The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 24, 1985, Image 2
Page 2/The Battalion/Tuesday, September 24, 1985 Opinion Post-game antics: festive or fatal? Traditions. According to the dictionary they are modes of thought or behavior fol lowed by a people from generation to generation. According to the students of Texas A&M, they are the things that make this school special. But placing the blame on someone is not as important as solving the problem. Karl Pallmeyer Granted, traditions play an important role in life here at Texas A&M, but they must not be followed blindly. Traditions must be examined and changed, if nec essary, by each generation before they are passed down to the next. Once a tra dition causes someone to come to harm, that tradition should be changed. The Corps can help solve the prob lem by changing their practice of chas ing after the yell leaders. In the long his tory of Texas A&M, the yell leaders have never escaped the after-game dunking in the Fish Pond so why should they run to escape the inevitable? If the yell leaders would line up to be carried off peacefully to their dunking, the Freshmen cadets wouldn’t have to stam pede like a herd of wild animals. There is tradition that needs re-ex The fans can help solve the problem by staying off the field until the end of the game. There is no reason that fans can't walk onto the field to congratulate the players after a game well played. The fans have no right to act like a wild herd of stampeding animals either. amined at this school. At the end of vic torious home football games, freshmen cadets run out on the field, grab the yell leaders and take them to the Fish Pond for a quick dunking. Aggie fans also run our onto the field to congratulate the team. There is usually a pretty huge stampede when hundreds of freshmen and fans run onto the field to celebrate the Aggie victory. Last Saturday the “traditional” stampede got out of hand. A 12-year-old girl’s leg was broken when she ran out onto the field after the game and was run over by a group of freshman cadets pursuing the yell lead ers. Considering the wild confusion af ter the games, it’s been fortunate that nothing like this has happened before. This type of accident is inexcusable and something should be done to keep it from happening again. The University Police can help solve the problem by making announcements during the game and posting signs on the field asking the fans to be more re- sponsibile after the game. The Univer sity Police Department doesn’t have the manpower to prevent the crowd from rushing the field and handle the traffic outside of the stadium, but they can' warn people of the dangers of such careless activity. The blame can be placed on several people. The Corps freshmen should have acted with more care while run ning across the field. The fans should have exercised more constraint at the end of the game. The parents of the girl should have taken care to see that their daughter didn’t get away from them. The University Police should have taken steps to prevent this type of stampede. There is no reason the Corps and Ag gie football fans can’t show their joy af ter a victorious game by congratulating the coaches and players and dunking the yell leaders. The games and the af ter-game festivities can be enjoyed by all as long as everyone is careful and re spects the rights of others. Karl Pallmeyer is a senior journalism major and a columnist for The Battal ion. Mail Call Letters to the Editor should not exceed 300 words in length. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit letters for style and length but will make every effort to maintain the author’s intent. Each letter must be signed and must include the address and telephone number of the writer. Thanks, radio club EDITOR: I wish to commend the Amateur Ra need any help?” I never really thought about the situation before, and now I had no choice. dio Club on the community service they provided by helping my family contact our relatives in Mexico City. The worst part of the disaster was not knowing if anything had happened to them. They came through with the news of their safety. As has happened many times before, the only communications with a disaster area has been provided by persons like themselves. I thank them for their time and trou ble. Their unselfish actions are greatly appreciated. Benito Flores-Meath With this in mind I thought that I should at the very least let other people know about the situation. Maybe if peo ple think about the possibility of such a situation, then they will know what they should do if they ever have such an en counter. Michael Forbush Graduate Student Physics Dept. ‘Big Kiss’ clarified EDITOR: Drunken sex or rape? EDITOR: In the Sept. 16 Battalion a clarifica tion was printed concerning the MDA donation made from the proceeds of the “Big Kiss.” After reading this with great interest, I now find myself totally confused. A strange thing happened last night. I ran into two people having sexual in tercourse in the hallway of Heldenfels Hall. It was about midnight when I saw them. At first I thought that maybe they had a bit too much to drink, and they didn’t realize where they were. I walked away