The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 12, 1985, Image 8
Friday the 13th lAicfy Fuys! Fresh limes available! 6-PACK Sale good Thurs., Frl. & Sat, only FOR THE GOOD TIMES Liquor, Beer & Wine 2402 Texas Ave., College Station 693-5428 OPEN: Mon.-Sat. 10-9 m Theta Chi Fraternity TACO Y' TEQUILA TONITE IS*** $rt. FDR MORE IHFO. CALL jaMJUUc 616-Z.C8S ums 613-^03^ ^ To/to CAP* Ernst &Whinney The international accounting firm of Ernst & Whinney will be on the Texas A&M University campus September 24th through the 26th to interview for audit, tax and consulting positions. If you are a December, May or Summer graduate and are interested in seeking a position with Ernst & Whinney, please contact the University Placement Center. The deadline to submit bids for an interview is September 18th. Page 8/The Battalion/Thursday, September 12, 1985 Reunion Former Aggie Bandsmen to play during Sept. 28 football game University News Service Former members of the Aggie Band will once again march on Kyle Field and play the “Aggitt War Hymn” during Texas A&M’s Sept. 28 football game with the University of Tulsa. The Texas Aggie Band Associa tion, the organization’s alumni sup port group, is sponsoring the For mer Student Reunion Band as part of special activities that will include its annual meeting and a meal with current members of the band. start of the game and then to as signed seats on the east side of Kyle Field, where it will play a selection of Aggie favorites throughout the game. Letters already have been mailed to individuals indentified as former bandsmen on University records, but since band membership is not al ways indicated on those records, the group is issuing invitations by word of mouth. Both bands will play before and during the Tulsa game. The association has issued an open invitiation to all former mem bers to join the reunion band. The band will hold an optional practice at the E.V. Adams Band Hall the eve ning of Sept. 27. There will be a mandatory prac tice at the same location the morning of the football game. The band will march to mid-field from the south end zone before the This will be the third appearance of an Aggie alumni band. A similar group performed dur ing the football games between var sity and former students in the spring of 1983 and 1984 but did not march. Participants are urged to bring their own instruments, as only a lim ited number will be available on campus, says Choya Walling, secre tary of the band association and re union band coordinator. Music will be provided to all those who indicate they will attend. A&M General Contractors chapter chosen best in U.S. University News Service and The Texas A&M student chapter of the Associated General Contrac tors of America has been selected as the top chapter in the nation. The contest, open to the more than 125 student organizations char tered by the national association, de termines which groups conduct the best programs to enhance the pro fessional development of their mem bers. Polytechnic State University Kansas State University. A $300 prize and plaque will be awarded to chapter representatives at the AGC midyear meeting of the national Construction Education Committee Sept. 28 in Detroit, Mich. Salutes DR. JOHN NORRIS has been named director of Texas Aa cM’s Office of International Coordination. Norris served as international coordinator in QIC during 1983-81 and as an assistant director last year. OIC works cooperatively with all colleges and offices within the University in three major areas: international education, international exchange and international devel opment. DR. JAMES W. CRAIG JR. has been named head of the De partment of Construc tion Science in the College of Ar chitecture and Environmental Design at Texas A&M. Craig, 42, had served as interim head of the depart mem months before being appointed to the post permanently. CARROL D. CLAYCAMP, professor of construction science at Texas A&M’s College of Architecture and Environmen tal Design, has been named the W.A. Klinger Construction Educator of the Year by the American Institute of Con structors. seated die award to uiaycamp Strtiction education ana service to the construction indus- try, Claycamp serves on the hoard of directors of the Amer ican Council for Construction Education and the American Institute of Constructors. He is chairman of the Associated General Contractors Educators Round Table and uasi president of the Associated Schools of Construction, mis a licensed engineer, a registered architect and is a member of the Texas A&M Faculty Senate. DARRELL MERRELL, a junior petroleum engineering ma jor at Texas A&M. has been awarded a scholarship form the Brazos Valley Chapter of the American Petroleum In stitute. are t energy Support payments become automated The A&M chapter, sponsored by the Dallas and Houston professional chapters of the AGC, is made up of more than 300 students in the De partment of Construction Science. Representing the University will be Segner; Dr. James Craig, head of the construction science depart ment; 1984-85 student chapter pres ident Mark Benton, a senior build ing construction major from San Antonio; and this year’s chapter president, Patrick McEvoy, a senior building construction major from Plano. “This honor is one we are natu rally very proud of,” chapter adviser Robert Segner Jr. said. “The contest is highly competitive and highly re garded in the professional world building construction.” Id of Texas A&M finished ahead of the AGC student chapters of California Among the activities of the award winning chapter conducted last year were two days of interviews in con junction with the Dallas and Hous ton AGC chapter which resulted in 79 students receiving job offers in building construction fields, and participation in a fund drive to help benefit the American Red Cross. Associated Press AUSTIN — The state Wednesday launched two new programs to help