The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 20, 1985, Image 15

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    Friday, September 20,1985/The Battalion/Page 15
World and Nation
Mississippi Southern Baptists
improving racial relations
Associated Press
JACKSON, Miss. — Mississippi’s
Southern Baptists, the last in the de
nomination to establish black
churches, have opened two in the
last year in what they say is a new
spirit of racial cooperation.
“It was strictly because of racial re
lations that we didn’t have black
churches before this,” said Jim Dal-
rymple, associate director of mis
sions in the Gulfport area. “It boils
down to a new willingness to work
Both of the state’s black Southern
Baptist churches are on the Gulf
“This is still something that is
somewhat regional in Mississippi,”
he said.
“The coast area, the Jackson area
and north Mississippi near Memphis
(Tenn.) are most receptive to the
For years, Baptists in the South
joined denominations divided along
racial lines.
Southern Baptists were the largest
of the predominantly white groups,
while tne National Baptist Conven
tion was the biggest of the black or
The Rev. Rossi Francis, pastor of
one of the two black Southern Bap
tist churches, said he has encoun
tered no problems from white
Southern Baptists.
In fact, he said, “there’s an eager
ness because they’re realizing that
we’re all heading in the same direc-
In Mississippi, Southern Baptists
have about 600,000 members, while
the General Missionary Baptist Con
vention, affiliated with the National
Baptists, has about 300,000.
The two groups agree on theology
but have different methods of oper
ating, with the National Baptists re
lying more on pastoraj^ leadership
and the Southern Baptists giving the
congregation more of a voice on pol
icy and financial matters.
In the last decade or so, the lines
between the groups have become
more blurred, with black congrega
tions joining the Southern Baptists
in slowly growing numbers.
The Rev. David Mathews of In-
dianola, chairman of the General
Missionary Baptists, said he does not
foresee a wholesale move by black
preachers to the Southern Baptists.
Mathews said he sees the South
ern Baptists’ main attraction as their
greater wealth.
Emmanuel McCall, director of the
black relations department for the
Southern Baptist Convention,
agreed that his denomination has
more resources.
Francis said he liked the auton
omy the Southern Baptists gave him,
including not infringing on his style
of preaching.
New public TV show for children
strives to stimulate math interest
Associated Press
NEW YORK — With President
Reagan and many educators giving
America’s students failing grades in
math, the makers of “Sesame Street”
are producing a new television series
designed to stimulate math interest
while looking a lot like MTV and
SCTV added together.
The Children’s Television
Workshop, creators of public tele
vision’s “Sesame Street,” “The Elec
tric Company” and “3-2-1 Contact,”
announced Thursday at a news con
ference that production will start in
early 1986 on what CTW calls the
most expensive single project for
children in TV history.
The Count, “Sesame Street’s”
numbers freak, would go wild count
ing off the show’s $16 million fund
ing budget that comes from such dis
parate sources as as the U.S.
Department of Education, the Na
tional Science Foundation, the Cor
poration for Public Broadcasting
and IBM.
IBM contributed $59.5 million to
American universities last year and
now is investing in the TV schooling
of young students so they can better
History Today
Associated Press
Today is Friday, Sept. 20, the
263rd day of 1985. There are 102
days left in the year.
Today’s highlight in history:
On Sept. 20, 1519, Portuguese
navigator Ferdinand Magellan set
out from Spain on a voyage to
find a western passage to the In
dies. Magellan was killed en
route, but one of his ships even
tually circled the globe.
In 1870, Italian troops took
control of the Papal States, lead
ing to the unification of Italy.
In 1873, panic swept the floor
of the New York Stock Exchange
in the wake of railroad bond de
faults and bank failures.
In 1881, Chester A. Arthur
was sworn in as the 21 st president
of the United States, succeeding
James A. Garfield, who was assas
In 1884, the Equal Rights Party
was formed during a convention
of suffragists in San Francisco. In
1947, former New York City
Mayor Fiorello La Guardia died. .
In 1963, President John F.
Kennedy proposed a joint U.S.-
Soviet expedition to the moon in
a speech to the United Nations
General Assembly.
In 1973, in their so-called Bat
tle of the Sexes, tennis star Billie
Jean King defeated Bobby Riggs
in straight sets, 6-4, 6-3, 6-3, at
the Houston Astrodome.
