The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 11, 1985, Image 14
Page 14/1 ne battalion/weanesaay, beptemoer i Battalion Classifieds Employment Opportunity Come Grow with Archie || The fastest growing restaurant system in Bryan/College Station has immediate openings for: • Managers and Assistant Managers • Counter Help • Grill Help Part-time and full time positions available with excellent benefits. APPLY IN PERSON ONLY MONDAY - WEDNESDAY SEPT. 9-11; 2 p.m.-5 p.m. only at ARCHIE’S ORIGINAL TACO BELL 3901 S. Texas Ave. Bryan DKOBEUi In the Heart of the Brazos Valley / 37,000 students / 9,300 faculty/staff / Only 25^ a word v/ Free at 28 locations The Battalion Reed McDonald Building Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843 (409)845-2611 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 FALL WEED ALLERGIC STUDENTS If you are male, 18 years of age or older, and have al- lergy symptoms in the fall, you are needed to participate in a 16 day allergy medication study. $200 incentive for those chosen to participate. For more information call 776-0411 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Safeway Stores, Inc. Now hiring for part time sackers at the Safeway Store in College Station. Applicant may apply on Friday Sept. 13 from 2-5pm at the Safeway Store located in Culpepper Plaza. No appoint ment necessary. Applications will be given at the time of inter view. Rate of pay $3.45, after 6pm, $3.55. .719/13 Dependable people with de pendable vehicles for early morning routes. Earn $200. to $800. 846-2911. Pizza Hut Special Delivery Needs Part Time Drivers •$5. - $8. per hour tmustbe 18yrs. of age •apply in person at 1103 An derson, 3131 Briarcrest (be hind Nashs’), 501 Univ. Dr. Northgate. NOW HIRING Full or part time help. Hours to fit schedule. Students or house- wifes. $3.65 hour. Whataburger 1101 Texasin Bryan or 105 Do- minik in College Station. THE FARM PATCH Help wanted. Apply in person M - T, 1 - 3 P.M. 3519 S. Col lege. 779-7209. THE GREENERY Landscape Maintenance Team Member Full or part time Interview M-Th 8:30-9:30 a.m. 823-7551 1512 Cavitt, Bryan 180t( The Houston Chronicle is taking applications for carriers, on imme diate route openings. Earn $400. to $700. per month plus transpor tation allowance. Please call Ju lian at 693-2323 or Andy at 693- 7815. 719/18 Guitar teacher part time. 764-0006. Keyboard Center, Post Oak Mall. 7t9/tfn Landscaping work, $4.25. Flexible hours. Brazos Ven tures. 846-6060. 7t9/24 Computer Programmer-Part time for 2 yrs. Hardware knowledge/C and Fortran recommended. Salary $4/hr. negotiable. Call Dr. Robert Maggio. 845-5033. 6t9/13 Diabetic?? Want part time work?? Diabetic Center. 776- 0666. 6t9/13 Piano and keyboard demonstrating sells person needed part time. Call lor appointment. Kevboatd Center. Post Oak Mall 761-0006. tin Front desk clerk position available. Friday-Satin day, 3 p.m.-l I p.m. Apply in |>erson. Inn at Chimney Hill. 319/30 Part time, lierbalile health consultant. F.xcellent pay, no ex|H*rience. Patti. 704-1960 or 840-1510. 5t9/12 CHAM.I.l.OS PI//A NOW I IKING DRIVERS. Guaranteed S3.75/ht.. 20C eommisdon paid nightly Wage review at 3 months. Apply at 24001) Texas Ave. S. or.30 I Patricia. I80tl3 Aemhie instructor training and certification. Call Fit ness Services of Texas for (all workshop .schedule. 704- 8259. 193tS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $10.-5300. weekly up. Mailing circulars! No cpiotas! Sincerely interested rush self-addressed envelope: Suc cess. P.(). Box 470CF.G. Woe k I stock, II. 00098. It 9/2 7 WANTED Baseball raids to btiv. 704-7983. Part-time Computer Operator. 10-15 hours per week. Prefer Juniors or Seniors, all majors. No experience necessary. Send resume to Don Lawrence, P.O. Box 6500, Bryan, Texas 77802. 7t9/24 ROOMMATE WANTED Serious student only. Own bedroom and hath. 15 min utes from campus. $180./mo. and 1/2 utilities. 845- 4722 days. 775-3750 nights. 2t9/l 1 casa ' 6el sol PRELEASING SUMMER & FALL 2 Blocks from Campus Church across the street* 2 blocks from stores* 2 blocks from nite life on University Pool Jacuzzi Large Party Room Basketball Goals On Premise Security On Premise Maintenance Open 7 days a week Mon.-Sat. 8:30-5:30 Sun. 1:00-5:00 401 Stasney College Station 696-3455 ATTENTION STUDENTS If yu are dissatisfied with your current living conditions, S.U.S. Apartments can help. For a limited time only, we will give you a $100. moving allow ance off of your first month rent. S.U.S. offers large 2 bed room, 1 bath apartments. Each unit has new carpet, new paint and new energy saving appliances. Rent is $298. with a 9 month lease. We are lo cated 4 blocks from campus at the intersection of Spruce and Boyett. Call 846-7506 for more details. 