Thursday, September 19, 1985/The Battalion/Page 5 'uder ' na tion's |i I -'Eristic of I n ^ ver chalk I f >e said, “il lllan d is an 'just t() chat’ "tphasized s !Ilg. II '.have po #t '■ influence, sa-ari said. 1 •oves him,, •tea him." Jitical po^ '"‘•art saidd, 1 hai peop| f! ' Hliin the fat nologs- is a ' country,’ our I'an; 1 sa y elationshipli ’'°ur famtj; 'iintrv we la ser (ugethe; ns of 40, Jy be m mstoi ly bepc n," snesasi ilcium pilii •porosis. I nnericani • of calcium bidiisesti® j, i a day.” ts calcium •le exercise, I ah ium this I • need forpf of milk); | standards.' j • t* the nmh: | - shesasil that aduitsg ;ess cannot •rosis is a pH r technolop own concoM nd exercise in goodo )iit that’s aii What’s up Thursday NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS: will meet at 7:30 p in. in 607 Rudder. PEER ADVISORS: will hold an '‘Endless Summer’* Reunion . Party 9 p.m.-rokinight at the Q-Huts. FISH CAMP ‘85-CAMP PENBERTHY: will meet at 7 p.m. in 301 Rudder. TAMU AQUATIANS SYNCHRONIZED SWIM GLOB: wiU meet 8:50 p.m.-10 p.m. at the Indoor Pool. MICRO SOCIETY; will meet at 6:30 p.m. in 1X3 Biological ftv iamce? Buildin g East. . KOREA ACADEMY OF TAE KWON DO: will meet at 7 1 p.m. in 255 G. Rollie White Coliseum. TAMU FENCING CLUB; will meet at 7 p.m. in 267 East Kyle. MSC CEPHEID VARIABLE: presents “The Last Starfigh- ter" at Rudder Theater. BETA ALPHA PSI: will meet at 6:45 p.m. at Briartrest I Country Club. Topic: “Acounting in the ‘90s.” AGGIES AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING: will meet at 7:30 V' p.m. in 407 Rudder. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will meet * jkt? p.ra, in 402 Rudder. ALPHA PI MU INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING HONOR SOCIETY: Applications for membership are available in the Industrial Engineering Office and are due Sept. 20. TAU KAPPA; will meet at 7 p.m. in 302 Rudder. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND AS TRONAUTICS; will meet at 7 p.m. in 116 Old Engi- ■ neeri ng Bldg. STUDENT GOVERNMENT; Applications tor The Big Event are available in the Student Government Office, 213 Ip Pavilion, and are due Sept. 27. YIETNAMESE-AMER1CAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION; will meet at 8:30 p.m. in 308 Rudder. SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS; will meet at 7 p.m in 203 Zachry Engineering Center. Friday MSC AGGIE CINEMA: presents 'The Cotton Club" at 7:30 and 9:45 p.m. at Rudder Theater. Admission is $2.00. Midnight movie: All That Jazz;” admission is $1.50. STUDENT Y: Bonfire Cookie Crew Subchairman applica tions are due today by 5 p.m. in 208 Pavillion. BADMINTON CLUB: wdl meet at 7 p.m. in 351 G. Rollie f White Coliseum. TAMU CHESS CLUB; will meet at 7 p.m. in 504 Rudder. ASIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION: Fall dance 7 p.m. un~ , tUmidnight in 201 MSC. COLLEGIATE FFA: wUl hold a plant sale, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at Rudder Fountain. FARMHOUSE FRATERNITY: will hold Farmfest *85, 8 p.m.-midnight at Parkway Circle Apartments. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY: wall meet for Bible study at 6:15 p.m. at A&M Presbyterian Church. PUERTO RICAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will meet at 7 p.m. in 404 Rudder. ASSOCIATION OF AMATEUR ASTRONOMERS: has an Open House at the TAMU Observatory 8 p.m.-midnight. — — —— Out-of-state mail orders cost Texas money Associated Press AUSTIN — Because Texans lead the nation in mail order purchases, the state loses out on millions of dol lars in sales tax revenue each year, the comptroller’s office said Wednesday. With more and more Americans buying by mail, the problem likely will get worse, the office reported in its monthly Fiscal Notes newsletter. “This year, out-of-state retailers will legally avoid collecting Texas sales tax on as much as $3.3 billion worth of merchandise sent through the mail,” the report said. Although purchases from mail or der companies outside Texas are taxable, the state has no way to col lect the taxes. Under a 1967 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, states are prohibited from requiring out-of-state retailers to collect sales taxes for them, as in state retail merchants are required to do. The problem is getting worse as increasing numbers of consumers purchase from mail order compa nies, the report said. “Mail order sales are booming na tionwide.” the newsletter said. “Sales have grown an average of 10 percent annually over the last five years, with total sales expected to reach $50 bil lion by the end of this year.” According to federal figures, Texas accounted for 6.6 percent of the total nationwide mail order sales in 1983, leading the nation. “The mail order boom should continue, fueled by increasing num bers of double-breadwinner families looking for convenient ways to shop and maturing baby-boomers with more money to spend,” the comp troller’s report said. “Technological advances such as electronic funds transfer and the looming potential of shopping by home computer should further mail order sales growth.” Several states, including Texas, want Congress to pass legislation to invalidate the Supreme Court ruling or induce mail order firms to comply with state sales tax laws, the comp troller said. Groups representing retail mer chants support the efforts, claiming that mail order companies are com peting unfairly because they don’t nave to collect sales taxes. SOUNDWAVES Audio & Video CAR AUDIO SYSTEMS SALE O Clarion SYSTEM: psi eehubPSI Your choice of: Clarion SE 510 Clarion 4300 R 5” Dual cone AM/FM, cassette, or Clarion SE410 FF/REW, loudness, 4” Dual cone Auto DX — LO or Fits most cars Clarion SE 310 3 1/2” Dual cone INSTALLED JUST $149.95 up^varue KENWOOD STEREO FOR YOUR CAR Kenwood KRC 2000 Auto Reverse, digital with Seek & 10 presets, clock, bass, treble, more SYSTEM: Kenwood KFC 1680 90 Watts speaker system, 6 1/2” woofer, 2 1/4” tweeter INSTALLED JUST $349.95 Re g « 4 9o These and other unbelievable prices while supplies last. (Open Mon-Sat, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.) Texas Ave. at Villa Maria 779-0065 Stem**} PETER O’TOOLE • MARIEL HEMINGWAY * VINCENT SPANO KINGS ROAD fTODUCTKONS Presents A STEPHEN FRIEDMAN Production "CREATOR" VIRGINIA MADSEN DAVID OGDEN SDERS *—8 JEREMY LEVEN JEREMY LEVS'! “S RICHARD CHB/V “S SYLVESTER LEVAY SSCHARLES MULVEHILL ""-’SSTB’HEN FRIEDMAN 8 MAN PASSER Irian] Iho POCKET Btibifl . (0M.SR.IA11 A UNIVERSAL Retease ‘ rtOSABWi —— * R rwgfn i) KWifcs tuatthtimitt nmint* mju sosmh* STARTS SEPTEMBER 20th AT SELECT THEATRES -MSC TOWN • u A T t r. W IMT rflO^INPDtlS©