Ten years ago: Sargeant
Shriver announced in Washing
ton, D.C., he would seek the 1976
Democratic presidential nomi
Five years ago: Iran and Iraq
reported new ground and air bat
tles along their disputed border.
compete in the technological future,
“where working smarter, not
harder, will be the watchword,” said
Dr. Lewis Branscomb, IBM’s chief
The untitled 30-minute program
is scheduled to premiere on public
TV weekday afternoons in January
1987. The producers hope the series
will be used in classrooms and are
giving teachers permission to tape
The target audience is kids ages 8
to 12. “We’ll try to get children, es
pecially girls and minorities, inter
ested in math before they learn
they’re not supposed to be interested
in math,” said David Connell, the
show’s executive producer.
Besides the traditional topics of
counting, arithmetic and mea
surement, the curriculum will in
clude algebra, probability and geom
etry. “The age of ’reading, ’riting
and ’rithmetic are long gone,” said
George Tressel, a member of the
supporting National Science Foun
Reagan has raised concerns about
America losing the math and science
race, to students abroad, most nota-
Associated Press
NEW YORK — They hustle fro
zen french fries with valleys and
peaks, helpful computers and chocO-
latey chocolate-chip cookies.
They are among the legion of the
self-made super rich who feed us, fly
us and give us fun, and who peddle
everything from pizza to running
shoes to floppy discs.
The names are familiar: Pizza
Hut, Winnebago, Honda, NIKE,
McDonald’s, Toys ’R’ Us, Celestial
Seasonings, Mrs. Field’s Cookies and
Chun King.
Tales of how these makers of me
gabucks rose from obscurity and
sometimes poverty to fame and for
tune are told in a new book by A. Da
vid Silver, “Entrepreneurial Mega
It is the story of 100 great entre
preneurs of the last 25 years, and
will be published next month by
John Wiley 8c Sons.
Some began with loans. Lane Ne
meth borrowed $25,000 from family
and friends to begin her Discovery
Toys company in 1977. Today, sales
amount to $40 million a year.
Barbara Gardner Proctor had an
$80,000 Small Business Administra
tion loan to start Proctor & Gardner
Advertising in Chicago in 1970.
Annual billings now exceed $15
Neil S. Hirsch borrowed $30,000
from his father to start Telerate, a
New York firm that operates a com
puterized financial market informa
tion system and now makes $28.7
bly to those in Japan. When 20 na
tions were tested for arithmetic skills
in a 1982 International Educational
Achievement Study, American
eighth graders came in 10th.
“The crisis in mathematics educa
tion has been widely recognized in
this country,” said Joan Ganz Coo
ney, president of CTW. “Our new
math series represents a national ef
fort to do something about it.”
Cooney said the series will make
math fun and illustrate its everyday
applications, while discrediting a
popular notion expressed by one
student to CTW researchers: “I hate
math more than I hate liver.”
CTW will have its work cut out for
it making math appealing enough to
compete with the plethora of TV
choices, including the fast-paced
MTV music channel on cable.
Connell said the format will utilize
parody, similar to the way NBC’s
SCTV, which starred John Candy
and Martin Short, lampooned TV
programs. The show will satirize ev
ery TV form, from soap operas to
game shows to weather forecasts, to
get its numerical messages across.
Silver, who formed a venture cap
ital investment banking firm in
1970, says one thing that entrepre
neurs greatly value is time.
Entrepreneurs also tend to sleep
and eat little, check no baggage,
wear no jewelry and never get sick,
Silver says.
Jack R. Simplot earned $7,800
from feeding and selling hogs in
Now 76, Simplot has become the
largest potato processor in the
United States with a patent on fro
zen french fries.
During the Depression, Luigino
Franco Paulucci pulled a battered
red wagon along the railroad tracks
gathering fallen lumps of coal to sell
for a penny each.
By the time he was 12, he was sell
ing iron-ore samples to tourists in
He went on to found the Chun
King Corp. and Jeno’s Inc., man
ufacturers of canned Chinese food
and frozen pizzas.
Rose Blumkin bribed her way past
a Russian border guard and came to
the United States on a peanut boat in
1917. She had no money.
By the age of 43, she had bor
rowed $500 and started a business in
the basement of a pawnshop, selling
quality furniture at lower prices than
her competition. Now 91, she heads
the, Nebraska Furniture Mart in
Omaha, which was acquired by
Berkshire Hathaway in 1983 for $60
Self-made super rich
rise from obscurity
to fame in new book
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Office, no later than 5 p.m. Friday, September 20, 1985.
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