thinking about how immature they were being, when it oc curred to me that perhaps I had been the witness to a rape. The more I thought about it the more I realized that it just wasn’t natural to have sex in the hallway. This must have been a spur of the moment decision! When I got to my destination I couldn’t rest. What if it was rape? Would the girl be all right? I ran back to the building to see if I could be of any help. It had been less than five minutes since I had seen them, and now they were gone. I began to examine my actions. Should I have just kept on going? Maybe I should have asked, “Do you The article stated that attendance was “more than 2,400 Aggie couples.” The article goes on to state that the event grossed “about $11,000”. According to my calculations, 2,400 couples times $10 (the amount of admission per couple) is equal to 24,000 dollars. This sounds like a bad joke about an Aggie accountant. The article also states that about $3,000 was spent on advertising, yet I was under the impression that this event was only given publicity on KKYS-FM Radio and that the time was donated as a public service. Surely, someone could have found a better deal than this if such money was required to handle such a charitable cause. I personally know of another radio station in this market that would have done the promotion for free. Neil Harrison EDITOR’S NOTE: The article did in deed read “2,400 Aggie couples.” It should have read “2,400 Aggies.” The figures don’t add up to $12,000 because DENG, TWS IS YOUR DUMBEST IDEA YET... The parents should watch their kids before, during and after the game. In any crowd as large as the one at the game Saturday, parents should make sure their kids don’t get away from them. There are lot of other problems that could be solved if parents took more responsibilty for their kids. Boosters should stop meddlinj in college football programs fundra fearthqi I Davi preside photos priced r rofit. He s lales \ Football. The word alone commands atten tion. In fairness to the other athletes, other sports do ex ist, but none get the respect of the Texas A&M com munity more than football. - When Aggies talk football. ceiving payments from the same alum- John Halleft sports, they talk Never mind that A&M’s softball team has won the national championship twice in the last three years. Forget about the A&M volleyball team, cur rently ranked No. 15 in the nation and the successful men’s tennis and baseball programs. Who cares about those sports that have and continue to produce win ners, teams that really bring respect to the University? What is it about football that garners all the attention? Let’s face it, football is more visible than any other collegiate sport, making it the perfect means of bringing instant notoriety to the University. And noto riety is very important to a university with an inferiority complex. However, should this obsession be come so important that nothing else matters? Should NCAA regulations be dropped by the wayside? No. But it happens anyway. This past Thursday, TCU Head Football Coach Jim Wacker dismissed senior tailback Kenneth Davis, a Heis- man Trophy candidate, and suspended five other players from the team. An in vestigation by TCU revealed that Davis had accepted cash from a Horned Frog booster. The six players admitted to re- SMU is currently under a three-year probationary period for recruiting vio lations. The violations included cash payments to athletes and resulted in the NCAA’s decision to order SMU to disas sociate itself from nine boosters. Both schools denied any knowledge of fringe benefits provided to players by overzea- lous alumni. Now A&M enters the picture with the accusations made against A&M quar terback Kevin Murray by Cerry Oher of WFAA-TV in Dallas. Once again the ac cusations involve a booster, in this case a former student, Rod Dockery, Class of ’66, making cash payments to a “stu dent-athlete.” A&M Coach Jackie Sher rill has denied any knowledge of the in cident. Regardless of the outcome of the ongoing University investigation, the Murray incident and others like it around the country have brought to light a serious problem — athletic boost ers meddling with sports programs. Most boosters have noble intentions — to bring glory to their university’s hallowed halls — but the means by which they accomplish their goals are less than honorable. To guarantee that their university gets the best athletes, some boosters have resorted to provid ing “student-athletes” with incentives. When their actions are exposed the football program, not the booster, suf fers the consequences. Cash payments to student athletes are not against the law, they are against NCAA rules. So boost ers are accountable to no one. Some people may find it hard to be lieve that coaches don’t know about the relationship between boosters and ath letes. Perhaps Sherrill’s comment, made _3pmen after he learned of Oher’s accusaiKilvhjch says it best: "... 1 don’t want to kno»®eaders Dockery made the payments).”'