The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 20, 1985, Image 20

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1^1*0 u l aM WU !* > H ****** w
quality productions
Theatre Arts at Texas A&M University
Bryan-Odefe Station Eagle
presents its 41 season of
“archy & mehitabel”
A delightful musical Comedy
Book by Marie by Lyric* by
Jot Dariaa * Md Brati Geory KH.iwtnffr JotDariM
(Baaed on the itork* of Ooa Marqoi*)
Prodaccd on Broadway a* Shin hoar Alley
“...aomething fresh...spontaneous and Inventive.,
a world of sardonic fantasy. ” New York Times
October 4,5,10,1L& 12
The Skin Of Our Teeth
by Thornton Wilder
A Pulitzer Prize Winning Comedy
“A vital and wonderful piece of theatre...
tremendously exciting and profound.”
The New York Herald
November 8,9,21,22, & 23
The Hollow Crown
devised by John Barton
The falls and foibles of the monarch* of
“...a delightful evening in the theatre;
humorous, touching and always warmly
New York Post
December 5,6, & 7
A Cry Of Players
by William Gibson
A charming and eloquent biography of
i ij ; young Will Shakespeare
^ ”...superb theatre...a rousing tale involv
ing vivid characters in a provocative
situation and poignant circumstances.”
February 26,27,28 & March 1
Twelfth Night
by William Shakespeare
Vi ilia* The most perfect comedy in the English
II-'-’L. Language
^ April 18,19,24,25 & 26
see all five of these great shows for only $5.00 each
save 20% and see all five productions for the price of four by
buying a season subscription.
Look for order blank on ad in main section
If you’re thinking of driv
ing to Houston or Dallas this
weekend to see a play or
musical — think again.
Why drive all that way
when quality entertainment
can be found right here on
the Texas A&M campus? v
The Aggie Players, the
production company of the
Speech Communication and
Theater Arts Department, of
fer a wide variety of road
trip alternatives.
The Aggie Players are
presenting their 41st season
and have been incorporated
into the newly created de
partment which began in its
official capacity on Sept. 1.
Roger Schultz, associate
professor and director of the
ater arts, is optimistic on the
success of both the new de
partment and this season's
"It's important not to think
that we are so far away from
the world that we can't have
culture," Schultz says.
He says the Aggie Players
present theater "by Aggies
for Aggies."
For anyone wondering
about the quality and quan
tity of this season, Schultz
says the Aggie Players are
performing five main-stage
productions including a Pu
litzer Prize-winning comedy,
a musical and two Shake
speare plays.
Although students may
complain that A&M does not
have much to offer cultu
rally, Schultz says that as
the new department grows it
will be "one more opportu
nity for the students and
community to see quality en
A&M was the only major
university in Texas not offer
ing a degree in speech com
munications. As awareness
of the new degree program
grows, Schultz plans to ex
pand the number of produc
tions and the number of peo
ple involved.
Freshmen Theater Arts
majors Deidre Doigg and
Jeanie Parrent say the main
reason they chose A&M for
their theatrical pursuits was
because of the program's
"It's like a baby," Parrent
Doigg agrees.
"We'll be here for the first
four years," she says. "We
can help shape the depart
ment and watch it grow."
The first year's enrollment
shows a total of 35 theater
arts majors including 15
"It's important not to
think that we are so far
away from the world
tare. -
associate professor of
theater arti> comment-
Schultz says an 80 percent
increase in attendance last
season showed that more
people are aware of the Ag
gie Players.
"Our attendance is 50-50
split between the students
and the community," he
The Aggie Players are ex
pecting an even better sea
son this year, but Schultz
says that people must pa
tronize what is already
available to make the sea
son a success.
So far this year, more than
100 Aggies have auditioned
for the fall productions and
the first two shows are al
ready in rehearsal.
"Many of the students who
audition for parts or enroll in
theater arts classes are not
theater arts majors," Schultz
says. "We had students au
dition that represent all the
colleges on campus.''
The first presentation of
the season will be "archy &
mehitabel," by Joe Darion
and Mel Brooks. The show
stars senior theater arts ma
jor Wendy Pesek and sopho
more theater arts major Troy
The show is billed as a
creative musical about a re
porter who claims he re
ceives messages from a
cockroach that writes by
jumping onto his typewriter
"archy & mehitabel" will
run Oct. 4, 5, 10, 11 and 12.
The second presentation
of the season will be the Pu
litzer Prize-winning comedy
"The Skin of Our Teeth," by
Thorton Wilder, which fol
lows the antics of the Antro-
bus family through the Ice
Age, the Great Flood and a
world war.
The semester's last offer
ing is not a play, but a Read
er's Theater piece. This en
tails a small group of
performers, backed by mu
sic and very few props,
reading selections that ex
plore the faults, quirks and
often comical lifestyles of
many English monarchs.
Two Shakespeare plays
will be presented in the
spring semester, "A Cry of
Players" and "Twelfth
All productions are sched
uled for Rudder Forum.
Each show is $4 for students
and $5 for general public.
Season tickets, which offer
holders a 20-percent sav
ings, are available at $15 for
students and $20 for general
public. Tickets may be re
served at Rudder Box Office
or by calling 845-1234. □
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