The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 17, 1985, Image 1

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Concepts, terms made easy
for aspiring nuclear strategists
— Page 2
The 'real' Texas A&M athletes
play the rough sport of rugby
— Page 12
MH Texas A&M a
The Battalion
Serving the University community
M 81 Mo. 12 GSPS 045360 12 pages
College Station, Texas
Tuesday, September 17, 1985
Britain orders
6 more Soviets
lut of country
Associated Press
LONDON — Britain ordered six
more Soviets to leave the country
Monday in an expanding series of
Bmovais of suspected spies which
■as plunged Anglo-Soviet relations
I) one of the lowest points since
I World War 11.
The government accused two So-
■et diplomats, two embassy clerks, a
Bade representive and a journalist
If spying and ordered them to leave
Britain by Oct. 7. Foreign Secretary
Br Geoffrey Howe said the move
las designed “to uphold Britain’s
■ational security.”
I The government also cut the per
mitted level of Soviet official person-
lel in Britain from 211 to 205.
I The Soviet Embassy in London
luickly accused Britain in a
iatement of a “provocative and vin-
lictive action of an unfriendly na
ture” and said it was “totally unjusti-
led on any grounds whatsoever."
■ It added that “the entire responsi-
ftlity for the consequences of this ac-
Bon rests with the British side.”
■ Britain last Thursday ordered 25
Bussians to leave Britain by Oct. 3,
lying they were named as spies by
■leg A. Gordievski, head of the
■GB spy network for Britain who
Befected and was granted asylum.
B Brifain warned against retaliation,
|l)iit on Saturday the Russians ex
celled 25 Britons, accusing them of
»y in g-
I In throwing out six more Soviets
Ifonday, the Foreign Office called
lie Soviet reprisal “an unwarranted
Bctimization of innocent people,
which the British government was
t prepared
The statenr
to accept.
7, at6
3n en-
pt. 19
iff and
lied ominous overtones of relations
iming worse on a broader scale,
he Foreign Office said Moscow’s
iction “could not but set back (the)
process” of improving ties. The So-
liet Embassy replied that “it is hard
lodiscern the professed desire of the
British side for a better
J When tne Russians on Saturday
crdered 25 Britons to leave Moscow
In a one-for-one expulsion, British
“Iffidals were highly annoyed, claim
ing the Soviets had overreacted.
One British official, who would
|ot permit use of his name, pointed
|but that while before the present se
res of expulsions there were only
ibout 98 British embassy staff, busi-
essmen and journalists accredited
|n Moscow, the level of Soviet per-
ronnel permitted in Britain was 234.
“Percentage-wise, the Soviet ex-
fculsions Saturday were well against
|ws,” the official said.
Make It Burn
No. 61 Trace McGuire, No. 68 Frank Case, No. 29
Rod Bernstine (right) and the rest of Texas A&M
football team loosen up with an aerobics workout
Sunday afternoon. The workouts, led by instruc
tors from the Waist Basket, will be held the day af
ter every game.
South Africa
strikes rebels
across border
Associated Press
— Troops and warplanes swept into
southern Angola on Monday to
strike South-West African guerrillas
the military said were planning at
tacks on towns and military bases in
the territory.
Gen. Constand Viljoen, the armed
forces commander, said Angola’s
Marxist government was informed
of the strike against guerrillas of the
South-West Africa People’s Organi
zation and warned “not to inter
fere.” It was the second strike in 10
weeks inside Angola, where about
25,000 Cuban troops are based.
Viljoen gave no indication of the
size of the force, its targets or how
deeply it penetrated. Southern An
gola is the base area of SWAPO
guerrillas fighting for the indepen
dence of South-West Africa, a min
eral-rich territory also known as
Namibia that South Africa has con
trolled since World War I.
“One follow-up can lead to an
other .... Hopefully it (the strike)
will be over within a week,” Lt. Gen.
Ian Gleason the army chief of staff,
said Mondav night on the govern-
ment-contolled television.
Racial unrest persisted in South
Africa. Hundreds of high school stu
dents in Johannesburg’s huge black
township of Soweto went on a ram
page because of rumors that black
leader Nelson Mandela had died in
jail. Mandela’s wife said the rumors
were false.
Witnesses at Grootfontein, 157
miles south of Angola and South Af
rica’s main Namibian air base, said
air force Mirage jets took off at va
rious times during the day.
Viljoen said reconnaissance and
intelligence-gathering operations es
tablished that guerrillas planned
long-range bombardments of mili
tary bases and attacks on big towns
and residential areas in the northern
part of the disputed territory.
SWAPO has not been known to
have long-range artillery in its battle
for Namibia, which South Africa
governs under a League of Nations
mandate abrogated by the U.N.
General Assemby in 1966.
Gleason said troops were pursu
ing the guerrillas’ 8th Battalion,
which he estimated at 400-800 men
and said was “well-dispersed” in
southern Angola. He said it was the
unit that was to have made the at
After the last crossborder strike
early in July, Viljoen said his forces
killed 57 guerrillas and lost one man
in a two-day operation.
SWAPO guerrillas have fought a
19-year guerrilla war for Namibia
that has killed nearly 10,000 guerril
las and 566 South African troops, by
South Africa’s official count.
The white-minority government
has ignored U.N. demands for a
cease-fire and independence for the
territory. About 1 million people live
in Namibia, 90 percent of them
black or of mixed race.
In Soweto, students streamed
from Orlando High School and
stoned vehicles in response to the ru
mors about Mandela, witnesses re
ported. Three armored vehicles
moved up to the school.