519/12 SCHOLAR’S INN APARTMENTS Is now offering an early fall special 2 Bdrm. for only $200. per month •Walking distance to campus •Call today, only a few left •846-3050 D. R. CAIN RENTALS 'now preleasing * $100.00 deposits Shuttle bus Service LONGMIRE HOUSE APARTMENTS YELLOWHOUSE APARTMENTS BRAZOS HOUSE APARTMENTS 693-8850 3002 S. Texas Avenue Cramped in your dorm or apt.? Then check with Casa Blanca Apartments They are offering an early fall spe cial. 2 bedroom unfurnished apartment for 2 people for only $200. per month. They’re only 6 blocks fromcampus. Call 846-1413 or go by 4110 College Main in Bryan. Short rviilk (lout A&M. LARGE one bedroom duplex. 20:m Chinch Street. $250./nionth. 093-0982. 693- ■1783. 319/17 FOR SALE Buy • Sell • Trade Top cash money for good used furniture. Furniture Liquidation Mart, Pooh’s Park. M - S. 10 - 6. 693-3742. 1978 Datsun 810 Wagon. Fine shape, low mileage, new tires and battery. AM/F'M cassette, air. $3250. Call 846- 4566. ■ 7t9/13 Fender Electric Guitar (Squier Bullet), with Peavey am plifier. (20W) RMS, excellent price. 7t9/l2 79 6810001. Suzuki, $1400. Chuck, 822-4433. II no an swer, 779-8222. 5t9/l3 A Steal! Ibrm.. 2 1/2 ha., on 1 acre. Good lamily ncigh- Itorhood. Owner must sell. $85,000. Gall 8-16-306419/20 Yamaha 250 exciter. 1981 lor sale. Excellent condition. $475. Call Ed, 845-8408 (8-5). 693-1233 (af ter 5).4t9/13 Engineering graduate has 14x56 mobile home. Oak Forest #12. All appliances, shade fenced lot, sacrifice $8900. 693-5206 or collect 806-793-9491. 3t9/17 TT Portable Professional Computer. 256KBRAM. Mo nochrome display. two drives, and lots of software like Lotus. dBase II. and Wordstar. $1600. 693-0108 or 696-0588 after 7 p.m. 4t9/13 Dorm Refrigerator for sale! $75. Roger. 696-2191. Computer Printer for sale! Commodore 1525. Like new! Roger. 696-2191. 6t9/12 Weight bench for sale! Chrome, leg extensions. 696- 2191. 6t9/12 Water ski for sale! Slalom. Roger. 696-2191. $20.00 6t9/12 SERVICES HOME COOKED DINNERS Choose from 2-3 main courses Monday-Friday 5-7pm Phone 696-2381 1-5 Professional Academic Typist/Word Processor. $1.25/ ds/page; Volume rates. 764-6600. 7t9/24 Texas Real Estate licensing information. Hall Real Es tate Institute. 693-4105. 7t9/13 SERVICES TINT IT CAR TINTING •Looks Good •Stops Fading •Privacy •Easier to Air Condition •All Shadesof Tint GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES 260-5450 Planning a party? Plan to use the Disc Jockey Party Service. Special fall rate $37.50 an hour for profes sional music and D.J. Call DAVID- Kiel 846-1838. Ref: by Jay Norris. ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. sitfn AIRPLANE BANNER TOWING Home football games - Kyle Field. Call Alan Taylor (713)721-6290. Derry Air, Inc., Houston, Texas. ^3,30 Aggie Typing Service •Typing •Copying •Creative Resumes •Typesetting (BehindLoupofs Book Store On University) 105 College Main 846-6486 619/20 GAY STUDENT SERVICES Forum Gayline Gay Women's/Men’s Rap Grouf Roommate Services Speaker’s Bureau Call 775-1797 Editing. Pinfcssiiinal editing and prool- teading I’ll.1). degree. 12+ veatx professional experi ence. 764-7937. lt9/30 GAYLINE Information, peer-counseling, referrals, Sunday - Friday. 5:30p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Call 775-1797. 7t9/l1 Lesbian rap group meets Thrusdays 7:30 P.M. New members welcome. Call 764-8310. 2t9/4 Advertise in The Battalion! You’ll Be Glad You Did! 845-2611 In the JHeart of the Brazos Valley / 37,000 students / 9,300 faculty/staff y Only 25e a word y Free at 28 locations The Battalion Reed McDonald Building Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843 (409)845-2611 TENSION HEADACHES? If eligible, get $20 for taking one easy dose of safe OTC medication and keeping di ary. Reputable investigators. G & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 Farm Credit System gets harsh criticism Associated Press NEW YORK — The problems of American agriculture have turned a harsh spotlight on the large but little-known network of financial agencies that makes up the Farm Credit System. The imposing names of the 12 Federal Land Banks, the 12 Federal Intermediate Credit Banks, and the 13 Banks for Cooperatives, of course, are well known to people who make their living from farming. The system is the source of more than one-third of all loans made to farmers. The names are familiar as well to private investing institutions, state and local governments, and more than a few individual investors who own bonds known as “federal agency securities” issued by the system to raise the money for those loans. That is changing now, to many eople’s chagrin, as front-page eadlines tell of what the system’s top regulatory official describes as “the most severe crisis since the De pression” facing it. For most of its history, however, many other residents of the nation’s cities and suburbs scar cely knew of the Farm Credit Sys tem’s existence, much less how it worked or the problems it might face. To a large extent, analysts say, the