The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 11, 1985, Image 8
Page 8/The Battalion/Wednesday, September 11,1985 CRISIS IN CENTRAL AMERICA A Talk And Slide Presentation With Phillip Russell and Frederico Hollmann Thursday, Sept 12 7:30 PM College Station Community Center 1300 Jersey, Room 106 Co-Sponsored by Student Peace Action and Brazos Valley Peace Action Comptroller seizes Dallas businesses Associated Press AUSTIN — The state comptrol ler Tuesday began seizing Dallas businesses for delinquent sales tax receipts and said similar seizures are planned in other cities this week. Comptroller Bob Bullock said the closings were a last resort, but nec essary. “Some businesses just persist in not paying the tax money they col lect from their customers,’’ Bullock said. “Each and every one of the businesses we are seizing has been given ample opportunity to pay the money they owe.” At least one Dallas business was closed Tuesday, said John Moore, spokesman for Comptroller Bob Bullock. Others could face the same fate, he said. Bullock said that in addition to the seizures, enforcement officers are filing liens and freezing bank ac counts of delinquent merchants. “Most Texas merchants follow the law and pay the taxes they collect,” Bullock said. “We’ve only got a few bad apples we’re about to remove from tne barrel. “In today’s competitive business environment,” he said, “we owe it to the honest taxpayer who pays his taxes promptly to see that his com petitor does the same.” - Sales tax receipts collected by merchants at the time of sale are le gally due the state. “These merchants have a clear-cn choice: they can pay the nionn when it’s due or they can make hard for themselves by not and see their business shut down, Bullock said. “It’s the governmem money, but it’s their choice.” Under state law, after thecoitf troller padlocks a tax-delinm business, he is empowered to set company’s assets at auction to the taxes due. Mattox: Cameras can be barred from public meetings t^r Wed./Sett.U Y ao-z. fDK IliFO CALL. 43i-82 c lk Associated Press AUSTIN — State and local offi cials are free to prohibit television news cameras from covering public meetings, Attorney General Jim Mattox said in a legal opinion made public Tuesday. The state’s 1973 Open Meetings Act says public meetings “may be re corded ... by means of a tape re corder or any other means of sonic reproduction.’ The Texas Association of Broad casters said the Mattox ruling could affect television coverage of public meetings throughout the state. Earlier this year, Titus County commissioners voted 4-0 to bar tele vision cameras from their meetings. The action came after County Judge Bill Harper had invited a small Mt. Pleasant television station to video tape and air the commissioners court meetings. Daily Tribune, “It says the same thing that it said before.” The camera invited into the court room by Harper belonged to EVP Network, a Mt. Pleasant operation that leases air time from the local ca ble company. ciation of Broadcasters lawyershm reviewed the law and see no »j Mattox's opinion can be challenged “He has precedent on his side's fortunately,” McLane said. "Ourj torneys said, ‘Don’t bother.’ However, Mattox said, “sonic re production,” as mentioned in the Open Meetings Act, does not in clude TV cameras. “I thought they were doing a serv ice for the community,” Harper said Tuesday. “We meet at a time of day i lo “This provision does not give members of the public a right to vi deotape meetings,” Mattox said in answer to a question raised by Titus County officials. “In the absence of a specific provision permitting a mem ber of the public to record its meet ings by videotape, the commission ers court may prevent the videotaping of its meetings held pur suant to the Open Meetings Act.” when a lot of people cannot be in the courtroom. This was an opportunity to see how the commission func tions. I can’t see anything wrong with that.” But the commissioners did, and they approved the rule that barred cameras as of April 8. Commissioner Loyd Clark, who pushed for the ban, did not answer calls to either his office or home