Wednesday, January 29, 1986AThe Battalion/Page 3 State and Local Gifted students getting aid in dealing with life KARATE not actually Karate, but Tae Kwon Do from Korea IF may join founding IDS hospital XIn ||. Associated Press ■OUSTON — The University ■exas is considering whether ■in the American Medical In- A/«tional in establishing a hos- Ito treat AIDS patients. NH-. John Ribble, dean of the ^■Medical School at Houston, d Dr. Charles LeMasitre, presi- n| of M.D. Anderson Hospital d Tumor Institute, said Mon- iy the hospital has been pro- id by AMI, a California-based )slital chain. Ibble said a “preliminary let- nf intent” approved by the lical school, M.D. Anderson I IaMI has been sent to the UT offices in Austin. Wfl report will be made to the Sy■regents next month, but Rib- he does not expect appro- |©l the plan at that time. ■chard D’Antoni, vice presi- I for AMI’s office in Houston, ■ the hospital would be housed jlhat is now Citizens General !os| ital, in north Houston. ■IDS, or acquired immune de- ''l,;|ncy syndrome, destroys the I's immune system and leaves Ifenseless to disease and can- Free with this ad. By john McCarter Reporter Fred is a National Merit scholar and had a 4.0 grade-point ratio in his first semester at Texas A&M. He shouldn’t have a problem in his aca demic life, right? Wrong. According to Dr. Fred Dorn, a counseling psychologist with the Stu dent Counseling Service, students who make exceptional grades have as many problems as students who have trouble just making a passing grade. That is where the Career Motiva tion Program comes in. The pro gram is a six-to nine-hour group ex perience geared toward gifted students. “What’s positive about this pro gram is that it helps the academically inclined students realize that they don’t stand out in a crowd in a neg ative sense,” Dorn said. “As far as I’m aware this is the only program in the country like it; the only program that addresses National Merit scholar-type kids and offers them support.” The program was started five years ago by Dr. Anne Shroer, for merly of the counseling service. “This is ... an opportunity for students to learn about themselves, the qualities they have, the skills they have and how those might relate to the world of work,” Dorn said. During the sessions the students describe their hobbies and successes in and out of high school and col lege. “Too often we try to get people to accept us on the basis of things we are really not good at. ” — Dr. Fred Dorn, a coun seling psychologist at the Student Counseling Serv ice. “During the six-to nine-hour pe riod, we begin learning about what peoples’ strengths are,” Dorn said. “We emphasize strengths rather than weaknesses.” Dorn said the program tries to promote a sense of self-acceptance based on skills the students have. “Too often we try to get people to accept us on the basis of things we are really not good at,” Dorn said. “It’s a big deal now to be in business or engineering because that’s where the pendulum swings this year.” One of the biggest things people must deal with is choosing a career, which isn’t a popular choice, Dorn said. “We want them to know that it’s all right to be interested in art, an thropology or liberal arts and still be an Ag and that you can still survive in the world,” Dorn said. Dorn also pointed out that women who do exceptionally well in school may have an added burden because of their sex. “We have found that women in the program really struggle with the idea that they have to choose be tween being involved in a relationship or a career,” Dorn said. “We try to help them realize that there are some men who are willing to accept the fact that women can have a career and still have a family.” Dorn gets the names of potential candidates of the honors program and mails them information at the beginning of each semester. Dofn said the program helps stu dents clarify their values. instruction the rest of January for new club members only The TAMU Moo Duk Kwon Tae Kwon Do Club is open to TAMU Faculty, Staff, Students and Their Families For more informations come by our table on the sec ond floor of the MSC or call 693-4590 or 260-3401. Offer good till 1/31/86. % has no insurance on its rare articles El Chico Mon-Thurs 4-7 FREE FOOD BAR Assorted Mexican Food Delights Margaritas $1 25 Corona $1 25 Draught Beer $1 M-Th 11-10 F-S 11-11 Sun 11-9 To go orders Welcome 823-7470 00 3109 Texas, Bryan in front of Walmart All major Credit Cards Associated Press STIN — The Harry Ransom Unities Research Center at the Ipsity of Texas has a Gutenberg ■ the world’s first photograph, a that! filly purchased $15 million rare afior |ilibrary and no insurance. pt center has an elaborate secu- ■ ■stem — including a fire fight- e y° ni Istem that can kill — but no in- pcar a n( e crinii: I Charles Franklin, UT vice cc co' Ident for business affairs, said re is no insurance because the I Bums would be too high. |o, he said, much of the collec- ^ av; ; lould not be replaced at any [ Tathc L “Insurance is expensive,” Frank lin said. “When you have holdings of such magnitude, it is not economi cally feasible to insure them.” The seven-story Ransom Center, like all UT holdings, is self-insured by the university, Franklin said. That means a catastrophic fire would be followed by a meeting at which officials would discuss replac ing lost materials, he said. Decherd Turner, center director, said he could not estimate the value of the collection. Cheryl Carrabba, assistant conser vator, said the first line of defense against fire is a “state of the art” sys tem. That system, she said, can fill the center with carbon dioxide and re move the oxygen. The lack of oxygen would kill the fire — and anyone in the center, she said. “It would take no time at all for somebody to die,” Carrabba said. Security guard Charles Oliver said the system would not be activated until the building is cleared of peo ple. “Human life has top priority,” he said. The collection includes 800,000 rare books and nine million manu scripts, Turner said. st foil ir soctf fetus is jroven .Introducing Weight Watchers 1986 OuiKzk Startwiv$ Program? fpwf&CTOTO inucfc g' ~ Among the recent acquisitions is the Carl Pforzheimer library of En glish literature, purchased by H. Ross Perot of Dallas for $15 million, he said. The Gutenberg Bible, one of five complete copies in the nation, was bought in 1978 for $2.4 million. The photograph, billed as the world’s oldest, is an 1826 view from a window at Gras, France. It was acquired in 1963 and is dis played in a helium-filled showcase. Also housed in the center are more recent items, such as Houdini’s magic gear and one of the largest collections of baseball cards. iven't you ever done something in your life you wish you could do over again...and this time do it right? After fourteen years. 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