® not to say that some don’t condoncii payments — some do, some donii others choose to ignore it. Why? Because the boosters provide ra mous sums to athletic programs ! don’t forget who pays for the majoi of many head coaches’ salaries-i letic boosters, not the universities coaches are placed in a difficult pc lion. Without boosters, many pn would fold because states won’t priate enough money to support an letic program. The At least the state legislatures have i Per V> forgotten what a university’s primp goal is — to provide low cost educatis not to produce athletes for the NFL John Hallett is a senior political n ence major, a columnist and a Nfl Editor for The Battalion. Mail Call some people were admitted free. The $3,000 was spent for promotions, in cluding advertising, flyers and T-shirts. Band items stolen Women are Ags, too EDITOR: I am offended! Yell practice is a fun tradition and I’ve always enjoyed partic ipating in it . . . BUT . . . the chauvanis- tic comments have to go. Here’s the quote I’m referring to: “Let’s go out there and make Northeast Louisiana look like a bunch of women.” And all the males say “whoop.” Well, to me, that sounds like a compli ment to last week’s opponents. Look around and notice all the amazing ac complishments women have made — this is 1985, that doesn’t even need to be said. What time warp are you from, yell leader? What’s your excuse? I’m sure you don’t actually think that the women at yell practice (who voted for you) were overly impressed by that statement. I’d just like to request that in future, whoever is leading the yells, please take the whole student body into consider ation. That was the first yell practice for the class of ’89 and what were these new Ags thinking? Don’t make A&M appear to be behind the times. A man of quality is one who respects equality! Laurie Human ’88 EDITOR: Fellow Ags, your help is desperately needed. Sometime between Sept. 8 and Sept. 14, a storage warehouse near the corner of Southwest Parkway and Welsh was burglarized. This warehouse was leased to three A&M students who were using this space to rehearse an up-and-coming band. But, in light of the burglary, our chances of ever playing again seem very dim. The items taken in this burglary were all that we had in way of musical equip ment. Items taken include a Gibson Ex plorer guitar, a Marshall amplifier, an Acoustic Bass amplifier, a Sunn bass cabinet and a full set of black Ludwig drums complete with cymbals. Ags, this equipment would cost nearly $10,000 to replace and like most other college students, we are too broke to re place it. This is where you come in. Anyone seeing anything suspicious or hearing of anyone “acquiring” any large quantities of musical equipment recently is urged to call us. There is currently a $300 re ward for information leading to the ar rest and conviction of the person(s) re sponsible. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Wendel Skolaski, 693-2277 David Adams, 693-9838 Steven Patti, 696-3230 The Battalion USPS 045 360 Member of Texas Press Association Southwest Journalism Conference The Battalion Editorial Board Rhonda Snider, Editor Michelle Powe, Managing Editor Loren Stefiy, Opinion Page Editor Karen Bloch, City Editor John Hallett, Kay Mallett, News Editors Travis Tingle, Sports Editor panied causing jtional ! | will be “Hn 1 I livares guez, t Studen ■ ezuelar 1 vares u Rodi i zuela’s ernmei hoping late me money “The I says up H n sl ; month 5‘) xrm The Battalion Staff Assistant City Editors Kirsten Dietz, Jerry Oil® Assistant News Editors Cathie Anderson, Jan Pen) Assistant Sports Editor Charean Williams Entertainment Editors Cathy Riely, WalterSmitli Art Director. Wayne Grab® Copy Editors Reoecca Adair Mike Davis, Sarah Oates Make-up Editor Ed Cassavot Staff Writers Tamara Bel Meg Cadigan, Ed Cassavot, Cindy Gay, Doug Hal Paul Herndon, WendyJonnsM Tammy Kirk, Jens Koeple Trent Leopold, Mary McWhorter, June Pang, Tricia Parker Brian Pearson, Lynn RaePovec, Marybeth Rohsner, Gigi Shams) Kenneth Surf Cartoonists Mike Lane, Scott McCullar, Kevin Thomas Columnists Camille Brown, John Hallett, Karl Pallmeyer Photographers Greg Bailey Anthony Casper, Frank Hada, Jaime Lopez, Michael Sandier $2,500 at the o thin th money money Americ Rodi student limit th ter’s tui eign stt needs 5 ter. Wha “The said. “1 Editorial Policy The Battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting nmp operated as a community service to Texas A&M Bryan-College Station. Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of tlx Editorial Board or the author, and do not necessarily rep resent the opinions of Texas A&M administrators, U or the Board of Regents. The Battalion also serves as a laboratory newspap students in reporting, editing and photography c within the Department of Communications. 1 he liattahon is published Monday through Indayw- ing Texas A&M regular semesters, except for holiday ami i periods. Mail subscriptions are $16.75pent- .25 per school year and $35 per full year. Ad- fun examination mester, $33. vertisingrates furnished on request. Our address: The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, College Station, Tt 77843. Editorial staff phone number: (409) 845-3316. Ad vertising: (409) 845-2611. Second class postage paid at College Station, TX 77843 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battal ion, Texas A&M University, College Station, Tex# 77843