Tuesday. Asked about Mattox’s opinion, Clark told the Mt. Pleasant The commissioners court pro ceedings were broadcast in their en tirety after the local news on EVP’s channel 10. Gale Johnson, FVP’s office man ager, said, “When things got sticky or issues got hot it was videotaped. Things were being shown that the commissioners didn’t like.” The videotaping was done with a single camera, mounted on a tripod near a wall. It was not interfering with the proceedings, she said. “With video, what you see is what you’re doing,” she said. “We didn’t change anytning. They got tired of be I it. They didn’t want to be TV stars.’ FVP plans a court challenge of the camera ban. Bonner McLane, TAB executive vice president, said the Texas Asso- U rider the “sonic reproductioi law, “You can carry a microphone! but you can’t carry a camera in,’’I Lane added. “This (controversy) was just a k calized situation,” he said. "Howli it will get carried I don’t know someone else gets mad at the lod TV station, they could dothesam thing.” The Titus County cominissionta believed the cameras turned tlis meetings into a forum for people complain and get air time, accortij to McLane. The TAB will ask the 1987 lature to revise the Open Meerint Act to include videotaping of puk meetings, McLane said. The Society of Professonal Jon nalists also wants the 1987 Legs lature to rewrite the law. WHOLESALE DIAMONDS For every $1000 dollars you spend on Texas Coin E. Diamonds and diamond jewelry and 14k gold chains you will receive a $1000 U.S. Tresury Bond. *At absolutely no cost to you. Not only do you enjoy the use of the diamond, you also receive a U.S. Treasury Bond which you can cash in. ALL WITHOUT EVER HAVING TO PART WITH YOUR DIAMOND! This offer good through September 16 on all diamond jewelry except Rolex watches and Bullion. *Full Maturity Value. Allow up to 10-12 weeks for delivery of bonds. BUY A DIAMOND Get a FREE $1000 U.S. Treasury Bond! Direct from our Diamond Cutter!! Buy a Diamond...Get a Bond! NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED! LAY-A-WAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS! You may lay-a-way and still receive U.S. Treasury Bonds. Bond Special ends Mon., Sept. 16 No questions asked. 30 day money back guarantee on all loose diamonds sold. (Does not include lay-away or mountings.) uL^ :/ ROUND Treasury Bonds Compare At: Our Price: 2.89 carats 2.16 carats 2.10 carats 2.04 carats I.SCfcarats 1.86 carats 1.33 carats 1.24 carats 1.24 carats 1.11 carats 1.10 carats 1.10 carats 1.06 carats 1.05 carats 1.04 carats 1.02 carats 1.01 carats 1.01 carats 1.00 carats 1.00 carats .93 pts .93 pts .80 pts .78 carats .75 pts .71 pts .70 pts .62 pts .62 pts .59 pts .55 pts .55 pts .55 pts .52 pts .50 pts .49 pts .47 pts .45 pts .45 pts .44 pts .42 pts .40 pts .38 pts .34 pts .31 pts .25 pts .22 pts .21 pts $7,000 $5,000 $7,000 $7,000 $6,000 $5,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds n bonds $1,000 in bonds $1,000 in bonds $1,000 in bonds 15,000 9,000 14.700 14,000 12.500 10.900 6.500 5,200 6.300 2,800 4.700 3.700 3.300 2,800 33.00 4.900 4.300 3.300 3,300 3,300 3.250 2,950 2,850 1,800 2,800 2.700 2,600 1.700 1,700 1,700 1.650 1,350 1.650 1,750 1,595 1,495 1,395 1,150 1,175 1,050 1.250 1,240 590 625 625 425 410 400 7,295 4.975 7,500 7,600 5.975 5,245 3,250 2,875 3,150 1,935 2,300 1,885 1,850 1,435 1,650 2,595 2,195 1,760 1,745 1,745 1,685 1,520 1,525 995 1,435 1,350 1,335 975 975 930 865 650 795 820 785 770 735 535 695 520 660 630 295 325 320 235 225 215 Our At: Price: ■ OVAL ■ .21 pts 390 $ 195 .20 pts 395 205 Treasury Compare Our .20 pts 250 130 Bonds At: Price: .17 pts 215 105 .15 pts 195 95.00 .71 pts $1,000 in bonds $2,700 $1,425 .11 pts 180 68.00 .71 pts $1,000 in bonds 2,800 1,425 .10 pts 135 63.00 .63 pts 1,500 895 .08 pts 85.00 41.00 .45 875 425 .07 pts 76.00 38.00 .44 695 335 .06 pts 65.00 33.00 .42 650 315 .05 pts 50.00 29.95 .41 650 310 .04 p ts 42.00 19.95 .38 600 285 .03 pts 28.00 14.95 .35 550 265 .02 pts 18.00 9.95 .32 495 240 .01 pt 11.00 5.50 .30 450 225 MARQUISE Treasury Compare Our Bonds At: Price: 2.54 carats $8,000 in bonds $15,900 $8725 1.67 carats $6,000 in bonds 11,500 5950 1.49 carats $5,000 in bonds 9250 5195 1.46 carats $3,000 in bonds 5900 3750 1.19 carats $2,000 in bonds 4900 2440 1.01 carats $3,000 in bonds 6500 3350 65 pts $1,000 in bonds 2800 1450 63 pts $1,000 in bonds 3100 1495 55 pts 1700 895 50 pts 790 375 45 pts 700 345 40 pts 950 485 40 pts 650 325 38 pts 750 460 35 pts 750 425 35 pts 750 425 35 pts 750 425 37 pts 900 450 37 pts 875 450 34 pts 820 410 33 pts 850 395 30 pts 750 365 30 pts 750 365 27 pts 725 335 OVAL ■ Treasury Compare Our Bonds At: Price: 2.58 carat $9,000 in bonds $19,500 $8890 .83 pts $1,000 in bonds 2900 1650 .78 pts $1,000 in bonds 2900 1575 .28 .27 .25 .13 450 385 390 195 210 200 195 98 MODIFIED RADIANT Treasury Compare Our Bonds At: Price: 1.91 carats $7,000 in bonds $16,500 $7450 1.47 carats $3,000 in bonds 7300 3195 1.03 carats $2,000 in bonds 4950 2495 1.04 carats $2,000 in bonds 4800 2350 .93 pts $2,000 in bonds 3700 1850 .42 pts .35 pts 1595 1350 795 635 EMERALD Treasury Compare Our Bonds At: P-ice 3.14 carats $11,000 in bonds $22,500 $10,700 1.04 carats $2,000 in bonds 6200 2595 1.03 carats $2,000 in bonds 3800 1820 INVENTORY LIQUIDATION SALE We re drastically overstocked, because of late l come tax refunds, and must begin immediateIqt dation of all inventories. Nothing will be held ini All sacrificed at a traction over dealer s cost Heavy duty bed frame (Lifetime guarantee) S pc. dining set 3 pc. cocktail table set All wood bookcase 4 drawer heavy duty chest Man sized recliner Sofa and chair sets S79JS 589 ii 529* 549* $129* $189* Also barstools. odd headboards, dining chairs,twf rames. bunk beds, glass tables and much more' 3 pc. lawn (urn (All wood) 549* SAVE 20-60% TEXAS FURNITURE OUTLET 712 VILLA MARIA C SCHULMAm THEATRES 1st Afternooon *2.50 Show Every Day PLAZA-3 PEAR 2.05 carats 1.99 carats 1.64 carats 1.27 carats .62 pts .54 pts .47 pts .39 pts .33 pts .33 pts .28 pts .23 pts Treasury Bonds $3,000 in bonds $6,000 in bonds $3,000 in bonds $2,000 in bonds $1,000 in bonds $1,000 in bonds $1,000 in bonds Compare At: $4,500 14,000 3,000 5,200 2,800 2,300 2,100 495 675 490 395 395 GOLD COIN JEWELRY Largest Stock of Gold Jewelry in the Area! Hundreds of Pieces to choose from. Rings, Pendants, Diamond Gold Coin Jewelry. Large stock of gold coin mountings for all popular Gold Coin Krugerands, Maple Leaf, Gold Panda. 14 KARAT GOLD CHAINS Largest stock in the Brazos Valley, over 1,000 gold chains in stock! All gold sold by weight!! 22.95-25.95 a penny weight. Don’t be fooled by Half-Price Sales, Clearance Sales or Going Out of BusinessSales! If you pay more than this, you paid too much! Some items one-of-a-kind, subject to prior sale. Shop, Compare and Save Money!! Never A Sale! Just the best prices in town! Our prices are up to 70%less than what other jewelers charge for the same merchandise. Full time jewelry repairman on premises. Bryan Store Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:30-5 Sat. 9:30-3 Across from Wal-Mart 693-2457 V 1)1. UN I lU S«t./Sun. Ytnn.-Krl 2:40-5:00-7:20-9:40 year ok mi: i>i<acon 75) Sat./Sun. . 2:5O-5:t(4-7:JO.9:50 i.-Frl. 7:30-9:54 THE EMERALD FOREST(R) Sat./Sun. 2:30-4:55.7:35-9:55 Mon.-Frl. 7:35-9:55 SCHULMAN 6 775-2463 20 2? Stitt GREMLINS (I't.l Sal./Sun. 2:20-4:55-7:20-9:45 Mon.-Krt. 7:20-9:45 M)bZh./.A i V85 (I'Gi 50 KKTUKN OK I HE I.IVlklC DEaD |R| SatUSun. 2:30-4:40-7:30-9:3il Mon.-Frl. 7:30-9:35 REAL » Sat./Sun. MoQ'-TtL. , 2:25-4:45-7:15-9:55 7:15-9:55 FRIGHT NIGHT |R) Sat./Sun. 2:10-4:35-7:10.9:40 Mon.-Frl. 7: lft.9-.40 nI.MmeA Akn I aI. ^ — I 2:15-4:30.7:25-9:30 . 7:25-9:30 823-8300 Manor East Mall GUARDIAN OK HELL (R) Sat./Sun. 2:45-5:05*7:25-9:45 Mon.-Fri. 7:25-9:45 SILVKKAlX) (^,-IJ) Sat./Sun. 2:15-4:45-7:20-9:50 Mon.-Fri. 7:20-9:50 WKIRl) SCIhSc h Sat./Sun. 2:30-4:50-7:30-9:35 Mon.-Frl. 7:20-9:35 [ PUTT THEATRES 1st Show Only Sat. 7 Sun, HlJ “All Seats on Tuesday' v SENIOR CITIZENS MTI Ser AUSTIl Sharp, sayi dustries it tered the nominatioi Commissic “The so gas and tl transporta are matter ‘Th< ARL1 Gary Fit a eun, g cals to menace. One t luted vei But / isn’t. Rathe a pest ci migating ioned s: knack fo Oddly . Arlington Finley Pes