speed up child support collections, with officials hoping the time for processing payments can be cut from two weeks to a matter of days. Attorney General Jim Mattox said one program will be directed at non custodial parents living in Texas and the second at those who live outside the state. V. The Rapid Deposit Lockbox Pro gram will utilize a banking location in Austin rather than child support offices for payments the state super vises from some 16,000 non-custo- dial parents, Mattox said. The parents will be issued coupa payment books and will mail a pon and their check to the lodboi from which collections will be nail hourly, he said. Using computers, the bankati the attorney general’s office speed processing of the payma and the comptroller’s office d quickly issue the check, Mattoxsakl T he second program, FAST, the Family Assistance Speed Tr® fers program. It will use automats banking services to rush child sup port payments to children frompai ents in other states. I Ten other states have agreed join Texas in the program, Mali said. TV cameras may be barred from meetings Associated Press AUSTIN — It seems likely that some governmental bodies will ex clude television news cameras from their public sessions since the Texas Open Meetings Act doesn’t guar antee camera access, Attorney Gen eral Jim Mattox said Wednesday. “I think it is entirely possible that video cameras will be barred from a number of public meetings,” Mattox said. “In some rural counties, I think we’re going to see cameras excluded at times,” he said. Mattox’s comments followed a le gal opinion he issued Tuesday say ing the open meetings law gives Tex ans a right to make audio tape recordings of public governmental meetings but not video recordings. interpret whatever the law says, he insisted. “It is an unfortunate thing I have to interpret the law this way,” Mat tox said. “I feel very strongly about open meetings and open govern ment. (But) we believe the law means what it says.” Several broadcasters already have voiced fears that city councils, county commissioners, school boards and others might try to use the opinion to force cameras out of their meetings. As an author of the open meet ings law when he was a member of the Legislature, Mattox said he hopes government officials won’t see his opinion as a tool for blocking televised news coverage of their ses sions. “I was one of the authors of the open meetings and open records acts, and I feel very strongly about the concept of allowing the public to understand what takes place with! these meetings,” Mattox said. Mattox said he would supportef forts to amend the open meeting! law in the next legislative sessiont include television cameras, possibh having his staff draft a bill thi would do it. While the issue ultimately be presented to the courts, ft said, “Probably the best thing fonf is to try to get this law changed hen in the Legislature.” Drug company not liable for infants death Associated Press Asked about that opinion at a news conference Wednesday, Mat tox said he was only interpreting the law as it is written, not expressing his personal feelings about the issue. He compared the situation to his negative feelings about a state law requiring clergymen to tell authori ties about people who commit child abuse, even if they learn of it in con fession. But his legal opinions must AUSTIN — A Corpus Christi woman said faulty instructions kept her from taking a drug that could ~ ' /'s life. have saved her baby’s life, but the Texas Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the woman could not recover damages from the drug’s manufacturer. Without writing an opinion, the Supreme Court upheld lower court rulings that companies have no re sponsibility to people who do not use tneir products. “There must be a sale to someone before a warranty is created,” the Corpus Christi Court of Appeals had said in the case. Kathleen Church and her hus band Robert sued Ortho Diagnostics Systems Inc. after their newborn girl died in 1978. They claimed that RhoGAM, a drug made by Ortho, could have saved the child. The drug was not used because of instructions that said it should not be administered to people with a “con dition” that Mrs. Church was diag nosed as having, according to court records. That diagnosis later proved to be erroneous. RhoGAM is used to counter ll potential problems caused when person with Rh negative blood is ft posed to a person with Rh positivf blood. An Rh positive child born to woman with Rh negative blot could also contract serious or fat disease. In 1976, Mrs. Church, who 1» Rh negative blood, gave birth to child with Rh positive blood. Incase! such as that, RhoGAM is sometime! given to the mother to protect subse quent children. But it was not given to Mrs. Church. Kappa Sigma Fraternity Cco SCXArjN) 0/ e* < T^XA-S A'-'e. >- ’ \D 1 . tei-IMNk 1 < — ■s. c-Oi-i-&&& 2. % 3 Fall Rush ’85 Ho«»r Animal House Party 8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12 Kappa Sigma House 606 W. 28th £>0 6? UJ«g-s>T 2.2) For more information call 822-0548 ‘iffer /tenon tmr ADS Battalion Classified 845-2611 "He’s n his com Co ofc AUSTlb Court on V cision allov abortion aj Yellow Paj, formation a A lawsui unmarried, after seeiii] went to Mi Care of Noi The wo: they were g Instead, the personal q the ‘‘dange and shown court recori Among women sail cause the i Inn wo HUNTS baugh, whi row for kil when he w Wednesda ady to begi “About Rumbaugl strapped t inserted in of you, evi give me fo give you fo "That’s; to begin ny Rumhau said Wed in by his dea would be h “1 got th ticket to fi t bill, who w charge in / Rumbaugh punishnien Hut the tionjohn! of other t voted to lea tinue about “It was care,” said execution < terested in Rumbau son in mor put to deat while unde Texas Ai tox, asked Five H0UST lured a 19- behind a c tured and wanted to der in Medlei mer, l and H: Houstc A If arreste isajuv an adu He is