor camp. In Israel Peres called Shcharansky by his Hebrew name, Natan, and said of him: “He has fought hero ically alone against so many tribula tions as a proud Jew, as a man with a mission, as a devoted Zionist.” “You can arrest a body, but you cannot imprison a spirit,” the prime minister said, adding that Mrs. Sh charansky “fought like a lioness” in her struggle for his freedom. Associated Press MANILA, Philippines — The Na tional Assembly on Tuesday began the long-awaited official canvass of votes in the presidential election but called it off for lack of a quorum be fore a single vote could be tabulated. The unofficial count by the gov ernment’s Commission on Elections showed President Ferdinand E. Marcos ahead with 5,899,873 votes or 52 percent and his rival, Corazon Aquino, with 5,384,368 or 48 per cent, with 53 percent of the precincts counted following Friday’s presi dential elections. However, the count by the inde pendent poll-monitoring group the National Movement for Free Elec tions, or Namfrel, had Aquino ahead with 6,933,989 or 52 percent against Marcos’ 6,281,510 or 48 per cent, with votes in 64 percent of the precincts counted. The country has 26 million regis tered voters. The National Assembly’s count *is the only one that is legally binding. * Aquino appealed to “my friends abroad” to help protect the victory she claims to have won. She said it-would be a mistake to support a “failing dictator.” Marcos, 68, who has governed the Philippines for 20 years, accused Aquino Tuesday of making a “child ish display of petulance.” Election-related violence has killed more than 90 people since the campaign began in early December. The latest victim was former Gov. Evelio Javier, chairman of Aquino’s campaign in the central Philippine province of Antique, who was shot dead by unidentified men Tuesday outside the Antique provincial capi- tol building. In the assembly Tuesday, the number of legislators dwindled to below that required for a quorum as opposition assemblymen slipped out to meet with Aquino to discuss “the legitimacy of Marcos’ holding on to power.” Aquino, 53, appearing before for eign correspondents, read a statement in which she repeated that she had beaten Marcos and “we will take power.” She did not say how and did not answer questions. In a televised interview by a se lected group of local reporters and correspondents of three U.S. tele vision networks, Marcos claimed he had won and asked Aquino to “for get all this childish display of petu lance just because our figures don’t match.” He said he would create a govern ment advisory body called “Council of State” to advance national recon ciliation and would invite Aquino and other opposition leaders to join it. Rene Saguisag, an Aquino spokes man, rejected the idea, saying, “Maybe it’s Cory who should do the inviting.” ¥ Botapy Toiptc in the Carden District Volengine’s I>iiy Special * two rose bud vase $10°° * 1/2 dozen roses $27 50 * Basket Garden $25°° Also Available: • anthuriums • tulips • mixed bouquets 108 North Ave, Bryan 268-4016 268-4183 Valentine gifts for that special man pi SIGMA f ppstiON (Professional Business Fraternity) Date: Wednesday, Feb. 12th Time: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Location: Rudder Tower-Rm 501 —Business Attire— • -.lU Welcome All! 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Men’s Yves St. Laurent wallets in your choice of tri-fold, hipster, secretary, plus pass or key case. $17 to 28.50. Belts by John Henry , in smooth leath er or rich snakeskin, including reversible styles. Waist sizes 30 to 42,12.50. Yves St. Laurent belts with signature v . truckles. Leather, reversing from black Tc^brown. Sizes 30 to 42, $18 to 22.50. call 845-2611 to advertise at ease shop Dillard's monday thru Saturday 10-9, Sunday 12:30-5:30; post oak mall, college station Dillard’s Call Battalion Classified 845-2611