Mandela’s family said last week
that the 67-year-old president of the
outlawed African National Congress
has an enlarged prostate gland and
cysts on his right kidney and liver,
and has been advised to undergo
His wife, Winnie Mandela, said
Monday that he had not yet decided
whether to have the operation. Man
dela is revered as a symbol of resis
tance to white rule by millions of
young blacks.
Reagan consults Nixon
about summit meeting
for tee
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Networking' next step in process
Computer services merged
John Dinkle
Staff Writer
In the complex world of comput
ers, organization cin mean the dif
ference between an efficient system,
and one that doesn’t work.
By combining all the different
University computer systems under
one roof, Texas A&M is taking just
such an important step, a University
official says.
Dr. John Dinkle, assistant provost
for computing and information sys
tems, says the new computing post,
created last spring, was necessary to
effectively handle the growing num
ber of computers and users at A&M.
Before the formation of his posi
tion, Dinkle says the University had
two separate computer programs to
deal with.
“There were two different pro
grams,” Dinkle says. “One was for
instructional computer usage and
the other was for administrative us
Dinkle says instructional usage is
the umbrella term used to describe
A&M student computer use. Admin
istrative usage covers the computer
use by different departments, fac
ulty and University administrators
— including research work, Dinkle
Dr. Gordon Eaton, provost and
vice president for academic affairs,
says the decision to combine the two
separate programs developed over
“Dr. Davis (vice president for fis
cal affairs) and I dealt with both the
administrative and instructional pro
grams (for computers),” Eaton says.
“And it was decided that it was not a
very efficient or helpful system.”
Eaton says the University con
tacted a National Council for Higher
Education Management consultant,
who recommended the change after
looking at the A&M computing pic
“This was a vice-presidential posi-
See Computers, page 9
Associated Press
WASHINGTON — President
Reagan said Monday he has spoken
frequently to former President Rich
ard Nixon in preparing for his No
vember summit meeting with Soviet
leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
Reagan said he agreed with Nix
on’s assessment that “we want peace;
the Soviet Union needs peace.”
During a question-and-answer
session with regional editors and
broadcasters invited to the White
House for briefings by top officials,
Reagan also said U.S. ally Honduras
“behaved nobly and was well within
their rights” in launching an air
strike Friday against a Nicaraguan
artillery battery.
Honduras said Nicaraguan forces
were firing mortars across the bor
der and had killed one Honduran
and wounded eight in the latest of
numerous border incidents between
the two countries. Nicaraguan Presi
dent Daniel Ortega called it an un
provoked attack by Honduran war
Reagan was asked whether, in get
ting ready for the summit in Geneva
on Nov. 19-20, he has taken or
sought the advice of Nixon, a Re
publican predecessor, who resigned
in disgrace more than a decade ago.
“I have frequently talked to Presi
dent Nixon,” Reagan replied. “He
had great experience and is most
knowledgeable on international af
Reagan noted that Nixon “had a
number of meetings both in this
country and there” with his Soviet
counterpart, the late Leonid I.
“My problem for the first few
years was they kept dying on me,”
Reagan said, referring to the deaths
of three Soviet leaders in four years.
Speaking of the summit, at which
he will meet Gorbachev for the first
time, Reagan said, “There are great
differences between our two sys
tems, and they’re not going to like
ours, and we don’t like theirs. But we
have to live in the world together.”
In quoting Nixon as contrasting
the United States’ desire for peace
and the Soviet Union’s need for it,
Reagan added, “They do. With this
great, massive build-up — the great
est the world has ever seen — in mili
tary might, we have augmented our
forces and I think have given them
reason to believe we are not going to
allow them to get such a superiority
in weapons that they can someday
lay down an ultimatum.”
College of Architecture pushing for unique art program
Staff Writer
Texas A&M’s College of Architec
ture wants to create a visual studies
program with a degree and a pur
pose unlike any art curriculum in
the United States: to prepare stu
dents with artsy know-how and a
bend toward design to sell their
works in a technical world.
“We’ll be the envy of any art
school in America,” said Joe Hut
chinson, professor of environmental
“Art majors are traditionally un :
employable,” he said. “We are very
cautious, about using the term ‘art.’
But the world is changing, and we
are in a process of evolution.”
Hutchinson said the proposed
program fuses technology, which is
A&M’s forte and ticket to fame, with
“an aesthetic sensitivity that will pro
duce students who can get jobs in the
Only the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology has this type of visual
studies curriculum, he said.
As the proposal now stands, A&M
students would opt for either the
two- or three-dimensional design
areas of study. Hutchinson said com
puter graphics, multi-media produc
tion, typography and graphics will
highlight two-dimensional design,
while three-dimensional design will
utilize engineering technology
courses, such as welding, foundry
procedures, and foundry produc
tion techniques.
First year classes for these stu
dents would be identical to those re
quired for beginning architecture
and landscape majors: two semesters
of basic design, drawing and visual
arts, and art or art history.
Hutchinson said a reorganization
of the College of Architecture has
enabled the visual studies program
to get off the ground.
And the business community likes
this idea too, he said, adding that,
“We have gotten excellent feedback
from companies such as Coca-Cola
Graduates with three-dimensional
design training could be employed
by foundry and manufacturing busi
nesses, such as the auto industry,
Hutchinson said.
“From the designable lawn mower
to a package of orange juice to tele
vision, cinema and film,” a visual
studies background interacts with
“everything our lives deal with,” he
“Somebody has got to do real
stuff,” Hutchinson said, “and no
body is producing graduates who
are refined enough to do that.”
Students who specialize in paint
ing and sculpture “have to retool
themselves to enter the job market,”
or go to graduate school and teach,
he said. “State schools are so locked
See Practicality, page 8