Farm Credit System’s problems coin cide with those of many individual farmers, who are caught in a web of massive debt, declining land values and prices for farm products that have fallen far short of the expecta tions raised in the inflationary 1970s. Borrowers get into trouble, so do their lenders. Donald Wilkinson, governor of the Farm Credit Ad ministration, a government agency that regulates the system, declared last week that parts of the network might have to be liquidated in 18 months to two years if the farm economy’s problems keep getting worse. Some other observers say the moment of truth may come even sooner. n ; * Those are unsettling words to in vestors in securities issued by the sys tem, which — though not guar anteed by the government in the same way that T reasury bonds, bills and notes are — have long been con sidered almost as safe and solid as Treasury securities. But the situation is not just a prob lem for farmers and bankers, warns Tad Piper, chief executive officer of Piper, Jaffray Sc Hopwood, a Minne apolis-based investment firm that has devoted a lot of study to the sub ject. “The fortunes of farmers pen etrate deeply into the nation’s eco nomic infrastructure,” Piper said in a letter accompanying a aetailed re port by the firm’s analysts. So far, the Reagan administration has indicated its reluctance to rush in to the kind of rescue effort Wil kinson and others have been calling for. Nevertheless, many analysts ar gue that the stakes are too high for the government to let the situation get much worse. Pakistani woman gets support of opposition Associated Press KARACHI, Pakistan — Benazir Bhutto’s father used to dream of creating a family dynasty in which his daughter would one day govern Pakistan, just as Indira Gandhi dom inated neighboring India. That dream appeared to die when Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was overthrown as prime minister and hanged, but his 32-year-old daughter recently re turned from 20 months of self-im posed exile with clear political ambi tions. She was placed under house ar rest at her Karachi residence Aug. 27 and banned from political activity by the same military government that ousted her father. The government’s swift action, which surprised many Pakistanis, underlined her emergence as the main leader of the opposition to President Gen. Mohammad Zia ul- Haq. Bhutto, who was overthrown in 1977 and executed in 1979 after be ing found guilty of conspiring to murder a political opponent, doted on his eldest daughter. Family friends recall that Bhutto made no secret of his desire to found a family dynasty and of his hopes that Benazir would eventually suc ceed him. Bhutto admired Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and his daughter. Mrs. Gandhi, and wanted to emulate them, they said. Miss Bhutto was trained for gov ernment. She was educated at Har vard and Oxford universities and elected to the prestigous post of speaker of the Oxford Union or de bating society. Bhutto took his daughter with him in 1972 to a crucial summit with Mrs. Gandhi to restore relations be tween India and Pakistan after they fought a war in 1971. After her father’s death, Miss Bhutto quickly rose to dominate his Pakistan People’s Party and spear head the opposition. She was placed under house arrest for three years before her recent exile in London, where she lived for 20 months. Miss Bhutto made it clear she was determined to oppose Zia and the military. “There have been far too many sacrifices,” she said on the day of her return. She espouses her father’s popul ist-leftist ideas of caring for Paki stan’s vast masses. Bhutto’s favorite slogan was “bread, clothing and shel ter for all.” On the eve of her arrest, Miss Bhutto told hundreds of party work ers and followers, “the people have I tolerated martial law for the past eight years and could not bear the hardships of unemployment, pov erty and lack of political rights and economic justice any longer. KNOWING SOME SIMPLE MATH CAN BRING YOU CLOSER TO COLLEGE. It’s called The New GI Bill Plus The New Army College Fund. And it’s one great way to save money for college while receiving valuable training in an Army skill. As a soldier, you contribute $100 a month from your first full 12 months’ paychecks (for a total of $1,200). The gov ernment and the Army contribute the rest (up to $9,600 from the govern ment and up to $14,400 from the Army). And as you earn, you’ll also learn. Your Army skill training will give you knowledge, experience, and a sense of pride. The New GI Bill Plus The New Army College Fund add up to one smart financial aid program. See your local Army Recruiter for more information. BRYAN RECRUITING STATION Ardan Crossing Plaza 1673A Briarcrest Drive, Suite 102 Bryan, Texas 77802 (409) 775-2116/2147 ARMY BE ALL YOU CAN BE. $ 1,200 9600GOVT +14400 200-“” College Fum ‘with 4 year enlistment